• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Short: Until they're all gone

Equestria. Canterlot. Canterlot Castle. Day.

A new day rises. After defeating the Nightmare Empire and Nightmare Rarity entirely, all those captured were back home safe and sound. As for Nightmare Rarity herself, she was immediately sent to Tartarus, punished for her crimes and unable to see her universe again.

Celestia would return to Equestria for this new day, finding that her little sister was waiting for her. "Sister!" Luna yelled out, running up to hug her. She was finally healed, no longer wounded now that she got proper treatment. Luna would hug her sister tightly, relieved to see that she was okay.

"Luna. Glad to see you're already better." Celestia said, hugging her sister with great strength. "I'm sorry I took so long to help you."

"It's alright, Sister. I'm just glad you're okay. And all of this is over. We can finally rest easy."

"Indeed..." Celestia agreed.

"So, you defeated her, right?" Luna asked, looking at her sister. "Nightmare Rarity. She's gone now, right?"

"She is. I've ordered her to be sent to Tartarus immediately. Nightmare Rarity is now gone. The Nightmare Empire is gone. That makes another member of Daybreaker's Alliance down. I promised that I'd start taking them all down as soon as possible so that they can harm us no more after all."

"What are we to do about that Universe, however? All its residents were Nightmare Monsters. What's to become of it? It could be rather empty."

"Don't worry. They've been turned into decorations, but we can return them to their original forms. The same goes for the other Lunas and Raritys from other universes that were captured and turned into decorations. We'll restore them too and send them back to their respective universes."

"Wonderful." Luna smiled, her eyes closing. "I was rather worried about that universe since it was only populated by Nightmare Monsters. That's wonderful to hear and I'm positive Cresselia will feel the same."

"Cresselia? She's still here?" Celestia questioned. Speaking of which, emerging out of thin air via teleportation was Cresselia, the Lunar Pokemon appearing in front of the two.

"Cress!" She cried out majestically.

"You see, Cresselia is already aware of all I've done in the Dream Realm. Since our worlds are now one, we oversee the same realm to make sure everything is fine. I suppose we've never crossed paths at all in the Dream Realm. Then again, it's only been a few months since our two worlds have merged. So as an agreement, Cresselia has decided to stay and help us keep everything in order."

"W-Wait! Does that mean...?!" Celestia's eyes widened upon hearing this.

"Hehe!" Luna grinned before using her magic to hold out a Poke Ball. That confirmed Celestia's suspicion. Luna had caught Cresselia, making the Lunar Pokemon a part of her team. "Now we can protect the Dream Realm at even more efficient rate and be close to each other."

"Luna...Don't you think you're getting a bit too strong for everypony else?" Celestia pouted while leaning in. "The first ever Pokemon League in Equestria is near and you have a Darkrai, Zekrom and now a Cresselia on your side. Isn't that somewhat unfair for the other Trainers?"

"It is completely fine!" Luna proudly said, puffing her chest forward. "I'm sure everypony else is working hard to get stronger too so that they aren't left in the dust. And who knows? Maybe one of them will catch their own Legendary or Mythical. I know Rainbow Dash already has a Zeraora. Plus, there's a chance they may not be in any of my matches."

"True. Very well then." Celestia sighed.

"So, what now, sister? What's to be done?" Luna asked.

"Well..." Celestia turned her head, staring at the azure skies through the window. "Now that Nightmare Rarity is finished, I want to turn my efforts to the one in charge right now. Daybreaker and her Solar Empire. Undoubtedly the strongest out of all of them and the biggest threat aside from Team Plasma. Currently, in light of Ghetsis and Team Plasma being rather absent, Daybreaker is the one in charge this time. So, if we defeat her, the rest of the alliance will crumble, falling apart. She is our next obstacle.."

"Are you planning on challenging her so soon, sister? Wouldn't it be best to wait for a bit. You look like you wish to take her own immediately based on the look in your eyes." Luna questioned.

"I'm not going for her right away. I need time to prepare. But you could say that I am planning to strike soon. Slowing down isn't an option and neither is resting." Celestia said with a stern tone.

"No rest? Sister. Everyone's been through a lot recently and the window for rest as been getting smaller and smaller constantly. Wouldn't it be best to give our friends a break?" Luna inquired.

"We don't have the luxury of rest, Luna. And even if we do, a threat from that alliance is bound to pop up. Time and time again, they've launched attacks on peaceful times and cause so much distress for everypony else. It's only a matter of time before they launch their greatest attack and greatly ruin our world." Celestia told her sister.

"Sister..." Luna could see the flames in Celestia's eyes. She was speaking the truth. But Celestia did not want to stop. She would not rest, no matter how much she wanted to.

"Before they can get the chance to do anything else, much like Nightmare Rarity, we'll go to them and stop them in advance. Only then can we have peace at last. We won't be able to rest until then."

"I understand but...You don't usually rush into these things, sister. Something about you is different right now. Are you alright?" Luna brought up, observing her sister's eyes.

"Hm? I-I'm fine. Really. It's just that we've had to deal with too much in such a short span of time. First, it was Malamar, then it was Empress Twilight, Second Wind, the Dread League and now Nightmare Rarity. Eventually, it could potentially be Ghetsis next and we already know how dangerous he can be. It's only a matter of time before another massive threat appears and possibly joins them or works alone. So, I want to stop this once and for all." Celestia explained. "Through every means necessary, I will defeat them all until a bright new day can come."

"I understand that as well but...I'm worried that a bit of Daybreaker is starting to emerge from you." Luna said, making Celestia gasp. The Sun Princess froze as she remembered the innate power she used against Nightmare Rarity when her anger was rising. There was no mistaking it. That magic she felt was from the Daybreaker part that rests deep within her.

Celestia certainly didn't wish to unleash any more of Daybreaker at all, knowing what that could lead to. She could become her alter-ego and go down the same path as Luna did with Nightmare Moon, but with potentially no return. Much like Nightmare Rarity was unable to become the true Rarity once more.

"M-Maybe you're right, Luna." Celestia shook her head. "Maybe I am rushing into this and need to relax for a bit. But there's no way I can rest knowing that someone like Daybreaker is out there. I'm sure you feel the same about her." Celestia told her sister.

"Very much so. She's quite powerful, having an empire that's even bigger than that of Nightmare Rarity. She has far more allies and her empire is the largest we've heard of so far. We'll have to face her eventually. Even if you wish to prepare, that's something that can't be done in an instant." Luna told her sister.

"True." Celestia nodded. She was glad Luna was here to snap her out of it. "I'll slow it down a little bit. Thank you, Luna. But I am going to have to assess all the damage that's been done and focus on some repairs. While major damage hasn't been done to our world compared to the previous attacks, it still needs to be cleaned up."

Ponyville. Twilight's Castle.

Back at Ponyville, everyone else was resting, spending time with their Pokemon. As for Twilight, she was just waking up, feeling refreshed. She yawned, stretching her hooves before taking a look around, seeing Espeon sleeping next to her. "Morning, girl." She greeted, waking her Pokemon up.

"Espe..." She yawned, getting up and stretching too. "Es Esp. Es Espeon!" She said, feeling excited.

"Ah...Just being in that universe made me so tired..." The young alicorn sighed. "But, now we don't have to worry about that. And I guess that's everything nightmare-related dealt with. At least this one didn't mess the world up too much. It could've been way, way worse.."


"But I wonder where Spike went...He's not here right now." Twilight said, looking around. Spike was nowhere to be seen. She was unaware that he left during the night the sea in Hoenn opened up, leaving with Rayquaza. And speaking of Rayquaza, Twilight saw no sign of him either considering his size.

"Hmm? Where are you, Spike? It's morning already." She began opening many doors here, searching for a sign of Spike anywhere. But Spike was nowhere to be seen. "Spike?"

No matter where she went, there was no sign of Spike or Rayquaza. There were no traces of them left behind at all. Twilight felt a little worried, hoping that nothing bad happened to them. Spike didn't leave a note behind so she wasn't sure if he had gone off somewhere, especially after what had just happened last night.

"Oh no. I hope they didn't get into any trouble." Twilight gulped before spotting Starlight nearby. "Starlight. Have you seen Spike?" Twilight asked, running up to her.

"Spike? No. I haven't seen him in a while. He went out with Rayquaza 2 days ago, I think. And he hasn't come back ever since."

"Oh, no! You don't think something bad happened, do you?!" Twilight panicked, worrying that her assistant may be in trouble.

"Not sure. Last I saw him, he said something about Rayquaza wanting to fix things, so he went with him. Apparently, there's a massive hole in the sea somewhere. But I don't know anything else. Sorry." Starlight shrugged.

"A hole in the sea? Ah, right!" Twilight smacked her own face. "The hole near Lilycove City! That makes sense...Ever since five of the shards got close to each other, it left quite a dent in the sea and a bit of the sky. Rayquaza would try and deal with that as its job." Twilight concluded. "But in his condition? Can Rayquaza even do much?"

"I doubt it. He's still pretty tired." Starlight shrugged. "But I bet with him around, Spike will feel way safer. He's weakened but not defenceless. Not sure how he's gonna get to Hoenn while dragging Rayquaza though."

"Yeah..." Twilight took a deep breath. "I'd better call him to make sure he's okay. Plus, I'll have to make a stop at the Sea Temple again. It's about the shards after all."

"Gee, what have you and the others been up to this whole time?" Starlight questioned while wathing Twilight preparing herself.

"A lot. But with Nightmare Rarity done with, I'd say our problems are getting smaller and smaller. But they're not done yet. We have to deal with the new issue of Volo and Daybreaker's still a problem. An even bigger problem than Nightmare Rarity. But I have a feeling we can pull through." The Princess of Friendship smiled before walking out, leaving Starlight Glimmer puzzled.

"W-Who's Volo?"

Lapras Lake. The Sea Temple. Samiya.

"Waaah..." Waking up at last in the Sea Temple, completely unbothered by the events last night, was Team Rocket. Jessie opened her mouth wide, yawning as she woke up. James rolled out of bed, falling to the ground with a thud. Meowth would yawn as well, getting up.

"Oh, man..." Meowth yawned. "That was some night."

"You said it." Jessie nodded.

"I don't think I slept that much at all. I heard a lot of commotion out there. Wonder what's going on." James said, standing up.

"Whatever it was, it's over now." Meowth grumbled while crawling out of bed. "Plus, this is the best bed we've ever felt in our lives. I hope we never have to leave it behind."

"We might have to leave it all behind." Following that was the voice of Lena, who was speaking to a Samiyan. That sentence made Meowth, James and Jessie gasp as their eyes widened, glancing in Lena's direction.

"Searching for the shards is going to lead us away from the Sea naturally. I can sense that not many of them are underwater or anywhere near water. But it's great that you helped us get to the Water Shards." Lena said to the Samiyans.

"Ah it isn't a problem, Ms Lena. Anything for a relative to our Majesty. We'll at least get you to your next destination and see you off there. After that, it'll be your own journey." Samiyan said, nodding.

"Man...I guess that means you're gonna be leaving soon, huh," Ash said to his ancestor.

"Looks like it. But it's not the end yet, Ash. We're still going to meet again. In fact, I can tell that this won't be the last time we'll meet." Lena smiled as she looked at her descendant. "I will see you again one day. I promise."

"Okay!" Ash nodded. "But if we're gonna meet each other, I'd really like to call you sometime! If only you had an Xtransceiver...Do you think you could buy one?"

"Umm..." Lena scratched her hair, wondering if she could. She hasn't been exactly focused on collecting money in the modern-day and wasn't sure what an Xtransceiver looked like.

"That won't be an issue. Have this, darling." Rarity had her covered, whipping a spare Xtransceiver from her Saddlebag. "I figured Ash would want to speak with you again if you departed from each other, so I made sure to purchase a spare in advance. Even before we encountered each other at Alola. So here you go."

"Really?" Lena gasped. "Thank you, Rarity! I appreciate it!" The two smiled at each other, Rarity handing Lena the device. "Well, I should be going now. I can't let Volo get ahead of me. It's been fun. And good luck with everything else, my descendant. I'm so glad my family line is still around."

"Same here! And thank you so much! I'll make sure to call you as soon as possible." Ash waved goodbye to his ancestor before walking off with his friends.

"We'll get her to her next destination safely, your majesty." Alo spoke to Ash, walking alongside him. "Not only that, but after that, we'll have the evolve the Sea Temple itself."

"Evolve the Sea Temple? You're giving it an upgrade?" Rainbow Dash questioned.

"Indeed." Samiyan nodded. "You see, ever since the Sea Temple was built, it has not evolved or changed at all. While it has been useful, the time to evolve it has arrived. Especially due to recent events. We don't think we can suffer another attack or disaster. It needs to become better. It must evolve into something even stronger. So, once we return Lena to the next area, we shall set out to improve the Sea Temple."

"Aw, that's gonna be so cool!" Ash's eyes lit up. "It'd be like a Pokemon evolving. I wonder what it'll look like when it's done."

"It will require all Samiyans to make it work. But, we will also be needing your assistance, your Majesty." Alo added.

"Huh? Me too?" Ash pointed at himself.

"Mhm. You are the second King of the Sea ever and the first King of the Sea helped with the creation of the Sea Temple when he was rather young. Those are King of the Sea have the gift to command the Sea itself and the ability to do more with it. With your help, we will be able to evolve the Sea Temple into something far greater than it has ever been." Alo explained.

"Huh..." Ash would slowly nod, getting it.

"In fact, before you leave, there is something we'd like for you to see, your majesty." Before Ash could leave, there was one more thing he had to do in the Sea Temple. In fact, this would also mean that he'd get to see his ancestor a bit longer.

Things were steadily returning to normal now that the Nightmare Empire had been defeated. As normal as they can be, however. But Celestia knew that this would not last for long. The Sun Princess was more determined to defeat the alliance once and for all, a bit of Daybreaker trying to emerge, but held back so far. And as for Ash, there is one more secret the Sea Temple has to offer. It never seems to run out of it at all as the journey continues.

Chapter 482 End.

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