• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Delinquent Six

Equestria. Canterlot. Near the Pokemon School. Afternoon.A few minutes before the explosion.

An explosion had been heard and it sounded like it was right near the Pokemon School. It was caused by something and one hour ago, the source of it was simply building up in the background. Before that ever happened and at this very moment. six of the students from different species had been convinced by an undercover Team Rocket who were pretending to be delinquents, giving them a chance to erase their boredom.

Going by the fake team name of Team Blastoff, using their most common getaway, they convinced the children to join them. For the most anyway. Sandbar was only here to make sure things don't get too out of control, but he had no idea what was coming next that would alert many within the Pokemon School.

"These fit us too well. You just had these?" Sandbar pointed out as this was a bit too convenient.

"Don't worry about it. Just revel in what's about to come next." Jessie said with her hands behind her back. "This will be just like my days in school."

"How come you're here actually? I thought the Pokemon School didn't open up to human students and it was just pony students until we showed up." Smolder questioned.

"Duh. We used to go to school. What you're seeing now is close to how I was back then." Jessie answered as she herself confirmed she was a bit of a delinquent back at school."

"I actually used to go to a private school for a little while and was homeschooled," James added, revealing a bit about his past as well. Meowth had nothing to share since he was far younger than both of them.

"So what do we do first?" Smolder asked, wondering what could be done first now that they took on this new occupation of students.

"Anything. You want to really get used to the Pokemon World? Let them out and go wild." James encouraged. "You should be used to that by now, right."

James convinced them to send out their Pokemon. It would be much better than how they were forced to just read and not participate in anything entertaining, especially with the Pokemon. Already, it was shaping up to be much better. Each of them held out their Poke Balls, sending out their newest Pokemon. And for some, it was their first.

"Wait, where's your Piloswine? I thought you had one?" Gallus soon noticed the lack of Yona's Piloswine right before he could send out his Pokemon. Yona's Piloswine was always by her side, especially when it was seen yesterday. But now, it had just suddenly vanished without a trace seemingly.

"Yaks not allowed to bring Pokemon indoors. Piloswine is doing his own thing." Yona grumbled as she was unable to bring Piloswine into the Pokemon School simply because she did not have a Poke Ball for it. Everyone soon realized something.

This meant that somewhere, at this very moment, Yona's Piloswine was roaming around the Pokemon School. They didn't think too much of it, believing that whoever would find Piloswine could handle it. Plus, Yona didn't seem too worried as it looked like she knows that Piloswine will return to her.

As for the rest of their Pokemon, Galarian Ponyta and Lillipup from Sandbar's side. Charmander and Salandit from Smolder. Spheal from Silverstream and Tailow from Gallus. And for Yona, her second Pokemon turned out to be the massive Bouffalant, who she summoned by slamming the Poke Ball down. Once again, Bouffalant's massive hair picked her up.

"Not a bad roster," Meowth commented on their choice of Pokemon. "Perfectly suits you all, that's for sure."

"Now that we have them all out, I can finally do what I couldn't! Or at least, what you could do yesterday." Gallus faced Smolder.

"What? Jealous that I got a chance to battle and you didn't?"

"Nuh-uh!" Gallus denied but the moment he shifted his eyes, it was obvious that he was jealous. He got his first Pokemon on his first day here and never got the opportunity to battle with it.

"I can see it on your face!" Smolder pointed out as Gallus wasn't facing her.

"You can fix that." Jessie slid over to the Dragon and Griffin, rubbing her hands together. "Pokemon Battles are always free. What kind of school limits you from that? It hasn't stopped Pokemon Trainers before and it won't now."

"She's right. They're the reason I got so interested in Pokemon in the first place." Gallus vehemently agreed.

"It's why I even bothered coming back to this school. Yesterday was fun, getting the chance to battle someone." Smolder expressed, putting on a smile.

"Don't the rules of the school say that you should battle in the field? We're not at the field right now." Sandbar added.

"What about you? You're a pony so you've been here before, haven't you?" Silverstream asked. "Was there a need for you to tag along?"

"Not really. I've never been to this school until now. This is also my first and second day." Not even Equestrian went to the Pokemon School prior to this expansion. Some ponies still skipped out on it and Sandbar was one of them until now. "I had to learn about Pokemon back home."

"Homeschooled, eh?" James nudged him. "Same here, same here! I bet you weren't needlessly pampered when being homeschooled. It would barely feel like you're being taught anything at all."

"N-Not really. No, why?"

"Enough chat!" Jessie intervened, wanting to pick up the pace. "We came here to have fun and ignore what the school's been throwing at you. We'll smush the boredom! Two of you, start throwing down already."

"Oooh! Me-Me!" Silverstream bellowed. wanting a go at a Pokemon Battle. It would be her first time partaking in one but the way she started it was rather unorthodox. "I'll go first! Roll over to them!"

"Spheal!" Spheal understood perfectly. The Clap Pokemon used Rollout, targeting Gallus and his Tailow without any referee to kick things off. It was just out in the open with no time to waste.

"Hm? Hey, wait!" Gallus shouted out as his Tailow and himself were suddenly tackled by the rolling Spheal. Spheal hit far harder than they expected for someone so small and round. The two of them were not knocked over but instead launched into the air by Spheals' Rollout, twirling for a moment.

"Great! I managed to land one for the very first time!" Silverstream grinned, believing she pulled off something spectacular. When really, she just attacked innocents without them being prepared at all.

"Ow! What was that for?! I wasn't ready!" Gallus was able to recover in the air alongside Tailow, bellowing at Silverstream from above.

"What?! Isn't that how it goes?!"

"Both parties have to be ready. No sneak attacks. But I mean...that's what we do anyway." Jessie shrugged. "So you're already catching on."

"Surprise attack me will you..." Gallus held his face for a moment, deciding to dish out some revenge. "Alright then. I'll show you! Uh...What moves does this thing have?" Unaware of what Tailow had in store, Gallus tried searching for a way to learn his moves. "How do these trainers already know what's what?"

"You need a Pokedex for that!" Sandbar yelled at him from below. "That way, you'll know what your Pokemon has! Use the ones we got on the first day of school!"

"Oh, those?" From his bag, Sandbar would whip out one of the few items given to him and the young students to help them get started with things. As always, the Pokedex was availabe, being a much-needed device. "Aww..." But once he took it out, it was revealed that his Pokedex was partially damaged. One part of the screen was cracked the side of the device appeared to have been bent.

"It looks pretty rough." Sandbar pointed out. "Pokedexes are supposed to be durable for the most part."

"What did you do to it?" Smolder questioned.

"I just got into some trouble when I went back home, that's all. It's still usable, I bet!" Gallus groaned before aiming it at Tailow. Instantly, the Pokedex would react as it was still functioning even with this damage, impressing the others. Gallus was given the full info Tailow as always but of course, the moveset that Tailow was currently holding. "Hmm..."

"Do you remember what Ms Nightmare Moon taught us back in class? Or is it Princess Nightmare Moon?" Ocellus asked.

"How should I know? I zoned out." Gallus replied. "We all did because we were so bored. I barely remember what happened back in that class."

"Just shout something and hope for the best!" Sandbar had a good grasp on how to battle with a Pokemon. But before Gallus could do anything, all of a sudden, Tailow went on his own, choosing to attack without hearing anything from Gallus.

"Hey! Wait!" Gallus gasped but it was too late. Tailow was already heading in.

"Tailow!" The Tiny Swallow Pokemon had used Quick Attack, moving at lightning speeds through the air. Spheal looked at Tailow with his usual expression, seemingly completely unphased by this. But he was soon phased once Tailow landed a direct hit on him, tackling his round body.

"S-Spheal!" Taking swift damage, Spheal's body would roll back. Even when getting hit, he would roll, crashing right into Silverstream's legs as a way of vengeance.

"I didn't even get to say anything yet..." Gallus descended as he wished to be the one to give out the orders, prompting Tailow to start attacking. He would then go over the moves that the Pokedex showing, aiming to shout one of them out before Tailow continues. "Alright. I think this is how it's done. Use Peck!"

"Low!" But Tailow would do something completely different. Instead of using Peck, Tailow would use Double Team. He would multiply himself repeatedly, creating afterimages of himself while approaching Tailow and Silverstream.

"Ghhh!" Silverstream grimaced out of fear seeing the Tiny Swallow Pokemon menacingly approaching her. "Uh, quick! Use Ice Ball!"

"Spheeeal!" In front of Spheal, a ball of ice had been summoned while Tailow was approaching with all of his clones using Quick Attack at the same time. Not a single one was using Peck. Spheal would then shoot out one Ice Ball which only ended up striking one of the clones, fizzling out. However, Ice Ball was an attack that could go on repeatedly, giving Spheal the chance to find the real one. Multiple Ice Balls were shot out at an impressive pace, flying everywhere as Spheal didn't have a clear sense of where to shoot.

With so many clones, he just started shooting wherever he could. He managed to hit some of the clones but in the process, the ones he missed only led to the Ice Balls landing somewhere else. And the nearest location was the Pokemon School itself.

Two of the Ice Balls broke through the windows of the Pokemon School, entering the building. Collateral damage had already been caused as that loud sound of windows breaking would certainly alert someone.

"Uhh..." Ocellus stared with her eyes trembling. This was already not a good sign of things to come. With each of the Ice Balls failing to hit the real Tailow, three of the remaining clones and the real Tailow tackled Spheal, landing yet another hit on him. Spheal was again knocked back, this time, crashing into one of the benches here at the School. Spheal was not strong enough to break it but the force he was knocked back at made the bench tip for a moment.

"It's not fair that Dragons and Hippogriffs get to smash things!" This obviously excited Yona who was now in the mood to break something. "Bouffalant! Break them!"

"Bou!" At that moment, Boufallant prepared to charge. Thanks to Yona's words, Bouffallant could swing into action, scraping its hoof on the ground to build up some power. And a Pokemon of this size building up power was definitely intimidating especially since it was larger than everyone else here.

"Break them?!" Silverstream and Gallus collectively gasped as it sounded like Yona was referring to both of them at the same time. Not just one.

"Wait a minute..." Jessie uttered, soon realizing how quickly things were escalating. Her pupils shrunk as now Boufallant was about to take action. At that moment, Bouffalant had used Rage. Its entire body would heat up, gaining a red aura and tint as the most threatening roar from the Normal-Type Pokemon came out.

"Time out! Time out!" Jessie would try and stop this as soon as possible but she was merely an obstacle for Bouffalant who came charging in. She would receive a direct hit from Bouffallant's rage, having her eyes widen and nearly leave her sockets while her mouth puffed up. She most definitely felt that.

Jessie was then being carried by Bouffallant who continued to run, going straight for Silverstream, Tailow and Gallus. All three of them squawked before flying out of the way, using their wings to evade. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for Spheal who was still next to the bench.

Seeing that this could get ugly fast, especially for Spheal, the one to take immediate action was Ocellus. Not only would she fly over, intercepting Bouffalant, but she would also use her ability to shapeshift into something that could stop the Bash Buffalo Pokemon.

And that was by becoming a Pokemon herself. And the one she turned into ended up being a Banette as she used the intimidating face of the Marionette Pokemon to try and scare Bouffalont, making her appearance instant.

"Bouffa?!" It certainly worked as Bouffallant did not see that coming. The Normal-Type's momentum was greatly disrupted, prompting it to skid and come to a screeching halt. Unfortunately, it tripped, falling forward as Ocellus pulled Spheal out of the way as soon as possible. The bench had been destroyed by the falling Bouffalant, breaking it apart with ease.

Poor Jessie was the first to hit the bench as she went hurling through the air. Jessie made a rather hard landing, crashing to the ground face-first. It's a good thing she was very much used to this thanks to Ash and all of his friends. "Bouffalant smashes well!" To Yona, that was some excellent smashing. Not the way she envisioned it going but it works for her.

"If that's how we're starting then, fine by me! Use Dragonbreath, Charmander!"

"Charmander!" It didn't take long for Smolder and Charmander to get involved as the Lizard Pokemon unleashed a blue stream of draconic fire from his mouth. And this is where the explosion came in. As the Dragonbreath travelled, targeting one of the Pokemon, which in this case was Bouffalant, the attack landed, hitting the Bash Buffalo Pokemon directly.

The result was an outburst of energy as Charmander made sure to envelop the entirety of Bouffalant's body, which led to the size of the explosion. While it wasn't the biggest, it was still enough to make quite the noise, shattering the nearby windows with the shockwaves. As if they weren't damaged enough.

"Hm. Kids." James smirked, seeing no problem here whatsoever. This all seemed rather natural as kids were just being kids in his eyes. But compared to how he was brought up as a child, something like this truly did not phase James at all.

"You nearly crushed us there!" Gallus shouted at Yona. "What's up with you?!"

"Yak thought this is what we were doing!" Yona shouted back as there was obviously a clear misunderstanding.

"Now look what you've done!" Gallus shifted his attention over to Silverstream who was the one to kick this off in the first place with her Spheal.

"Hey. It's my first time battling. And I think I got it down pretty well, honestly." Silverstream squeed. Unfortunately, three of them lacked any proper battling experience. Only Sandar, Smolder and even Ocellus knew something about battling thanks to what they have seen.

"Zip it, you three!" Jessie roared, sitting up as her pigtail-styled hair was now a mess. "You each suck at battling more than anyone else I've seen!"

"S-Sorry." Silverstream twiddled her claws. "I guess I really did something wrong."

"That's why we're here!" James raised a finger. "To let you be free and show you the ropes at the same time. You're just rookies at the end of the day, so this is only natural."

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea at all," said Ocellus. "We're just goofing off out here. Classes are currently going on in there and we've already done damage to the school. Won't someone notice?"

"Relax. It'll take a lot more for someone to really do something about this. Besides, we shouldn't care about this." Meowth walked over, reminding them of why this was completely fine. "You're a part of Team Blastoff now. You don't have to care about this at all."

"We don't?" Ocellus uttered, blinking a few times. "Are you sure?"

"That's the entire point. Do whatever you want. Break a few windows and benches. As rogue students, you're as free as you can be and can learn about Pokemon way faster than what those classes can do." Meowth continued.

"This doesn't seem right. Even troublemakers know there's a limit." Sandbar grumbled.

"Well, this is still way better than what we were doing back in those classes." Gallus descended as he preferred this over the lessons that were done via the EEA Book. "Plus, I get to at least get some payback on you."

"What? I thought I was doing it right! Honest!" Silverstream bellowed as Gallus was still targeting her.

"But you know...for each of you, your fellow classmates of similar species must be bored out of their minds as well, don't you?" James winked, bringing up the other students. "Why leave them out of it?"

"Yeah. We've got enough uniforms for more members to show up." Meowth suddenly whipped out extra Team Blastoff clothes that fit each species perfectly, having more in store. This was his plan from the start after all.

"Wait? Convince the other students to join this team?"

"That's right~" Jessie acted sweet once more. "We can't leave them to suffer, can we? They deserve to feel the thrill instead of that slow and painful way of teaching. You've already learned a lot, haven't you?"

"I guess so." Smolder scratched her head. "It didn't feel all that different from how things were back home. Starting random fights is pretty common back home."

"Same here. Back at Griffonstone, something like this can happen. It's never a low chance." Gallus was starting to see it himself as Team Rocket were experts in getting the children to say the right words and change their minds. All it took was them slandering the classes that were dumbed down by the EEA Book.

"This means Yaks get to smash whatever without any rules..." Yona was seeing the bigger picture as well. Of course, smashing things was against the EEA, no doubt about it. To many Yaks, this greatly upset them and ruined any excitement they had. Especially since Pokemon were also experts at smashing things. Whether they be small or large, they know how to cause destruction.

Team Rocket had them right where they wanted. This was all a plan to recruit new Team Rocket Grunts instead of just stealing their Pokemon. Even they knew that the odds were greatly against them and they weren't about to take that risk. So instead, they would just add more to their group so that the next time they wish to steal some Pokemon, they have the numbers to do so.

All except Sandbar and Ocellus were fully hooked with Sandbar being the hardest to convince. Ocellus was simply around, unsure of what to do here. At this moment, the delinquent path that the Young Six have been placed on would be explored even further.

They finally re-entered the building but they would not abide by the rules this time. They had the opportunity to skip classes whenever they wanted and hang around wherever they wanted. Led by Team Rocket, who showed them what delinquents were truly capable of, the hallways were already overtaken by them.

Two ponies were passing through the hallway, attempting to head to their next class, only for Team Blastoff to stand in their way. By standing there, Jessie held her hand out, ordering that both of them cough up some money. She would gladly take bits and if there were some Pokedollars on them, that would be a guaranteed snag.

Gallus was already enthralled with this idea, wanting some bits as well since that would greatly benefit any Griffin. And if they did not cough up any money, well, there was a very high chance of them having to deal with their Pokemon. Although, Tailow was seemingly doing its own thing, not listening to Gallus at all, just like before.

One pony was intimidated by this and the other was rather annoyed by this, prompting him to send out his Pokemon. Refusing to cough up any money, his Tyrouge would kick Jessie in the knee, prompting her to fall over. James and the others gasped after Jessie was downed in one hit, allowing the two ponies to continue on their way, passing by the ones who supposedly took over the hallway.

Clearly, some were braver than others even when faced with a somewhat intimidating sight. But Jessie assured them that this was to be expected with the presence of delinquents. More of how free they could be by taking this path of a student would be shown based on what Jessie and James have seen. Mainly Jessie, of course.

Aside from the Tyrouge that just knocked Jessie down, there was also the possibility of approaching someone rather tough,
and harassing that individual that they see as not as tough as them. There were already some examples nearby in the form of a Changeling student.

Smolder would take a swing at this, listening to what Jessie had to say about this. Apparently, it was all about making sure that they never look tougher than you and Smolder loved the sound of that. Alas, the second she got close to this Changeling, she changed into something tougher than what she was expecting.

The Changeling transformed herself into one of the 100 Demons from the Box of 100 Demons. In this case, it was a smaller version of the Centipede Demon but still big enough to tower over the others. Smolder screeched at the sight of this fake demon and the rather uncomfortable face it had, feeling the urge to pass out.

So much for trying to look tougher. Gallus cackled at this failure but it wasn't like he succeeded in the first task when it came to the hallway. But Jessie and James reassured them that there was more to do. Delinquency was a lifestyle, according to Jessie. Not just an occupation of a student. Loitering, vandalizing and brawling serve as a pastime as much as an act of rebellion,

Vandalizing was something they did and that was by painting something on the walls of the school. They unleashed all of their boredom and took it out on the school that they were not enjoying in the slightest, showing them just how bored they were by spicing things up. And art vandalization was one of the ways to do it.

Jessie already came equipped with Graffiti cans that had a Monkey Pokemon on it as the logo which neither have seen before. Jessie would show them how the cans were used, spraying her name on the walls. Or rather, an altered version of her name. This time, she went by the name J-Jess as a school nickname.

Gallus, Smolder and Silverstream would do the same with Silverstream taking her sweet time. She found this to be rather artistic, wanting to make this as beautiful as possible. Gallus and Smolder were already finished with their vandalization by writing random words while Silverstream was being a full-on artist.

Ocellus lightly picked up a can, spraying at the walls for a moment as she wasn't sure if she would be into it. But at that moment, they were soon spotted by other students nearby, prompting them to book it as fast as they could. Silverstream was pulled away by James as her unfinished artwork was still rather impressive to look at, showing the image of her and her new team. She actually ended up taking them into consideration.

"Hm?" Coming across this art was Ash, who was still around in the school but was not working here at all. "Oh, check this out..."


They went at this for minutes, trying to be the best delinquents that they could be. And strangely, Silvertream was starting to really get the hang of this and even getting into it. Perhaps a bit too much from what could be seen.

"This is amazing! It's way better than what we were doing!" Smolder exclaimed. "Joining this team was the right thing to do after all!"

"Alright. Now can we get back? Besides, it's getting late and eventually, we'll all have to head home."

"That's where the best part comes in, my little pony." Jessie giggled. "Even when you head home, you still stick together as a team. Tomorrow, your team will be waiting here for you."

"So, we're completely legit when it comes to being a team? I've never been on a team before..." Gallus pondered. "It's not so bad. I was always thinking I'd have a Pokemon Team first before anything else."

"Yeah. This is pretty sweet, honestly," said Smolder, seeing the appeal. "I thought I was gonna get heated this entire time. But so far...things went well."

"I got heated back there. And for good reason. Any more of that and I would've started breathing fire." Gallus admitted, even though he still saw Silverstream as the cause.

"Griffins can breathe fire?" Sandbar blinked as his attention was focused on what Gallus just said. "That can't be true, can it?"

"Oh, we can. Only when we're very mad though." Gallus confirmed.

"Griffons just full of hot air!" Yona joked, prompting them all to laugh. At this moment, they were having small talk about each other and it was going well. Being around each other led to a tense atmosphere in the beginning as it kept ramping up but it was suddenly starting to fade out.

"And yaks are actually good at jokes. How about that?" Smolder gave her pointers as well.

"Look at us. I definitely expected something like this to happen." Jessie was lying through her teeth when saying that, nudging James. This seemed to be one step closer to really convincing them to stick around with their made-up team name. If they formed a bond, they could see each other constantly, making it official.

"This has been a bunch of fun! I wanna do something else before we leave!" Silverstream squeed.

"Aha! So it was you three!" Alas, they had been discovered once more. But this time, it wasn't from any random students passing by. This time, the one to find them was Chancellor Neighsay. And right behind him was Twilight Sparkle who had a distraught face.

"!!!" The Young Six collectively gasped, showing faces of true fear. As for Team Rocket, they stayed completely still, not saying a word just yet.

"The vandalization, the explosion and the truanting!" Three guidelines of the EEA have been broken and multiple rules underneath those guidelines as well." Neighsay found out. Unfortunately, they did not cover their tracks at all and those that saw them pointed it out. There was a good chance the graffiti played a part in them being found out.

"Ohh...." Twilight groaned, putting her hooves on her face as she feared something like this would happen.

"W-We were just uh..." Gallus tried coming up with an excuse as quickly as he could but judging by Neighsay's expression, he wasn't about to hear it.

"I know this looks bad! But wait!" Twilight flew in front of Chancellor Neighsay. "I didn't even know they were here and I don't even know who those other three students behind them are!"

"That does not help your case, Princess Twilight."

"Figures..." She scratched the back of her mane. "But this is only the second day and hiccups like this are bound to happen. It's different from how it was before, especially with these new guidelines coming in."

"Yeah. And whatever those guidelines are, we're not rocking with them. This is way better than sitting and reading in those classrooms by a mile." Smolder crossed her arms along with Gallus.

"We did a lot more than what we did back in class," Gallus added.

"Hah!" Jessie finally spoke. "For being a stick in the mud and so smart, you should've seen this coming. It's only a matter of time until more students start flocking to us. Team Blastoff will control certain areas of this school in no time."

"Not helping!" Twilight bellowed at them, making them all flinch.

"Let's see...Irresponsible teachers, students skipping class and potentially endangering the lives of others! Your school is a disaster compared to how Cynthia ran it." Neighsay listed the problems that plagued this school currently. "Perhaps if you had had higher standards for who was admitted, this could have been avoided. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't shut it down now."

"Hold on!" Sliding into the scene was none other than Ash, who has also seen the damage done to the school. Ash had something to add before Neighsay could potentially bring this all crumbling down. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves here!"


"You don't work here. Why are you still here?" Neighsay questioned. "And what do you want."

"If you're gonna try and shut this school down...Here me out for a second, okay? I've got something we can work out." Ash had an offer to try and please both sides. Apparently, it was a way to convince Chancellor Neighsay to keep this school around. At least, he hoped so. Right now, Ash was going to throw what he could to make sure the worst couldn't happen as the journey continues.

Chapter 222 End.

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