• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Mystery of Lena Ketchum

Equestria. Ponyville. The Pokemon House. Day.

"You're saying that your ancestor might be walking around in present day? Really?" Rainbow Dash spoke, informed of something new from her good friend Ash. She and some of her other friends have now learned of what could be considered a glitch in time. Lena Ketchum should not have an image of herself considering the era she lived in.

"Yeah. Mom was just gonna show Hilbert and Hilda her name and then it hit us in the face. Full colour and everything." Ash answered, being fully truthful about it.

"I took a picture too. Here, check it out." Hilbert showed them all via his phone. The image of Lena Ketchum appeared. Full colour and everything. The uncanny similarity between her and Ash was shown. It was hard to believe that this was someone from the past when she looked too much like Ash. They expected there to be some differences with how much time has passed.

"Oh, she's gorgeous. Good looks must run in the family or bloodline I suppose." Rarity complimented.

"Looks just like you but taller. So how come she showed up now?" Applejack questioned.

"Do you think it's like the Pillars? Maybe she was stuck in limbo too." Pinkie Pie went straight for the possibility of Limbo, similar to what the Pillars had to go through.

"No way. There's no way she was stuck in Limbo." Rainbow Dash denied that in a heartbeat. "She wasn't stuck in Limbo, was she?" Before questioning, wondering if it was possible.

"Well, she was an adventurer. Who knows?" Ash wasn't ruling it out. "But it's pretty cool to see her here though. I wonder where she is now..."

"Are you seeing this, Twilight? What do you think?" Pinkie, who had her Xtransceiver out, showed the image to Twilight by holding the device over the phone.

"I am seeing it. It's strange but I don't know if we can do anything about it." Twilight threw her own coin into this. And her answer was the fact that no one could really do anything about this. At least, no one here could do anything about it. "Anyway, I should be getting back to my work as a principal. Well, I'm not really doing anything right now but..."

"Can't leave because you run the place? That's a huge drawback." Hilbert commented. "Guess that means you won't be doing much."

"I can still go places!" Twilight exclaimed, making the Xtransceiver tremble. "I just...have to be around here more often. I have a school to run after all and Cynthia entrusted it all to me."

"We couldn't be teachers for ya, Twilight. But we know everypony working there will do a good job." Applejack replied, present here as well. "If something comes up, you can always call us."

"Or Sombra can bring Ash straight to you. By the way, how are things going for him? Nothing bad has happened yet, right?" asked Starlight Glimmer.

"He's waiting. Dark Magic is a pretty tricky topic to teach students but...I find myself trusting Sombra bit more lately. He's not so bad. At least, not like how he used to be."

"Well, I can't ignore this. I've been in my fair share of time problems and it never gets pretty, Ash." Hilda shook her head, focusing on this predicament. "What say you? How about we try and find her?"

"If we're gonna find her, do you think she's in Kanto?" The multi-coloured maned pegasus figured that Lena would be in her home region. The Ketchum Family Tree does seem to originate here in Kanto Region.

"I guess...But since she loves exploring, she's probably in another region right now. Maybe she's heard about me or something...I don't know."

"That picture has been here two years ago. So she might be in Equestria if she was using the gateways! I'm sure of it!" A confident Rarity spoke.

"Ah, seems like one big waste of time, if you ask me." Hilbert thought otherwise, not really interested in this as he would shrug would turning around. "I say we just do whatever we usually do and let her come to us. I mean, she's gonna have to notice eventually."

"It would be nice if she came to us." Fluttershy put on a soft smile. "The only way for that to happen is if Ash's name gets out there more in the world. Like maybe with the Pokemon World Championships. If you rank higher, you're bound to be known by so many."

"I'm already high up but once I reach Leon, then everyone will know. And that way, Grandma can show up." Ash pumped his fists, eager for another World Championship match. "Now I've got another reason to win it!"


"But...There's something that might work." Something came to mind for Ash. "Back at the Human World, there are those weird time leaks that are around."

"That world Red and the others went to? Isn't that world kinda boring though?" Hilber grumbled, finding that world to be rather uninteresting, even if it had Pokemon there.

"Who cares about that? This is our chance! We're going to that world! Pronto!"

"W-Wait?! Without me?!" Twilight bellowed, realizing that she would be left out. Alas, since she was the principal, she had to set an example and couldn't just waltz out of her school without a reason. This would be one of the few times she was unable to explore something interesting with her friends.

"Sorry, Twilight! We'll say Hi to your counterpart along the way though!" Pinkie Pie waved goodbye. "Good luck with your school!"

Canterlot. The Pokemon School.

"Aww..." Twilight was gutted, dropping her face to the table. A missed opportunity. There was an entire mystery with an ancestor of Ash who was supposedly roaming the world right now at this very moment and she wouldn't get the chance to explore it. She loved mysteries. They were always fun to crack down on. "I can't just leave...What a cruel caveat."

"Espeon?" Espeon yawned, opening her eyes a bit before closing them and returning to her peaceful rest.

"It's fine, it's fine. Interesting things on that level can happen here too. I'm sure of it. I'll just wait until school is over and the best way to do that is to check up on the classes." Supervising was one of the many roles that a Principal holds. And now, it was time for Twilight to enact that role, even if she was doing it to try and make up for what she couldn't do at the moment. Journey with her friends.

And instead of walking there, it was teleportation. Leaving Espeon to rest, she flashed out of the room, heading for one of the classrooms that was currently active. And it was most definitely active. The second Twilight left her office, she entered the classroom that focused on Pokemon Battling.

And of course, it was very much hectic. Twilight's body appeared and was almost struck by a passing bolt of lightning. That bolt of lightning crashed into the walls of this classroom, followed by a rock that flew threw the air. Twilight couldn't have picked a better or worse time to show up. Then again, in a classroom like this, the timing would always be wild.

The young students were in the midst of battling against each other and thanks to the potion that Potion Nova gave their Pokemon, all of these Pokemon attacks were greatly weakened. Everything was held back so that collateral damage was out of the way. But that did not stop the usual classroom objects from being knocked over.

"Oshawott, use Razor Shell!" Jumping over the Princess of Friendship was an Oshawott as it was going straight for a Charmander, taking out its scalchop and sharpening it with water.

"Catch it, Charmander!"

"Charm!" Catching the sharp, water-clad scalchop was Smolder's Charmander By the skin of his teeth, he managed to grab it as the water was right near his face. Charmander growled at Oshawott, using all of his strength to keep the attack from fully going through. And since Oshawott's body was in the air with no leverage, Charmander took advantage of this and all it would take was Smolder to give out the right command.

"Use Dragonbreath!"

"Mander!" From his mouth, Charmander unleashed an up close blast of draconic fire. Oshawott had no way to defend or stop this. It simply had to take it. By taking the Dragonbreath, Oshawott was sent flying as the blast was carrying it. Twilight was still in the way as she would quickly move before she became collateral damage herself.

This was still considered a full-power Dragonbreath since Charmander was using everything he had, despite what the potion had. Oshawott crashed through a collection of books, tumbling on the floor afterwards and fainting.

"Great!" Smolder clapped after Charmander scored himself a victory.

"Chaaaaaar!" Charmander would breathe fire into the air, feeling triumphant.

"Geez...How has the classroom not been destroyed yet?" Twilight questioned, looking at all the students present here and how wild they were getting. Noticeably, a majority of them were Griffins and Dragons with a few ponies here and there. It was clear which species preferred Pokemon Battling.

"Twilight!" Potion Nova said, walking past the chaos. "What brings you here? Here to take part?"

"Uh, how come they're battling indoors? I thought it would be outside. And how come the classroom is still intact with all of these moves flying all over the place?"

"They wanted to go at it right away. Besides, this classroom's big enough and as for how it's still in one piece, you have this potion to thank." Potion Nova winked, holding out the potion that weakened everyone's moves. It was nearly empty with only one drop left. "This potion weakens Pokemon moves, making them less destructive."

"H-How did you manage to make something like that?" Twilight stammered in amazement.

"Infinity Energy. And other Pokemon, of course. Nightmare Moon's even using some as well."

"Attack, Florges! Blow it away with Petal Dance!" Nightmare Moon was doing more than just teaching. She was fully into it. Since she was still Luna, the thrill of a Pokemon Battle got to her in a heartbeat.

"Florges!" And with a beautiful dance, followed by a storm of petals, the opposing Pokemon was on the verge of being carried into the air. And that Pokemon turned out to be Gallus' Tailow, who was just gawking at it.

"Move out of the way!" Gallus exclaimed. But Tailow did not move. He did not listen to Gallus, much to Gallus' annoyance and chagrin. "Quick!"

"Tailow." Tailow refused. He was exactly like this yesterday, refusing to listen to Gallus at all. It carried over here as well. Tailow would not fly away but instead, he would try and retaliate against the Petal Dance. Tailow used Quick Attack, dashing forward and disappearing for a moment as he was trying to push through the Petal Dance.

Unfortunately, just because Petal Dance was weaker now, didn't mean that Quick Attack fared any better. In fact, Quick Attack was far weaker than before and many consider it a weak move. The only one who has managed to make it so powerful and versatile was Ash's Pikachu.

"T-Tail!" Tailow was instantly struck by the petals as his plan failed. He could have had the chance to move out of the way, but alas, he was carrying a strong aura of rebellion, wanting to battle his way. That led to him being pummelled by the petals before crashing into the walls of the classroom.

"Oooh. That looks rough." Twilight cringed, seeing the lack of communication between a Trainer and Pokemon.

"Oh yes. It's been like that with these two for a while now." Potion Nova sighed. "Out of all the students here, Gallus is having the most trouble with Tailow. He doesn't seem to listen to him and just does whatever he wants to do."

"That sounds familiar." Twilight could think of a Pokemon that acted like that. Or rather two. Or three. Or four. Or plenty of Pokemon. The chances of a Pokemon and a Pokemon Trainer not working together in a battle were not exactly low and never will they be zero, unfortunately.

"Is that it?" Nightmare Moon scoffed. "You are insanely lucky that our attacks have been weakened. If not, this battle would have been over seconds ago."

"J-Just give me a minute. He's being so stubborn and I don't know why." Gallus pleaded, looking over at Tailow. "Come on! Listen to me already!"

"T-Tailow!" Tailow shook his head, pushing the pencils away from him.

"Please don't tell me we great graded for something like this..."

"Hmm...Not yet." Nightmare Moon smirked. "Do you wish to try again? It seems like you and your Tailow are absolutely poor at working together. Does Tailow honestly think he can win on his own?"

"Well, I mean...if he was in the wild, I'm guessing so," Gallus replied with a low tone. "He was like this yesterday though."

"Ah, that's natural, Gallus." Getting involved in this was Twilight Sparkle. As the school principal, she had to get involved and make sure things were going well in her school. And that meant having the students be happy.

"It is?"

"Oh, sure. I have a lot of friends who didn't start out on great terms with their Pokemon and couldn't battle alongside them at all. My own human counterpart is a great example. Her Alpha Rapidash was pretty stubborn."

"Hah! That's tough for you!" Smolder cackled, pointing at Gallus after seeing him fail to properly battle with Tailow. "For me and Charmander, we hit it off day one!"

"Charmander!" Charmander crossed his arms, confirming this to be the case. These two have been alongside each other for a while back at the Dragon Lands, making it easy for them to battle alongside each other.

"For some it's easy. For others, it's not. These things tend to happen a lot of the time. The best thing to do is to get to know your Pokemon. Sometimes, battling with it isn't a surefire way to get started."

"I thought that's what Pokemon do though," Gallus grumbled. "How are we gonna bond if we don't battle? I don't really get it since battling's where most of the strongest bonds come from. Isn't it?"

"Even Ash and Pikachu didn't get along in the beginning. Pikachu was way too stubborn and Ash was fresh into his career as a Pokemon Trainer. But look at them now. They're one heck of a dynamic duo." Twilight winked, using Ash and Pikachu as the best example.

And those two were indeed the best example considering how popular they were. That was enough to grab Gallus' attention and make him think this through. "Well...If it's effective, then I guess so. I'm not really good with that whole 'talking' part."

"Right, right. That'll be tough." Twilight bit her hoof, knowing that Griffins don't exactly do 'Friendship'. They were capable of being friends but they were rather hard to get through. "Maybe you should take another class in the meanwhile. Luckily, we have the subject just for that."

"A class about bonding? Aauugh!" The young griffin groaned, realizing what he had to do now. "I wanted to stay here the whole day though!"

"It'll be fine. Who here is having trouble bonding with their Pokemon?!" Twilight asked, wondering who else could use the help. It was best to get it over with it before the trainers and Pokemon grow distant from each other. But no one responded. Not a single trainer.

They were all too busy battling as that was enough proof that they were all bonding with their Pokemon. Gallus lowered his eyes as reality hit him in the face. He was the only one who was out of sync with his Pokemon. Truly unlucky to feel this left out in this class. Alas, that's how it usually is in any school.

The Human World. Canterlot High.

The Human World. This time, it was about to receive the most amount of visitors yet. The first person to appear from it was Ash himself, followed by his partner Pikachu. Right behind them was Hilbert as he was unchanged, as to be expected. Ash was his counterpart and there was no one from this world or anywhere in Equestria parallel to him.

Most of Ash's friends have already been here and have experienced what it's like to have Human Forms. Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie appear as their human selves once more, involving themselves in this Ancestral Mystery.

A newcomer to this world was Starlight Glimmer, who would finally get to know what it feels like to be a human. And right behind her was Hilda who was the last to pass through.

"Oooh...Is this what it feels like?" Starlight grimaced at her transformation, seeing that she now had fingers. She was already managing to control her fingers, making them bend and flick out of pure confusion.

"It's weird. But you'll get used to it." Assuring Starlight was Rainbow Dash, patting her on the back. "It wouldn't be the first time we've ended up in different bodies after all. So where are these Time Leaks?"

"They look blue and they usually stay up in the air. It's how all the Alpha Pokemon show up in the present day. Last time we saw one, Daring Do found one where a Hisuian Braviary showed up at. I don't think they've moved at all even when Jirachi merged both worlds."

"They wouldn't. Those Time Leaks are only exclusive to your past and not ours. And if Dialga is responsible for it, then Jirachi certainly has no reason to remove them. Even though by all accounts, they should not be here at all."

"So uh...How come we jus get clothes instantly? Did anyone else wonder that?" Starlight questioned, still trying to take this in. But no one answered her question and no one here ever thought about it.

"Are you sure those will help out? How far do those time leaks even go? And don't they only appear around Hisui?" Hilda questioned as she needed to make sure they were making the correct approach with this.

"Well...I have one Pokemon who has experience with Hisui. Or Sinnoh, as it's now known." Rarity dug into her pockets which surprised Starlight Glimmer. Her saddlebag was no more when entering the human world. Pockets were exclusively made for her, fitting the Poke Balls in there. And it was in a skirt, no less. "Out you come, Froslass!"


"My Froslass here used to be a human who lived in the Hisui Region long ago before being reincarnated as a Froslass and a Pheromosa at the same time."

"I'm sorry, what?" Hilda blinked as that last part caught her off guard.

"It's one spirit inhabiting two bodies. Don't worry about it." Applejack wanted Hilda to brush it off. It was odd but it did make a lot of sense with full context which she would not be receiving just yet.

"Froslass, darling. When we come across these Time Leaks, I need you to see if you recognize the era. You lived in Hisui the longest out of all of us so you must know." Rarity requested. And Froslass would gladly deliver.

"Well...While you're doing that, I'd better pay Red and the others a visit. They've been here chilling out the whole time." Hilbert strolled along, having other plans.

"Hey! There he is!" At that moment, a crowd of people from Canterlot High were heading here upon seeing the group that have just arrived on a mission. Ash and his friends saw them stampeding this way.

"Oho. This is actually my chance to show them how awesome I am." Hilbert came to a halt, aiming to take advantage of this new world. As always, boasting about number one was necessary. "Gather around1 I've got tips and tricks to becoming the Number One Trainer in the world! By yours tru-"

Cut off from his sentence, Hilbert was knocked into the air by the stampeding students. They didn't even pay attention to him as they were locked onto someone else. Someone very similar to him. It was Ash, of course. Ironic that even to this day, the regions are where he was less popular but anything involving Equestria garnered great attention. Hilbert groaned while on the floor, seeing stars.

"Welcome back, Ash! Thought you'd never show up again!"

"This again..." Ash sighed with a smile. Being famous was swell and all as it showed how far Ash had come from being practically invisible to the rest of the world. Not bad for a Kid from Kanto which is considered the Boonies by many. But they do tend to overwhelm Ash very quickly.

Such as now. Words were being thrown at Ash as all of his friends were pushed aside. Ever since that battle with Bea, his fame went up. He showed everyone what a Pokemon Battle was like, similar to what he did for Equestria the first time. It was history repeating itself once more. Or in some cases, it was rhyming.

"I-I can't breathe!" Starlight gasped as this was not the best first impression when showing up to the Human World. She could barely break free with all of these people and with no horn, she couldn't just her magic. That was another thing she had to get used to since magic works very differently here.

"Great movie, by the way, Rarity." Lo and behold, Rarity's Movie Plan worked out after all. She also gained some fame by showing them all movies from PokeStar Studios involving her.

"Naturally." Rarity flipped her mane as she started thinking to herself. "Haha! Success! I knew my plan would work! Now I can finally show them PokeStar Studios movies that don't involve me. But I expect them to want to see more of my performance than anyone else's.

"Yeah. But your recent ones that are homemade aren't as great though...Can you make something as good as the other ones?" The Human Counterpart of Berry Punch requested.

"Homemade?" Rarity blinked as she did not recall making a Homemade PokeStar Studios movie at all. In fact, it was impossible to do so since it had to be done at the Studio, hence the name. "What do you mean by that?"

"Your home movies are being shown to us next. You went from studios to your home." A counterpart to Carrot Top replied.

"Oh...Oh!" Rarity soon realized who was responsible for this. Herself. Specifically, her HUman Counterpart. This was one factor she did not plan for when coming up with this master plan. How would her Human Counterpart react? Well, apparently, by putting her name in others' mouths, even though they shared the same name. "Mmm...Froslass. Go on ahead and find the Time Leaks. I need to do something first."

"Fros?" Froslass saw her trainer move through the crowd of people, heading straight for her counterpart to handle things. She didn't look too pleased judging by the expression on her face as Froslass would have to do this without Rarity and with the rest of her friends.

Ash would have to walk to his destination while others were still following him. All the while, far in the distance, right in the bushes and away from Canterlot High, two dark eyes gazed at Ash Ketchum and his colourful cast of friends. Despite the large crowd, it was easy to spot Ash. Very easy to this mysterious character. Eyes on Ash were made, followed by intrigue. But from who exactly? None of Ash's friends would know us yet as the journey continues.

Chapter 225 End.

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