• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Prisma: First Contact

Inside the Dragon Matter.

In the midst of an ethereal expanse known as the Dragon Matter, where hues of otherworldly light danced and coalesced into shifting patterns, young Spike found himself in the company of a figure whose aura exuded an enigmatic and fearsome presence. Prisma. A being whose past held the weight of legendary actions that came from that lost universe.

Spike's eyes widened as he surveyed the luminous realm, his curiosity piqued by the sheer spectacle of it all. He didn't think he'd be inside the Dragon Matter while still molting. And he didn't think he'd be seeing Prisma.

Prisma turned slowly, the coat swirling around his form as he fixed his intense gaze on the boy. His eyes held a depth that seemed to draw from his past and Spike just couldn't make out what kind of gaze this was.

"You...You're Prisma." Spike got up as fast as he could, flabbergasted by the being in front of him. His full appearance was given to Spike.

"So you ended up in here. How unfortunate." Prisma spoke. For the first time, Spike heard his voice and there was a grand sense of power behind it. In Spike's ears, it sounded a lot like Ash's voice, but much older. It also had a mix of Nate, Hilbert, Ethan and all the others mixed in there.

And when he spoke, the force of the Dragon Matter would flow in a certain direction that made Spike flinch. Prisma took a step as he was currently approaching Spike, deciding to get close, much to Spike's dismay.

"Uhh...!" Unsure of what to do, Spike would dig into his bag, trying to take out a Poke Ball. He feared that Prisma was about to attack him. The Dragon Matter was almost slowing him down, sending a great ordeal of pressure his way and that all correlated with Prisma's footsteps. Each step he made caused the Dragon Matter to start shaking and pulsating. It was far too late for Spike.

Prisma got closer than he expected as his shadow was cast over the baby Dragon. Spike's jaw dropped, gazing up at the Storied Figure. Those eyes and their emerald glow pierced his gaze, leaving him stunned. Spike then closed his eyes, gripping onto his Poke Ball as hard as he could, planning to unleash it at the right time.

"Hmm.." Unexpectedly, Prisma poked Spike in the face once he kneeled to get on his level. This was not the interaction Spike expected as Prisma would poke him a few times, having a face of curiosity while still appearing intense.

"Ow. Hey...!" Not quite what Spike thought would happen, even though his thoughts did involve Prisma getting physical. Just not in this specific way.

"A talking baby Dragon." He would then continue to bother Spike's face, pinching his right face cheek. "And one that molts too."

"Cut it out!" Spike groaned after having his face pulled in such a way. Prisma was also touching the scales around Spike's face which only made it all the more uncomfortable.

"What do you think you're doing here inside of the Dragon Matter?" Prisma removed his hands from the Baby Dragon's face.

"What am I doing here? I was pulled in here." Spike attempted to rub his face but he didn't want to risk touching the red scales which were everywhere. "And I'm guessing it's your fault!"

"My fault?" Prisma repeated as Spike's finger was locked onto him.

"Well...Who else would it be? I didn't think you'd be in here." Spike had a good point. How else would he be in this Dragon Matter? He suspected that Prisma pulled him here.

"Hmph. I'm not actually here. What you're seeing now is just my spirit form."

"Wait so...you're not actually in the Dragon Matter?" This changed things. Spike thought the real Prisma was actually here but that didn't seem to be the case.

"But don't be mistaken. I am Prisma at the end of the day. And you're the first being I've seen in a while. To think that a Baby Dragon would be the first. You're lucky that you're a Dragon. Anyone else inside of this matter would find themselves suffering as their bodies would melt away."

"O-oh." Spike was incredibly lucky. Being a Dragon gave him immunity to the effects that this newly formed energy would bring. "As for how you were brought here, the Dragon Matter has a mind of its own. It targeted you, specifically."

"But why me? Why not anyone else?"

"It reacts to Dragons mostly. Most likely, you looked at it for too long. The same will go for Dragons outside. I can already see them." Prisma crossed his arms, raising his head and gazing up at the skies of the Dragon Matter, which was basically everywhere.

"Ember! Everyone!" Spike soon remembered that the Dragon Matter suddenly caused an outburst from the outside. And now that he was inside here, he feared about the scenario happening outside.

"Do you want to see? I can already see it at all..." Prisma could actually see the events occurring outside even though it looks like he's staring at the Dragon Matter only. Spike couldn't see a thing, or even heard anything happening outside.

Equestria. The Dragon Lands. The Pokemon Festival. Day.

Speaking of the outside, Lucas and the others saw Spike sink into the ground as the Dragon Matter grabbed him via a Dragon Maw. And now, in the midst of all of this, the Dragon Matter was still going wild, trying to find its place in this universe, no matter how destructive the method may be.

"What happened?! Is Spike okay?!" Ember rapidly touched the ground, sliding her claws over it and even hitting it to see if she could reach Spike.

"The Dragon Matter pulled him down! But I don't think it was into the Earth itself!" Clair exclaimed. Just then, a thunderous sound from the Dragon Matter went off, obliterating one of the nearby mountains. "But at this rate, this part of the Earth might be ravaged by the Dragon Matter. It seems to be losing control."

Dragons, despite boasting a strong disposition, were reasonably intimidated by the Dragon Matter and how it appeared. Their home was essentially being renovated, moulded into something else for the Dragon Matter's own preferences. They immediately backed away from it once they saw the energy ripping through the ground and consuming all the rubble, not even letting them stick around.

Saving their lives were the Dragon Trainers from other regions who had far more experience than them. They immediately sent out their respective Dragons as a form of retaliation. The Dragons who were unable to flee in time were saved by the Dragon Pokemon who came rushing or flying in.

"What's going on?!" Arriving here at last was Twilight Sparkle. Appearing in the skies and holding the Cosmic Cloak, she witnessed how things in the Dragon Lands skyrocketed instantly. At first, it was rather standard here and all of a sudden, the Dragon Matter decided to start moving, aggressively tearing through the earth. "Where's Spike?! Spike!"

"Spike's gone. But we'll find and rescue him later. Right now, we should try and stop that from spreading any further." Lucas casually said.

"Wait, what?" Twilight blinked. Lucas wasn't exactly giving her any context.

"Stop it? How?! Look at that thing!" In Ember's eyes, stopping this thing seemed impossible as it didn't really have a physical form and it was colossal.

"There's nothing in this world that can't be tackled. The only way we can hope to stop such a thing is by attacking it. Physical or not." Clair said, holding a Poke Ball out. "Appear! Druddigon!"

Clair had the right idea. So did the other Dragon Trainers. Once they sent out their respective Dragons, they all decided to attack it. Collectively, Dragonbreath, Dragon Rage and Dragon Pulse were all used against it. But the second these attacks approached, they were absorbed by the Dragon Matter.

Right before their eyes, their own attacks became food for this newly formed energy, allowing it to grow in strength. The Dragon Matter unleashed another roar after consuming these attacks, immediately shutting down any ideas from the Dragon Trainers.

"It absorbed it and grew from it?!" Clair actually had the same idea in mind, but after seeing what the Dragon Matter did, it was all out the window.

"It's matter. Just like other forms of matter, it responds to something similar to it. Just like how water plus water makes more water. And in this case, Dragon-Type moves are beneficial to it." Twilight already deduced what this was by basing it on other forms of matter.

"Twilight...Spike was pulled down." Ember decided to be the one to share the news with Twilight. Upon hearing it, Twilight was distraught. What did Ember mean by he was pulled down? There was only one place he could be, but it wasn't what Twilight was thinking. "The Dragon Matter took him. It just showed up at this part of the Dragon Lands and snatched him. And only him."

"Spike's been taken by the Dragon Matter?" Twilight was almost at a loss for words. This was not the news she wanted to hear.

Inside the Dragon Matter.

Prisma heard and saw everything, He saw how the Dragon-Type attacks were completely ineffective, only feeding the Dragon Matter which is what it wanted. And at that moment, he saw Twilight Sparkle for the first time. With his eyes narrowing, he had a reaction to her existence.

"Twilight." He knew her name. But he was mainly thinking about Twilight Luminaria. That face reminded him of her. While the build was smaller, the mane style was also familiar as well as some of the colours. Seeing her wasn't exactly positive, especially with how things ended.

"Twilight?" Spike was glad to hear Twilight's name, but he couldn't see her at all. All he could see was Matter and Prisma, who he was keeping his distance from. He at least expected Prisma to start attacking him but being stuck here with nothing was somehow more terrifying. "I wish I could see or hear what's going on Can anybody hear me?!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, trying to break through the Dragon Matter. But alas, it still didn't work.

"You won't reach them by screaming," Prisma said, knowing it was all pointless. Not for him though. All sounds and sights from the outside were his to observe, even if he was just a spirit.

"How are you able to do it...? You're blocking me from doing it, aren't you?"

"Blocking you? No. You're brand new to Dragon Matter, so it makes sense that you wouldn't understand it. As for why I can do it? Why wouldn't I be able to effortlessly use my own creation?"

"Your...creation?" Was Spike hearing that right? It sounded like Prisma claimed that he created this. "But...Rainbow Dash and Altaria created it. Not you. It's brand new."

"Brand new? To this universe, yes. But from my lost universe, it was rather old. Not as old as me but older than what your world currently has. Because I created Dragon Matter. I am the master of it."

"You created it?! No way!"

"Much like other things from my world, it has been brought back. I planned to bring it back once my true form returns so that I can remake it once more. But it seems that someone has already done it for me. I expected it to be one of them, honestly." Prisma then looked over at Nate and Lucas. Two parts of him. "My other souls. Lucas and Nate. Despite what I've said, my voice can't be heard from outside either."

"So, that wasn't you speaking to me?" Spike thought that Prisma was the one responsible for those faint voices, but apparently not.

"Not at all. Those were the Dragons. My Dragons." Prisma faced Spike. "Because the Dragon Matter is returning to the universe, my spirit managed to find someplace else to reside, while my souls are still scattered. Right now, I exist within the Dragon Matter, no matter where it may be, but only as a spirit."

"Then you can get it to stop, right?" Spike questioned.


"It's your creation. So you can totally stop it!" Spike exclaimed. "Even if you're just a spirit right now."

"Hmph. I'm not the one who's making it move in this manner. It's doing it on its own, trying to find its place in this universe. This universe is very different from what it knows, obviously. But, I do have the power to calm it down."

"Then why won't you?"

"I have no desire to do so." Prisma crossed his arms. He wasn't even thinking about stopping it. "I'm going to let it keep going until it finds its sweet spot eventually." What Prisma said horrified Spike. This meant that the Dragon Matter might keep on going and going, never stopping until its satisfied. "Unless you yourself can stop it. Can you?"

"I..." Spike froze on his words when looking at Prisma. A strong part of him was hesitant to answer. It felt like if he responded in a specific way, it could lead to a plethora of trouble with him. "I can try. I'm a Dragon too, ya know!"

"An inexperienced one. You know little about the Dragon Matter. And the same goes for all those outside. Trying is not good enough in this scenario."

"I've got a solution I can try. You said you can tell it to stop, right? Well then..." Spike mustered up a ton of courage as his mouth was trembling. From his claws, he held out a Poke Ball. "Battle me!"

"Battle you?"

"Y-Yeah. If I win, you have to stop it from moving!" Spike declared as he boldly challenged Prisma to a battle.

"...I refuse." But Prisma turned it down, much to Spike's surprise. He figured that since Prisma was connected to Ash and the others, he wasn't one to turn down a battle. But it seems that he was wrong. "I refuse to battle someone weaker than me."

"I'm not weak!" Spike shouted. He knew he was not weak. Not one bit.

"On your own, no. But against me? The answer is obvious. You have heard of me, so you obviously know you're completely out of your league. Besides...I cannot hope to battle you in here. I am just a spirit." But the reality was that Prisma was just a spirit right now. He could not perform a Pokemon Battle at all.

"Mmm...Then I can try and stop it with my own voice! You said it reacts to Dragons, right? Since I'm a Dragon, maybe I can do something about this. In my world, we're used to testing out the waters, so I'll always keep trying." Spike kept his confidence, planning to break out of here. Prisma would observe this himself, seeing what Spike could do. "If those Dragons that are apparently in here can hear me, I'd like for you to stop!"

But there was no response. He called out for these Dragons and yet nothing happened. "Hello?!" Spike tried again. "I know you were the ones speaking to me earlier?! I'd like to talk to you and know why you pulled only me in! Please?! I can hear your roars so-"

"That won't do." Prisma shook his head. "Those words will not reach them. Whether you are polite or not. But clearly, you aren't going to stop."

"Geez...How am I gonna speak with them? There's gotta be something!" Spike growled as the Molt was rapidly increasing by the second. He was still going through it after all. "My actions. Maybe my actions can do something about it!"

Actions do speak louder than words sometimes and Spike was going to take a shot at it. By holding his arms out, he would tap into the Dragon Magic he learned as a Dragon Trainer. From his claws, the signature golden light of a Dragon Trainer appeared, letting out a beautiful glow. Prisma watched as the light appeared, not appearing impressed at all.

Spike then raised his arms, letting the light of the Dragon Magic shine as bright as he could. But it couldn't even compare to the light coming from the Dragon Matter. And it didn't even do anything. The light had no effect or response. These Dragons could not be reached at all.

"You had the right idea. You just lacked the power." Prisma walked past the Baby Dragon. "This is the kind of power that you're missing." To demonstrate what Spike was lacking, Prisma raised his arm, mimicking what Spike did. But better and far more brilliant.

From his hand, Prisma unleashed his own Dragon Magic which had a greater flare. Spike covered his eyes as this Dragon Magic came in two colours. Red and Blue, with a tiny bit of Gold in there. Despite being a spirit, Prisma could still do something and this was an example. Spike's eyes widened as he witnessed the pinnacle of Dragon Magic. It lit up the Dragon Matter Space compared to what Spike previously had. It had a spiral-like appearance when hovering over Prisma.

"This is what you should be aiming for." Prisma said. "As a Dragon Trainer, this is the kind of power that you would have eventually sought out. And the kind of power to call for the Dragons."

"Amazing..." In a way, Spike was learning from Prisma, watching his actions and hearing his every word. "That was amazing! It was Red and Blue?! What does that mean?"

"That is my own power." Prisma lowered his arm. "Something you cannot reach. You are simply a child after all and you obviously have years to go. By the time you're old enough or have grasped its power, it will be too late for you to do anything."

"I guess so..." Spike lowered his head as Prisma was 100% right. "But why tell me this? Not the last part. But everything else."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, to be honest...I thought you were gonna attack me when I first saw you. I heard a lot about you, Prisma. You're what Ash and the others are related to. Plus, you come from a world that you apparently destroyed. I was pretty intimidated by you and I guess you can't do much since you're just a spirit. So why are you telling me this? You make it sound like I'm gonna leave, which would be great but..."

"You've heard everything correctly." But Prisma basically confirmed it all. Not a single debunk or an attempt to defend himself. "I caused a mass wave of destruction during my greatest battle. All of it is true."

"So then you are dangerous...You destroyed your own world?" Whatever Spike planned to say afterwards was thrown out of the window. Prisma shut it all down and brought back that intimidation to the baby Dragon. "Why?!"

"Why?" Prisma looked onwards. He then focused on the scenario outside, looking at Twilight Sparkle. Prisma stayed silent for a while after that question and most of that time was on Twilight Sparkle. Spike couldn't see who Prisma was looking at and he wished to do so. "She would say that she failed me. Ridiculous. After I'm free, this world will be mine to tackle. It isn't my own, even if parts of it are returning."

"You're going to try and destroy it too?!"

"I have unfinished business. It doesn't matter what universe it is." Prisma said. Those words struck fear into Spike's heart. But they also drove his determination to prevent such a thing since it sounded like Prisma was planning to send a wave of destruction to his world too. "Eventually, it will look like the universe I once had, but different."

"Then, I won't let that happen!" Spike had a bad feeling about this and wished to avoid it from coming true at all costs.

"Then, will you take another try? " Prisma turned to face Spike once more. "I may be a spirit and have no Pokemon with me. But I'm not defenceless. I'm never defenceless."

"Yeah. I'll try. You can't do much since you're just a spirit, so maybe I can knock you around without too much to worry about!" Spike wasn't about to let Prisma's words stop him again. He was about to take full advantage of the fact that he was a spirit and that was about it. "Go! Axew!"

"Axew!" Entering the Dragon Matter was Axew. And as soon as he emerged, he transformed into his final form. A golden light would envelop his body as he underwent an enlarged transformation. Appearing from the light which would shatter was Equestrian Haxorus. "Haxorus!"

"So this is an Equestrian Haxorus." Prisma already knew what kind of Haxorus this was. "Very well. I accept your challenge. No matter the situation, even if my body is just a spirit, I will battle, even if I prefer to battle with my Pokemon.

"Haxorus. We're breaking out of this thing. And we're gonna start by taking Prisma down!"

"Xorus!" Haxorus was ready. He wasn't 100% sure what was going on, but he was always prepared to fight by Spike's side. And considering Prisma was brought up, Haxorus was going to give it his all against the Storied Figure. They locked eyes for a moment as Prisma was unphased by the roar of Equestrian. Haxorus.

"Attack me. Do your best and do not disappoint." Prisma demanded, fearless in the face of a Dragon.

"We always do our best! Haxorus! Use Close Combat!"

"Haxo!" The Axe Jaw Pokemon's eyes fixated on Prisma, ready to unleash his wrath by lunging in with an incoming onslaught of strikes. But as Haorus drew closer, an unusual sight unfolded. The Dragon Matter ground beneath Prisma began to shimmer with an iridescent hue, and a radiant aura enveloped him, pulsating with an intense brilliance.

In that charged moment, Prisma raised his hand, not in fear but in a gesture of tranquil command, ready to defend himself. The air crackled with an otherworldly energy, and a serene calmness enveloped the once tumultuous scene. Prisma was using the power of Aura, much like Ash. But this Aura of his was unlike Ash's.

Haxorus hesitated, the primal instinct to strike subdued by an inexplicable force emanating from Prisma. The Dragon's massive frame quivered slightly as it stared into Prisma's eyes, captivated by an unseen power.

"Haxorus! What's wrong?!" Spike asked, seing Haorus stop in his tracks, trembling and quivering. To his shock, Haxorus was intimidated. He was afraid of Prisma. "You're...scared?"

"Xorus..." The Dragon-Psychic-Type was doing his best to move forward, but he couldn't. When looking at Prisma, it felt as if he wasn't looking at a human. The aura he emitted was a manifestation of raw power, a palpable force that made even the fearsome Haorus hesitate in his presence. To him, it didn't feel like a power born of malice or ill intent, but rather an innate force of nature that seemed to draw from the very essence of something else. Haxorus stepped back as Prisma's fame was starting to look a bit different to him. A silhouette that seemed to shift and reform, never settling into a single shape.

Haxorus was essentially unable to battle, getting on one knee and submitting. Just as Spike was about to say something, he looked up at Prisma, seeing the overwhelming force as well. Spike soon knew what he was up against.

This whole time, he believed that trying was still worth it but after witnessing Prisma's defensive Aura, that was not the case. Trying was a waste, just as Prisma said.

"I...I surrender." Spike got on his knees. He had to surrender. He couldn't bring himself to do anything else.

"...What a shame." Prisma closed his eyes. He was rather disappointed by the outcome and expected more from Spike since he was so confident in himself."It seems that you truly are incapable of taking me on. Not just in the strength category."

"Gh..." Gutted, Spike tried gripping onto the Dragon Matter as if it was grass or dirt but ended up getting nothing. This was the being that might return one day.

"But I suppose you are just a baby. Very soon, you'll become an adolescent." Prisma turned, facing away from Spike and Haxorus. "Even then...It'll be far too late. As for what is happening out there, I believe you should see for yourself."

Prisma raised his finger, swishing it around a bit before opening a hole in the Dragon Matter. But it didn't lead to the outside. Instead, it allowed Spike to see what was happening out there. Prisma would give this to Spike, just to show him how the events outside were unfurling.

"Although...There's something different about this Dragon Matter. It's mine and yet...it feels different."

They weren't exactly the best. The Dragon Matter has not been soothed or calmed down in any way. And with its rampant movements across the Dragon Lands, it already got ahold of some of the Dragons. Specifically the Dragons.

It did not target any of the Humans here for even a split second. The Dragon Matter would grab some Dragons, lifting them into the air and halting their attacks. The Dragons tried breaking free, using all the strength that they could, but it was no use. The Dragon Matter was starting to get comfortable with this area as its strength was growing. Despite holding onto them, the Dragon Matter brought no harm to them.

"Let go!" A Dragon yelled at the top of her lungs. But even though it wasn't harming them, it would still bring something to the table. The Dragons who struggled to break free had their eyes and mouths hit with a stream of Dragon Matter. They became silent, frozen and paralyzed by the energy that was entering them. It was almost as if they were being fed.

"What's it doing to them?!" Ember pupils shrunk.

"It's transforming them..." Twilight felt like she was going to be sick based on what she was seeing. The bodies of the Dragons were starting to pulsate and bubble, attempting to undergo a transformation. The Dragon Matter would also try and shape the Dragons themselves. "It's a part of its development. No wonder it was only targeting it Dragons."

"It only wants Dragons." Clair grizzled her teeth. "It's like its feeding on Dragon attacks and Dragons themselves. Why would our dreams tell us to come here if something like this was about to show up?"

"I don't know. But there has to be a way to defeat it. Even Matter can be stopped." Twilight uttered as the wind was fiercely blowing thanks to the Dragon Matter. "The best thing we can do is try and relax it, but I'm not sure how we're going to do it..."

Before they could come up with something, one of the transformations was complete. Right before their eyes, they witnessed how one of these Dragons became something else. Something that was still befitting on this world. This Dragon now had a sleek, ice-coated dragon with crystalline scales that sparkle like freshly fallen snow. His build was previously big and burly but now it was sleek while still retaining some of that bulk.

Another Dragon was soon changed as her form shimmered, her skin turning into glistening scales of emerald green, delicate wings unfurling from her back as she transformed into a graceful Dragon of the Forest. She already had emerald green scales, but now they were brighter and looked like they would camouflauge especially well in the forest.

"It's turning them into Pokemon..." An amazing phenomenon was taking place. The Dragons were being turned into other Dragon-Type Pokemon. New Dragon-Types that have never been seen before.

Another emerged as a sturdy dragon with earthy brown scales resembling rugged terrain. Its wings bear patterns resembling rocky formations, and its tail ends in a boulder-like structure. It has powerful claws and a determined, resolute expression.

Another Dragon became a mysterious Pokemon, emanating an aura of Psychic energy. Her body appears translucent, with swirling patterns that seem to shift with its thoughts. It has telepathic abilities and can manipulate reality using its psychic powers.

All the Dragons who were caught found themselves becoming Pokemon, but not the Pokemon themselves. They were still being held, unchanged. Those who did change were placed back on the ground by the Dragon Matter as it was seemingly done with them. Not with their home though. It was still tearing it apart.

"Hey! This isn't so bad!" Naturally, seeing these changes was pleasing. They were now their own Pokemon. In an attempt to find its place, the Dragon Matter decided to create new Dragons made out of its own energy.

The Dragons were checking themselves out, liking the new looks. They never thought they would become Pokemon themselves but here they were.

"Oh, that's so awesome!" Lucas and Nate had stars in their eyes. They just witnessed the creation of new Pokemon right before their eyes.

"W-Well...That's another thing we know about it. It was able to do it that quickly?" Twilight rubbed her eyes.

"Amazing. It can do that?! But...why isn't it doing anything to the already existing Dragon Pokemon." Ember noticed how the Dragon Pokemon weren't affected. Why is that? They are still Dragons. Or is it perhaps that they were already Pokemon?

But the newly formed Pokemon just didn't care. They were too busy admiring themselves. The amount of thoughts and ideas that were entering their head were tremendous. Some had rather shifty and sneaky plans in mind thanks to their newfound abilities.

The things they could do now that they were Pokemon. They were stronger than before. Faster too. All the benefits of a Pokemon were now theirs and some were even thinking about the moves they could learn. They could feel the Infinity Energy within their bodies, now possessing them. Some had two Infinity Energies since there a selection of Dragons who became Dual Types.

"You know, I don't think I won't mind it tearing up our home. If something as great as this can happen again, then who cares if it goes wild and-" And along came the drawbacks. Despite how amazing this was at first, the Dragons were starting to lose their natural speech. "Ha...Ha..." This Dragon tried spouting out her words but failed to do so. This would be natural for her but not anymore. At that moment, they started speaking as if they were Pokemon and they knew this.

Rapidly, all of them were losing their natural sense of speech, speaking Pokemon names that were unheard of before. New names were heard but now the positives of these transformations were being quickly overshadowed by the drawbacks.

"Nevermind! It's not awesome!" Lucas shook his head. Now it was all turned upside down. Realizing that their way of talking had changed to the point where they could only say their new names, it was about to turn into pandemonium. The Dragon Matter went from dangerous, to rather fun and swiftly back to dangerous.

"What a shame...I actually wanted to try it." Ember shifted her eyes to the side. She at first wanted to experience the feeling of becoming a Pokemon but after seeing how it can regress your speech, she would pass, immediately.

"I would say that one of the two is the least of our problems, but now they're not our problem!" Twilight exclaimed as now they had to worry about the Dragons who have turned into Pokemon and the destruction of the Dragon Lands. Both had to be dealt with and fast.

"We can stop it." Standing side by side were Lucas and Nate who showed no fear in the face of this energy. Someone had to do something about this energy, but the Dragon Trainers couldn't really get through it. That wasn't going to stop Lucas and Nate from trying.

"You two? What can you do?" Twilight questioned.

"If it responds to Dragons, then we might as well let our own Dragons take a shot at it." Nate smiled. He and Lucas were on the same wavelength as in their minds, battling the Dragon Matter was the obvious answer, no matter what. "If we don't do anything now, this won't end."

"I agree. Any other detail out there can be addressed later. Right now, stopping this thing from at least ruining the Dragon Matter and the Dragons is our top priority." Standing in front of them was Clair with a Poke Ball out. I'm counting on you! Druddigon!"

"Druddigon!" Out emerged her Druddigon. A Shiny Druddigon to be exact.

"Go! Garchomp!" For Lucas, he summoned his Garchomp into the fray.

"I need your help. Haxorus!" And finally, Nate was accompanied by his majestic Shiny Haxorus. All three of them had their own Dragons out while Ember watched. The Dragon Lord wasn't sure at first since this Dragon Matter seemed rather overwhelming and the three trainers in front of her were obviously leagues above.

"What are you waiting for? Chime in." That is until Nate spoke to her, having faith in Ember. "You've got Dragons too, don't you? So you can help us get through this thing."

"Right! I'm the Dragon Lord, so this is what I should be doing." Ember nodded in understanding, taking out her own Poke Ball. "I won't let some weird matter or whatever stop me. Gabite!"

"Gabite!" Now it was four Dragons.

Lucas's Garchomp lets out a low growl, sensing the looming threat. His sleek, powerful form gleams in the sunlight as it braces for battle. Nate's Haxorus stands tall, its keen eyes fixated on the swirling mass of Dragon Matter, its sturdy claws ready for action.

"Twilight. You've got Rift Magic and all other stuff up your sleeve, so we're counting on you." Lucas recommended the usage of Rift Magic.

"Rift Magic, huh? Mm. I'll see what I can do. The rest of you should keep it from getting any further. Please." Twilight pleaded. From her horn, she prepared a flare of Rift Magic and her own alicorn magic. While she wasn't exactly thinking about using it in the first place, it was a good thing that Lucas recommended it.

"You got it. There's nothing in the universe or any other universe that we can't tackle. Let's go, Haxorus! Use Earthquake!"

"Haxo...Rus!" By clenching his fists and striking the ground, Haxorus would send a resounding tremor that would meet with the Dragon Matter. Right as the Dragon Matter targeted another Dragon, it was met with the mighty shockwave of the Earthquake, halting its movements.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Nate called out to the Dragon Matter and it already responded once the Earthquake hit it. It ended up being the only thing that kept the Dragon Matter back and wasn't absorbed. "Based on what we've seen and heard, you're sentient, aren't you? And if you are, you forgot about us! Try taking us on, why don't you?!"

"Garchomp, use Dragon Rush!"

"Gar!" Garchomp rushed in, enveloping his body in a brilliant yet fierce blue light that launched him through the air. He was getting physical with the Dragon Matter. With all of his might, Garchomp crashed into the Matter but had no effect in the process. Instead, Garchomp would deal no damage to it or even budge it as the aura of its Dragon Rush was absorbed.

"Right...All Dragon Moves don't work on it. Oh well. Worth a shot anyway! Stone Edge!"

"Garchomp!" Right as Garchomp was about to get grabbed by the matter, he saved himself by unleashing a barrage of glowing crystals from his body. The crystals spun around rapidly, striking at the Dragon Matter once it generated maws to try and snatch Garchomp as well, but was promptly interrupted by the stones.

"Use Stone Edge!" Garchomp wasn't the only one with Stone Edge. Druddigon and Gabite had the same move at their disposal. From below, sharp crystals would rise, piercing through the Dragon Matter from the front and sides.

"Yes! A direct hit!" Ember exclaimed, putting her hands together. "Pierced through and everything."

"Don't get too excited," said Clair. "It doesn't look bothered by it at all. Just focus on giving Twilight enough time."

"Sorry, sorry. You're right. Gabite, use Dig!"

"Bite!" Burrowing underground was Gabite as he would get down there as fast as he could.

"Not gonna fight back all that much? Fine by me. Go, Haxorus! Close Combat!"

"Join him, Garchomp! Swords Dance!" With these Dragons advancing, the Dragon Matter still stayed in one place while tearing the area apart some more. At that moment, some of the Dragon Pokemon were beginning to undergo some change at last.

The Dragon Matter figured out what it wanted to do with these existing Pokemon. Before it could go through with the transformations, Garchomp, who took flight and avoided the streams of Dragon Matter that were littered all over the place, slashed at the energy with his claws. He managed to cut it in half, interrupting and preventing the transformation process.

Haxorus roared as he was aggressively hitting each and every Dragon Matter obstacle in his way to get in close. With brute strength, he punched a hole through one of the matter, getting closer to the main problem. The main Dragon Matter received a low from Haxorus's fist which caused a shockwave that reverberated through it. The Dragon Matter could be seen fluctuating, wobbling and pulsating because of that.

"Wow..." Spike watched the two of them in action and how well they were doing compared to the others. Rarely does he get to see some Dragons working together like this. He last saw this kind of Draconic Union when Drayden, Drake and Lance took on Kyurem. Prisma kept his serious face, eyeing down the battle, but most importantly, Twilight Sparkle, who was building up her Rift Energy.

"H-Hax!" But it wasn't long until Haxorus and Garchomp took some hits of their own. The Energy would grab onto their chests as if it was a leech, holding onto them. Now that it had them, it would try and change how they appeared and functioned, going for something completely different.


"Drud!" Druddingon stopped this immediately by unleashing a scarlet stream of flames which would burn through the Dragon Matter. After burning it away, out of the ground came Gabite, who went to attack another part of the matter. His attack was weaker in comparison, unable to make the Dragon Matter vibrate or even knock a piece off. But he still managed to get a hit in.

"Earthquake!" Together, Clair, Nate and Lucas bellowed the same words. The three Dragons would collectively channel all of their strength into their claws with the same moves. Druddigon would stay in one spot while Garchomp and Haxorus approached the Dragon Matter.

The Matter would respond by forming something new. It appeared to be an unfinished Dragon with a unique appearance that neither have seen. It attempted to create a new Dragon out of its own energy on the spot, but it was clear that it was not ready yet. But it was ready to block the incoming attacks. With its mouth wide open, it zoomed in for a wide bite.

All that resulted in was Garchomp and Haxorus collectively slamming their claws into the mouth of this newly created and unfinished Dragon. A grandiose orange flash emerged once the double Earthquakes landed. The Dragon was promptly destroyed as the two Dragon Pokemon would charge through at full power. With their Earthquakes combined, the aura of the attack would envelop their bodies, making them appear as orange comets ascending into the air.

The Dragon that stood before Haxorus and Garchomp was being broken down the further they pushed through. And once more, they landed a hit on the Dragon Matter, directly at the centre. And following that up from below was Druddigon's Earthquake. The triple Earthquake caused tremendous vibrations through the Dragon Matter.

With their shouts, Nate's Plasma Aura was acting up. It seemed to be reacting to his actions, crackling aggressively. And this rising Plasma Aura was noticed by the Dragon Matter, which froze for a moment. Not just because of the powerful hit it received, but also because of the plasma. Prisma narrowed his eyes when looking at the Plasma react in such a way.

For a moment, the roars of Reshiram and Zekrom were heard.

"Now's my chance!" Twilight's eyes flashed as she used this moment to unleash her magic. A great flare of Rift Magic flew out, enveloping the surrounding area.

She struck it with a cosmic power while it was at its weakest, doing more than just holding it back. Twilight would use a soothing spell and greatly elevated it with Rift Magic to give it a cosmic effect. After seeing Twilight Sparkle use the Rift Magic, Prisma closed his eyes while Spike and Haxorus bellowed with glee.

The Dragon Matter did actually have some form of sentience. The Dragons that were apparently living within it were proof of this. Nate and Lucas heard it too. The voices from the Dragon Matter. The roars of Dragons that were rather familiar to them could be heard as well as the mention of a name. They heard the name Prisma coming from the Matter, even if it was faint.

Everything was settling down at last. The Dragon Matter lowered itself, ceasing all actions. It would stick around, but not around this area. The damage it did the Dragon Lands were left behind as it would slither away. Everyone watched as it returned to where it emerged from. The chasm.

As for those who were turned into Pokemon, their bodies were turning to how they were thanks to Twilight Sparkle's efforts. By soothing the Dragon Matter, it ended up reversing what it caused. But not the damage done to the Dragon Lands. Their time as Pokemon was short-lived but it was for the best. Their builds were back as well as the way they speak.

Inside the Dragon Matter.

"They did it! Yes!" Spike was over the moon for this. He didn't doubt them all for a moment. His friends pulled through once more. Him and Haxorus jumped for joy, seeing the Dragon Lands safe once more, even if there was noticeable destruction.

"Hm. So in this world, she uses that form of magic. Rift Magic." But Prisma was mainly focused on the Rift Magic that was used by Twilight Sparkle.

"How's that, Prisma?! We beat your Dragon Matter!" Spike took the opportunity to taunt Prisma.

"Merely soothed and forced it back to the chasm. I expect nothing less from my other halves and Twilight." But Prisma was not upset by this in any way. Not one bit. He was intrigued about the Rift Magic and a part of him expected Nate, Lucas and Twilight Sparkle to pull it off.

"Yeah, but they still won! I wish I was there, but that was still so awesome! And this entire time he's been in the Dragon Matter, his Molt was allowed to develop peacefully as the energy was boosting the process.

The red scales around his body were starting to grey out, losing their vibrant colours. But right before Spike could react, his body was turned to stone. He would perform one more jump, only to be turned to stone in midair from his head to tail and his body didn't even fall. It stayed in the air. Haxorus gasped, caught off guard by this as he witnessed his best friend become a stone statue, which was naturally uncomfortable for him in so many ways.

"Xo?!" It was so alarming that Haxorus reverted to an Axew, horrified by what he saw.

"He's fine. Being in the Dragon Matter has helped his growth into adolescence." Prisma staved off Haxorus's fears in a heartbeat. The stone would not last that long. Axew watched as it started cracking. A white glow emanated from the cracks as the Dragon Matter was reacting to this development.

The energy would crackle and roar within this space, shattering the stone that kept Spike. And there was a reason why he was in midair even with his body being turned to stone. Axew gasped as he couldn't believe his eyes With the Molt now over, Spike's adolescence has shown itself at last.

Spike now had wings.

"What just happened...Did I just sprout what I think I did?" Noticing that he was in midair, Spike looked to his side to see those magnificent body parts on him at last. The one thing other Dragons from the Dragon Lands have and now he had access to them. The glorious wings. "Wings...I have wings! Check me out, Axew!"

"Axew! Xew!" Glad for him, Axew would leap into the air to hug his airborne friend. Axew himself was a flightless Dragon but that didn't matter since that never bothered him or the rest of the Axew Species.

"You've now reached adolescence." Prisma walked off. "You can thank the Dragon Matter for deciding to do so. And I will be elsewhere. The Dragon Matter will continue trying to exist in this universe and wherever it shows up, my spirit will be there."

"Prisma? Where are you going?"

"Only my spirit is available. My souls are still locked away and I'm going to try and unleash them." Prisma dug his hands into his pockets when walking away, ready to change locations.

"We'll stop you from returning, you know!" Spike declared.

"I'll show up. That is a fact." Prisma turned his head to Spike. "Since you're the first being I've seen in this new universe, I'll say this. Spike. We'll meet again. Whether it's within the Dragon Matter or in reality when I eventually return. Until then, get stronger and surpass the strength you had. No point in battling if you keel over so swiftly."

"Hold on! How am I gonna get out of here?!" Spike cried out, realizing he was still trapped within the Dragon Matter. But Prisma said nothing. Instead, his spirit would vanish, leaving behind Red and Blue particles.

He wasn't the only one who would start vanishing. With the Dragon Matter being soothed and returning to the chasm, it was also reversing what it did to Spike. His body would start fading along with Axew's. Both were about to return to reality, but Spike would now think about what had just happened.

He was the first to encounter Prisma. Not only that, he spoke to Prisma. Interacting with him and it wasn't what he expected. As if Prisma wasn't mysterious already, now that mystique to him had risen. And after all of this, Spike received a few lessons from the Storied Figure that he was sure to remember. And of course, this entire encounter.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 364 End.

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