• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Brand New World

Author's Note:

Feels great to start a new one even though it's still the same story and we're still in Season 7 territory, but still. Feels great.

Now let's get this one to 1000 as well. It took me 3 years for the first one, so 3 more for this. If I can get it done a second time.


The most wonderful and spectacular creatures imaginable. Populating a world that almost defies description with its absolute brilliance. How grand it can be? Grander than anyone can even comprehend. The Strange and Wonderful Creatures that live in it are truly abundant with no signs of slowing down.

Flying high In the heavenly skies, swimming under the luminescent sea, roaming the rolling expanse of the verdant lands and even dwelling in the boundless existence of space. No matter where you go, there will always be a Pokemon around and more are waiting to be discovered.

And alongside the Pokemon are the Pokemon Trainers. Bonded with these stupendous creatures, they share their collective lives with each other, living in harmony in this world they call home. And that bond only grows with every new world that's found. From the humans that have been with them from the very beginning to the ponies who are still learning more about these creatures from another world. Which brings us to one trainer who aims to be the very best.

A young man by the name of Ash Ketchum who hails from Pallet Town.


Alongside his partner Pikachu, they travel the world in its entirety, growing and learning together. Ash's goal to become a Pokemon Master continues and burns on brighter than the Sun itself. And of course, Ash and Pikachu have a long assortment of friends who support them and even receive support back from the electrifying duo.

Hailing from Equestria was Princess Twilight, along with her own massive assortment of friends, she and everyone else in her world continue to explore the seemingly endless knowledge of Pokemon.

There have been twists and turns on the road to becoming a Pokemon Master. Many adventures that branch off in different ways and many more to come until that final path is found. And with two worlds to explore, no matter how long it may take, the journey continues with high spirits.

Kanto. Pallet Town. Ketchum Household. Day.

At the Ketchum Household, there slept Ash Ketchum. But not a moment later when the Sun would gloriously pierce his windows and shine on his face, he would awaken.

"Pika-Pi." And there to meet him was Pikachu, gazing into Ash's eyes. Pikachu would soon hug Ash's face, prompting the Alola Champion to sit up, feeling a tad bit bewildered.

"Morning Pikachu..." Ash yawned as it took him a bit to recollect himself. Despite having a seemingly great sleep, he was slightly dazed. "Oh, man...What happened? Wait!" It took him a few seconds to remember what happened earlier. Or rather, yesterday. He vividly remembered the wishes that he made towards the billions of Jirachi that were trapped within that strange dimension. His wish was to unite the two worlds forever and free the Jirachi from their imprisonment.


"Morning, Ash. You slept well." Entering the room was Delia, greeting her son on this somewhat bewildering morning. For Ash, it was afternoon just moments ago. And now, it was a new day.

"Hey, mom...What day is it today?" Ash asked.

"Only the best day possible." Delia already knew what to share that would bring joy to Ash's bewildered expression. "Great work making that wish. It made me pleased when I saw you return home in your bed in one piece."

"Wish...So then...I did it?!" He would hop off the bed as his beautiful smile would emerge. Delia didn't even need to say anything. All she needed was a nod to confirm it. Overjoyed, Ash would run out of his home as fast as he could to see this for himself.

Or rather, he would rush out to meet with his friends on the other side. Delia wouldn't even try to tell him to be careful when going down the stairs. Not when he was this excited. Pikachu would follow him, passing by Mr Mime as the dynamic duo burst out of the Ketchum Household, entering the sunny outside.

Lo and behold, the gateway was still here. Granted, it only felt like a day has passed and the Rift itself hadn't done anything yet. Delia practically confirmed it earlier. That white light she saw was proof of it. Eager to see his friends again, Ash would approach the gateway, hopping through it.

Equestria. Ponyville. Day.

And upon arriving, the first pony he saw, waiting for him was Twilight. She expected his arrival, standing beside her partner Espeon. Ash would almost stumble when jumping through the gateway, only for Twilight's magic to catch him and maintain his balance.

"Welcome back, Ash!" However, Twilight wasn't the only one waiting for him. Pikachu would run ahead before standing next to Espeon. Once Ash could glance at Ponyville in its entirety, he would notice that an event was going on. A celebratory event. Ponies and Pokemon could be seen cheering and partying to their heart's content with many if not all of Ash's friends being spotted. And to really settle things, Ash would notice the banner that would represent this celebration. The banner, in all blue, would say "Wish Granted".

All would celebrate the unification of their world once the wish had been granted. What they truly hoped for had come true, all thanks to Ash and his friends.

"You're just in time!" Pinkie Pie, who was being carried by both Mews, would wave over to Ash. "You were out of it when you showed up back home!"

"I showed up back home? Oh did Jirachi take me home?!" Ash clicked on how he was able to show up in his bed despite not remembering leaving the Strange Dimension. "Thanks...Jirachi."

"We were worried you would be trapped in there. Every last one of us found ourselves being forced out of the dimension. Our suits started breaking apart, especially when some of that energy leaked out into space." Twilight explained what happened while Ash was out of commission. "We feared we would've perished in space."

"So, how'd you survive then?" He asked.

"Funny story.." Pinkie Pie would giggle before being dropped by the Mew. "Turns out, we didn't need the suits!"

"We didn't?"

"Well, we needed them for all that protection, yeah. But for outer space? Nope! Arceus' light saved us. We didn't suffocate for a second once our helmets broke! It's all thanks to those stairs!" Pinkie revealed that Arceus' protection was present in the stairway.

"Arceus' light allowed us to breathe in space. That's how we managed to survive. And after that, we saw your Aura explode out of the passageway." Twilight continued. "And once we saw a huge flash of light approach, that's when we knew you did it. So that's why we're here right now."

"You did an excellent job keeping things together. Now we have little to worry about!" Mayor Mare would walk up, vigorously drinking some Apple Cider. "Aaah!"

"That's great to hear. And awesome to wake up to." Ash's heart was satisfied and relieved from hearing that. From now, the memories of everyone and the coexistence of both worlds would continue forever. From this day on, they would all live in a world filled with Pokemon and other mysterious entities of vast wonder. "Time to party! I can't wait to visit everywhere else! Should we check out Castelia and see if they're having a party too?"

"Well...Your wish kind of had a second effect." Twilight cleared her throat. "No doubt, you've permanently kept our memories but..."


"The Earth is way bigger than before!" Pinkie Pie finished Twilight's sentence. "And we mean way bigger."

"Eh? It grew?!"

"It's not just our world. Well..now it is our world. Ash. The two Earths fused together." Twilight revealed what truly happened with that wish. The secondary effect was unexpected. "The Earth is now 50x bigger by merging with us."

"50x Bigger?!" Ash was flabbergasted and astonished by the words he heard. It seemed that his wish wasn't hyper-specific. Then again, whenever someone makes a wish towards Jirachi, it is rarely specific. And in this case, Jirachi went the extra mile in fusing both worlds to make a larger one.

They all lived on a Super-Earth now. Grander than any of their worlds could ever be. And even with this increase, the Sun still appeared as the larger force, seemingly growing as well per Jirachi's universal effect.

"Jirachi ended up affecting both universes, changing the size of our Earth and even the Sun." Fluttershy would join in, surrounded by all of her beloved Pokemon from the Pokemon House. "Isn't that great? At least, I think it's great."

"I freaked out when I first heard about it." Twilight shuddered. "Every cosmic force has been multiplied and now...there's only one gateway in the world."

"Only one?" Ash would then face the Ponyville gateway as that was the only one he could currently see. From what Twilight was describing, not only did they now live on a Super-Earth and the entire universe had been expanded in size, but the gateways were all gone except this one.

"All of them except this one." Mayor Mare continued before finishing her drink. "You won't get to Castelia so easily anymore. Mainly because the Unova Region is now elsewhere in this new world. That brings us all back to standard travelling. Which is a shame. I'm going to miss the gateways."

"Jirachi probably wiped out most of the gateways because of what the Rift did to all of them." The Princess of Friendship theorized. "I wouldn't blame them all after how long they've been trapped there. But it's strange...For some reason, this is the only one left."

"Huh...I guess we're gonna have to get used to it now." Ash chuckled as this new development was shocking but something he could adjust himself to. "Where's Equestria on the map?"

"Cartographers are working on it probably. But for now, we'd like to stay here for a bit and party. Because now we don't have to worry about the Rift leaving and wiping our memories!" Twilight's energy would rise as she wanted to get back into the celebratory event.

"Ditto! I wanna see what new food you've got!" Ash tossed aside any complicated thoughts to focus on this party. He would soon join all of his friends. From Rainbow Dash to Spike.

"I could get used to having a whole other region next to ours!" Rainbow Dash found no problem with the altered world. For someone as fast as her, she welcomed it.

"It's gonna blow for some though." Applejack knew very well that some might not take too kindly to this shift in geography. Many still haven't gotten used to how the Pokemon World appears.

"Hm. True. It also means I have to readjust my sleeping schedule for PokeStar Studios now that Unova is elsewhere." Rarity would be an example of someone who had to really adjust to this since she had a role at PokeStar Studios.

"How long is going to take for us to know where we're going now that everything's changed?" Goh asked.

"Hopefully not for long. We've only started getting used to the Pokemon World." Starlight responded. "But...since the Jirachi are now all free, do you think we can just wish for them to fix the gateway problem?"

"Let's not worry about that now. For now! Let's celebrate! I'm so excited for what could come next!" Ash would rather party instead of thinking about all of these issues to try and overcome them. Everyone else felt the same way.


Unova. Ghetsis' Castle. Day.

Of course, learning about this universal development would be Team Plasma, especially Colress. Colress would instantly turn all of his research into the changes that were made via Jirachi's wish. Because of that wish, some of Team Plasma's plans would have to be readjusted solely due to the geographical impact.

As for Ghetsis, he would stare out into the blue sky while sitting on his throne, unaware of all the changes. Especially the disappearance of so many gateways and the remainder of one.

"They've succeeded in getting their wish." Ghetsis spoke. "This benefits us as well. It would be a shame if all of this were to be forgotten. After all, the Rift owes me after what I did to it."

"Lord Ghetsis. The Jirachi are probably free as well since they've managed to find them. I can imagine they broke them out somehow. Whether by their own power or by another wish. Perhaps now is the best time to go after them and their respective universes?" Colress suggested that they pursue the Wish Pokemon now that all of them were free.

"Not now. Let's wait. We have other things to tackle before we can go after Jirachi. Like how the Dread League is still a problem even with that wish going through. How goes your Pony-capturing Poke Ball Plan?"

"By now it's complete but I still want to make more. Assistants!" Colress snapped his fingers as he now had his own assistants. Entering the throne room were two people who would bring over a large cart with Poke Ball moulds. And in those moulds, dozens of Poke Balls of different aesthetics could be seen.

"Hmm..." Ghetsis would glance at the cart, seeing how there were newly designed Poke Balls that his eyes have never witnessed before until now. Some of them had wing patterns on them while others also had magical sparkles and a symbol that greatly resembled the Changeling Symbol. "What makes these ones so special?"

"I figured if we'll be catching certain ponies, why not go further? This one is for those swift pegasi." Colress would hold up the Wing-patterned Poke Ball. "I haven't decided on a name yet but with the magic embedded within them, they will act as heat-seeking Poke Balls, chasing down the pegasi."

"And it's all made out of Dynasite!" The assistants spoke with chipper voices while Ghetsis stoically viewed the rest of them.

"I know that." But Ghetsis already knew what they were made out of. The Nigh-Indestructible metal from Pegalysium. Dynasite.

"And for those with magic...These Poke Balls will nullify their magical abilities by sending out an arcane pulse." Colress held out another Poke Ball. "So if they think about holding it back with their magic or whatever tricks they have, they can forget it. This ball would reach them no matter what."

"And what is this one?" Ghetsis would then eye down the one with the Changeling Symbol on it. "Who is it for?"

"Ah. These are for the Changelings. Just in case. The speciality about these ones is not just that they can catch Changelings effectively but that it replicates and bypasses their shapeshifting abilities. If they transform into anything, the ball will react and change shape as well into what will work best. It's a multi-purpose versatile Poke Ball! Amazing, right?"

"It's all impressive. What else can I say?" Ghetsis said. "Keep it up. But I doubt Daybreaker will ever approve of this. What about Reshiram? Any news on him?"

"Nothing yet. We're in the same spot as Celestia. That Light Stone is eluding us. Even Team Rocket. But rest assured, we'll find that stone. Granted...now we have an expanded Earth and Universe to worry about but I'm sure it's fine."

"Getting around will be harder without those gateways, but that won't stop us. And plus...we can take advantage of this Grander World." Ghetsis would aim to take full advantage of the larger combined Earths before anyone else would. All for his penultimate goal of becoming the ruler he so desired to be.

Aside from that, for many across this combined world who had formed otherworldly bonds, they would celebrate until the Sun would set and even when the Moon rises. The future was looking brighter than ever for them. Of course, they all knew that there were still some more obstacles to overcome.

The ever-lurking presence of the Dread League and their threat to all life. Now that both worlds became one, the Black Crusade could have a greater effect. Team Plasma and all of its allies were not to be ignored, especially when the Empress, the greatest invader they've had, was still present with a burning vengeance.

They've had their fair share of obstacles and now there were more challenges to face. In this Super-Earth, a whole bounty of new and wilder adventures is about to begin as the journey continues.

Chapter 1 End.

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