• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Another Story: Azurelia

Author's Note:

Before Nightmare Rarity, have this.

Universe 638.


The Pony-Pokemon Hybrid who is the daughter of Princess Celestia and Cobalion. Hailing from a universe where both Celestia and Cobalion vanished on the day of her birth, leaving her to be raised by the ponies in Canterlot plus the other Swords of Justice, her aunts and uncles, and the this universe's Luna.

Naturally, since she is half Pony, half Pokemon, she is the first of her kind. Being the first ever hybrid of a Pokemon and an other completely different entity and with her mother being an Alicorn and her father being a Legendary Pokemon, Azurelia is one powerful Princess. She also counts as a Pokemon, but is treated like royalty for she is the heir to Equestria and the Lady of the Sword.

This is her story in her Universe.

Equestria. Canterlot. Day.

As the morning sun painted the sky in hues of gold and pink, the city of Canterlot stirred to life with the bustling energy of anticipation. Streets lined with colourful banners and adorned with floral arrangements bore witness to the approaching Summer Sun Celebration, a time-honored tradition that had long been synonymous with joy and reverence for Princess Celestia.

But this year, as the ponies of Canterlot prepared to pay homage to their beloved ruler, there was an added air of solemnity mingled with the festivities. For Azurelia, the Pony-Pokémon hybrid who stood as both heir to Equestria and Lady of the Sword, cast her own radiant presence over the city, much like her mother.

In the streets of Canterlot, ponies were putting up decorations and getting the town ready for the event that's only a few days away. In the main square, a couple of colts and fillies were playing in the fountain and others were just chattering with friends.

"Do you think Princess Azuerlia will show up for this year's Summer Sun Celebration?" One pony said, petting her Lillipup.

"I'm not sure. She's never shown up for the previous ones at all. Ever since her parents vanished on her birthday, when it comes to the Summer Sun Celebration, she's always hidden. It's only her birthday that she really stands out." The other pony replied.

"Yeah. I feel bad for her. She's got no parents to raise her. All she has are her aunts and uncles, her 'guardians' as she puts it. I don't think she likes the word 'mothers' or 'dads'."

"I've heard she calls them her 'Auntie Celly', her 'Uncle Lio' and her 'Auntie Lulu'."

"Hehe. Those are nicknames. I've seen her around here a few times. She's a real sweetheart, even though she's got a bit of an attitude and her 'Sword Aura' as she puts it, is a bit overbearing."

"Yeah. You've gotta love her though. She's a Princess, but she doesn't have the arrogance like some of the nobles here. In fact, she's quite humble. She's a real gem, but she's very lonely."

"I can't imagine why."

As they spoke about Equestria's Princess, setting everything up, all the way inside the castle, the ponies and their Pokemon were currently decoratiing the place for this respected celeberation. Nobles from across Equestria were invited to come to this party as the Pokemon of the Guards and Servants would set the place up for the special occasion.

Banners of Equestria, which were very different from the one in the main universe, having the Symbol of a Sun, Moon and Swords, were being put up everywhere as the Guards made sure everything was perfect. The nobles were conversing as they walked around the castle, taking in its majesty as the Princesses' Pokemon guards stood around. Some of the tallest and bulkiest Pokemon were standing around the main hall as the rest were patrolling the castle.

Meanwhile, in the Royal Gardens, two Gardevoir and two Gallade were tending to the flowers. Two Gardevoir, one male and one female, and two Gallade, also one male and one female, were looking after the beautiful flowers that the royal family had been growing for generations. The male Gardevoir and Gallade were trimming the bushes while the female Gardevoir and Gallade were watering and pruning the flowers.

"Azurelia! Azurelia!" A voice boomed through the hallways of the castle, making the Guards, nobles and Servants stop what they were doing and turn to the source. Stepping forward was none other than Princess Luna, who was now the Ruler of Equestria due to the mysterious absence of her big sister.

Her height was still the same, her mane was longer and had more of a darker look to it and her eyes were a light blue colour instead of the normal violet. Different from her sister, she wore a dark blue cape, a dark blue crown on her head, her hooves had metal covers on them and her wings had metal guards on them.

She looked at the nobles with a glare before turning her attention to the Guards, who were standing to attention and looking up at her with a determined expression.

"Where is that girl? Another Summer Sun Celebration and she's completely absent once again. What does she have against the Summer Sun Celebration?"

"Probably nothing, Your Majesty. Maybe she's just trying to figure out a few things. Like where her parents have gone. That would be very depressing, don't you think?" The Guard said.

"Of course. I know that already. But this is getting tiring. She needs to learn that her duties are more important than her personal needs. She can't hide forever."

"I'm sure that's not what she's doing. She's probably just out and about. You know she doesn't stay here often."

"Yeah, and the last time she left the castle, we had a crisis on our hooves. I hope she's not out getting into trouble. After all, ever since she returned from this universe she was apparently stuck in for a while, she's been outside a lot more. I barely see her in the castle. Where is she now?"

Flareout Fields.

Far from the castle in a vast field, Azurelia was on the move, galloping towards her destination with a sunny smile on her face. Not too long ago, she found herself transported to another universe, also known as Universe 1. The Main Universe that connects to all. And in that Universe, she met that world's Celestia and Cobalion. While they weren't the same ones as the ones back in her home, it felt nice to meet them again. It was like she was with her parents once more, even if they had a short time together.

And ever since she met them once more, Azurelia had a spark of inspiration and determination, feeling that she would one day meet her parents from this yet again. It made her want to explore the world even more and see what else is out there.

She was currently in a place known as Flareout Fields, a place far from Canterlot. As she galloped, her hoofsteps were creating mini fire blasts that disappeared after a second. The flames were bright red and were glowing with great energy. This was thanks to the nature of these fields, which housed many Fire-Types and had a very high temperature.

Noticing a hill ahead, Azurelia quickly ran up it and jumped off the edge, spreading her wings and gliding across the sky with a joyful expression.

She enjoyed this life, despite the lack of her parents and the occasional teasing she gets. However, despite her young age, her mind and body were matured enough for her to know that it was alright. And since she met the ones from the main universe, Azurelia one day wished to see them again and visit that universe.

And for that reason, she was currently searching for a way to do so.

"I know I can return to that universe one day! And this time, I won't have to wait for an accident for that to be possible!" Azurelia spoke, flying through the sky.

As she flew, she noticed a couple of Butterfree up ahead, floating through the sky and dancing around. Smiling, Azurelia waved to them as they would cry back at her. "Free! Butterfree!"

"Gee, thanks!" And of course, Azurelia understood them. Since she was half Pokemon, she had the ability to understand Pokemon speech, like any Pokemon. She could speak it too, but she would often choose not to, especially if a lot of other Pokemon were around. It was something that was natural to her.

She would greet the other Pokemon here, briefly speaking to them each time she passed by them, which was very often. They would always respond and some would fly around her.

"When I find a way to return to that universe, I'm gonna spend as much time with as possible." She said to herself, thinking about all the family time she'll get to spend with them. "We don't usually focus on travelling to other universes, but I'm sure we have something."

Azurelia was in search for anything that could take her to Universe 1, just to have the rest of her family around her. She only has her uncles, aunts and other family members around her. But not her mother and father.

"It would be so cool. My family and my new family." Azurelia thought. "Maybe we'll have a feast or something."

However, Azurelia was brought out of her thoughts by a sudden sound. Something was moving at high speeds, its feet hitting the grass faster than Azurelia did when she was galloping. Azurelia looked around, trying to locate the source. Right behind her, she could see a green figure moving as fast as the wind, the wind itself pushing against her back and Azurelia was beginning to notice that this individual was getting closer.

Looking back, Azurelia was surprised to see a very familiar face. It was none other than Virizion.

"Hey, Aunt Virizion! What are you doing out here?" Azurelia greeted her aunt with a smile. Virizion smiled back and slowed down until she was dashing beside her niece.

"Finding you." She answered. "Another day of you missing out on the Summer Sun Celebration as always. But recently, you've been out of the castle and Canterlot even more ever since you returned when stuck in that universe. Everyone is worried about you."

"I've just been so excited, Auntie!" Azurelia was flying backwards while facing Virizion. "Ever since that experience, I learned that travelling to other universes was real and possible! After all, I met my parents from another universe! If I could get there once, I can do it again! And that's why I'm out here today!"

Virizion smiled. "Of course. We all know about that, dear. But...That's easier said than done. You can't exactly travel to another universe that easily."

"I know, I know. That's why I've been going out a lot more. Because I've been trying to search for a way to open up a gateway or a portal that universe, so that I can meet with them again!" She outstretched her hooves. "You understand that, right, Auntie?"

"I do understand it. But perhaps tell everyone else that before you start running, sweetie." Virizion let out a slight chuckle. "You only go on about meeting them in that universe and that's all.

"Oh! Sorry! I guess because I keep leaving the castle early in the morning to get a head start." Azurelia squeed. "My bad. I'll be sure to tell everyone when I get back."

"Speaking of returning, we should head back. It's almost time for the celebration and you'll be the star of the show." Virizion spoke, picking up her pace.

"Aw, but I want to find something to return to that universe!" She pouted. "That's the whole reason I'm out here searching. Auntie Virizion. You're a Legendary Pokemon, right? You've gotta know of a way to do that, right? Right? Is there something I can use?! Please?!"

"Well...How about we sit and down talk about it first." Virizion requested. Azurelia continued to pout before slowing down her movements, eventually dropping to the ground, deciding to just stop all action.


The two would sit near the end of Flareout Fields, which had a huge cliff that led to a vast lake which was had a beautiful sparkle to it. These sparkles were magical, radiating with Equestrian Magic but also Infinity Energy, the power that flows through every Pokemon.

"Alright, tell me." Azurelia said, her voice serious. Virizion sat in front of her, crossing her legs and looking up at her niece. "If I'm going to return to Universe 1, what can I use?"

"Well, you're lucky that you've only recently shown up. It's been 3 weeks since you've returned to us and now that you've informed everyone of another universe out there, it might be a good time to inform you of this."

"Inform me of what? Is there some secret universal travel machine that I don't know about?!" Azurelia gasped "Is that it?!"

"Not exactly. But, you'll be pleased to know that there are Pokemon capable of travelling to other dimensions. With absolute ease as well. Either for the fun of it, or as their job."

"Pokemon that can travel dimensions? Oh, yeah. I learned about them when I was young. Auntie Luna had me learn a lot about Pokemon at an early age and I got it all fast since I'm Half Pokemon. But that dimension stuff...I never really thought too hard about it. Is that the answer?

"I'm afraid not. I just wanted you to hear this. Dimensions and Universes are completely different things."

"What's the difference?"

"Quite a lot. I'm not the best one to explain it all, but just know that wherever you went was not a dimension, but a Universe. There's a big difference."

"Ah. I get it now. So, which Pokemon can do that, Auntie? When I was being taught, I learned about Palkia, the Creator of Space. And also Hoopa the Archdjinn that can warp space and seizes anything. Do you think I could get help from them?"

"Maybe. Not sure about Hoopa, but possibly Palkia. Then again, Palkia is difficult to reach. The Entire Creation Trio can't be reached. None of us, not even myself and the other Swords can hope to reach them." Virizion had to lay it straight to Azurelia, letting him know about these drawbacks.

"Oh..." Azurelia slowly said.

"Truth is...Years ago, not too long ago after your birth, many tried their best to bring them back somehow. Some even tried searching for Dialga to have him reverse time. But...No luck."

"So, I can't get their help."

"It's not that easy, my dear."

"Then what can I do?"

"Hmmm..." Virizion was thinking about this herself, but there was no easy answer to this. "No one has given up on your parents just yet, just like you haven't, Azurelia. Regions from across the world have been trying their best to find them. They're still alive out there, that much is true. I can feel it. Cobalion, I, Terrakion and Keldeo all have this special connection, so we know for a fact Cobalion is somewhere out there. Your parents are alive so we've never given up."

"But what's the point if we're making no progress?" Azurelia lowered her head, gazing at the sparkling waters. "Scientist can't even figure something out and no amount of magic is helping at all. If they could have helped, then surely they would have done so by now."

"I know." Virizion placed her hoof on Azurelia's back, trying to comfort her.

"...I really miss them. I just want them back. I know that everyone wants them back, but I'm the one who wants it most. All I have are Aunts, Uncles and you guys. But, you're not the same as Mother and Father. Even though you've been like a mom to me, Auntie. N-No offense, by the way!"

"None taken. We all know how you feel." Virizion reassured her. "It's understandable."

"I wish they were here. If only we could have some sort of sign. Auntie Luna always tells me to have faith and I'm trying my best to do that, but it's been years and we've made no progress. And all she does is talk about my royal duties and the importance of my role. I don't wanna hear that!" Azurelia crossed her hooves, looking to the side, feeling a bit bitter.

"Luna is a lot of things, but she does her best to keep Equestria and the rest of the world at peace and in order."

"Yeah, well...She doesn't look that bothered by Mom vanishing. That's her sister and she just acts so cold all of the time. It's like she doesn't care."

"She's just putting up a brave front. Trust me, she's really worried about Celestia. The day she found out her sister vanished was the worst day of her life. You were just a baby, so you never saw it. Luna wishes she could bring her sister back too, but so far, nothing can be done as of yet.

"Hm." Azurelia then looked up before standing. "Well, I'm not gonna slow down now. I know the Summer Sun's Celebration's soon, but I've never attended it anyway. There has to be a way to reach that universe and I'm going to find a way how."

"Azurelia." Virizion spoke while also standing up, trying to slow her down.

"I never had that drive in me to really push myself until I ended up in Universe 1. But now that I know it exists out there, I'm gonna do everything I can to head back there. And one of those ways is by getting stronger."

"Getting stronger?"

"Mhm. I was always born with a ton of Magic Potential because of my parents and after what I saw in that Universe and how wild it is, I know what I gotta do." With a grin forming on her face, she raised her hoof, pointing to the heavenly blue skies and straight towards the Sun. "I'm gonna force my way into that universe! My Magic will pierce the heavens and open a way through space! I will be able to open a gateway to Universe 1 if I put all my heart and soul into it. And with that power, I will find a way back there!"

"..." Virizion stayed silent for a moment before suddenly breaking out into laughter. "Ahahaha!"


"You are something else, Azurelia. That's quite the leap in ambitions, don't you think? Opening a gateway to that Universe by sheer power? Ahahaha!"

"I-I'm serious!" Azurelia blushed at her Auntie's chuckling.

"I know you are, dear." Virizion chuckled. "You've got an amazing amount of ambition. I can see where you're coming from. It's still an outlandish thing to think about but...I'm not saying it's impossible. You do have the most potential out of anyone I've seen. You're the first of your kind after all."

"Not just that, but I've got one other advantage, Auntie! If Hoopa can't reach Universe 1 and Palkia's too difficult to reach...then I'll do it myself. I've got the Genes of a Legendary Pokemon after all. I'll do what Palkia and Hoopa can't do for me."

"I see. Well, I'm not sure I can stop you either way." Virizion ceased her laughter. "After all, who am I to stop the bonds of family? But...I do ask that you be careful. Whatever you're about to do, make sure you are around friends. Going at it alone is not ideal."

"But I can totally do it by myself, Auntie. I'm strong enough."

"You've never really tested your full strength. In fact, you've never even been in a battle. If you're planning to go out into the vast world, there is a good chance you'll run into plenty of danger."

"I-I guess." Azurelia stuttered, thinking about it for a moment. "Well...I'm only gonna do one thing and I'm gonna need one good spot. Breaking through to that universe isn't gonna require me to go anywhere specific, anyway."

"Well, I wouldn't say that." Virizion shifted her eyes, knowing something.

"Eh? What? What is it, Auntie?"

"There is a place that can help you, but we've never considered it even once since it can't bring back your parents. But now that you've brought up another universe, perhaps it can be of use at last."

"Yeah, yeah?" Azurelia would jump up and down rapidly. "And it's called...?"

"At the Summit of the Unova Region, there exists a Summit made out of Stars. It was named after your Mother since Cobalion would sometimes take her there to view the constellations and see the stars dance. It is a place built on the stars themselves. The Celestia Summit."

"Ooooooooh." Azurelia nodded her head.

"Unlike most long-lasting locations in our world, this one is relatively new. It was brought into existence 5 years before your birth. Around that time was when your Mother and Father decided to be together forever. They say their love was strong enough for the stars themselves to grace them with a mountain in their honour. And Cobalionwas the one who named it after your mother."

"I never knew that..." Azurelia was learning new things now. A place dedicated to her Mother and Father's love was out there somewhere at the very peak of the Unova Region.

"At that Summit, it's said that one's magical prowess is elevated to a grandiose degree and they can connect with the universe in ways that they couldn't do before. Human, pony, dragon, changelings or Pokemon. It doesn't matter who. Of course, it's never been done since not many can reach the Summit and even then, those reach the summit are unable to comprehend the power and might of the universe. At least, that's a theory."

"I bet I can do it though. Since I'm a hybrid and half-pony, I have a bit of a better chance than everyone else. And not just because I'm a princess."

"Indeed. Your magical power is a lot higher than most."

"So, that's where I should go. I'll head there and find a way to that other Universe. I'll connect with the stars and the universe and find my way back there!" She raised her hoof again, looking towards the skies and imagining what the Celestia Summit looked like.

"And that's your goal, eh? To find a way to open a portal to Universe 1?"


"Well, alright. Just make sure you don't lose focus and keep your head high. And remember, be with your friends when you go. You'd best tell Luna about this as well. She can prepare you for the journey. It won't be easy to reach the Celestia Summit. There's a lot that goes into reaching it, believe me."

"I got it, Auntie!" Azurelia grinned before gazing at the blue skies above. "Just you wait. I'll do the impossible when I get there."

Canterlot. Canterlot Castle.

"Absolutely not!" Luna quickly said, turning away from her niece and continuing with her work, her blue eyes darting over a map. "The answer is a clear no."

"Whaaaat?!" Azurelia exclaimed before grabbing hold of the Alicorns' back.

The two of them were currently within a royal study, which had a vast array of knowledge to it and books that detailed everything related to both Equestria and other worlds and creatures.

Both Celestia and Luna loved reading and the entire room was built in a way where both siblings could read and research whatever they wanted. However, after that sudden incident, Luna would begin to delve into information, hoping to find some sort of sign or clue about her sister's disappearance.

"I've been hard at work for years now. All day, day by day. Often staying awake at night and eating little just to find my sister. But every now and then, the worry creeps up on me. And now it seems that the worst of these events occurred. You want to go to the Celestia Summit.

""That place is off limits." Luna replied. "Only the truly skilled are able to climb the Celestia Summit, but it is a near death-trap. Death and casualties were reported during the time the mountain was being built. Not to mention, you're simply too young, Azurelia. You're far too young."


"It's a long climb up the mountain. You'd have to navigate some dangerous terrain and would also have to reach a certain point where your magic must be elevated to its greatest level before you reach the Celestia Summit."

"With a boost and determination, that should be easy! Plus, my magic's already at a high level thanks to my genetics!"

"Well, a high level to you, isn't the same as a high level to me. Yes, you are strong for your age, but a strong body means nothing against the odds." Luna shook her head before casting a spell on a part of a map she had opened up on a table, using it to create a replica of the world in holographic form.

Azurelia stared at this model, her blue eyes zooming across the whole image as she could see each and every country that was out there and the seas and mountains and everything else that could be found on this world.

"The Celestia Summit is located right at the very peak of the Unova Region, an area completely inhabited by Pokemon. Easily some of the most powerful Pokemon you can come across." She explained, a laser pointer pointing at the place she was talking about.

The place in question was located within the middle section, taking up 20% of the region and was situated in the mountains. Atop that area was the mountain itself and Azurelia could see that this place was burning as bright as a fire and had multiple lightning bolts crashing into the sides. Clusters of stars could be seen flying around this summit, dancing like butterflies and giving off their shine.

This mountain was unique, shining out into the world with an unworldly shine and showing just how special and unique it was. It truly stood out. And what it was situated on was no normal land. In fact, it was the a place brimming with Infinity Energy, that infinite energy that made up all living creatures. This particular energy was the basis for Aura and its energy was flowing through all of life and all living things. And this mountain was located at the source of this very power, making it a mystical place to behold.

"P-Pretty..." Azurelia gasped.

"Perhaps. But going to that Summit means perishing. We never got to fully explore it after its creation and its composition is completely different to any normal mountain. There is an abundance of Infinity Energy that makes it one of the most dangerous places to live and survive. Even Pokemon have to be cautious when there."

"How have you never done anything about it? All those years and you didn't think to go exploring?"

"Why would we? That Summit has only been the target of Pokemon Trainers wishing to test their strength and improve. It has never been a place that we've needed at all. But now you're wanting to explore it and do something we've never even bothered with. Honestly, I wonder what's gotten into your head lately that you think you can reach that summit."

"I told you! I saw my parents from another universe! I want to reach it and meet with them again and that summit might be the only way to do it. I can't find my parents in our universe, so I want to see them in another. You said that summit isn't useful since it can't bring them back, but I've found another use for it! Auntie Virizion told me it would help raise my magic level, so all I need to do is ascend with my own magical energy."

"Ugh...Virizion..." Luna rubbed her forehead before walking over to the balcony of the room. Stepping forward, she rested her hoof on the edge and closed her eyes. "The answer is still No. Even if Virizion allows you to do so, I'm still the highest authority surrounding you. And I say you can't. Just give it up. That Summit can't be accessed yet. There is no point."

"B-But why?! How would you know if you won't let anyone explore it?!" Azurelia barked. "Besides! Don't you wanna see them too?! Even if they're not the same ones, you'd still get to see them!"

"...Even so, they are not the same, but their existence in the world is what matters and their presence does as well." Luna said, staring out into the sunset. "Now, if you're quite done, return home. Today's Celebration has begun. You shall sit next to me and enjoy the food, music and games. That is what you shall do."


Luna then turned around and stomped the ground, surprising the girl. "What did you just say?!" She took a step closer, her gaze hardened as the other princess grew intimidated.

"I...I d-don't wanna have fun...I don't want any more birthday parties. Every birthday of mine is just the day my parents vanished. No birthday is special if my parents aren't here."

"..." Luna stayed silent.

"Why can't I do the things that'll benefit me the most?! You're not my Mom!" That shout from Azurelia reverberated across the halls as she accidentally used her Royal Canterlot Voice, the force of her words shaking everything in the castle.

Luna's eyes widened, Azurelia's words piercing her soul with how harsh those words were. Of course, they didn't do anything to her, but her words clearly had an impact on her, if the shocked expression said anything.

Azurelia then slowly backed away before turning around, running off while closing her eyes, so that she could avoid her Aunt's stare.

Luna just watched her as she was about to leave, feeling like those words meant something more to her than what Azurelia realised. She knew for a fact that Azurelia was running off to reach the Celestia Summit regardless.

"Tsk! Uhhh! Tsk! Tsk! Why is Auntie such a worrywart?! Why can't she understand?" As the sun set over the horizon, Azurelia galloped, heading for a passageway she knew and had memorised after having to cross it so often. "I bet she'd stop me if she had a reason. But there's no way she can guess what's at the end, even though she probably knows."

Azurelia ended up going on her own, forgetting to bring anyone along since she was so heated to even think about it. The Hybrid would look into the horizon, setting her sights for the Unova Region. It would be a long run from here since the distance between Unova and Equestria was colossal. Taking something like a plane would take around 10 hours to reach t, but she'll do it no problem. She couldn't risk asking help from anyone back at Canterlot since Luna has full authority.

When trotting along the wilds, she spotted something up ahead. A carriage was passing by, carrying many ponies in it, who were just casual civillians. The carriage they were using in question wasn't an ordinary carriage.

It was a mobile home.

Not only did it look fancy, but it could also fly as well! Azurelia's eyes lit up, realizing she might have found her way of transport. "That's great!" She immediately galloped her, rushing to the Mobile Home just to speak with the ponies there.

The Carriage was long and yellow in colour with a large wheel and had some many details to its design, adding extra flourish to its entire build. The wheel was slightly off the ground as the Moblie Home soared across the landscape. Azurelia then jumped in front of the Mobile Home and cried out.

"Hi, guys! Can you please give me a ride to the Unova Region? Pretty please! I'll repay you afterwards! Or..."

She lifted her front left hoof, revealing the Royal insignia, her Cutie Mark and proof of her being an heir to the throne. Of course, this would give her any means of transportation she would ever need to. But they recognized her immediately based on her appearance alone.

"Princess Azurelia?!" The ponies inside along with their Pokemon gasped in shock to see such an important figure here. The inside of this carriage consisted of a family of 4, a mother, father and two children, one boy and one girl. And of course, their Pokemon.

"Uhhhh...Yeah! The one and only!" She struck a pose and looked over at the driver. "Hey, please? Take me to the Unova Region! I know its kinda far but...I'll be sure to pay you all, promise! Hehehe."

"Ohoo! There's a Princess in our home!" The girl spoke. She had a Pichu running along her back and a little Shinx was snuggling in her arms, making little sparks.

The Dad stepped out first before kneeling down, not wanting to stand tall over her. "Of course, Princess. Anything you need, just speak. This is quite the surprise though..."

"Yeah. No way she's gonna fit in here with that height." The boy said before being nudged by his mother, not wanting to get in trouble in any way. "Oof!"

"Sorry for the surprise arrival. I just need to get to Unova as soon as possible. And you all have a Mobile Home, which is pretty fast. Well, as fast as can be at least."

"It is a long way there, isn't it? Are you in a hurry, Princess? And isn't the Summer Sun Celebration soon?" The Mother asked.

"Eh. I've never attended a single one either way, so I don't care. But yeah! I'm in a rush. A total rush! There's one place in Unova that I wish to reach as soon as possible. I'd prefer not to stay here and let the sun do its thing for any longer." She began to sweat as the Sun, which was now dipping under the horizon, was moving across the sky quickly, preparing to set. "Ehehehe. It's not good."

"Alright. Jump in, Princess. We'll get you to Unova no problem."

"Cool! Thanks, everyone."

And thus, Azurelia jumped into the Mobile Home and she'd enjoy the trip that was soon to follow. And once the Moon took the Sun's place, that would signal the start of a brand new adventure for her.

The Mobile Home, now deciding to hurry due to the request of the Princess, would have the back of it unfold into its actual form. This was its original form, for the front could also be its body and the rest would transform and open up. As this happened, the front, which was actually a device attached to the actual Mobile Home, would float in the sky and now allow the Home to actually take off, using its advanced engineering.

"Hah...Haha..." Meanwhile, the girl was staring at Azurelia with starry eyes, panting with joy. "I'm sitting near a Princess. A Princess of all people." She was gushing over Azurelia and wanted to stay near her at all costs.

"Eh. Calm down, sis. At least we can brag to others." The boy chuckled, finding the reaction humorous.

"How lucky are you to find us? Do you wanna stay with us and not take an airship to Unova?" She asked the pony princess. "What's it like being a Princess? Can I be a Princess? How do I become a Princess? Please tell me!"

"Gempen. Please don't pester the Princess." Her Father said.

"Aw." She frowned as Azurelia giggled.

"You see, I'm heading for the absolute peak of Unova. A place known as the Celestial Summit. And once I reach it, I'll be able to do the impossible and open a portal to another universe. That way, I can see my parents from another universe."

"Wait, what?" The boy uttered, stunned by what he had just heard. "That's what you're going to do?"

"Goodness. Isn't the Celestial Summit known for being a place filled with powerful Pokemon?" Her Mother asked. "Most never succeed in reaching it and those who do leave with bewildered minds and defeated spirits from what I've heard."

"I knew a guy who's auntie tried her hoof at reaching the summit. She was never the same again after she returned. "The Father stated. "I've heard the stories but...No one's truly understood the effects the place has on its climbers and only the very few truly understand. In a way, I feel bad for those people that risk their lives and lose themselves."

"That totally shouldn't be what that Summit does." Azurelia pouted. "My Mother and Father decided to be together on that very summit and it was even named after my Mother. It should be a symbol of peace and happiness!" She couldn't understand this fact and was fully disappointed by it.

"But opening a portal? Can you even do that?" The boy aked.

"Maybe not." Gempen replied. "But if anypony can, then its Princess Azurelia! Right, Princess?

"Sure. But first, let's just reach the base." She shook her head before huddling up, her smile slowly vanishing from her face.

"Is something wrong, Princess?" Her Mother inquired with concern.

"No. Well...actually, yes. There was just a bit of a scuffle with Autie Luna."

Canterlot. Canterlot Castle.

Luna sat in her room within the castle. The bedroom had been renovated in a more calming way after Luna had transformed into the Nightmare Princess.

This room was all white now with plenty of pictures of nature, the moon and her family adorning her walls. Plenty of plushies were lying around and plenty of other stuff were around her. And like every royal, she had her own throne to sit on. And currently, the Nightmare Princess was sitting on it, thinking about what had just occurred.

"What am I going to do with that girl? It's not like I don't see where she's coming from...But it's too soon, too sudden. I fear for her safety as well, yet she's stubborn and is bound to head there whether she gets permission or not."

She turned and spotted the moon through her window, floating in the nightly dark. "Sister. Cobalion..." She got up and stood before the window before she stared at the celestial body in the sky. Her mind was focusing on them both. She had to think long and hard about her decision.

"Your Majesty. Our forces are already out of Equestria and are heading to Unova. No sign of Princess Azurelia yet." A guard walked in as Luna already sent some of her forces to stop Azurelia before it's too late.

"Ugh. This is irritating." Luna sighed as the Guard bowed and left the room. Luna looked outside the window, the sky filled with nothing but the moon and the stars as her eyes glanced down at the vast city of Canterlot, watching the lights of the buildings flickering below. "Sister. I wish you were here right now. You were more of a mother and a ruler than I ever was."

Luna would then start reminiscing of the past. Specifically, the day Azurelia was born. A day Luna was so proud to see a new member in the family.

Years Ago.

It was years ago and Luna was currently rushing through the Streets of Canterlot, heading straight for the castle. It was a momentous day for many across Equestria and by extension, the entire world. The birth of someone special was today and Luna wasn't about to miss it.

She rapidly moved past those on the streets, causing wind pressures from her movements alone. One Pokemon had almost tripped by accident and a Pony jumped out of the way by the speed of her canter.

She felt the need to rush even harder, her wings ready to open and fly.

"Am I too late?!" Luna burst through the doors of Canterlot, causing the guards to spin and fall over as she was quickly making her way to her big sister's location. She passed by many within the castle, causing quite a ruckus with her speed. This is the fastest she's ever flown, the thrill of seeing something new fueling her. "Sister!" She opened up the door that would lead her to Celestia, expecting her sister's foal to be born any moment now.

The second she opened the doors to her sister's room, standing there were the Swords of Justice, all of them looking at Luna and the rest were grouped around Celestia, with Cobalion in the centre. And once they all faced Luna, sounds could be heard. The sounds of a baby crying.

In Celestia's hooves, baby Azurelia could be seen, already being born and squirming and squawking in Celestia's grasp. Her wings were flapping and her cries echoed across the walls. Celestia smiled and quickly made her way over to Luna and Cobalion was with her, keeping close.

"Ah! Sister!" Luna caught her breath. "I came here as soon as I heard...!"

"And you made it in time." Celestia laughed. "Right on time. Look at her." She carefully passed the baby over to Luna, who held it carefully, gazing at her and smiling.

"Why...she has your fur. And your mane." Luna said, noticing that Azurelia had her colours and the length was the exact same as Celestia, long and flowing the point where it was her blanket. "At this age too?"

"She's the first of her kind. The first Pokemon-Pony Hybrid." Terrakion spoke. "That's never happened once in the past, and this little one will change the world as we know it."

"She has the genes of both a Pokemon and a pony." Virizion added. "Her potential is already stellar, without a doubt. Especially considering who her parents are."

"Hmph." Cobalion smiled, having pride swell in his chest. "My mate gave birth to our firstborn, the first of a new race. A perfect fusion and combining of races and species in order for a bright future. I was a bit hesitant at first but..."

"So what's her name?" Luna asked.

"I was thinking of a powerful name." Cobalion raised a hoof. "A name that will be revered by generations to come, especially in our family. A unique one that-"

"Azurelia." Celestia cut him off.

"...What?" The Leader of the Swords of justice had his train of thought broken. Celestia already had a name picked out for her.

"Let's call her Azurelia. It's perfect don't you think? Your Azure Coat and my Celestial Mane. Together they make Azurelia."

"Hm!" Cobalion looked down, thinking about it for a moment. "It actually is perfect. That's an excellent name. I was actually thinking about naming her Calystea, but it just sounds dumb in comparison to Azurelia."

"Really? I was thinking of Cobalestia." Keldeo added. "I thought you'd name her that. But...yeah, Calystea kinda is a silly sounding name. Ehehe."

"For shame, Cobalion." Virizion patted his leader on the shoulder.

"Just my mind boggling me! That's all it is!"

"Bahaha!" Terrakion laughed out loud.


Azurelia would start laughing, her laughter causing a flash of magic to constantly appear on her horn. Her magic was so tremendous that Luna was already showing signs of feeling weaker from it. "Whoa...! Amazing!" Keldeo admired.

"This kind of magic will grow into something larger." Celestia smiled. "She'll be around so many loved ones no doubt."

"Including me?" Luna asked.

"Obviously. You're her aunt. I'm sure you'll take good care of her just like how we will. Being a Ruler is going to be different now that I have my own child." Celestia held Azurelia close to her. "But I'll love every second of it."

But that happiness was quickly taken away. As the Sun began to set, giving way to the Moon, the unthinkable happened. Celestia and Cobalion had both dissappeared. Vanished like dust on the wind, or in this, stardust in the cosmos. They left behind nothing behind at all and no sign of them remained.

It was only 10 hours before their sudden disappearance. The castle was in a frenzy with many trying to figure out what happened. They spoke to each other, speaking about what they witnessed and what to do.

"I don't know! Their bodies just vanished into stardust!" A pony exclaimed, panicking.

"But how?! What caused it?!" However, that was impossible to answer since it was out of the blue. There was no logical explanation. As they were all in a rush, standing there with a shocked expression was none other than Luna, who was absolutely silent. And in her grasp was the baby Azurelia, the girl silently weeping over the events of the day. Even as a baby, she knew that her parents were gone, despite never really getting a good look.

Luna was gutted by this. And just as quickly as their smiles were brought forth, the winds of sorrow blew and covered their bodies in shadows and a vast darkness filled their hearts.

Present Day.

"...Honestly. I hate this." Luna grumbled as she sat on the balcony. She had her head lowered and her eyes narrowed.

The light of the moon glistened upon the world, with everything giving off a peaceful sheen. She sighed as the memories were running through her head, remembering every little bit. "Sister. Were you aware this would occur?" She raised her head and looked to the skies, her gaze staring off into the distance.

"I get it. Azurelia wants to bring the family together again. That's the last piece. Bringing our parents and Cobalion back from that Universe they ended up in will be the happiest time. She doesn't even want me, just the originals. In a way, I kind of understand."

"She may be acting on her emotions and desires...but..." Luna closed her eyes, as her chest was hurting a bit. She rubbed the bridge of her nose and moved back towards the inside. She opened her eyes. "But what if she never comes back?"

She headed towards the doorway when her hooves were stopped. She prioritized not just the safety of Equestria, but also Azurelia's safety. After the mysterious disappearance of her sister and Cobalion, Luna wanted to make sure that no other member in her family is taken away from her. Azurelia was currently the closest she had left, aside from some distant members.

"I've already lost a sister. I am not losing a niece." Luna grunted. With a glint in her eyes, she was going to make sure that Azurelia was safe and back home in one piece. Even if that means going out there herself.

Near Unova. High in the Skies.

At the other side of the world, the Mobile Home was reaching its destination at a rather fast pace. While not as swift as a plane, it was definitely fast and could keep up. Azurelia didn't get to see everything with how long it took to reach the location, but it didn't bother her that much, thanks to the family keeping her company and allowing her to pass the time.

"I swear. For a child of a Legendary, I never expected that." The father stated, chuckling while shaking his head. The mother was cooking food up and was preparing plenty.

"Indeed. I'm not even joking, that princess of yours is amazing. I'm starting to admire her more now."

"Hmmmmm!" Gempen's mouth watered at the smell and she licked her lips.

Azurelia sighed in delight before chuckling with glee. "Oooooh. That smells divine!"

The Dad just laughed, a Pidgeotto resting on his back. "Well, that's only fair, you've got a strong mother, father, friends and other family. Not to mention some important people from Equestria too, like those royal sisters and other high authority figures."

"Yeah. Yeah!" Azurelia then frowned before sighing once more. "...Still...that isn't a normal thing for me. I don't have a proper family and...the royal duties. They feel like a hassle."

"We could be your family, Princess! Then we won't have to worry about royal duties. The kids and Pokemon could play with you more." The girl would blurt out.

"Ehehe...you're sweet, but we'd both feel bad for leaving everyone else. This is gonna sound childish and all, but...family should be by my side, no matter the consequences. And they're missing the chance to be next to me. I want them by me more. The only family I have left is Auntie Luna." Azurelia fiddled with her hoof, as a depressed look was in her eyes. She was saddened by the fact that family wasn't around her.

"...Mmmmm." Gempen pouted. "Them guys suck then!"

"Gempen..." Her mother shot her a glare, but was pretty calm about it. She only crossed her hooves.

"Well, sorry. How come they can't do anything to make Princess happy? They haven't even met us and they'd probably be real mean."

"Azurelia knows more about them than you or any of us, so I would say something like that. And well...we just don't have time anymore." The father added.

"Yeah. Plus, if you were in her place, they wouldn't try and make you happy!" The boy chuckled, teasing his sister a bit before she flailed her hooves at him, pouting.

The girl was prepared to speak further, only to hear some clicking coming from the front door. Her and her parents turned to the front and the two Pokemon in their laps jumped out their hooves.

"Hey, what's going on, now?"

"Ugh. What could that possibly be?"

"A problem probably." The Mother added, grumbling a bit before getting up to fix the issue. Azurelia just watched the scene, not too bothered by it, since it had nothing to do with her. But after what she just heard, maybe something would make the parents and kids angry. "Hang on! I'll get to it."

The door then burst open and a horde of soldiers and even a few Pokemon came running through, blocking the Mobile home. These were the forces sent in by Luna, stopping the vehicle and restraining the driver. He protested as well. "Hey! Stop it! Let me go, this instant! We're going to crash!"

And of course, Azurelia's gaze widened at the sight, causing her to raise her head, growling. "Auntie...!" She wasn't exactly pleased to see those guards, but it was to be expected, they had a job after all.

"Princess. Glad we found you. His Majesty is requesting your immediate return home!" The Lead Guard informed, standing in the doorway to face her and the others. "Hmph. Disgraceful, talking with strangers and doing such a dangerous thing on such a precious holiday. Princess, please have mercy on us and return to the Palace."

"No way!" Azurelia barked. She couldn't believe this was happening, but she figured they wouldn't leave her alone. Luna truly went out of her way to do something as ridiculous as this. The Lead Guard stared at the child, not willing to budge from his own stance. "I don't care what Auntie says. I'm going. And you're going to let this family go through and be on their merry way!"

"Afraid not. This family might potentially be tried for harbouring you without prior consent and that's enough to have them locked in chains."

"No one said a thing like that!" Her anger increased, the sound of a raging aura surrounding her as she stepped closer and closer, moving closer to the Guard, getting in his face. "Take me back now and let this family through. If you dare harm them, then-"

Just then, something would bang against their ship, causing many to lose their balance. The impact was so hard and they could feel their ship tilting down a bit before righting itself. And just as the Ship balanced out, another force crashed against the side, attemptng to crash the carriage.

"Now what?!" The Father gasped.

"Sala!" Outside, the roar of a Salamence could be heard before another bang against the ship went through, causing some items to fall over. They looked through the window to see the source of the problem and to their shock, it wasn't just Canterlot's Forces that were in the air.

Sky Pirates.

A bunch of rambunctious people who sailed the air with their Flying Type Pokemon and captured ships to capture treasure. A long ago profession that is now almost obsolete, thanks to the law, the use of planes and advancements in technology, most pirates fell from their grandeur centuries ago. But of course, sometimes, things from the past manage to make a comeback.

"Surprised?!" One guy exclaimed, having a fearow carrying him above a flying skiff. He had plenty of treasure around his neck along with goggles, wearing a large bag on his back, the symbol of his gang stitched on. He grinned a toothy grin as his face was covered in black markings. "We caught a great prize, boys! You have a special package right here!"

"I think I see an alicorn in there. Is that...the princess?!" Another shouted in joy. They could see Azurelia sticking her head out a window.

"It is...Jackpot." The leader found quite the catch, not wanting to miss out on this moment.

The Soldiers all moved to defend the vehicle with the Pokemon teaming up and fighting the other Pirates off with their Trainers following them. The two ships in the air would enter a scuffle in between this simple mobile home, hoping to protect a single child. Azurelia was still in a stunned state once the conflict broke out.

"Salamence! Use Hyper Beam! End this instantly!"

"Sala...!" From its mouth, Salamence began charging up an orange ball, releasing a great burst of energy in the form of a beam.

"Golurk!" Retaliating were the Golurk who belonged to the Canterlot Guards. These ghost and ground type Pokemon would get in front of the beam before it could hit, enduring the attack and would launch a counter of their own. Their attacks collided before pushing each other, only one breaking free to head for their opponents and causing them to smash against a building, sending a boulder over.

A Skarmory was released by one of the pirates, heading straight for the men to combat against their Arcanine, Blaziken and Swellow. Their cries rang across the air as the two ships rammed into each other, getting close. Azurelia was frozen as she witnessed the commotion. She knew the army had full intent of protecting her, and the pirates had every intention to bring her away.

A sudden swish caused a gasp as one of the enemy pokemon managed to jump onto the windowsill, staring right at her. A Seviper hissed out as the Girl shrunk back before taking a deep breath, glaring at the enemy and a gasp came from those watching the fight. "A Seviper's got a grip on the windowsill!" A Guard shouted.

"Eeee!" Gempen freaked out. The filly her heart stop in that moment before she stumbled a bit, the vehicle going through more stress. Quickly, her brother would take action, deciding to do something alongside his Pichu.

"Pichu! Quick attack, quick, quick, quick!"

"Chuuuu...!" A smile formed on her lips as the little creature sprinted as quickly as possible. In that brief instance, her tiny body rammed right into the side of the window and sent Seviper soaring, knocking the Poison-Type back to the ship it came from.


"Geeeh...thanks, Tool." Gempen breathed.

"Mmrgh..." Azurelia growled while looking out at the conflict nearby. She wasn't happy at what was unfolding. This conflict was created because of her presence, because these people wanted to capture her. The Hybrid stepped forward, deciding to get involved and force the Sky Pirates away, showing she wasn't afraid.

As the battle raged on outside, the Mobile Home was taking more and more damage since it was in the middle of it all. It was mainly the Sky Pirates who were landing hits on it and that was what infuriated Azurelia. She opened up the backside and just walked out, with the family yelling at her to step back inside.

"Hey there, Princess. Come with us and you won't end up harmed in anyway." One pirate suggested, only to recieve a glare from the small hybrid.

"You guys are ruining everything. You and Auntie." She spoke with an annoyed tone, her eyes flaring with sparks of magic showing. "i don't have time for you and I want to get to the Celestial Summit already."

"Huh? The Celestial Summit?" A pirate spoke. "Are you crazy? Even for a Princess, that's just plain stupid."

"Maybe it actually would be better for you to come with us if that's were you're going!" Another pirate chuckled. "It wouldn't even be illegal in that case!"

"You sound just like my Auntie..." Azurelia spoke, her horn suddenly glowing.

"Your Auntie's a Pirate?" One Pirate misunderstood.

At that moment, Azurelia's magic would be unleashed, surrounding the entire night sky with the blaze and energy of the Sun, acting as if it was daytime. The power would even explode and unleash the power of Infinity Energy and Magic as one entity.

From her horn, she unleashed Hyper Beam, using a Pokemon Move. The Hyper Beam raged out at high speeds, shocking the Pirates as three of their Pokemon were engulfed in the attack.

The family gazed in awe as the Hyper Beam also struck some of the nearby ships, weakening them to the point of falling towards the earth below. The other Pirates were in shock at what they had witnessed. "W-What was that?!"

"That was...Hyper Beam?! But how?!" The Captain exclaimed.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm Father's Daughter. I'm half Pokemon, meaning everything he can do, I can do as well." Azurelia stated. As they were shocked, her next move was immediate as she held nothing back. From her horn, she used Air Slash, summoning blades of winds to soar out and slam into the two airships above. They crashed with an audible sound as they fell apart, with pieces beginning to float down.

"Salamence! Hyper Beam! Blast her! Now!"

A blast was aimed directly at Azurelia and before anyone could react, the young princess cast a spell, putting up a large golden shield that blocked the beam entirely. With a smile on her face, she spoke. "And of course, I'm my Mother's Daughter too. I don't just have access to Pokemon moves, but I'm just natural at using magic!"

"She can use Pokemon Moves and Magic?! How is that possible?!" Clearly, this was the first time they had ever witnessed this. Even the guards were stunned by this.

"She's so cool..." Tool spoke with admiration in her eyes.

Azurelia kept her grin up before using Stone Edge, summoning giant stones and flinging them at the foes nearby, scattering and bruising the Pokemon in their path. To ensure they get the picture and the conflict is over. As more attacks followed, the Leader was scrambling to give some sort of order.

"Don't get cocky, Princess. Fearow! Use Hurricane! Right now!" The Captain shouted.

"Fear!" The Bird Pokemon got into position and blew a gush of wind as a cyclone started to form, blowing its way towards Azurelia, who would counter that attack. As the vortex spun and spun, approaching her, she closed her eyes before stomping her hoof down and raising a forehoof, smirking as her horn sparked. From the skies, the cyclone disappeared with no evidence to it appearing at all.

"Huh? Where's the Hurricane!" The Pirate exclaimed.

"She must've countered the effect somehow!" The Soldiers spoke to one another. They were flabbergasted by Azurelia's skill, both her combat and magical ability being very refined. Despite the fact that she has apparently never been in a batte before.

"All of you and Auntie don't realize just how powerful I can be." Azurelia would take flight, hovering over everyone and everything here. From here, her golden glow would surround the place, highlighting the clouds. She cast a grand spell that would rid their area of those getting in her way. A powerful and ancient spell that would be needed in these kinds of situations.

The pirates and the soldiers all were covered in a blinding light as they would find themselves in another area entirely. They were actually standing outside a certain cafe and some others were gazing with curiousity while trying to make sense of what just happened. As that occurred, Azurelia would make a soft landing, returning inside the Mobile Home, sighing.

All the Pirates and Soldiers were elsewhere and it was just Azurelia and the Family. There would be a pause, the silence in the air piercing and striking their hearts. Soon, after that short period of time, the silence was broken as the kids ran forward.

"That was totally wicked!" Tool shouted, grabbing one of her forehoofs and shaking it around like mad. Her family chuckled with a few snorts. Azurelia sighed before laughing a bit.

"That's why you're amazing, Princess!" Gempen found another reason to idolize her. Her family would gather around her, smiling softly. The smiles directed at the young one, clearly showing their genuine trust in her, made the young filly laugh and blush as a response. Her soft smile brought comfort to those she cared for.

To Azurelia's surprise, she was getting attached to this family despite knowing them for a few hours.

"She was amazing, wasn't she, everyone?" The Father would chuckle before patting Azurelia's head gently.

The girl blinked as she turned towards them, thinking it over. She wasn't really expecting anything like that, but in this moment, they had shown her nothing but kindness. Just how much did this family care? Or rather, was this just them being kindhearted?

"Princess? How can we repay this? All of what you've done." The mother would bow and soon her Husband would too, the two children looking downwards, knowing the offer is serious.

"Huh?" Azurelia stared and the family were taking out money and jewels. She didn't expect this gesture and shook her head. "Please. Don't. That doesn't interest me. You know, after all. The only thing I'd like...is to go to the Celestia Summit. That's all. But...I've dragged you all into this mess. I'm sorry. I didn't think about it and..." She bit her lip before sighing, holding her head down and sighing, not wanting to look at them. "You said you'd be willing to take me anywhere I pleased."

There was a pause between them until the dad looked at the wife. Her gaze was one of confusion and the guy raised his finger to his lips, silently telling her something.

"I see." He smiled as his wife's eyes went wide. Soon she would nod, turning towards Azurelia with a gentle smile. "Alright. We will, Princess Azurelia. Now then, let's keep going It's probably going to be a long journey. Our ship will be arriving to Unova within the hour so, don't worry."

Azurelia smiled happily and nodded her head. The boy stood in his spot as his parents began talking before his sister pulled him away, excitedly wanting to speak.

"Coooool!" She cried out.

"Those eyes when he wanted a second to breathe...Ugh, please tell me that's not me." His sister laughed, punching her brother. With a happy expression on her face, she would follow the family as they led her through this rather extravagant home.


At last, they arrived at the Unova Region, the Mobile Home slowly descending in the mountainside. It would finally land after a slow descent and once it hit the ground, the door slid open. The Family and Azurelia got off the Vehicle and before her eyes was the grand view of the entire region and from a bird's-eye view.

She spotted the city lights on one part of the region while in another area, she could see a town-like location with several people roaming around. At this point, the day had turned into night and it was quite late as the moon illuminated everything.

At the very far distance stood the location she wished to reach. Shining beautifully under the night sky and was more grand and wondrous than it would appear. There it was. The Celestia Summit. In all it's splendour and glory. All the stars around it were already visible.

Her eyes shone as the mother turned and smiled at Azurelia. "This is as far as we go, Princess." She spoke.

"Truly? How unfortunate." Azurelia frowned, but understood why they would go no further, as their car was heavily damaged by the whole ordeal earlier.

"Yes." The Father nodded, setting his hooves across his chest. The family would have to bid farewell to Azurelia, who was on her own at this point. They would all look towards her. The children, her spouse and even the Pokemon. "Well then...I wish you luck with your journey, Princess."

"To reach a far-off place to find them again. It's dangerous." His wife said as she lowered her head in respect, the rest of the family following suit. "You will succeed, Princess, and all will be as it should."

"Thank you all for everything." Azurelia gave a soft smile before taking flight, ready to travel onwards. However, her smile would soon turn into a sad frown. Seeing such a friendly family, but now they are saying goodbye? She was so caught up in her thoughts and was growing a bit melancholic that she wasn't watching where she was going.

She nearly bumped into a nearby Braviary, causing him to spiral through the air before gaining his balance. "Vi! Braviary!" Braviary yelled at her.

"My bad! Sorry!" She apologized before continuing on her way. The Hybrid glanced towards the family once more and they were now walking away, allowing her to be by herself. A glint appeared in her eye, with a sudden glow beginning to shine around her.

"Gooood Luck...!" The Family waved as their Mobile Home turned its body around. They were all ready to head off once again. Their kids and Pokemom waving from the window.

But as Azurelia's figure was vanishing in the distance, another hoof would step forward, grabbing their attention. The Family looked elsewhere from the window, their eyes widening once they saw that another figure had appeared. Another royal and powerful figure. Their jaws dropped once they saw the pony standing there.

Princess Luna.

The Celestia Summit.

The Celestia Summit.

Azurelia flew her way up this colossus, making it the primary destination she had to get to, even after that situation earlier. She flew as fast as she could through the night sky, passing many buildings in Unova, not even stopping for a moment.

And after 3 hours, she reached her destination, setting foot on the very beginning of it. The grassy area was sparkling with lights, already having a beautiful setting that drew her in. It was so majestic, and the sights were very mesmerizing. Stars littered across the area, the dark clouds acting as a blanket for this beautiful location. It's amazing how a mountain this large has such an uncharted peak.

The atmosphere of Celestia Summit is imbued with a sense of tranquility and majesty, as if time itself slows to a standstill in reverence to the cosmic spectacle unfolding before the eyes of those fortunate enough to venture there.

There was so much Azurealia did not yet know or see or understand and right in the middle of it all, this massive hill was shining brightly with its own essence. Azurelia couldn't help but move closer. A place filled to the brim with mystery, enchantment and of course, hidden secrets.

She looked onwards, seeing how long the path to the top was. She couldn't even see the very top from this distance and that's how big and massive the summit was.

She would need to wait and climb the whole way there to make her dream come true.

And if she is successful. Then she wil be elated. Truly over the moon. "Wait for me. Mom and Dad." Azurelia would start galloping through the area, heading right for the entrance to the next part. Onwards, to her goal. To the very top, the celestial summit. The destination she hopes will change everything.

With a smile on her face, Azurelia was already thinking about the possibilities that she could have with that Universe. They were so bright and plentiful that she couldn't stop smiling. That is until she was interrupted.

While galloping, a cluster of stars came raining down all of a sudden, catching her attention. When looking up, she saw that a Pokemon was emerging from the cluster and it was none other than an Aggron.

"Aggron!" It roared, bringing its fist down and striking the ground in front of Azurelia. A gust of wind was created with dust filling the area with a haze as the rocks scattered to the winds. However, the hybrid was pushed back, not having time to counter with her own abilities. She slid back, caught off guard by Aggron's sudden appearance.

"An Aggron?" She gasped. "Oh right...Auntie Virizion did say that some Strong Pokemon could be found here."

She took a few moments to see just where she is as everything began clearing up. The dust was settling and the area was being revealed. Azurelia was about to give off an angry remark for interrupting her trek when she froze at where Aggron was facing.

"Please. You're in my way, Aggron." Azurelia spoke. "I need to get through and reach the top.

"Gron! Aggron!"

"I'm not trespassing, I swear." She replied, understanding him thanks to her Pokemon Biology. "This is where my Mother and Father once came to. it's named after my Mother as well. If you aren't going to move aside, then I'll have to get confrontational.

"Agg...!" Aggron grunted as he did not back down or turn away. It seemed Aggron wished to defend his territory as is custom. She could sense his hostility, noticing that Aggron won't back away. So the question remained, was she truly going to get violent to make her way up? Based on what Aggron did next, that might be the case. The Steel-Rock-Type slammed his fist into the ground, using Earthquake, sending waves and waves across the area.

Azurelia's Magic would raise and cover her form and the ground completely, lifting both her and the earth up so the quake's damage wouldn't affect her. After avoiding the Earthquake, she would then unleash a blast of magic, striking Aggron in the centre. The Steel-Aggron Pokemon slid back, barely moving from that blast of magical force. It stomped it's feet, retaliating with Flash Cannon.

"Aggron!" From his mouth, he unleashed a silver beam and the girl dodged, jumping to the left as the blast slammed into the ground. At that moment, the young filly would launch a retaliation of her own. A giant beam would erupt from her horn, coming in the direction of Aggron, colliding into his chest and launching him up, breaking away at his body.

Azurelia would begin rising higher and higher as Aggron landed on his feet, raising his claw to crush her. Before Aggron could hit, she'd shoot upwards. That caused the hand to miss and bash right into the mountains. Rocks shattered as the Iron Armor Pokemon recoiled.

"Hm!" Azurelia's eyes flashed as she would suddenly summon what appeared to be an Aura Sphere from her horn, with a blue swirl of energy forming into a sphere and it would fly out at high speeds towards Aggron, impacting and stunning him. It was a truly super-effective hit, and that hit was enough to weaken Aggron, resulting in Azurealia starting her advance.

Wasting no time, she would fly past Aggron, not wishing to continue this battle any longer. Her steps would end as Aggron stood back up, gazing straight at the filly. Azurelia was definitely far faster than him as she was already past and making her way forward.

Azurelia kept moving, not even sparing the Pokemon a single glance as she continued to walk. She was not in the mood for entertaining anything and anyone at this point. She was too focused and she wasn't looking behind her either. But she would soon see why this place was so dangerous. Aggron wasn't the only obstacle.

Once she was some ways ahead, the sound of thunder echoed from behind her. At once, Azurealia took cover as she noticed a Bolt Striking the ground, blasting pieces of rock everywhere. These bolts were packing the energy of the stars, giving it more power. From the heavens, a Pokemon would emerge from the flashes. This time, it was a Metagross.

"Metaaaaa." Metagross hovered over, glaring down at Azurealia. She could feel the energy coming off the Steel-Psychic-Type.

The powerful Pokemon used its powers, flashing blue and enveloping her in a Psychic hold. "Ah! Hey! Let go, now!" She grunted, struggling against its force.

Metagross tried forcing her away, to send her far away. It was going to make sure that Azurelia wouldn't go any further than this, planning to cut her journey short. "I said...Let Go!" She bellowed, her eyes flashing with a brilliant radiance as she shattered the Psychic Hold around her, stunning Metagross. Now was her chance.

Taking her opportunity, she let her Infinity Energy rage forth and unleashed a Hyper Beam. The full brunt force of a Hyper Beam was able to send Metagross crashing into the Mountain, creating an audible impact, which stunned the Pokemon even further. It took a second and the Pokemon shook its head, only to be faced with the blue sky and the starlit sky above. Metagross could no longer move on its own as it fell.

As the Pokemon was in its shocked state, Azurelia decided to continue forth, leaving this whole ordeal in the dust. At least, she tried to. Immediately, Metagross would use Psychic on the ground itself, causing it to be sent upwards and break into smaller fragments and these pieces of earth were launched at Azurealia from a distance.

She'd start sprinting, weaving around and dodging the sharp pieces of rubble trying to strike her down. They struck against the mountainside, flying passed her legs, but just barely missing her body. In an instant, one would crash right behind her, splintering the rocks behind and scatters some more. She'd sprint further and further before she jumped away from a cluster of rocks falling near her.

They would strike, her narrowly escaping her fate. The rocks crashed near her and just as soon as this mess would stop, she could spot another Pokemon coming in at a very fast speed. Azurealia felt this Pokemon would be just as strong as Aggron and Metagross were. The next opponent showed itself as an Electrivire, the Electric-Type rushing in with starry lightning around it.

"Electivire!" It cried out, preparing a Thunder Punch.

"Ugh!" With quick reflexes, the Electivire would send her reeling back with an electrical charge and she stumbled a bit, now flustered and even a bit angry. As the Pony got her balance, she would put her hooves together and slam them against the ground, a few bits of electricity racing along her body.

She'd focus on her energy and release a pulse that would stun the electric-type. It would strike and stop Electrivire, providing enough time for Azurelia to land a hoof against Electrivire.

"Please move!" Her body charged with a white glow and the intensity of an inferno. And in that instant, she would send a flash of light, landing a devastating blow that would send it careening and shattering the nearby boulder.

Azurealia huffed in annoyance. And so the battles kept continuing, one after another, never ceasing. Despite the exhaustion, her determination would remain. This determination would drive her through each and every opponent as her life would be threatened over and over again by a series of fights against all these powerful Pokemon.

Moments of sheer intensity kept going over and over for the Alicorn Hybrid as she made her way to the top of the mountain. She had been through plenty of battles as there seemed to be no end to the amount of Pokemon who were getting in. She came across a Tyranitar, an entire horde of angry Gengar and Beartic who didn't like her entering this place, a couple of Centiskorch.

Azurelia would smash her head against the Tyranitar who stood in her way, growling at the Rock-Dark-Type before the Alicorn would use her air-slash to knock it back. Tyranitar retaliated with Dark Pulse, shooting a black and purple beam right at the Hybrid, causing her to spin through the air. Azurelia grimaced, managing to recover by sliding on the ground.

And after sliding on it, she swayed her head, avoiding a snipe from Beartic's Ice Beam. She then zoomed to the side, avoiding the moving Ice Beam that tried tracking her down. Using her telekinesis, she grabbed Beartic and tossed it back towards its own allies.

Beartic went straight into Tyrantitar as the two of them would stagger. This left them wide open for one of Azurelia's attacks. In this case, an Aura Sphere. The Aura Sphere shot forward and combusted around the two of them in an azure explosion.

Centiskorch would take the opportunity and use its fire types of attacks, using Flamethrower against the hybrid who took to the sky, unleashing her a cold wind pressure that would put out the Flamethrower easily. She turned to the nearest source and countered by smashing it with a Stone Edge, a cloud of debris flying everywhere as the land beneath their feet broke.

Azurealia's powerful hits were no joke, knocking out all the Pokemon with their strength. She kept flying, going over the downed Pokemon and even shining a light bright enough to stun the Gengar that stood in her way.

"I have to keep going. Please get out of my way. I have to...keep...going!" She continued, taking a beating from the attacks that followed suit. It was a battle of the elements. Of the very essences of the earth and stars.

On and on, the fight continued. Not once did Azurelia give in to the constant stream of threats. Her emotions continued to brew and her emotions continued to stir the storm in her chest. She also had to deal with the summit's starry dangers. The stars in this area were as beautiful as they were deadly. The blue-white starry clusters were ready to strike her at any moment, only held at bay thanks to her incredible agility and fighting prowess.

Azurelia would throw a boulder right at a cluster, the boulder colliding and blowing up with the clusters, leaving her room to dodge another blast. Her hooves slammed against the earth below as she raced forward. Using her aura and magical essence, a certain green energy surrounded the girl and she was racing against the night winds, moving at such incredible speeds that the world was becoming nothing more than a blur around her.

She ran forward, passing more and more and more of the star clusters while several tried to take her out. These dangerous clusters of the cosmos were targeting her as well, looking to stop her, to crush her dream, so she can not meet those lost ones at the end.

More and more, Azurelia pressed on. She was actually getting closer to her destination, showing high amounts of determination and vigor to reach her goal, whatever may lay there for her.

"I'm so close...I think I can see the top from here!"

"Gar!" But there was one more Pokemon standing in her way. Rushing in at even faster speeds than Electivire was a Garchomp. Garchomp cried out, with a powerful roar and Azurelia was pushed away. She rolled across the ground, grunting in pain. Azurelia got onto her feet, groaning as the rubble fell from her long mane. "Garchomp!"

"Ngh..." The Pokemon-Pony Hybrid shook her head, still keeping herself standing. "You're potentially the last one in my way. Please move, Garchomp."

"Gar!" The dragon roared, refusing to let her through. Just like every other Pokemon here, Garchomp would stand in her way.

"Fine. So be it." Azurelia spoke before stepping forward. She began walking in Garchomp's direction, moving at a normal pace. Garchomp would do the same, its feet stomping on the ground with each movement. The two eyed each other down while approaching, their energy and presence was so overwhelming, it was changing the colour of the skies to a mix between White and Black.

They started speeding up, walking faster and faster to the point they were breaking out into a full sprint. Once they neared, their energy built up as did the intensity in the air. And once their forms touched, a huge surge of power erupted throughout the region.

All the star clusters, Garchomp and Azurelia all broke apart into a massive starstorm, knocking them both back. The nearby starry waters in this area would fly up and cause massive splashes thanks to the impact. The two growled at each other as Azurelia would unleash a blast of magic from her horn. The dragon would intercept it with its own blue beam via Dragon Pulse, the two attacks colliding and crashing against each other.

Their clashes would bring more and more damage, splitting rocks in the process. From the mountain, some areas would start collapsing as the blasts started smashing into the cliff and the environment surrounding the place.

Garchomp would rush in, using Dragon Claw to strike at Azurelia's head. The Princess groaned as she was knocked down to the ground by this draconic impact, allowing Garchomp to rush in for another attack. "Ah!" Azurelia gasped, quickly zooming out of the way avoiding a second Dragon Claw, which crashed into the ground.

Azurelia lifted her head and moved to retaliate with a devastating Magic attack that would've been too much for Garchomp, but the creature dodged, the beam ending up hitting the ground, and created another shockwave. It caused Garchomp to lift off the ground for a moment as it moved in for a Dragon Rush.

"!" Azurelia saw that Garchomp was much faster than she expected. Quickly, she put up a shield of magic around her form, blocking the dragon from touching her as her shield got cracked by the force of the Dragon-Ground-type's attacks, until her eyes shone brightly with Infinity energy. And at that moment, Garchomp flew backwards before making another appearance, lunging towards her and biting her wing. She wailed out as it did, gnawing and gripping her tightly.

"Urgh! Get Off Me!"

Garchomp bit harder, using its power to crush and grab Azurelia in its maw. She used her magic to generate a great pulse of energy that would release the Pokemon, freeing her and it stumbled backwards. It almost looked down for the count until the wild Pokemon gained its senses and raced at the princess. She saw it approaching at high speeds and was trying to think of a response, before she realized how low the Dragon went.

She sidestepped and hopped over a second time, allowing the Pokemon to dig into a wall and cause the whole surface to tremble and crack. But Garchomp was quick on its feet, ripping itself out of the wall and immediately striking at Azurelia with a direct Dragon Claw.

Azurelia's eyes widened once she felt that painful clawing sensation right in the shoulder as the dragon managed to find an opening. And in that single instance, he was sent flying like a slingshot across the terrain. Azurealia managed to steady herself, rolling to get herself back on her feet.

"Hah...Hah..." Azurelia took deep breaths, her legs feeling a bit weak due to what had happened. She stood up, having scratches all of her as she was being put through the wringer.

"Gar...!" Garchomp growled at Azurelia, seeing how banged up she was.

"I'm not...stopping. Never..." She got onto her hooves, fixing her gaze right back at Garchomp. Her drive to see her parents again was immense. The love for her family wasn't something a beatdown could stop. Garchomp could respect that drive and the love she had for them. But even it knew when enough was enough.

"Chomp. Garchomp."

"No way." Azurelia lowered her head as everything fell silent. Even the sound of the stars grew quiet and Azurelia stood there, seemingly immobile. In her mind, everything was racing for her. So many things were going on and Garchomp was unmoving. The Ground-Dragon-Type refused to back down either, only the silence keeping the two occupied. The silence in their thoughts, the only noise coming from their breaths as their lungs became strained.

The thoughts of her family. All she could imagine, no matter where she was or what she was doing, was that event from a few years back. She even thought about the ones she met in the Main Universe and that only added to her reasoning to keep fighting, to keep pushing onward to the unknown. She had so many people she wanted to see and wanted to know.

"I'm this close. I've made up my mind. And no one is going to stop me." She raised her eyes as a blazing aura suddenly erupted from her. Her eyes were glowing, having the intensity of an actual inferno while everything around her shook. From her form, this sudden eruption would shoot out a large blast of aura and magic in a glorious display, shooting to the skies as the Cosmos Shine illuminated even the night.

"G-Gar?!" Garchomp squinted its eyes, raising its arms to shield its view of the light. A great surge was happening from Azurelia. One that was straight from her emotions.

"I'm finishing this at once!" Suddenly, a light appeared around her horn, slowly rising up. Garchomp's eyes widened as Azurelia, much like every Pokemon, was learning a move.

She had learned her Father's Move. Sacred Sword. Her form gleamed like the cosmos itself as her aura had now increased even more. "Move!"

Azurelia lifted her head, before immediately running again as Garchomp let loose a barrage of powerful Draco Meteors and Stone Edge, attempting to halt her momentum. She would weave between the fragments, zipping right across the ground and passing the smaller fragments, shattering a larger boulder before Garchomp finally made another direct lunge, using Dragon Rush at full force and meeting head on with the princess in a burst of blue draconian flames, blinding everything.

And right on the ground, right near the impact zone, an indent appeared from the Dragon Rush, the flames being blown away as the Dragon fell back. Azurelia was the only one standing after this exchange, panting and shaking as she could barely breathe anymore, using all that was left of her strength.

"I..I want to see them again!" Azurelia shouted loudly as if trying to plead her case to the world itself, the Dragon staring as the alicorn came up to him, her eyes sparkling with intensity.

"Gar..." There was silence and the princess stepped in closer, wondering what her opponent's response would be. Right before Azurelia could do anything else, her aura suddenly vanished. That beautiful glow in her eyes faded along with her Sacred Sword.

"Ah..." Azurelia was spent, using more energy than she ever imagined. That power she felt drained her, causing the Princess to drop and faint, right in front of Garchomp. Azurelia had fainted.

"Garchomp." Garchomp was astonished. In a manner of minutes, this girl had gotten to that point? She truly was an amazing young hybrid of Pokemon and Pony.

Silence filled the area once more as Garchomp stared her down. What should it do now? Should it stand here and continue its role as Guardian? The Pokemon pondered this for some time, considering just what should be its next action, before looking up into the sky.

"You've done enough, Garchomp." Stepping forward and arriving at the scene was none other than Luna. The Goddess of the Night was present as she was taking her steps forward.


"Sorry that my niece has caused you so much trouble." Luna passed by Garchomp before standing in front of her downed niece. "But...to think she actually made it this far. Perhaps she is stronger than I gave her credit for. Hah..." The Pony gazed down before bending down to take her body. She turned and looked up at the summit.


"But she still has so much to learn, especially when it comes to battling." Luna sad while carrying her. "And to be honest, I was a bit of a fool myself. It was't that I ignored her wishes...but I never gave her the support she needed. Not fully. Part of this is my own fault."

"..." Garchomp didn't say a word. Luna took a breath and gave her thoughts. She then looked over at the peak of the Summit, knowing what she had to do. Thinking about it for a while, Luna wanted to make it up to her niece, deciding to head to the peak.

"However...Perhaps being where my sister and Cobalion once sat together might do something" And without another word, Luna would slowly ascend, rising from the ground with ease and she rose as light radiated and emanated from her form. She approached the peak with Garchomp standing by, letting it happen.

It was the least he could do.

The Peak.

The very top of the summit. The absolute peak. At the peak, the stars were at their most plentiful. Floating nearby, just around the peak and a few feet away, a giant white star greater than everything else. The warmth of it was wonderful. So wonderful that it managed to wake Azurelia up, who found her body floating nearby, gasping softly.

"Ah!" Her eyes were wide, gazing all around, now back within the world of consciousness. She found herself sitting down right near her Auntie, Luna, who was sitting peacefully. With a slight confusion, the Princess blinked before sighing. "Auntie..."

"Hey, dear. Are you alright now? After taking on Garchomp?" The Moon Princess asked her. Azurelia looked downward, sighing softly and a hint of melancholy was still showing, as evident by her glum eyes.

"Oh, right...I passed out. I have no idea what that was...I felt so powerful, but I couldn't handle it all. Gah." Azurelia shook her head, the rage starting to boil and come forth. She did all she could but that wasn't enough? It felt so unfair to her, it was definitely one of the most difficult battles she had.

"You did your best." Luna reassured her. "Enough for me to bring you up here."

"What? You brought me here? This is the Peak of the Summit?!" Azurelia questioned and then blinked. She suddenly grabbed her Auntie, looking hopeful as her eyes began watering. "Is this...? Did I reach the..."

"Mm." She nodded, leaving her speechless as the young girl could now stare up at the beautiful star. She took some steps towards the white star, her gaze falling on the ground and soon. "Wow..." The Starry-Peaks was not something to take lightly, as it would seem.

This was what her Mom and Dad spent their last days on, enjoying a romantic moment under the stars. This is where they shared their final kisses together and had a joyous time. It was like...all those moments were preserved here, right where she was.

She was here. The place where she could open up a gateway. However, Azurelia suddenly didn't feel the urge to do so. "I'm...here. I can finally get the ability to make it happen...but now that I'm here." She mumbled, lowering her head as her thoughts were taking up most of her mind. Luna, watching this happen, lowered her head with a frown. "I'm not strong enough. So what am I supposed to do now, Auntie?"

"Azurelia...I'm sorry." Luna apologized. "I should've had more faith in you. Your strength and your potential. I never really treated you like family. We're always bickering amongst each other. But I always understood you wanted to see your parents again. I just couldn't risk anything. I lost my sister unexpectedly. I don't want to lose my niece. I was lonely once, that's how I became Nightmare Moon."

"And you didn't want that to happen again?" Azurelia was starting to understand.

"I never want to be lonely again, Azurelia. I'd say that's rather selfish of me, because I want you to be as free as I am. As free as you want to be. Not like a caged bird. Just...please try and understand that your family will always be concerned."

"..." Azurelia stood still, turning towards her Aunt, who took off her tiara and brought it close to her, clenching it tightly. The Moon Princess had tears in her eyes, unable to hold them in anymore. Seeing that she hurt the Princess. She wanted to make things right somehow.

The girl started stepping in, grabbing her aunt in a tight hug. "Auntie, I'm sorry! I was stupid! I just wanted to find a way."

"There was a time I felt a lot like you, I swear." Luna spoke before the girl looked into the eyes of her Auntie. "I don't care if I am royalty. I'll never be okay with letting a family member disappear or fade away forever. I couldn't handle it then and now...it feels like I'm reliving old memories again. It's how I'd imagine Celestia must've felt that day. You weren't even a part of this world."


"Let's work together. I'll make your dream a reality. We'll find a way to reach that Main Universe, just like how we're working hard to find your parents." Luna promised her. She looked around and nodded. "I swear it.

"Mm! I got it, Auntie!" Azurelia smiled. The Princess nodded and turned around, allowing herself to face the large star before her. The two of them made up, finding solace in their hearts. They stared into starry night sky once more as the large star felt like a Sun, giving it a twilight-like feeling. It was easy to see why it was so connected to her parents.

Soon, they would head home and along the way, Azurelia spotted the family she was with for a while, waving at them

The kids ran forward, happy to see her. Her aunt would lead her home and eventually, everyone would reunite with the Poke-Pony. In a manner of minutes, all their bags were carried out by their Pokemon and it was time for the family to part ways.

Across all existence, no matter were, stories of all kinds are constantly happening with new ones springing to life. And this universe is no different as the journey continues.

Chapter 465 End.

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