• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Equestrian Malamar

Alola. Poni Island. Far end of Vast Poni Canyon. Altar of the Moone. Nightfall.

Finally arriving at the Altar of the Moone was Princess Luna herself. She descended upon the minions of Malamar with Darkrai and Zekrom, immediately intimidating them all. It didn't help that Zekrom's landing caused tremors and shockwaves that made some of the Malamar flail and wobble.

"Where's Twilight?! And where's your leader?!" The Moon Princess immediately questioned them, flying up to one of the Malamar.

"M-Malamar...!"The minion stammered in fear, unable to hide the panic in its voice.

"They said that they were both dragged into a gateway." Darkrai translated for Luna. "But they're not sure where."

"What?!" Luna gasped. She was too late to come and help Twilight as she pulled Malamar with her into a gateway. Where to? Unknown. None of the Malamar knew where they went and Luna could only wait here and hope for the best. But she could also just apprehened these Malamar right here.

Luna looked up at the night sky where the distortion had occurred and of course, the Moon, which was no longer losing its power but it had been greatly weakened thanks to Malamar. "Twilight..."

Inside the Gateway.

Twilight and Malamar found themselves inside the gateway, but they haven't ended up in another location at all. Instead, they were in the Dimensional Stream of the Gateway.

"What's this?! Why haven't we gone elsewhere?!" Malamar bellowed. "What did you do, Twilight Sparkle?!"

"That gateway of yours is imperfect. It's just one big hole. Now, we're just moving in the Gateway's Dimensional Stream." Twilight explained, knowing how gateway travel works more than him. "I don't plan on staying here and at some point, this gateway is going to give out and end up elsewhere. We'll both be lost because of that. But it'll be a good opportunity for me to stop you right now since it's just us."

Malamar growled in frustration, his tentacles flailing wildly as he realized the predicament they were in. "This is unacceptable! I won't be defeated by the likes of you! Not like this!" Angered, Malamar would use Dark Pulse, shooting it towards Twilight.

Twilight reacted swiftly, summoning a barrier of magical energy to deflect Malamar's Dark Pulse. The attack fizzled out harmlessly against the shimmering shield, leaving Twilight unscathed.

"Dazzling Gleam! Dark Pulse!" Twilight bellowed. Both Espeon and Togekiss prepared a Dazzling Gleam while Absol prepared his own Dark Pulse.

The combined assault of Dazzling Gleam and Dark Pulse crashed into Malamar with formidable force, causing him to stagger backwards under the onslaught of magical energy. The rainbow-hued beams of Dazzling Gleam illuminated the Dimensional Stream, casting brilliant colours against the shifting currents, while the shadowy tendrils of Dark Pulse writhed and lashed out, seeking to ensnare their target.

Malamar roared in pain and frustration as the attacks battered against him, his form writhing and contorting under the assault. Despite his best efforts to resist, he found himself overwhelmed by the sheer power and intensity of Twilight's counterattack.

"You...!" Malamar growled as the bulge and tentacle on his head were beating even faster, reacting to his anger. And by doing so, unexpectedly, without Malamar even doing this at will, a beam was shot out of the bulging tentacle on his head. A Dark Cosmic Beam to be exact.

The beam tore through the Dimensional Stream with devastating force, casting shadows and distorting the space around it as it hurtled toward Twilight and her Pokémon.

Realizing the imminent danger, Twilight reacted swiftly, her eyes widening in alarm as she shouted, "Quick, dodge it! Espeon, Togekiss, Absol!"

Her Pokémon responded in kind, evading the oncoming beam with acrobatic agility, narrowly avoiding the destructive force as it seared past them, leaving a trail of shimmering distortion in its wake. Twilight looked back in absolute disbelief to see Malamar's attack tearing up a piece of the gateway.

"It tore through the dimensions of the gateway...? What's happening to Malamar?!" Twilight then faced Malamar once more who was only hurting himself by exerting more Rift Energy.

With each passing moment, his condition deteriorated, the dark energies swirling around him growing increasingly unstable and unpredictable. He just wanted to see Twilight wiped off the face of the map. Or this case, from the universe entirely.

As the battle raged on, Malamar's deteriorating condition became more apparent with every passing moment. His movements grew more erratic, his attacks wild and unfocused as the dark energies surrounding him spiraled out of control. The bulge on his head pulsated violently, unleashing bursts of Rift Energy that lashed out indiscriminately, threatening to tear apart the very fabric of the gateway itself.

Absol's Night Slash, Espeon's Shadow Ball, and Togekiss's Sky Attack struck true, but their efforts seemed to have little effect against Malamar's frenzied onslaught. Each blow only seemed to further stoke the flames of his rage, fueling his determination to emerge victorious at any cost.

Twilight could sense the perilous situation escalating rapidly, the dimensional stream of the gateway trembling under the strain of Malamar's unbridled power.

"Twilight Sparkle...!" Malamar screamed as he managed to manipulate the tentacle on his head, sending it straight towards Twilight. Absol tried to stop it with Night Slash, only to be slapped aside. The force of the tentacle was heavy as it felt like a train had hit Twilight. Espeon and Togekiss tried to stop it with a combined Dazzling Gleam, only for the tentacle to shatter their light, knocking them away.

Twilight would unleash a powerful beam to defend herself, clashing with the tentacle. She managed to halt its movements for a while, but the fury behind it was absolutely fierce. Twilight grit her teeth, visibly struggling against the Cosmic Tentancle as it was breaking through her magic. After shattering her beam, the tentacle would grab Twilight.

Caught in the grip of Malamar's Cosmic Tentacle, Twilight felt a surge of panic coursing through her veins. The sheer power and ferocity of Malamar's attack threatened to overwhelm her, the tentacle's relentless grip tightening around her with each passing moment.

"You are but a thorn in my side. That's all! An inferior creature like you should not stand a chance against me!" Malamar cackled. Twilight's heart pounded with fear as Malamar's Cosmic Tentacle constricted around her, its crushing force threatening to shatter her bones. With each agonizing moment, she felt the pressure intensify, the tendrils of dark energy searing through her like fire.

It then performed a horrific sight by generating smaller but still large tentacles out of this one tentacle. As the additional tentacles sprouted from Malamar's primary one, they moved with unsettling speed, wrapping around Twilight's face and enveloping her mouth and eyes in a suffocating grip. She gasped for air, her panicked breaths muffled by the dark tendrils as they tightened their hold, cutting off her vision and silencing her cries for help.

However, Twilight had a response to this. Her own Rift Magic. While she wasn't going to use plenty of it, nothing was stopping her from using some of it. Through the tentacles, a cosmic flash appeared as Twilight merged her Sorrowful Rage Magic with the Rift Magic for a greater effect.

This flash would burst through the smaller tentacles breaking them apart. Malamar shrieked in pain as the tendrils that had ensnared Twilight were shattered, the force of her magic ripping them apart. Free from the suffocating grip of Malamar's tentacles, Twilight gasped for breath, her vision clearing as she regained her senses.

"So are you..." Twilight said while gasping. "You and your entire alliance! We just want to live in peace but we have to keep dealing with your shenanigans. Malamar. You'll be the first member of that alliance that we taken down!"

"Ghh! I can't stand you!" Malamar flailed his tentacles around in a fit of rage. "You are-" But at that moment, Malamar writhed in agony at the top of the gateway. His normally serene demeanour was shattered, replaced by spasms of anguish as its body contorted and convulsed in an otherworldly metamorphosis. The bulge in his head was now at its horrific peak.

The transformation had begun gradually, subtle shifts in its physiology that hinted at the dark forces at play. Its tentacles, once sleek and elegant, began to elongate, twisting and warping into grotesque shapes. Strange sigils danced across its skin, pulsating with a sickly light that seemed to emanate from some unfathomable abyss.

But it was not just the physical changes that tormented the Malamar. No, far worse was the maddening onslaught of visions that assailed its mind, a cacophony of eldritch nightmares that clawed at its sanity. It saw stars consumed by ravenous shadows, galaxies torn asunder by unseen horrors, and the very fabric of reality unravelling before its eyes.

Each moment of the transformation brought with it unbearable pain, as if its very essence was being torn apart and reassembled in some blasphemous mockery of creation. Its cries echoed across the bay, a haunting chorus of suffering that seemed to resonate with the very soul of the gateway itself.

"What the...?" Twilight and her Pokemon watched in horror as Malamar's body underwent this grotesque metamorphosis, their eyes wide with shock and disbelief. The very air seemed to crackle with dark energy, as if the gateway itself recoiled from the abomination that now stood before them.

But through the agony and madness, a dark resolve began to take root within the Malamar's shattered psyche. It embraced the cosmic horrors that threatened to consume it, drawing strength from the abyssal depths of its own torment. With a final, guttural scream that seemed to tear through the fabric of reality itself, the transformation was complete.

With a guttural roar that seemed to echo through the very fabric of reality, Malamar emerged from the throes of transformation, reborn as a twisted avatar of cosmic horror.

But right after they got see what he had become, a blinding light enveloped them all as the gateway had finally run out of steam. Both of them had no idea where they were going to end up now.

Equestria. Ponyville. Twilight's Castle. Nightfall.

Over at Twilight's Castle, Daisy and Paradise were still awake at this time, currently cleaning the house. With Cinccino not present here, they took on the role of making sure Twilight's home was spick and span. Both of them even generated brooms made out of their respective flowers, adding an adoring scent to the house.

"It's awfully quiet...Mom hasn't come back yet." Daisy said, noticing a strong lack of Twilight. Right now, Spike and Starlight Glimmer were fast asleep, enjoying their rest.

"She's probably pretty busy." Paradise replied, having full faith in her mother. "Whatever disaster she's dealing with Absol, I'm sure she can handle it."

"Mm. You're right. Probably nothing to worry about. I bet she'll be back soon." Believing in her sister's words and the strength of her mother, Daisy continued to work under the Moon. But while Equestria's Moon was bright, beautiful and healthy, the Moon encompassing the other regions was dim and weaker at this very moment. More than it has ever been.

Ultra Space. Ultra Forest.

"Mmm..." Lying on what appeared to be grass, Twilight Sparkle's eyes slowly opened. The sound of the wind blowing could be heard around her. The Princess of Friendship would get up slowly, grunting and moaning. In her eyes, the landscape of this world is that of large expanding forests. The leaves on the floor are rectangular and resemble paper, and the ground appears to be sandy.

"What is this place?" She asked as her Pokemon were getting up as well. Feeling a sense of unease creeping over her, Twilight scanned the horizon for any sign of familiar landmarks or landmarks that could provide clues to her whereabouts. But all she could see were the endless trees and the soft, sandy ground beneath her feet. Nothing about this place looked familiar.

But she also couldn't see Malamar at the moment. This forest-like area was also eerily quiet. Only the sound of the wind and trees could be heard and nothing else. With each passing moment, Twilight's unease grew, her senses heightened as she scanned her surroundings for any hint of danger or movement. The absence of Malamar only added to her sense of isolation, leaving her feeling a bit vulnerable here.

"It was bound to send us somewhere random, but I don't recognize a place like this at all. Did Malamar come with us? Or did he go somewhere else?" Twilight said while looking at her Pokemon. Absol looked up at his horn to see if he could sense any danger nearby. But while it was silent for a while, Absol's horn started vibrating.

"Absol?!" As Absol's horn vibrated, a sign of impending danger, Twilight's senses heightened, her eyes scanning the area for any potential threats. With a sense of urgency, she motioned for her Pokémon to be on high alert, ready to defend themselves at a moment's notice.

The tension in the air grew thicker, the oppressive silence broken only by the rhythmic rustling of leaves in the wind. It was as if the very forest itself was holding its breath, waiting for some unseen danger to reveal itself.

From the skies above, a cosmic tear occurred. Twilight's eyes widened as she beheld the emergence of Malamar in his new form, his presence casting a sinister shadow over the tranquil landscape.

"No way that's Malamar..." Twilight's jaw dropped at the sight of this new Malamar. She wondered if her Pokedex could register this form. Quickly taking it out, she aimed it at the horror in the sky.

"Malamar. The Overturning Pokemon. Equestrian Variant. This form of Malamar has transcended the realms of its own reality, drawing its power from the depths of unknown horrors across the universe. Embedded with Rift Energy, it is constantly emanating a cosmic glow that distorts perceptions of reality and time."

"Bahahahaha!" Malamar cackled with a booming voice. "I have transcended! What did I say?! Enough of it would be worth it in the end!"

"Absol...!" Absol and Espeon snarled at the Overturning Pokemon in the sky.

"I feel like I can do anything now. I am still in so much pain but this power feels so amazing!" A Mad Malamar bellowed. "And I will start with your precious Equestria, Twilight Sparkle."

"But you can't even get there, can you?!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Watch me. I now have full faith in my own capabilities in this form. Such as this!" To show off what he could do, Malamar fired a bolt of eldritch energy at its opponents, causing significant damage to the ground. The effect of this bolt started tearing through reality itself and leaving behind a trail of chaos and despair.

"What kind of magic was that..?!" Twilight gasped once she saw the bolt before looking back at Malamar.

"It seems my aim isn't perfected in this state. No matter." To demonstrate some more, Malamar would summon those cosmic tendrils once more. But this time, he could control them perfectly. These tentacles would open up, suddenly releasing a cloud of inky darkness that obscures the battlefield, enveloping them in a suffocating shroud of despair.

Twilight and her Pokemon began coughing in this cloud, feeling its dark malice around them. This also left them vulnerable as Malamar would strike his tentacles at all of them. With a surge of eldritch energy, Malamar unleashed a devastating attack that channelled unfathomable horrors.

Caught off guard by Malamar's devastating assault, Twilight and her Pokémon were knocked back by the overwhelming force of the eldritch energy. Despite their best efforts to withstand the attack, they found themselves struggling against the dark power emanating from the Overturning Pokémon.

"Now perish!" Malamar shouted before having his Cosmic Tentacles aggressively beat down on them. As Malamar's cosmic tentacles thrashed violently, Twilight and her Pokémon were battered relentlessly, unable to mount a defence against the relentless onslaught. The force of the blows sent them tumbling through the air, their bodies bruised and battered by the overwhelming assault. "What's the matter? Can't retaliate?"

He would taunt them while continuing his assault. Twilight grizzled her teeth, using Sorrowful Rage Magic to push back the tentacles. After managing to reflect them, Twilight quickly unleashed a beam from her horn as it passed by all of the tentacles, heading straight for Malamar's face.

"Pitiful." Malamar said before negating this immediately. Channelling his psychic abilities, Malamar conjured a shield of pure darkness to ward off the incoming attack. This shield was not merely a physical barrier but a way to counterattack. After blocking the blast, Malamar corrupted it, turning it into an Eldritch Bolt once more and sending it back to Twilight.

Twilight was in disbelief as she quickly put up a shield to block it, however, when blocking it, the bolt would start affecting her shield. Her shield was suddenly turned into fire, turning against her and enveloping her body as she screamed in pain.

The infernal blaze raged on unabated, its heat searing through Twilight's defences and gnawing at her resolve. The flames threatened to overwhelm her, their scorching tendrils reaching out to consume her entirely.

Summoning all her strength, Twilight pushed back against the flames, channeling her magic into a concentrated burst of energy aimed at dispelling the inferno. With a mighty effort, she managed to quell the flames, extinguishing their fiery wrath and emerging from the ordeal singed but unbowed.

"Hah...Hah..." Breathing heavily, Twilight glanced up at Malamar with steely determination, her eyes blazing with defiance even as her body ached from the ordeal. She knew that the battle was far from over, but she would not falter in the face of adversity.

"You're still standing after that? I'll admit, you're tougher than you appear, Twilight Sparkle." Malamar had to throw in his respect. "It's clear that the last time we met, you were still just a unicorn. Becoming an alicorn has certainly helped you. But not for long."

As Malamar's cosmic tendrils descended with ferocious speed and power, poised to strike at Twilight and her Pokémon, a sudden flash of movement caught their attention. Before they could react, something sliced through the tendrils with uncanny precision, cleaving them apart with effortless grace.

The figure that emerged from the shadows was none other than Kartana, the mythical Ultra Beast known for its unparalleled precision and cutting prowess. With its gleaming blades and razor-sharp edges, Kartana's cut made Malamar scream. It seems he could still feel pain in this state.

"Kartana...?" Twilight uttered before thinking about where she was. The paper-like ground in this place was starting to make sense. This was Kartana's homeworld. She was in Ultra Space.

"ElkrapS thgiliwT, erom ecno teem ew." As always, Kartana spoke backwards. Espeon, Togekiss and Absol understood him though and immediately knew who this was. This wasn't just any Kartana. This was the Kartana that appeared in Equestria a few times and was familiar with Twilight and her friends.


"You mean...he's that Kartana?! Oh, Kartana, it's you!" Twilight stood up tall. Now the tables have turned. This time, Twilight was in his homeworld as opposed to Kartana showing up in her world. "So this is Ultra Space, and your home."

"What is that thing?" Even Malamar had no idea what a Kartana was. This was his first time seeing it. My tentacles should be incredibly durable! How did it cut through it?!"

"!Tca eliv a hcus rof mrof euqsetorg ruoy tilps llahs edalb ym! Elbavigrofnu si ydal a mrah oT !ruc luof." Kartana aimed his blade at Malamar, already knowing that he was a massive threat, especially since he would dare harm his friends.

"No matter! I don't have time for this! I have a Pokemon to find and an Equestria to ruin!" Malamar decided to leave here. "Have fun getting back home, Twilight Sparkle!" With his giant tentacles, he began conjuring up a gateway behind him with ease and this time, he had no issue doing it. This new form of his gave him that benefit as he was now classified as an Equestrian Pokemon.

Twilight felt a surge of panic welling up within her as she watched Malamar vanish into the gateway, leaving her stranded in Ultra Space with Kartana and her Pokémon allies. The realization that Malamar was now headed straight for Equestria, intent on wreaking havoc upon her home in that new form with heightened abilities was absolutely terrifying to think about. All of her friends were in danger while the Moon was still weakened.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 414 End.

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