• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Unexpected Promise

Universe 10. The Arcane Institute. Afternoon.

The Arcane Institute. Existing in Twilight Moonlight's world, it stands as an imposing structure, nestled deep within mystical woods. Surrounded by an aura of ancient magic, the institute is shrouded in secrecy, its towering spires reaching towards the sky like fingers grasping at arcane knowledge. The architecture itself seems to pulse with energy, a testament to the potent forces cultivated within its walls.

Founded years ago with the noble goal of preparing ponies for the prophesized return of the powerful entity known as Prisma, their best student, Twilight Moonlight was still absent and even she failed to get things done.

Those at the Arcane Institute expected Twilight Moonlight to be back by now but thanks to Twilight Luminaria, she was allowed to stay in Universe 1 for an extended period of time. Currently, they were trying all that they could to bring her back from that universe, using every resource they had for the gateway.

"How is it that you still haven't reached her?" The Professor of this school, who had no physical body, spoke to his workers with his booming voice. They were working as hard as they could, using every resource in their arsenal.

"I...I don't know!" One of the employees pulled her mane. "The gateway has already closed and when we reopen and close it as soon as possible, she just won't show up!"

"This has to be the work of Prisma somehow." The Professor suspected, immediately pinning the blame on Prisma. "Maybe, a part of him has already awakened. This all weighed heavily on the minds of the faculty, and they were growing anxious in Twilight Moonlight's prolonged absence.

As the tension within the institute reached its peak, the gateway, the focal point of their desperate endeavours, began to wobble. It pulsated with a rhythmic intensity, echoing like a heartbeat. The workers exchanged uncertain glances, captivated by the unexpected movement.

In a surge of magical energy, the gateway fluctuated wildly, and the air crackled with anticipation. Suddenly, Twilight Moonlight materialized in a burst of light, her silhouette surrounded by a faint glow. The employees stared in awe and relief, their efforts finally yielding results.

Twilight Moonlight, appearing rather disoriented, stepped out from the magical portal. Her time was finally up in that universe as that was the longest she's been there and it wasn't even by the technology or magic from the Arcane Institute.

"You're back! What happened?!" One of the scientists questioned as many gathered around her.

"You were gone far longer than we expected, Moonlight." The Professor's voice spoke. "Why is that?"

"I didn't control how long I stayed there," Twilight Moonlight explained.. "Someone greater kept me around for a bit longer. There were forces at play in Universe 1 that I didn't see coming. But I was near Prisma more than I've ever been and-"

Before she could finish her explanation, the Professor's spectral voice cut through the air with an air of frustration. "You failed to stop Prisma yet again. You were close to his counterparts once more and yet his soul is still around, waiting to wake up." The Professor was not pleased. The Professor's disappointment was palpable, casting a shadow over the gathered scientists who would back away from Twilight Moonlight.

The scientists exchanged uneasy glances, realizing the gravity of the situation. The Professor's voice echoed, stern and uncompromising, "What did you spend most of your years learning here for? You are supposed to be a prodigy, one part of Twilight Luminaria herself. Our world is on the brink, Twilight Moonlight. We cannot afford failure."

The Professor's words resonated in the air, a stern reminder of the expectations placed upon Twilight Moonlight. The scientists, sensing the urgency, looked to her for answers. These expectations were also set by Twilight Moonlight, who saw herself as a greater force and the one destined to stop Prisma's return.

"The only thing you've managed to succeed at is attacking Universe's 1's locations that are tied to Prisma. But when face to face with his counterparts, you simply cannot win. Perhaps I overestimated your abilities, Twilight." The Professor's words cut deep, and Twilight Moonlight felt the weight of her own expectations crashing down upon her. The realization that she had fallen short of her own standards and the Professor's hopes was a bitter pill to swallow.

"I'm sorry...I started questioning my own abilities too." She lowered her head. "It's just that the people in that universe are something else." Twilight Moonlight admitted, her voice tinged with self-doubt

"I have been lenient on you many times, believing in your capabilities. You are still the institute's best student, but it's clear that you have more to learn. Come to my office, Twilight. I will continue my talk with you alone."

Twilight Moonlight nodded, a mix of gratitude and apprehension in her expression. The weight of the Professor's disappointment lingered as she made her way to his office. The scientists, aware of the gravity of the situation, returned to their tasks, leaving Twilight Moonlight to confront her own doubts and uncertainties.

"Twilight!" A voice called out, halting her journey to the Professor's office. Turning, Twilight Moonlight saw Silver Swirl, a fellow student and Guardian Angel from another universe. "You're back! I was so worried!"

"Mmm." Serious and stoic as ever, Twilight Moonlight nodded her head, acknowledging Silver Swirl. Despite the concern in Silver Swirl's voice, Twilight Moonlight still didn't see her as a friend.

"I'm guessing nothing good happened back there..." Silver Swirl slowly uttered. "But at least you're back and safe. "What happened that made you stick around for so long?"

"It was just something with Twilight Luminaria. But I would've been forced to stay there much longer if it wasn't for what I heard back there."

"What? What did you hear?"

"I ran into Ash again. But I didn't attack him this. I didn't attack any of Prisma's counterparts since I was trapped in a bubble. But when I came face to face with him again, he told me something." Moonlight started thinking about her encounter with Ash Ketchum and how it led to her return.

Universe 1. Unova. Mistralton City. The Pokemon Festival. Afternoon. 7 minutes.

It was 5 minutes ago back at Universe 1. Once more, Twilight Moonlight stood before Ash and his friends at Mistralton City. The gateway that Lucas opened up had arrived, bringing Twilight Moonlight, Twilight Sparkle, Nate and Lucas to Unova once more.

"Looking at her just reminds me of Midnight Sparkle, honestly..." Sunset Shimmer said to Sci-Twi, seeing the similarities between the two with noticeable differences. Leaving the gateway and entering Mistralton was Princess Twilight Sparkle as well.

"Oh my gosh! Look at how cute you look as a pony!" Naturally, Twilight's Human friends would gush at Sparkle and Moonlight. They've already seen ponies but to see such familiar faces as ponies was a different story.

"Tell that to her, not me." Twilight Sparkle shrugged as her friends were eyeing her down and Twilight Moonlight.

"Hah..." Twilight Moonlight, whose body was fizzling and running on a time limit in this universe would take a deep breath as she was finally taking a more peaceful approach to the one she saw as a threat. "Ash Ketchum..."

"You're back. Here to try and capture me again?" Ash smiled at Moonlight.

"I've been thinking about something. Ever since I started my mission to take you and your counterparts down to prevent Prisma's return, I've failed to succeed. I didn't understand it at first but looking at everything around you, there's something I've started to realize."

In the parallel universe, the air seemed to shift as Twilight Moonlight contemplated a different perspective, a possibility that might alter the course of her mission against Prisma's counterparts. The encounter with Ash Ketchum held the promise of a new understanding, challenging the rigid beliefs that had guided her actions until now.

"Maybe it's not because I'm weak. I know I'm not weak. But everything around you is what's stopping me. All these allies you've gathered and the way you've managed to make it so big in this world... makes me realize that I was outnumbered in so many ways," she spoke with a tone that carried the weight of her contemplation. "Taking you down would leave an impact on everyone else. It's only you that I want. I want to keep this universe safe so it doesn't suffer any destruction like how mine did for a while."

The seconds ticked away in silence as Ash absorbed her words, allowing her to express the complex emotions that lingered beneath her stoic exterior. Despite the opposing sides they stood on, a thread of understanding seemed to weave its way between them.

"But...this doesn't mean I've given up," She asserted, her determination cutting through the tense atmosphere. "I have to stop you. Even if you don't mean any harm yourself, I can't have you reviving Prisma in any way, shape or form. If it means taking someone special away from everyone else, so be it."

"Heh. Okay. How about a deal?" Ash grinned, leaning in with a proposition. "Maybe next time, you can take me on at your best."

"What?" Twilight Moonlight uttered with a gasp and confusion on her face. So did all of Ash's friends. Did they hear that correctly? Was Ash encouraging this?

"You and I don't wanna see this world, your world or any world get destroyed. I already made a promise that I wouldn't let that happen. Not after we've come this far.

"Yeah. I'll be waiting, Twilight. For the day you can capture me and take me to your universe. Come back when you're stronger.

Twilight Moonlight's stoic facade wavered for a moment, revealing a flicker of surprise and uncertainty. Ash's unexpected proposition had left her momentarily off-balance, challenging the very foundation of her mission. Even after that, Twilight Moonlight was struggling to grasp it all. Hearing this was stunning since Ash was essentially encouraging her to get better.

As she disappeared from Universe 1, the unspoken pact lingered in the air, leaving both Twilight Moonlight and Ash with a sense of anticipation for the unknown future.

Universe 10.

"The nerve...It's like he wants to lose." Twilight Moonlight scoffed, her stoic expression betraying a hint of incredulity, as she recounted the encounter with Ash to Silver Swirl.

"That's what happened?" Silver Swirl giggled, finding it rather amusing.

Twilight Moonlight shot Silver Swirl a stern look, "This is serious, Silver Swirl. He's not taking the threat of Prisma seriously, and it's infuriating. We can't afford to underestimate the danger he poses."

"Sounds to me like he is." Silver Swirl shrugged. "He just goes about things differently. This is why I wanted to stop Prisma differently but...my way still isn't approved."

Twilight Moonlight continued on her way, the determined click of her hooves echoing through the hallowed halls of the Arcane Institute. Silver Swirl watched her leave, knowing that Twilight Moonlight was about to be faced with some harsh criticism from the Pokemon Professor just from the look on her face.

Eventually, she found herself standing before the imposing entrance to the Professor's office. The door, adorned with intricate magical symbols, radiating with ancient magic.

Without hesitation, Twilight Moonlight pushed the door open and entered the Professor's sanctum. Sitting there was the metallic pillar that he could speak through with no physical body to show. "Twilight Moonlight," the Professor's voice echoed, a blend of stern authority.

"Professor. I can tell you all I know and-"

"I heard it all." But he interrupted her, revealing that he heard the entire conversation between her and Silver Swirl. "You made a deal with him?"

"It caught me off guard too. I found it to be pointless since I was so dedicated to my mission. I didn't agree to the deal since I know that I'll eventually capture him."

"These failures can't keep happening. If it were anypony else, I would have expelled you from the institute and this misison entirely. But you are our best shot at the moment, Twilight. I still have faith in you because of your connection to Twilight Luminaria. Many of the students and everyone here do."

The Professor's words hung in the air, a stern acknowledgement of the high expectations placed on Twilight Moonlight's shoulders. The gravity of her failures and the faith he still held in her created a complex tension in the room. As the Arcane Institute's best student, Twilight Moonlight carried the weight of not only her mission but also the hopes of those who believed in her.

"One thing I agree with him is that you will grow stronger. You have room to grow it seems." The Professor said, agreeing with Ash on that one part and nothing more. His best student lacked the extra strength that was necessary for victory.

"I know..." Twilight Moonlight grumbled. Hearing that gutted her. Being reminded of this drawback was rather irritating to er especially.

"However, you can't expect to buy into all of that, can you? I've seen this before."

"You have?" Moonlight looked up at the metallic pillar.

"That exchange is all too familiar to me. Or at least, it's similar to that interaction. He promises not to bring destruction to the world? Even if he wishes not to, he doesn't have an inkling as to how powerful Prisma's soul is. It's for that reason I lost my body, confined to this metal structure while my own soul was still contained. Prisma is a lost cause. But I suppose I forgot to mention those around him."

The revelation added another layer of complexity to the mission, and the weight of the impending threats pressed down on Twilight Moonlight's shoulders. The mystic energies in the Professor's metallic sanctuary seemed to hum with the echoes of past mistakes, urging her to navigate the treacherous path ahead with newfound wisdom.
"Are they just as dangerous? But they can't be..." Twilight Moonlight shuddered.

"They shouldn't. But much like those who would still opt to follow Prisma, Ash Ketchum is no different. If anything, he might have a greater following than Prisma. I was so focused on all of Prisma's counterparts and how they could return as one that his allies slipped my mind."

"There's no way they can be. I know they've gotten in my way, but they're only doing it to keep their friend safe. Even so-"

"They don't yet realize what they're protecting. But it's not like it's the same universe as the one Prisma came from. Your own counterparts will obviously keep Ash Ketchum safe, especially Twilight Sparkle. All three Twilights are without a doubt obstacles in our way, as much as it pains me to say that."

"I did try and convine them so many times, but nothing worked. I even encountered Twilight Luminaria in my dream."

"You...What?" That shocked the Pokemon Professor. This was new to him. "Tell me everything else. And after that, we will be absent from Universe One for a while. To improve your capabilities and to prepare for our largest mission we will take."

Twilight Moonlight nodded in understanding. It was back to the life she was used to here at the Arcane Institute. Universe 10 would stray away from Universe One for an even greater mission. One that was dedicated to finally stopping Prisma's revival.

"I can't believe you said that, Ash! You're basically asking her to take you out!" Universe One, Rainbow Dash's voice echoed through the air, filled with incredulity and frustration.

"Hehe. Couldn't help myself." Ash responded with a carefree laugh, his demeanour seemingly unaffected by the gravity of the situation. The exchange between the two friends carried a mixture of amusement and tension, as the unexpected proposition continued to ripple through the dynamics of their group. The atmosphere in Universe One crackled with the complexity of emotions, a blend of camaraderie and the weight of impending challenges.

"I can't say I didn't see that coming." But Princess Twilight Sparkle knew Ash well enough to know that it was just like him.

Rainbow Dash continued to fume, her frustration evident. "Seriously, Ash? This isn't some game! We're dealing with Prisma here, and you're making deals like it's a friendly match."

Ash, ever nonchalant, flashed a grin. "Come on, Rainbow Dash, lighten up. It's just a different approach. Maybe it'll work, who knows?"

"What are you gonna do if she wins though?" Sunset Shimmer brought up that one possibility of Twilight Moonlight winning.

Ash, with a casual shrug, responded to Sunset Shimmer's inquiry. "Well, if she wins, then she wins. I made the deal. I'll stick to my word. It's not like I plan on losing, though."

Sunset Shimmer raised an eyebrow. "You're pretty calm about potentially being taken to another universe."

"Hey, it's a win-win for me," Ash chuckled. "Either I keep doing what I'm doing, or I get a change of scenery. Plus, it might be interesting to see how things work in her universe."

"It's a win for all of us!" Lucas commented. "We'll be taken in too and see the sights."

"Mhm." Nodding in approval was Nate, who was still wearing the Cosmic Cloak to protect everyone from the strange plasma around him.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "You're impossible, Ash. That goes for you two. You really at the same. What's your name? Nate?"

"That's right." Nate winked at the girls. "Since I'm another counterpart, I'm actually pretty popular back in my world. This isn't my Unova but I'm kind of an icon there and someone with a ton of Pokemon Knowledge. Ladies."

"Euh..." Rarity, Sunset and Applejack would grimace at that wink.

"Twilight Moonlight will obviously be back. But thankfully, we've avoided any catastrophic outcomes." Nightmare Moon commented. "Well, for the most part. Daybreaker's actions say otherwise."

"Yeah, Principal Lu-" Fluttershy shook her head, realizing that this wasn't her Luna. "I mean, Princess Luna."

"It's Nightmare Moon, thank you. I'm honestly surprised you still recognized who I was."

"Well, we'd better get going. Another chance to show the Breezeseal to Windflash and her family." Ash would put his bag back on, ready to depart. "Lucas. Are you alright with opening a new gateway?"

"Are you kidding? I'm way better now that Nate's by my side. Something about that Plasma just recharges me!" Lucas would cackle, raising his hands and generating cosmic energy.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to stay here for a while, Ash." Sci-Twi decided to stick with Sunset Shimmer and the others here at Unova. "Maybe now's a good time to take things slow."

"You got it. That's our cue to leave, Twi."

"I know, I know. I can talk to Windflash any time since she's a teacher at my school. But if we don't manage to let her keep the Breezeseal, then there's only one other option..." Twilight spoke while walking alongside Ash, Nate, Lucas and Nightmare Moon. Lucas would have to choose another location to open up a new gateway so that everywhere has a gateway each.

Harmonia Kingdom.

The atmosphere within the Harmonia Kingdom had grown increasingly tense as Ghetsis remained frozen in his throne room. Colress, meanwhile, had been tirelessly working on creating a barrier to shield Ghetsis's mind from the relentless intrusion of the angels seeking retribution.

In his lab, Colress toiled away with a mixture of determination and frustration. The rift objects, once tools of potential domination, were now being repurposed in a desperate attempt to fend off the celestial forces encroaching upon Ghetsis's consciousness.

"Not good. It isn't just the light that's an issue." Colress assessed when looking over everything. "Lord Ghetsis is now a lot like his own Hydreigon. There's a mishmash of energy clashing against each other. Umbrum Magic, Rift Magic and now Light Magic. All three of them are at odds against each other."

Lightwing, still in her astral form, observed from her captive state, her luminous eyes focused on Colress. "You're struggling with something that might be beyond your comprehension, Colress. Your pursuit of power may have led you astray, but it's not too late to change."

Colress, absorbed in his work, shot her a glare. "Enough of your sanctimonious words, angel." He shut her down immediately, focused on what was occurring with Ghetsis. Things were starting to get out of hand.

Lightwing, still observing from her astral form, chimed in with a hint of urgency. "Balancing such opposing forces needs a delicate touch. If left unchecked, the discord could lead to catastrophic consequences, not only for Ghetsis but for the entire kingdom."

And the effects were showing. Colress, witnessing the transformation before him, recognized the gravity of the situation. The clash of Umbrum, Rift, and Light Magic within Ghetsis was manifesting in a tangible and ominous manner. The once solid form of the ruler of the Harmonia Kingdom was now being encased in an otherworldly material that seemed to solidify with each passing moment.

"Lord Ghetsis!?" Colress muttered, his eyes narrowed.

Ghetsis was now turned to stone, stuck in that same position as his struggle against the Light of the Angels came to an end. And in his defeat. The ruler of the Harmonia Kingdom might as well be a statue. Colress was stunned as all his hard work including the work of the rest of Team Plasma was for naught.

However, the residents of the Harmonia Kingdom could not know about this. Not at all. News breaking out could cause a ruckus and other problems that Team Plasma wasn't willing to take on.

Lightwing closed her eyes, smiling as she knew her friends were up there responsible for this. The angels wouldn't abandon their own. And yet, Lightwing's Astral Form was still stuck here even with Ghetsis being petrified. She didn't understand it, but Lightwing could at least look at that piece of hope that came her way. In her eyes, there were more pieces left to be fulfilled.

There was absolute silence in the throne room around Ghetsis' defeat. All that energy died down, staying completely silent. The residents of the Harmonia Kingdom continued to believe in the protection of an angelic force, unaware of the internal struggles that threatened their ruler.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 388 End.

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