• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Unova. The Sea Temple Samiya. The Pokemon Festival. Day.

When arriving at the Sea Temple along with his friend Sci-Twi, Ash, Sci-Twi Alo, Donoma and the Pokemon witnessed a secret pod that was hidden deep within the temple. At last, after centuries, the pod opened, revealing a woman who emerged from it.

The being stepped out of the pod, her gaze fixing upon Ash with a sense of recognition. The Sea Temple seemed to resonate with her presence, and the waters continued to ripple in response.

"That's what was inside that pod?!" Donomoa dropped her crystal ball in shock. "Who is that?!"

"No idea. I've never seen her before, but she's clearly Samiyan." Alo observed. No one here has seen this woman before. They only knew about the secret pod hidden somewhere in the Sea Temple.

Ash, still somewhat taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, approached Safia with a mixture of awe and curiosity. The guardian regarded him with a gentle yet knowing expression as if acknowledging the connection to the Sea Temple even if Ash wasn't from here. The sunlight caught the colour of her attire, casting a light but beautiful glow around her.

"Woah...Who are you?" Ash asked, his voice filled with genuine curiosity.

"Pikachu?" Pikachu's eyes widened.

"A pleasure to meet you, your majesty." She was 100% aware of Ash's presence, knowing that he was the King of the Sea, addressing him formally. "Glad to be awake after so long. My name is Safia."

"Safia?" Alo spoke that name, wondering if it was familiar in some way. "That Safia?!"

"Who's Safia?" Donoma wasn't caught up to speed with such a name. Only Alo, in his old age, knew of that name.

"I hope I'm not forgetting, but it's said that the Sea Temple Samiya was founded by two people who were the parents of a girl by the name of Safia. They were our ancestors and among the First People of the Water.

"I have slumbered within the heart of the Sea Temple for aeons, fulfilling my role as its secret guardian," Safia explained.

"Secret Guardian? Since when?" Alo and Donoma exchanged amazed glances, realizing that the guardian they had only heard about in legends was standing before them in the flesh. Safia turned her gaze towards Ash, her eyes filled with a depth of knowledge that spoke of the ages she had witnessed.

"Oh. I suppose I'm not technically a guardian. More of a caretaker, actually. Even if the Sea Temple itself has been receiving its fair share of protectors and protection."

"You knew who I was just like that?" Ash spoke.

"But of course. It's my duty to do so. Just as it is to know every citizen of Samiya. I'm grateful that you have finally allowed me to awaken after aeons."

"No problem. So, you've just been down here? Protecting the Sea Temple? Oh, did you chime in when I was about to drown?!"

"No. I wasn't involved then. I wasn't even involved in every instance the Sea Temple has been threatened. I've just been slumbering, unable to do anything else. But that can all change now that I have awoken. Command over me is automatically transferred to the Rulers of the Sea. This involves Your Majesty and the Prince of the Sea. Anything you wish will be done without question."

"Really? Well, I don't know about command..." Ash scratched his hair, unsure about the word 'Command'.

"Apologies. His majesty does not see others as beneath him. I'll make sure to correct myself."

"She talks as if she's an android..." Sci-Twi pointed out Safia's way of speaking. There was something robotic.

"Is my way of speaking too odd? Then, should I speak in the modern-day tone?"

"You know about the modern day? Are you sure you were asleep if it's been that long?" Donoma asked.

"Why, yes. I most certainly do. In fact, I can mimic certain ways of modern-day speech." Safia smiled before suddenly mimicking modern-day speech. "Such as Pokemon Speech."

"Awesome! Can you mimic Pikachu's voice then?" Ash would lift Pikachu, who had that constant smile on his face.

"Of course. I can mimic the voices of many Pokemon. But I do have a finite pool. There are some Pokemon I just can't replicate. My magic won't allow it." The way Safia spoke was different. Through their ears, they suddenly processed the sound of a Pikachu. To them, it sounded like someone was just saying the name of a Pikachu, but they perfectly understood it.

"Pika!" Pikachu gasped after his way of peaking was mimicked by Safia. So did Sci-Twi's Alpa Pikachu.

"Woah man..." Ash was stunned. It was an unusual feeling. All he heard was Pika-Pika but he understood it perfectly. Just like how he can easily understand his Pikachu. "Just like that?!"

"What kind of magic do you have for that kind of ability?" Alo asked. "And why were you hidden inside of the pod?"

"I had to rest there. Only until the next King of the Sea appeared could I awaken. But I was able to at least learn about the outside world, but only where the Sea Temple travels."

"Well, if you're awake, then you're gonna be a lot of help, Safia." Ash smiled.

"I have been listening to your conversations from below. I am well aware of the issue you're all facing at the moment. I promise you that my magic will be of great help. I am in tune with the sea and the temple and I can tell you all that Samiya has been taking too much damage as of recently."

"Tell me about it..." Donoma sighed. "On top of that, even the crystals have been suffering. I've never seen them so vulnerable before."

"That's because their tremendous power is being contested by another tremendous power," Safia answered, already knowing why this was the case. "The imbalance that you're all worried about has greatly crippled the crystals and with the universe struggling to properly adjust everything, using their power will be less simple as it usually is."

"If you know that...Do you know how we can fix it? We've never had to repair the crystals before." For once, Alo was the one requesting guidance.

"The answer is right there." Just then, Safia pointed to the answer. Apparently, it was Sci-Twi.

"Me?!" Twilight leaned back as all eyes were on her. According to Safia, she was the answer.

"Ah, but of course! You're wearing the pendant of Arceus!" Alo exclaimed after approaching Sci-Twi with Donoma. "Why didn't I think of this?!"

"It is tied to Arceus, much like our crystals. We might have to go far to repair them!" Donoma grinned.

"Hold on, hold on!" She would frantically hold and wave her arms. "I don't even understand this thing myself! It's strange and I can't even reach Arceus. I don't think I'm the person to handle this. Why not try my counterpart? She has a Z-Crystal that Arceus helped make with her, doesn't she?"

"You needn't worry, Twilight Sparkle." Safia would move, approaching Twilight by hovering off the ground. They watched as Safia could effortlessly hover. "I can sense your worries. Apologies for facing you first."

Safia extended her hand toward Sci-Twi's pendant, her fingertips emitting a gentle glow as she made a connection with the relic. The pendant responded, resonating with Safia's magic in a harmonious dance of energy. The Sea Temple's atmosphere seemed to respond as well, calming as if acknowledging the presence of a powerful force.

"W-What did you do...?" Twilight marvelled at the magic.-

"Twilight Sparkle, you may not fully comprehend the extent of the magic within you, but fear not. Arceus chose you for a reason, and I am here to guide you in unlocking its potential," Safia reassured Sci-Twi, her voice carrying an air of ancient wisdom.

"Technically, it was a witch who chose me but...sure." Sci-Twi nodded, still feeling a bit overwhelmed by the revelation but willing to trust in the guidance of the mysterious guardian. As Safia continued to channel her magic, the pendant emitted a soft glow, and symbols resembling those found in the Sea Temple began to materialize in the air around them.

"Hmm...Not as simple as even I thought. Perhaps I'm rusty myself." Safia observed. "I need to be as active as I can if I want to fulfil my duties."

"Then let's get out there. What first, Safia?" Ash asked.

"For the most part, the universe will do its best to repair the damage done to the world at the moment, but it will certainly struggle. That can all change if we heal at least one land."

"Just one, huh?" Ash pondered. Where would they go? Anywhere would do so as long as they can heal it before its potential end. "Alright. Which land took some heavy damage?"

"Not too far from here, there is a forest that has recently disappeared from its own location. That is the universe trying its best to find a new location for it. We can reverse it by sending it back to where it came from."

"A forest that left its own location? Did it just up and vanish?" Sci-Twi asked. Safia was aware of the island that had been ripped from its original spot, knowing where it currently was. It was still somewhere in Unova, not ending up in another region. On top of that, it wasn't even destroyed.

"Okay. You're the expert today, Safia. Lead the way." Ash smiled, encouraging her. "We'll get to that forest and see what's up with it. Then we'll see just how much it changes."

"Right then! We shall-" Right as Alo was about to speak, Safia cut him off.

"We shall pursue the forest before it can spiral out of control again."

"Ah...That was what I was going to say." Alo paused as his beard would droop a bit.

"Apologies for the intrusion, Royal Advisor, Alo. Would you like a Seagem as my apology?" From her bare hands, Safia generated what appeared to be a Diamond made out of water. It just radiated value.

"Oh...No thank you." Alo shook his head. He didn't need this, despite how special it was.

"Now, Your Majesty. Allow me to connect myself even further with the Sea Temple." From her body, Safia unleashed that brilliant glow that appeared when she first showed up. Ash and the others would squint as the glow would spread rapidly, sending rays of light that latched onto the walls, ground and ceiling.

Safia's power would then outline the Sea Temple itself in a matter of seconds, giving it that same magnificent glow. At this moment, Safia was increasing her connection to the Sea Temple. A lot has happened over the years after all and the guardian couldn't get sloppy.

Coral Maze Gardens.

The Coral Maze Gardens. A labyrinthine network of coral gardens featuring winding paths and vibrant blooms. The Coral Maze Gardens serve as a recreational area for temple inhabitants, encouraging contemplative walks and fostering a connection with the intricate beauty of the sea. The gardens had the appearance of a popular spot for communal gatherings.

As the sun dipped beneath the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the cerulean sky, the Coral Maze Gardens within the Sea Temple Samiya became a lively underwater haven. The Water Pokémon that called the temple home emerged from their hidden alcoves, ready to enjoy the serenity of the evening in the vibrant coral labyrinth.

A group of playful Finneons darted through the winding paths, their iridescent scales catching the fading sunlight. They wove gracefully between the coral archways, chasing one another in a lively game. Their agile movements created ripples that mirrored the playful energy of their aquatic dance.

"Wow..." Present here was Fluttershy, who would observe the Pokemon in their natural habitat, which was a constantly moving habitat.

In a secluded corner of the garden, a serene Milotic gracefully unfurled its elegant coils. The Pokémon's ethereal beauty mesmerized any onlookers as it glided through the water with an otherworldly grace. Its long, trailing fins brushed against the coral structures, leaving a trail of gentle luminescence in its wake.

"Min! Lumineon!" Near the central pool, a school of Lumineons gathered beneath the soft glow of underwater lanterns. Their fins shimmered in various hues, creating a mesmerizing display of colors that illuminated the surrounding coral. The Lumineons swam in synchronized patterns, a silent aquatic ballet that captivated the hearts of those fortunate enough to witness their ethereal performance.

The Lumineons, captivated by Fluttershy's serene aura, swam closer to her, their multicoloured fins creating a kaleidoscope of hues around her. Fluttershy, ever attuned to the needs of her animal friends, began softly singing a melody that resonated with the underwater creatures. The Lumineons, enchanted by the soothing tune, swayed in harmony with the melody, creating an enchanting aquatic ballet.

"This is the best day of my life!" To say Fluttershy was elated was an understatement. She wanted to stay here for as long as she could, even if she was far away from her home. Now she knew what her Equestrian Counterpart felt like. She has never been around this many Pokemon before.

The Cerulean Chambers.

The Cerulean Chambers.

A series of meditation chambers nestled within the east of the temple, the Cerulean Chambers are adorned with intricate mosaics depicting underwater scenes. Each chamber is dedicated to a different aspect of sea spirituality, providing a tranquil space for meditation, reflection, and communion with the oceanic energies.

While everyone else was enjoying their time, snooping around and viewing the Sea Temple for its looks was Volo. Looking at the temple, he could just feel the ancient nature of it. It's amazing to think something this old, older than him has been around for this long.

"Mmm...Nothing about Giratina. But Arceus though...?" His interest in these two Pokemon was still present even here. Although the Sea Temple didn't have a strong connection to Arceus, the crystals were good enough. But it was more than just the crystals.

He looked at the mosaics, seeing that they went past just the Water-Types. Volo observed them and saw what appeared to be a mosaic painting of Arceus. It was the People of the Water bringing a crystal to the Alpha Pokemon, most likely asking him to grant his light into the crystals.

Volo wasn't fully aware of the crystals and their power but he could tell they were rather important. Looking at the painting, he had to wonder if Arceus has been to this temple before. So far, there have been no reports of him doing such a thing. Even the King of Pokelantis has been here a few times as well as those who wanted the power of the crystals. But nothing about Arceus.

"Hm. I was born too late to see or learn about the Sea Temple during my time, but this isn't my time." Volo smiled. "To think...the present day is this immersed. Locations such as a Sea Temple can exist as well as advanced technology and buildings. And yet..."

Despite seeing how impressive the present day was with how things from the past, present and to some extent, the future can perfectly exist alongside each other, something was still missing. The questions he's always had back then followed him into the present.

"That Ray of Light that hit Hisui...Or should I say Sinnoh. It hasn't changed anything for me, Arceus." Volo would look at the painting of Arceus once more. "This world is going through its own turmoil. I doubt it even knows what to do with all of these additions. I could maybe understand it all if I could just reach you. Not even the past, present or future will torment me with all of these questions."

Safia would finally exit the room she's been staying in this entire time, appearing before the rest of the Samiyans. None of them recognized her at all. Her appearance didn't strike a core memory in anyone. Not even a smidge. Safia predated them all and only her name was familiar.

Once she arrived, the secret Guardian of the Sea Temple would bow, greeting her fellow Samiyans. The Sea Temple has had a few guardians that have already shielded it before Safia even woke up. From Ash saving it from Phantom years back, Manaphy keeping watch of it after becoming Prince of the Sea or even the People of the Water defending it themselves. Now, it was time for the original guardian to play her part.

The Sea Temple was once again about to be on the move, this time, going straight for the forest Sunset Shimmer's friends previously explored. The crystals still needed time to properly recharge, thus, using them now would only increase the time. This was where Safia came into play.

"With my connection, I can temporarily give the temple enough power to find this island. I am already tracking it down at this very moment, Your Majesty." Safia said, staying completely still while her body let out a glow, focusing on the forest.

"Sweet stuff. Once we get to that forest, we'll do our best to put it back. Uh...How are we gonna put it back?" The King of the Sea asked, imagining what that would look like. With the crystals currently weakened, he imagined everyone pulling the forest back to its original location.

"That is something we will figure out along the way, Your Majesty. But that pendant on Twilight Sparkle might be of great assistance."

"If I could actually use it..." Sci-Twi lifted up her pendant, wishing she could ta into it with ease.

"Worry not, Twilight Sparkle. As I said, you were given that pendant for a reason. The power of Arceus is resting in that pendant and Arceus himself is most definitely counting on you."

"What would he need me for? My Equestrian Counterpart is more important than me anyways." Sci-Twi saw Princess Twilight as the more important Twilight for obvious reasons. For starters, she was a princess and she has done the most, having the most encounters with Arceus and being excellently well-versed in Pokemon. "Maybe he should go to her instead. She has that Z-Crystal after all."

"I can confirm that all Twilights are important in their own ways, no matter what the world. Perhaps becoming Queen of the Sea will help tap into that power." Safia uttered with a casual tone.

"W-What?!" Sci-Twi shot up and turned red after hearing those striking words. Safia smiled as the implications were very much there. She knew what she meant without a doubt. "Umm...No thanks! I mean, I was a princess in an illusion for a little while but..."

"Ah, you'd make a great queen!" Ash, Pikachu and Alpha Pikachu would collectively say, putting their thumbs up in approval.


"Ash" She would roar at Ash, not wanting to hear that. But at the same time, Sci-Twi did want to hear it but couldn't admit it.

The Sea Temple was on the move, travelling Unova's seas once more. Everyone could make themselves comfortable for the ride until they reached their destination.

Colorful cushions adorned the deck, and woven hammocks gently swayed between coral pillars. The gentle sea breeze carried the soothing melodies of harps and lyres played by musicians stationed on the upper levels, adding a harmonious soundtrack to the idyllic scene.

On the lower levels, Water Pokémon frolicked in the wake of the temple, their playful antics creating gentle ripples that mirrored the happiness that filled the air.

But while helping move the entire temple, a frown formed on Safia's face. Not all was swell for her. Safia was already well aware of her surroundings, knowing about the many things that have happened in the Sea Temple by now. As such, this involved anything from the outside or nearby.

And right now, the world wasn't at its safest. Not since Daybreaker and Gardevoir left a crushing impact. The seas, while always being wild in their own ways, were wilder than before. Not even the Samiyans could safely move across it. Safia, while having a blindfold over her eyes, could see her surroundings, knowing what was nearby.

Sunset Shimmer, who was speaking with the energetic Enola, was none the wiser. Neither was Rarity who was getting into Water Weaving, immediately struggling and neither were Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie.

In Safia's vision, she could see a strong layer of mist in the distance. Of course, it was the same mist that surrounded the forest and even after Sunset Shimmer's group managed to claim victory, it stuck around. But things were different after the second encounter.

Safia could easily see through the mist, knowing that it was of mystical properties, not just the world facing a trembling occurrence. This mist existed for a reason that Volo and the others couldn't react.

As they ventured into the unknown, the bonds between this enigmatic would be tested so quickly, and the destiny of Samiya would unfold in ways none of them could have predicted. Much like how no one expected that power surge last night. as the journey continues.

Chapter 384 End.

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