• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Dimensional Tunnel.

Ash, Twilight and Spike found themselves travelling in a Dimensional Tunnel. Thanks to Potion Nova's potion, who was also joining them, they were off to the dimension where Galaxy Master could be found. However, travelling through this Dimensional Tunnel was not as pleasant as going through a gateway. It was hyperactive, took some time and was rather rocky.

"Oh, I think I'm gonna be sick...!" Spike was feeling the turbulent effects of travelling through this tunnel, especially since it was forcing them forward.

"Don't worry, it won't be long until we get there! Just be careful not to fall off!" Potion Nova yelled, needing to raise her voice with how the tunnel was generating otherwordly sounds.

"Woah! Check it out!" Speaking of which, Ash and Pikachu were already gathering sights from this. Most of the tunnel was just blue and purple, similar to the Rift since some of its magic was used to make this potion possible. However, there were open holes within the sides of this Dimensional Tunnel. These holes were what they needed to watch out for, mainly due to what was beyond them.

Other dimensions could be viewed through these holes. Each had their own unique appearances. And some of these were ones that Palkia and Cosmos ended up in for a brief moment during their battle. Ash and Pikachu saw a dimension of mirrors, a Gem Dimension, a dimension where the roads seem to pierce the clouds and exist in the skies and a dimension of Limbo with ponies who were living in it. These ponies also dressed differently from what Ash could capture in time. The way they dressed looked rather futuristic. Some of them looked old, older than what Equestria has. Twilight would also get a look at this, amazed by what she was seeing. There were other dimensions that she has yet to even witness and explore.

"Like it?! Those are all different dimensions with their own lives! The one we're looking for is thankfully up ahead! It's the only one that deviates from the side!" Potion Nova exclaimed.

Alas, they could only view it for a little while. Eventually, the Dimensional Tunnel would propel them even further, finally reaching its destination which was right up ahead. They would soon get a view of the dimension that stood before them, enveloped in a cosmic light that would take them there.

Another Dimension.

"Ugh...Man..." Getting here wasn't pleasant. When they left the tunnel, they landed in rather uncomfortable positions. Ash fell flat on his face, landing next to strange flowers that were only exclusive to this dimension. These were the same flowers that resembled corals.

Ash's eyes would open to see these Coral Flowers next to him, feeling rather bewildered after falling from the tunnel. He got up with Pikachu soon doing the same. He and the others were rather shaken up, minus Potion Nova, who was used to this. And once they all recovered and got up, they could feast their eyes on the land before them.

Tall mountains with spring trees next to them, emanating the light of the stars from them which went well with the light blue skies above. Even to this day, the Spring Flowers were still growing in this dimension, becoming so abundant they were now decorating the mountains, mixing with the corals that were already on them. And at the crux of it all was the Galaxy Tower, which found its home here in this dimension. The starry mountain was also an eye-catcher. With how many spring flowers have grown, the mountains all sparkled with an incandescent style to them.

To put it simply, it was impressive to the eyes. Obscure but impressive. "What is this place?" Spike asked before he and Twilight let Axew and Espeon out of their Poke Balls.

"The dimension's still unknown to us. It doesn't even have a name. I'm not even sure we're on another earth. Might be a completely different planet. But either way, it's Galaxy Master's base. He'll be right in there, busy with work as always."

"Oh? What are those?!" However, something caught Twilight's attention that soon attracted everyone else. Past the Coral Flowers, she spotted something up ahead. They were Pokemon but something was different about them.

Passing through the flowers was a group of Furret, frolicking around. Furret was normal and everything, but the way they appeared was strikingly different. They had a rather ethereal appearance to them. Their furry bodies were now Astral and spatial, no longer possessing those signature stripes around them. Instead, they were all replaced with stars.

And it wasn't just the Furret. Above, a flock of Starlys came by, also having the same Astral appearance. And yet, it didn't look like ordinary space. There was something rather different about them.

"Woah! What's up with those Pokemon?!" Ash questioned in amazement. "By looking around some more, he saw other Pokemon that had this astral touch to them. Most were Normal-Types from what he saw so far with a few types sticking out here and there. Vileplume, Hoppip, Sandshrew, Sewaddle and other Pokemon had this special look to them that didn't change their shapes at all, compared to regional forms.

And the way they moved caused the astral energy from within them to let out a trail. What a stellar sight to behold. Here, there were other types of Pokemon yet to be fully discovered. And just when they were learning about Equestrian Variants and Alpha Pokemon. The World of Pokemon was always evolving in some way. Or in this case, another World of Pokemon separate from theirs.

"Ah, those...Those are Subspace Pokemon." Of course, Potion Nova knew, spouting out the name.

"Subspace Pokemon?" Ash, Twilight and Spike collectively said. Gracing their ears was a new kind of Pokemon they've never heard about before. Until now.

"I had the same reaction when I found out. Subspace Pokemon is what they're called. It's become they come from Subspace."

"Uh...What's Subspace?" Ash was lost on this. So was Spike as they both scratched their faces, trying to see if they knew anything about Subspace.

"I can explain. As simple as I can for you guys. It's a form of space that has different physical properties from normal space. Looks identical to normal space, doesn't it?" Twilight explained. "I've heard of Subspace but I didn't think it ever existed. What are they even doing here? And where's their Subspace even?"

"That's the thing. We don't know. They showed up in this dimension not too long ago. I'd say around 3 days after the worlds united. Galaxy Master was able to tell that they were made out of Subspace energy and that they come from a Lost World. We don't know what that world is but...hey. We're still learning." Potion Nova shared what she knew. It wasn't much.

"So what can they do?"

"Uhh...What every other Pokemon can do. From what I can tell so far, they just have Subspace appearances and that's about it. There's probably more we don't know about them and we can continue learning about them. And uh...trying to keep them safe in this dimension. They're clearly not from here."

"So this is what he's been doing the whole time, huh?" Ash saw how much Galaxy Master had on his plate. While this dimension was minuscule compared to the vast world back home, it wasn't without its problems that Galaxy Master chose to combat. According to Potion Nova, there was something here for him to deal with. "So what's he been going up against?"

"Well, this dimension is home to other creatures that originally live here. They can be pretty hostile and the Pokemon here are their prey, so Galaxy Master and sometimes myself fend off these strange creatures from harming the Pokemon. Let's hurry and meet with him now, Ash." Potion Nova would lead the way to Galaxy Master and now Ash and his friends would have the knowledge of Subspace Pokemon in their minds.

When approaching the tower, Ash was immediately recognized, just like before. Recognizing his appearance made him eligible to enter, causing the doors to automatically open. He was always welcomed here.

Galaxy Tower.

Sitting there, working as always, was none other than Galaxy Master himself. His work was currently consisting on crafting new gadgets that would help him in his missions. He wasn't even aware of Ash's arrival. Galaxy Master had to be ahead of the Lich Queen and the Dread League, intercepting and foiling their plans as soon as possible. And if he was late, he'd just go through with it either way. Better late than never.

Sleeping next to him was his Pikachu who also worked just as hard as him. Well, only when they encounter the Dread League. Now, he was just relaxing. However, Pikachu would soon wake up after his nose picked up on a familiar scent.


"What is my friend?" Galaxy Master asked, taking notice of Pikachu's awakening. The doors would open, showing the StarBots moving in. Galaxy Master managed to make new ones after the previous ones went with the Ranger Union, presumably destroyed ever since those events in space.

Next to enter the room was Potion Nova, however, Galaxy Master was taken aback by who else joined them. Twilight came through. Then Spike. And finally, Ash, who was the last to enter. And the moment he entered this room, he locked eyes with Galaxy Master.

At last, the two of them meet. But this time, Galaxy Master's body wasn't being controlled by anything. It was just him. The real deal. This was their true first meeting. "Oh...Ash!"

"Hey!" Ash greeted him like an old friend. Or in this case, like a father. It only fits due to who this Fictional Character was modelled after. "Great to meet you, finally."

"It is!" He would get off his seat. "I didn't you'd come to me! What a welcoming surprise! What brings you here, anyway?"

"I just wanted to meet with you. That's all." Ash had no other reason apart from that. He just wanted to meet with the character he made when he was a child. "Ever since I learned that you were real, I had to come and see you. A lot of stuff happened that kinda messed it up. But now, we're actually seeing each other."

"Indeed. But...I'm not sure what to do now that I've met with you." They've finally met but what else could be done? Ash had nothing past this apart from seeing him. And Galaxy Master felt the same way.

"Yeah. Same here." Ash laughed. "But I guess seeing you do cool hero stuff works out. It'll be just like how I drew my comics back then, except it's real and looks way better. It'd be like a dream come true!"

"Ah, well...I'm not exactly doing anything interesting right now." He laughed it off. "Apart from protecting the Pokemon from these strange threats here and there, I'm the most consistent when the Dread League are active."

"I guess so." Ash pondered for a moment, lost as well on what to do now.

"How about the two of you just hang out?" Twilight suggested, deciding to get them started somewhere. Ash. He's meant to be modelled after your father, isn't he? He's just wearing an outfit. This is the closest you'll ever get to seeing your dad again. In fact, I'd say you've met him."

"Yeah. It is." Ash knew that. Galaxy Maser was the closest he got to seeing his father. He couldn't waste it now. "Do you...have memories of my dad too?"

"I may not be the real him, but I have some memories." The Hero Born from the Sea Temple Crystal tapped his head. "I know where Pallet Town is. I would've come to you long ago if these problems didn't surface. But a hero's work is never done. It's not everything, but a good amount."

"Awesome! Then let me tell you everything I know!" Ash grinned as this would be just like sharing his adventures with his father. It was a truly thrilling sight. "I've met a lot of Pokemon over the years, seen a lot of places, done a lot of stuff and I can't wait to tell it all!"

"I can take some time off work. Go ahead and tell me." Galaxy Master was willing to hear him. It would be the one time he's not busy being a Superhero. Instead, he was going to be a Father.

"Yeah! I should maybe start with that time I met a Samurai! Or maybe the very beginning! Ah, it doesn't matter! It's all fun!" He blurted with excitement. Twilight, Potion Nova and Spike would leave them to it as Ash was already starting. It was best to give them their privacy.

"While they're at it...what about us?" Potion Nova asked.

"I was gonna ask you about the Subspace thing but it's still new to you. I guess all we can do is research them together before we head home." Twilight suggested focusing on the Subspace Pokemon and what they were all about. So far, they seemed to just be ordinary Pokemon with astral appearances, coming from Subspace. And nothing more. However, there had to be something else about them that no one else knew.

It was all too strange. And the fact that they showed up 3 days after the Jirachi put everything together raised some questions that Twilight wanted answers to. Thus, they would focus on these Subspace Pokemon, heading outside of the Galaxy Tower to meet up with them.

Outside, the Subspace Pokemon were just living their best lives, existing perfectly in this dimension. It seemed to fit their habitats perfectly despite how obscure it was. Then again, not much is known about this place. Twilight, Potion Nova and Spike would observe the Subspace Pokemon, trying to see what else they can do.

Alas, nothing new came from them. They just did what their regular versions would do. For the most part, they were just uniquely coloured Pokemon from another world. And perhaps, it was for the best. But simply observing them and watching these Strange and Wonderful Creatures roam around was fine as well as Espeon and Axew would interact with them.

Twilight and Spike would soon send out the rest of their Pokemon, giving them the opportunity to see the Subspace Pokemon for themselves. And of course, Ninetales was the first to try and play with them with Togekiss making he doesn't go overboard.

"You know...I have something to share myself. Just like Ash. Maybe not any adventures." While watching the Pokemon, Potion Nova wanted to share her own stories. "I already told you about how I learned potions by myself and sometimes my childhood friend would do the same."

"Yes? What else?" Twilight asked, curious.

"I'm not sure if you know this. You were in that garden too when we showed up, but I didn't see you. But I did end up meeting with my old childhood friend. And she's a vampire from Magehold." Potion Nova got straight to the point, revealing the existence of Ebony Rhyme to Twilight and Spike. Twilight and Spike were reasonably shocked by this. "I know. I was shocked too. I always wondered where she went that day and now I know."

"She used to live in Mareflower with you?"

"Mhm. You see...I study potions and use magic. But my friend Ebony Rhyme doesn't have any magic. Even though she's a vampire, there's not a trace of magic within her. You wouldn't even be able to tell if she was a vampire with her lack of fangs and the robe that conceals her wings. Even as a filly, she wore those robes o hide her wings. I believe it was her parents that gave it to her. Anyway, we met at the Despair Plant Garden and it was something..."

"What did you do then?" Spike questioned.

"Well, it was an odd reunion. Just like Ash, I was so happy to see someone from my past. It had been so long." The reunion of Ash and Galaxy Master mirrored the one that Potion Nova and Ebony Rhyme had. "But...since she was working with the Dread League, it was a tough one. We were both happy to see each other but once we had our own missions, we broke out into a fight, throwing potions at each other. We're kinda responsible for that sudden downfall of the garden before it was saved."

"Oh, so that was you two. That must be hard then, having to fight your friend. But you said she left one day and I'm guessing it was from Mareflower. She wasn't born in Magehold?"

"No. She was born in Mareflower despite being a vampire. I'm guessing she left there with her parents once her true identity was revealed. I'm going up against the Dread League, trying to foil their plans and Ebony's supporting them too, having some pretty powerful potions on her. It was tough though...having to fight my own friend." Potion Nova lowered her head. "We went our separate ways after that as you can tell. But...having that Potion Duel with her was fun. I just wish it wasn't under those circumstances."

"I see." Twilight thought about it for a moment. She never looked at it from that angle before, however, there were some signs that pointed to it being possible. She recalled two vampires. Night Sprout and Spectrum Shade. Night Sprout showed up at the Canterlot Junior Cup, not really too focused on a devious plan. Rather, she just wanted a battle, interested in Pokemon. But she still had a plan.

Spectrum Shade was the same, also interested in Pokemon. She wanted a battle, clearly and is looking for that satisfaction while also working with the Dread League to fulfil their goals.

"Despite that, I know we'll meet again. And I'll believe it'll be under better circumstances. After all, Ebony's not a bad pony. I know that." Potion Nova still had high faith in her friend. "I never saw her differently when she was a filly and I won't now." Even back then, though she was a vampire, Potion Nova saw Ebony Rhyme as a friend. "Twilight. Do you think the same goes for the other vampires back at Magehold?"

"The other vampires? Hmmm..." It was something to think about. Twilight has seen the vampires cause dread and havoc across Equestria and other places. They truly exist to cause harm and are also going through with that Black Crusade Plan. They went through all that trouble to find Yveltal after all. From what everyone in the world can gather so far, the vampires are enemies through and through. "Maybe." And yet, Twilight could see past that.

Hidden past those anarchy lovers were vampires who had other interests that didn't involve anarchy. From what she could tell, they were interested in Pokemon. But who wasn't at this point?

"I haven't been to Magehold at all, so I don't know. But since Fantina's there...I'm guessing that not every vampire's as destructive and dangerous as the ones we've met." Twilight continued. "We just haven't met them all yet. This whole Black Crusade has everypony shaken up by this. No one's ever threatened the world in such a way after all, especially since it's so direct. I'm sure we can find some vampires we can just talk to."

"Maybe. It's a tall order though." Potion Nova chuckled. "They won't hesitate to get us." Soon, Twilight would laugh with Potion Nova. The two would continue to babble with each other, discussing what they could. Potion Nova brought up her potions while Twilight brought up her double status as the Princess of Friendship and a Pokemon Professor.

Meanwhile, Ash and Galaxy Maser sat at the top of Galaxy Tower, still talking with each other as well. Ash shared so many of his adventures, going through years of events in the span of minutes with how eager he was. Sitting on the top gave the two of them the chance to admire the sights while both their Pikachus played with each other.

"So yeah. A lot happened. And more keeps on happening. It's a wild ride all the time." Ash said. "What do you think?"

"Haha! You're a hero as well, my boy!" Galaxy Master patted Ash on the back. "You did all of this?! Amazing! My hero career is still new so I suppose you're my superior in all of this! Hahaha!"

"Guess so, haha! But I know you'll do awesome things later on. You already have."

"Indeed! There's always trouble brewing. And I'll make sure to be there. And perhaps, I'll have my own stories to tell. Or maybe you'll be the one to tell them by drawing those books again."

"Nah, I think it's best to let it happen on its own. I'm glad I got to share all of this with you, ya know. I've been waiting a long time for this. Telling my dad about everything is one of the greatest feelings out there."

"I see what you mean. And frankly...I'm rather glad about it. I'm not actually your father, after all. I'm merely just a Fictional Character, created by the Sea Temple Crystal. I'm glad to be alive, honestly. It's odd, isn't it? Knowing what you used to be."

"Yeah. That's pretty wild." Ash thought about it for a moment and it would be perplexing. "I guess Daisy and Paradise know how that feels too. They were just flowers before."

"But, Ash, Telling me all of this...I'm not sure why...but it brings me great joy." Galaxy Master continued. "Perhaps its the memories of your father within me. I cannot truly call myself your father since I only have those slight memories. Much like him, I haven't even been there for you, doing my own thing. It ended up being you that came to me, even though I wished to do it myself. But all of this work has kept me away from you until now and I can imagine the same goes for your father, whatever he's doing."

"It's fine." But Ash had no qualms about it. "You and Dad are both doing what you love. And so am I. And plus...you're still my dad to me." He placed his hands on Galaxy Master's arm. Ash saw him as his father. It didn't matter that he was a Fictional Character suddenly brought to life. He was based on his father anyway."

"Really? You still think that?"

"I know that. It doesn't matter where you came from or what you used to be. The fact that I'm here with you, telling you all this makes me happy. You'll always be my dad." Ash grinned. "Plus, it's like you're working part-time, isn't it? It's also like my dad's in two places at once. How cool is that?!"

"Ash..." The Fictional Character stayed silent for a moment, staring at the Alola Champion. From this day on, he was no longer just a character brought to life. He was a Father. And sitting right next to him, was his Son. His memories may not be everything the real one was, but they were enough to know who his Son was. And it was Ash Ketchum.

And by definition, Galaxy Master was a Ketchum. Thinking about it all made the Superhero laugh. If he could show his face right now, he would have the biggest smile on his face. Right now, Galaxy Master was the happiest he could be.

"I am. I am your dad." Galaxy Master accepted it. Then again, it was always true from the beginning. "Well, I have work to do. I can't slow down for the Dread League after all."

"Yeah, I got it. I'm just glad I got to meet you again. And let's meet again soon, okay, Dad?" Ash and Galaxy Master would get up together. "I'm still shooting to become a Pokemon Master and defeating Leon is one step closer to that.

"I'll always be supporting you." Galaxy Master held his hand out which Ash would soon hold, prompting in a powerful handshake. "Good luck, my Son."


"Pikachu!" Both Pikachu would do the same, seeing that it was goodbye, for now. It was time for Ash and his friends to depart. They still had some hours left with the Dimensional Potion before it runs out. So thankfully, they could use it to head home.

Ash and Twilight felt satisfied with today, talking about rather crucial and special things. Ash got to reunite with his Father and Twilight got a new perspective on the vampires that she wished to uncover eventually. After everything they've been through these past weeks, this felt rather refreshing to them. But their adventures wouldn't slow down for too long. Something big was always waiting around the corner as the journey continues.

Chapter 108 End.

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