• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Hopeful Sun

Equestria. Near Manehattan. The Darkened Citadel. Nightfall.

Back at the Darkened Citadel, Spitfire was currently on the move, traversing in this sinister fortress with her Pokemon following alongside her. The Lieutenant was making her way towards the throne room of Nightmare Moon, knowing that she must defeat her in order to stop all of this.

The Nightmare Monsters who lurked across the halls of this Citadel would attempt to strike her, but were always beaten by the ferocity of her Electivire. Electivire would attack Nightmare Monsters with Thunder Punch, electrocuting them while also sending them flying, breaking through the walls of this fortress.

"I lost sight of Soarin already? How" She spoke to herself. She was mainly looking for the centre of the Citadel, needing a way to bring it down. Everywhere she went, she was faced with danger as Nightmare Monsters flooded the halls. They crawled upon the walls like bugs, planning to strike her at any time.

"Electivire, Thunderbolt!" Spitfire declared as Electivire fired a bolt of electricity at the ceiling. This Thunderbolt spread across the ceiling like a web before striking all the Nightmare Monsters. All of them screeched before falling down while Spitfire and her Pokemon made their way through the halls.

Electivire would swing his fists around, attacking more Nightmare Monsters before they could approach. Spitfire gazed around while marching through these halls before gazing back at Electivire. "Good work, buddy! Let's keep going!" Spitfire exclaimed while Electivire nodded.

They turned a corner before being faced with a Nightmare Monster that appeared to be an Ox. This Nightmare Monster roared before charging towards them. "Thunder Punch!" Spitfire declared as Electivire charged up electricity within his fist. The Ox Nightmare Monster raised its hooves, ready to slam them down onto the group.

Electivire swung his fist upwards, striking the Ox Nightmare Monster under its chin before electrocuting it. "Nice one! Now let's find the centre! I'm sure it's nearby!" Spitfire exclaimed while Electivire nodded.

Observing this from the centre of the Fortress was Silent Fur, who narrowed her eyes. She was using the various eyeballs to spy on Spitfire, seeing how far she was advancing through the Citadel. Silent Fur would then turn her attention to the other Wonderbolts struggling against the Nightmare Monster that was just a mouth.

The Wonderbolts were struggling to deal any meaningful damage to this Nightmare Monster as it constantly took heavy hits and dealt its own heavy hits back. That didn't mean it wasn't getting weaker. It was still taking damage here and there, but not enough significant damage.

"This is hopeless!" High Winds grunted while dodging a bite from this Nightmare Monster. "How can we even beat this thing?!"

"It's useless! No matter what we do, it barely takes any damage!" Another Wonderbolt shouted. "And I'm getting tired here...!"

"We need something strong enough to stop it one go but..." The Wonderbolts felt themselves being pushed to their limits, needing rest and the same went for their Pokemon. Charizard would roar before flying straight at the Monster's mouth, only for it to catch Charizard, moving its head forward as he flew into the Monster's mouth.

"Charizard!" The Wonderbolts exclaimed as Charizard vanished into the darkness that was this monster's mouth. The Nightmare Monster closed its mouth, consuming Charizard while the Wonderbolts widened their eyes.

"Oh no!" High Winds gasped. "Charizard!"

The Monster, after closing its mouth, would start approaching the Wonderbolts, it shadow looming over them all. Its body towered over them all as they shuddered. Right now, their Pokemon were not in the best condition to fight, especially against this Nightmare Monster. They gazed at the Nightmare Monster while backing away.

"This is it...We're done for!" A Wonderbolt exclaimed, fearing the worst. However, suddenly, the body of this monster would start lighting up before it erupted with flames. The Nightmare Monster shrieked while the Wonderbolts widened their eyes. They gazed up, seeing Charizard erupting with flames as he blasted this Nightmare Monster from within.

The Nightmare Monster burned before exploding, evaporating into nothing. Charizard burst out of the Nightmare Monster before landing in front of the Wonderbolts. He panted heavily, gazing at them before smirking. The Dragon Pokemon smirked while winking at the Wonderbolts while they smiled.

"Charizard! You did it!" High Winds exclaimed while gazing at Charizard. "You defeated that Nightmare Monster!"

"Yeah, but now look at him." Fleetfoot pointed out as they gazed at Charizard. He was heavily exhausted, breathing profusely before falling onto the floor.

"Charizard!" High Winds exclaimed while gazing at the Dragon Pokemon. "He's exhausted! He can't continue on like this!"

"Neither can I..." One Wonderbolt would fall on her back, panting heavily before gazing up. "I need to rest..."

The Wonderbolts needed rest as well, feeling the toll of this battle taking a number on them. Even Charizard was exhausted while Silent Fur observed them all. "Looks like this is over." Silent Fur declared before gazing down at the battlefield.

Silent Fur's agitation grew before turning her attention back to Spitfire, who was actually getting closer and closer to the centre of the Citadel. Silent Fur as starting to get worried. Worried that they might actually succeed. Spitfire was barging through the walls with Electivire's strength, trucking through the fortress with brute force.

And with the Golurk brawling with the other Nightmare Monsters, things were falling apart. This whole fortress was about to come crumbling down thanks to the efforts of Spitfire and the Wonderbolts.

"Drat. I'll have to get myself involved soon if she actually makes it to the centre. We were supposed to overtake all of Manehattan and redecorate it for this plan. But it seems the world still stands and that troubles me. I might have to use the other weapon of the Citadel to deal with it." Silent Fur stated.

However, before she could do anything else, breaking through the walls was Electivire, standing tall with a proud smirk upon his face. He glanced at Silent Fur while slowly swaying her tails, clearly displeased with the damage he's done to her walls.

Spitfire, behind Electivire, stood before Silent Fur while glancing up at the towering five-tailed fox monster. The Commander of the Wonderbolts had found her in the dark throne room, making her way to this centre. "Aha! This looks like the main room!" Spitfire exclaimed before gazing around. "Now where is...uhh...?"

The room was darkened, meaning not a lot was being seen. Other than her, it was Silent Fur and her Nightmares. But even then, everything was being covered in some sort of fog, covering nearly everything that was present. "Hm? Hello? Are you listening? Answer me, will ya?" Spitfire questioned.

Silent Fur was staring her down with that sharp look in her eyes. Her gaze was like a stone statue, completely frozen yet ever watchful. Spitfire continued looking up and around the dark room, wondering where Nightmare Rarity was. This wasn't the throne room.

Electivire would point at Silent Fur, exclaiming that she was here the entire time. Spitfire and her Pokemon's eyes widened upon seeing this massive five-tailed fox standing in their way. She stood amongst this darkness, which hid many of her features.

"Well, pony. You've done well to find your way here. Rather impressively too. Unfortunately, I cannot allow you to move on." Silent Fur simply declared while gazing at Spitfire and Electivire.

Spitfire narrowed her eyes and spat out, "You got a name, lady?"

"None that is pertinent to you." Silent Fur replied with a small smile.

"Okay then...Got one of those goons you're working for up ahead?" Spitfire asked. "You look important enough for that. Not exactly Nightmare Rarity, but whatever."

"You are not fit to approach or even meet with the Veiled Mistress herself. And to do so would be unwise." Silent Fur's tails swirled around her, almost like a protective barrier. "Only if you and your entire world become one of us Nightmare Monsters. An army made of clones of each individual."

"Y-Your entire world...? Seriously?"

Silent Fur nodded before declaring, "Correct. Every living organism shall become a member of our empire and you can still be saved. We have already turned multiple worlds into our empire and will eventually take this world. So why not just save some time and join us willingly now?"

Spitfire grimaced before exhaling deeply. "It's not the first I've heard something like that. I mean, not too long ago, we took down the Dread League who tried wiping all life out. And like, 2 years back, we stopped Empress Twilight's attack on our world, taking out a good chunk of her Empire. By this point...well...we're kinda used to this, I think.

"Perhaps. But at some point, your universe will reach its limit. Your universe is so vast and diverse, it's a shame to lose such a precious place. It will be the Empire of Darkness' honour to preserve its beauty for you. Do not worry. We are already replicating the designs of the cities and the various monuments built in this world."

The dark throne room's walls and ceiling were illuminated, showing off images from their universe. Buildings and monuments were shown in the blue sky. These included the Crystal Empire, Canterlot Castle, and multiple buildings and structures such as those of the various Pokemon Regions. Silent Fur did this to prove her point.

It was a mock-up art of what this universe would look like if controlled by the Nightmares. After seeing all these fake displays, Spitfire grimaced, gripping her hand. "Wow. Looks like you're all showoffs and not much bite, huh?" Spitfire commented while glancing up at Silent Fur. "I guess that makes sense. It's a universe where Rarity rules so it's all for show."

"Do not disrespect the Veiled Mistress with your informal speech." Silent Fur spoke up a bit as the room around Spitfire started morphing. The pegasus and her Pokemon gasped as they saw Silent Fur's head suddenly grow in size, resembling the dark sun over the nightmare sky above. The size of her head was a large as a Train, showing her ferocious fangs as she stared into Spitfire's eyes.

She would open up her mouth, preparing to bite into Spitfire and Electivire with full ferocity. The fire-maned wonderbolt watched the massive jaws before flying out of the way, managing to dodge the Nightmare Fox's bite. However, the winds caused by this sudden attack were powerful, knocking Spitfire down from the sheer intensity of her jaws closing in.

"Ugh!" Spitfire would tumble and roll across the ground, crashing into one of the pillars. Electivire would be pushed back as well before gaining his footing. "Ow...!"

"To teach you a lesson, I will be devouring your dreams. They are my dessert for the night!"

The shadows within Silent Fur's mouth would spread out, completely engulfing the inside as a series of glowing yellow teeth suddenly appeared, attempting to devour Spitfire whole. Her eyes would be hypnotized by the radiant glow of the Nightmare's mouth while Electivire would attempt to get in the way.

"Use Thunder Punch!"

"Vire!" Electivire swung his fist forward, only to realize it wasn't connecting with anything. To his confusion and shock, the Nightmare Fox had actually evaded his powerful Thunder Punch, something incredibly impressive for someone who had such a huge head. How could he miss such an easy target?

After missing, the head of Silent Fur returned to its original size before she swung two of her tails at Electivire, striking his chest and sending him back towards the pillar, striking it. After hitting the pillar, the Nightmare Energy would appear on his chest, wrapping his body against the pillar and trapping him there. Electivire widened his eyes, attempting to break free, but wasn't able to.

"Ah! Electivire!" Spitfire questioned while seeing the massive Nightmare Fox swerving around, opening her mouth again.

Like a vacuum, she started inhaling the very air around her, attempting to bring Spitfire in her direction with such a massive gust of wind. "No...No!" Spitfire couldn't stop the incredible forces coming from this five-tailed monster. She grunted, trying to fly through the gusts, but could only fly back, barely being able to maintain her position.

Not only did the Nightmare Energy trap Electivire, but it was also starting to put him to sleep, causing his eyes to droop while seeing his boss struggling in the distance. "E-Elec...!"

Electivire tried shocking himself awake, but his exhaustion from fighting earlier was slowing him down greatly. The electricity was little, it barely even tickled his fur. It was barely lighting his Thunderbolt tail, barely igniting any part of his body at all. His attempts were slowing down even further before eventually, Electivire lost consciousness and closed his eyes.


"Huh?! Electivire!?" Spitfire noticed this before being blown away by the wind once more. After being put to sleep, Electivire's entire body was enveloped in a Nightmare Pod, turning him into an Egg, trapped underneath the Nightmare Monster's tail.

"A fine addition to my collection. You may keep your memories of your Pokemon with you and enjoy those in your nightmares." Silent Fur remarked while using her second tail, holding the Dream Trapped Pokemon high.

"What did you do to Electivire, huh?!" Spitfire angrily exclaimed as Silent Fur glared down at Spitfire, narrowing her eyes.

"The same thing that will happen to you and everyone else." Silent Fur coldly replied. "Everyone in this fortress will soon be trapped in a fierce slumber until they are ready to become one of us. By force, of course."

"Yeah, right! Go! Sharpedo! Gallade!" She threw out two more Poke Balls while calling on two of her other Pokemon. Gallade burst out of his Poke Ball, followed by a mighty Shark that snapped his jaws.



"Go for it! Gallade, use Close Combat! Sharpedo, use Aqua Jet!"

"Lade!" Gallade rushed in, his blades glowing as he targeted Silent fur's face. In response, Silent Fur raised all five of her tails up, swiftly moving them forward at these two Pokemon.

"Sharpedo!" His shark fangs glowed white before his body was shrouded in a raging sea. The Sharpedo rushed in at great speeds, swimming through this dark void and straight towards Silent Fur. Her tails clashed with Sharpedo's Aqua Jet and Gallade's Close Combat, nullifying their attacks completely and leaving them stunned.

Gallade and Sharpedo were disoriented, not sure how the attacks were pushed back as Silent Fur swung all five of her tails, aiming directly at the two Pokemon.

The tails then spewed out Nightmarish lightning bolts from the end, all aimed for Sharpedo and Gallade. Gallade put his arms up, trying to defend himself, while Sharpedo went flying back from the impact of the bolts of lightning. All he could see was darkness from Silent Fur's thunderbolts striking his body.

It was especially fierce for Sharpedo since he was vulnerable to anything electrically based. "Sharpedo!" Spitfire cried out after watching her beloved Pokemon get struck by Silent Fur's attack. The electricity would also scatter across the room, attacking Spitfire and Gallade due to its frantic movements.

All three of them, Sharpedo, Spitfire, and Gallade groaned, feeling the intense waves of electricity from Silent Fur's massive tails. Like a berserk thunderstorm, Silent Fur's five tails moved in different directions, unleashing all these bolts of lightning, electrocuting the whole room.

Sharpedo was then carried up by the electricity as it held him in place. His body was weakened by these thunderbolts, meaning he couldn't swim in this Nightmare. He floated helplessly as Silent Fur took this opportunity to capture Sharpedo by entrapping him in a Nightmare Pod.

She would raise Sharpedo above the air, bringing him over towards her. "Oh, how cute. Like a Shark would truly put up a fight against me, someone who is well-versed with controlling Pokemon and the ocean." She mocked him.

Gallade was stuck, feeling his feet glued to the floor and wouldn't let up. "Darn it!" Spitfire yelled under her breath before hearing a chuckle come from Silent Fur.

"You're just as stubborn as I thought you were, pony." The Five-Tailed Fox would then start approaching Spitfire, her tails menacingly moving around her. As Silent Fur approached her, Spitfire stood firm, despite being knocked to the floor from the shock. "A good run, but not good enough. Not against us Nightmares."

"G-Gallade!" Gallade attempted forcing himself up from the ground, wanting to protect his Trainer. Spitfire's body was heavy. The Thunderbolts from Silent Fur were weighing her down, making her limbs tremble before gazing up at the dark throne room.

Above her was Silent Fur's dark body, towering over the wounded and electrocuted Commander of the Wonderbolts and her Pokemon, prepared to deal the final blow. Spitfire, wriggling her body around, managed to get one more Poke Ball out. It was Scizor's Poke Ball, rolling across the floor and hitting a nearby pillar.

"Scizor!" The Poke Ball then popped open, releasing Scizor, who quickly intercepted one of Silent Fur's tails. Silent Fur gasped, surprised at his sudden appearance as Scizor started to dig in his pincers into her tail. "Scizor!" Scizor managed to catch one of her tails.

He pulled this Nightmare Fox down a bit before glancing back at Spitfire, seeing her injuries. Scizor held his sharp claws out, clamping them in Silent Fur's direction while keeping guard of his trainer. Spitfire weakly gazed at Scizor, his face reassuring her as she was slowly able to lift herself off the ground, managing to get onto her hooves.

Spitfire exhaled, seeing Silent Fur approach, before standing tall. "Even with all you've taken...you won't best me."

"On the contrary. I believe we will. Whether you admit defeat or not." Silent Fur countered. Spitfire then felt tremors moving through the fortress, signifiying that the conflict was growing bit by bit. But if she doesn't wrap this up soon, she could be taken out while inside the fortress as well.

Back at Universe 5, the many ponies and Pokemon were brought to Oculus Gloom's base, viewing the interior from their place on the bottom floors of the complex. On the screens and projections surrounding the base that appeared as eyeballs, multiple points in time could be witnessed and watched with incredible clarity. All happening at once, able to be watched by countless citizens and members of this city.

And of course, this would be the place where they would be transformed into Nightmare Monsters. Multiple tentacles with strange eyes surrounded the group, attached to the walls, ceilings, and the floor itself. These were the sources of Nightmare Energy throughout this city. They spread Nightmare Energy and controlled the Nightmare Plumes as well.

From inside her private chambers, Oculus watched the events unfold, her eyes scanning across the screens in front of her. She turned her head, viewing the number of Ponies and Pokemon brought here by the Shadow Slime and Nightmare Changeling. "A reasonable amount. One I would prefer not to lose too much. It will be wonderful to turn them all into Nightmares." Oculus spoke, slithering to all of them.

Her singular eye gazed at all of them, her size massive as she observed every single being that was trapped inside of the Shadow Slime, which had grown to a size large enough to hold all of them. Residents from Ponyville, Manehattan, Dodge Junction, Las Pegasus and more, trapped by the Shadow Slime that ensnared their forms, some crying and struggling.

"I welcome you to the last world you shall see before becoming Nightmare Monsters. And thus, the newest addition to the Nightmare Empire and a city for myself."

The way it would be done was with the various objects in her base, which looked utterly painful and torturous. They were a sight to behold to the masses of people captured, being a horrible reminder of what awaits. These objects would slowly form as they were meant to be transformed into nightmare goo. This was Nightmare Magic at its worst.

"Of course, for you ponies, it will be easy to transform you, but the Pokemon will be a different story. Never before have we transformed a Pokemon into a Nightmare Monster, so this will be a first." Oculus remarked. "I shall have the Pokemon transformed first."

The Pokemon roared, cried, wailed howled, barked and so on to protest this. Try as they might, all of this complaining wasn't doing a thing as they were all trapped in this one monster who essentially nullified their moves.

"After they are transformed, the process should become much faster. They will be far stronger than the average Nightmare Monster, no doubt.

The nightmarish objects surrounding the groups were moving towards them with glowing eyes. The residents from Manehattan and Ponyville feared for the worst as the object was looming closer. Its mechanical parts came apart and shifted, ready for a full conversion of its victim.

"Now, I shall begin with the Pokemon."

Suddenly, the screens displaying the battles that were occuring throughout this city all turned into static. Oculus widened her eyes, her gaze immediately focused on the static that covered the screens.


All of the screens displayed the same thing. It appeared to Fire, followed up by a solar light. In the background was a silhouette of a pony, their features not being made clear, but it seemed they were the source of this sudden light. Oculus stared at the screen, wondering what was happening.

"A pony with sunlight...?" She wondered, her eye moving side to side. The single-eyed monster gasped, pulling her blob-like body once the figure came into view, the flames would sway to the side, showing the face of Princess Celestia. The Solar Mare's eyes narrowed at Oculus Gloom while the single-eyed monster slithered back.

"Princess Celestia!" The ponies all exclaimed upon seeing their ruler, Princess Celestia. For her to cause these various eyeballs to lose sight of the scenario meant only one thing. The Nightmare Monsters that were point of views have been defeated by Princess Celestia back in the main universe.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Oculus questioned, leaning at the only Nightmare Monster's eye which hasn't been destroyed yet. Celestia knew that someone was watching from the other universe, gazing right into Oculus's eyes. The Nightmare Monster would then observe her eyes, seeing how many of them have been damaged.

A total of 15000 Eyes have been destroyed by Celestia, but of course, she was not alone. Assisting her were her Pokemon. Gardevoir and Reshiram helped destroy plenty of them too with their incredible strength, having the right attacks that made the Nightmare Monsters vulnerable.

"If you can hear me..." Celestia spoke, her voice travelling through this one Nightmare Monster's eye and back to Oculus Gloom's base. "You've had your fun attacking our universe. But now, we're coming straight to you and ending this right way. Even if it's one-by-one, I'll bring down this alliance Daybreaker's made. Malamar was first and you're next."

The way Celestia was speaking was fiercer than usual. The ponies all recognized this. Her voice was far more intense than normal, carrying some aggression in it. The fact that she defeated all those Nightmare Monsters, more than anyone else has this entire time backed it up.

"Hmph. I expect nothing less from the Sun Princess either way. But even so, there is no way for her to approach here safely. Using our gateway, she'll be met with a stream of Nightmare Energy. We've even infected the space around our Universe with plenty of Nightmare Magic just in case anyone dares try and invade us instead." Oculus Gloom proudly said.

The eyeball would give out, cutting off the view of Celestia as Oculus would turn to face all the ponies. "Hmph. Don't get too hopeful now. Your Princess won't save you. She canot possibly hope to arrive here in time She'd have to deal with all the Nightmare Energy we've placed in the gateway. Even then, the-."

Before Oculus could continue, the sound of a gateway opening up could be heard from the outside, near the outskirts of the city. This gateway would open up, releasing a beam of light from within that absolutely obliterated all the Nightmare Energy. Oculus's eyes widened, witnessing the Nightmare Energy that was stored in the gateway fly out and be burned by the golden flames.

Oculus growled, narrowing her eyes. "How could she possibly destroy our gateways so easily?! And even worse, without suffering any injuries at all?" She questioned while gazing down. "It can't be possible..."

The Shadow Slime, along with the rest of the Shadow Slimes in the city, began to quiver and shake, trembling with fear. All of the Shadow Slimes could feel a great amount of power, a powerful aura. This power would travel from the gateway, heading straight for the city. It was Princess Celestia.

Once she stepped through the gateway and set foot here, she was joined by her partner Gardevoir and Reshiram. But not only that, right behind her were the other Canterlot Guards and their Pokemon, ready to assist her in taking down Nightmare Rarity's Empire.

As she walked forward with Reshiram and Gardevoir flying beside her, moving through the gateway were the vampires from Magehold. Many of them flew through, revelling in the darkness above them as it felt like they were in their natural element. Since Vampres thrived under the darkness, the Nightmare Realm was basically their playground.

"Alright. I'm going straight for Nightmare Rarity." Celestia spoke. "The rest of you, focus on getting everyone else out of here and to safety." She ordered before taking a deep breath. Her eyes opened, looking directly at the biggest building here, knowing where to go.

"We'll have them back in no time!" Eccentrick said with glee with in her voice, flying off with her fellow vampires."Don't worry about it!"

"If something happens, we will let you know, Princess." Dimstar bowed her head while taking flight. The Golurks and Canterlot Guards all passed by Celestia, setting out for their missions. An alert sound was played across the city, informing them of Celestia's arrival and the enemies that were heading here.

Instantly, Nightmare Monsters were summoned to attack the invading forces, creeping out of the ground and the buildings, even the shadows themselves. And since even the residents here were Nightmare Monsters, they would get involved too, dropping everything they were doing and preparing to defend their home.

Celestia and her Pokemon, however, were prepared to deal with them all. They wouldn't slow them down one bit. "Let's go. Reshiram, Passion."

"Garde!" Passion nodded in understanding, immediately ascending high into the air. So did Reshiram as the two of them were going straight for the Eclipsed Citadel. Celestia took flight as well, joining them while her wings were cloaked in flames.

The three of them would then soar towards the palace while the Canterlot Guards and Golurks, along with the vampires, dealt with the incoming Nightmare Monsters. But getting to Nightmare Rarity's palace was not that easy. Flying out of her palace were other Nightmare Monsters.

Nightmare Monsters resembling dragons, phoenixes, and even pegasi flew out of the Eclipsed Citadel before making their way to the trio. A Nightmare Phoenix soared above, releasing a flurry of purple flames that the trio barely dodged.

"Passion! Dazzling Gleam!"

"Gardevoir!" Passion fired a powerful ray of Magical Energy, blasting the Nightmare Phoenix out of the sky before it could do any damage. The Nightmare Phoenix shrieked as it fell out of the sky, crashing onto the floor and exploding into bits.

"Reshiram, Fusion Flare!" Reshiram exhaled a powerful surge of fire, burning away any Nightmare Monsters that were approaching. A Dragon Nightmare roared before flying in their direction, attempting to strike them down. Reshiram glanced at this other Dragon who tackled his body, sending a bit of a shockwave across the air.

"Fusion Flare!" Reshiram unleashed his flames again, burning away the Dragon Nightmare and sending it straight towards the ground. He landed on the floor, leaving a large crater upon his impact. Reshiram would then turn his attention to a massive Phoenix Nightmare that soared through the skies, spreading its wings.

More and more Nightmare Monsters flooded the skies, making sure Celestia would never each their Queen. They would swarm around the trio, attacking from all sides. Celestia narrowed her eyes, unphased by these numbers. So as long as she reaches Nightmare Rarity, none of this was a worry for her.

Speaking of Nightmare Rarity, inside of her throne room at the very top of the palace, she observed the events occurring. "Hmm. Celestia's here. Not surprising. But I didn't expect her to show up so soon. She's really serious about taking me down, isn't she?"

From her throne, Nightmare Rarity could see the trio making their way through her city, destroying Nightmare Monster after Nightmare Monster. She then looked up at her throne room, seeing Sweetie Belle currently being surrounded by Nightmare Energy as the tendrils held up. "As for you, Sweetie Belle, you have quite the willpower, don't you? For you to resist an immediate transformation is impressive.

"Ngh..." Despite how hard she was resisting, it was impossible to keep this up forever. Her body was still being changed by the Nightmare Energy, becoming one of them. And even if she did, the only thing that awaited her was a horrific fate. "N-No..."

"Although...if Celestia gets in here already, it could prove to be very troublesome, no doubt. I'llhave to avoid confrontation with her for as long as I can until then. After all, Crag is to bring me some of Arceus's power." Nightmare Rarity then brought up the Dream Spheere from the floor once more, wanting to see the progress in the Dream Realm.

In the Dream Realm, she saw that Crag was still dealing with Darkrai who was also putting up a great fight, resisting defeat for the sake of everyone's dreams. Narrowing her eyes, Nightmare Rarity spoke to Crag through the Dream Realm.

"Crag. You've been in there far longer than expected. Have you gotten some of Arceus's power?"

"Some of it, Veiled Mistress. Even though the Dream has fled from me, I have still gathered some of his power. It has become a part of me now."

"Excellent. pass some of it over at once. We are to use some of Arceus's power to advance our goals after all and now would be a perfect to experiment with it. Currently Celestia's forces have arrived here and I wish to use some of that Divine Energy already."

"As you wish, Veiled Mistress. I-"

"Hold it right there!" However, another voice travelled through the Dream Realm, interrupting Crag's sentence. It was Luna, who flew past the massive Dream Bubbles, coming to Darkrai's aid. Now that she had helped many wake up, avoiding the possibility of them becoming nightmares, she was attempting to finish up here by stopping Crag and the other Nightmare Monsters inside other's dreams.

"L-Luna...!" An injured Darkrai said, looking at his trainer.

"Darkrai?!" Luna gasped, seeing the state of hr partner Pokemon. Darkrai, while stll in the battle, had taken heavy damage thanks to the Divine Power that Crag had stolen and used against the Pitch Black Pokemon. "You look...!"

"Don't worry. I'm alright." Darkrai responded.

"Princess Luna. A bit too late." Crag chuckled deviously. "I have already gotten my caws on some of Arceus's power and it is absolutely delicious. Darkrai hasn't been too bad of a. It's a surprise he's still in this, honestly. A bit annoying too."

"You cur!" Luna snarled at the Nightmare Dragon.

"Now, Veiled Mistress. I shall send some of Arceus's divine energy over. Be cautious, as its power is unlike any other." Crag declared, raising his hands in the air.

"Divine energy, you say?" Luna widened her eyes, wondering what they could possibly do with it.

"Very good, Crag. Send it to my throne. I'll utilize it later. Right now, I should get a bit more involved now that Celestia's there. But I won't go to her. No, no, no. I think I'll deal with her little sister first." Nightmare Moon got off her throne, obviously referring to Luna. "I have unfinished business with you anyway, Luna."

Nightmare Rarity decided to come to the Dream Realm next. She was going to face off against Luna, prepared to finish what started in the Dream Realm 2 years back. With Celestia here, now she had to start making her own moves, knowing how quickly it could all spiral out of control. And she was not about to let the chance of using Arceus's power escape her. The burning minutes of this conflict were growing hotter and hotter now that both rulers from their respective sides were in the same universe.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 475 End.

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