• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Look of an Old Friend

Equestria. Las Pegasus. The Pokemon Festival. Day.

Beautiful Las Pegasus. Its beauty can only be improved by the existence of the Pokemon Festival. With another gateway opening up, Lucas and the others passed through, with Lucas stumbling and wobbling upon exiting. Once again, his body was not yet used to this power.

Passing through were some rare characters in the form of Zeraora and Diancie as well as a Wanted Character in the form of Twilight Moonlight, who was dragged along, scowling and pouting about her current position. Present here at Las Pegasus were the Hippogriffs. They were finally taking part in their first Pokemon Festival and Las Pegasus was a great place to start.

"Thanks, Lucas. I missed out on one of the Pokemon Contests so I figured I'd catch this one." Sweetie Belle was the one who recommended it for the sake of catching the next Pokemon Contest. It would still be a while before she involved herself in the Grand Conference.

"No problem..." Lucas was about to drop, only for Zeraora to hold him. "You know, I think I'm getting better at it...This time, it only took me 8 seconds to almost fall over when showing up."

"Do you have your outfit ready? Or do you need a spare from the Contest?" Rarity asked.

"I'm fine. It doesn't start in a few hours so I'll have time. Enough time to practice." Sweetie Belle was already off to get a head start.

"Pokemon Contests? I've heard of those. Is one happening here?" said Diancie, recognizing the existence of Pokemon Contests.

"Heard of them? We didn't get to show you one of 'em back at Kalos. Well, there were Showcases there instead." Ash answered, already knowing what Diancie was thinking about.

Pokemon Contests interested Diancie but she had yet to really see them. Only word of mouth for these past years. But that could all change today. Diancie didn't just want to see it, she wanted to be a part of it.

"Hmm..." Wishing to make herself her own dress, Diancie was first thinking about how she could just Mega Evolve since that switches up her appearance. But the Jewel Pokemon wanted to try something new. With her own hands, she started constructing a Diamond Dress. The Diamond Dress was constructed to fit Diancie's build, having a longer appearance than her Mega Evolved form.

"Ooh, wonderful! But...Is it safe it to wear it? Might be a bit clunky." Rarity observed. Diancie already tried putting on the Diamond Dress, putting it over her body first. While it did manage to fit her, it came with a crucial flaw that not even Diance saw.

It was indeed too clunky, just as Rarity said. After all, it was a dress of diamonds. Diancie pouted, realizing the drawback of such a dress. It still looked good on her so that was the only positive. "What a shame..."

"It's for the better. You can't be that exposed to everyone, Princess Diancie," said Merrick. "Even if you've been out in the open all this time. You will have to view it instead."


"Tch." Twilight Moonlight, who was still within the bubble made by Celestia would groan while planning her eventual escape. She looked over at Las Pegasus, witnessing how much of a contrast it had compared to her home. Where she comes from, it was only ponies and Pokemon with no Humans around. But even though Las Pegasus was the same, the style was very different to where Twilight Moonlight comes from.

Celestia would be the one to keep an eye on Moonlight since it was her bubble after all. She had to make sure she could keep it stable even if Moonlight's magic was stronger. Even still, Celestia knew how to have fun and focus on her job at the same time.

With a Pokemon Contest happening here for Coordinators to come and far to view, it was only natural for one coordinator in particular to eventually show up.

Arriving here at Las Pegasus at a much earlier time than Ash's group was another odd group which had an ancient character with them. That would be Lena Ketchum and Team Rocket. Joined by Diadora, they were here for only one reason and it was not for the shards that they were working together. Tailored to Jessie's needs, they were here for the Pokemon Contests.

"I don't understand...How will this help us find the shards?" Lena questioned. She was alienated about Pokemon Contests and mostly everything else in the modern day. She wasn't even sure what to make of Las Pegasus in all of its grandeur.

"It won't. I'm just here for the contest~" Jessie hummed, rubbing her hands together.

"I thought you'd given up on that." James asked. "You even had that chat with Sweetie Belle."

"Oh, yes, I did. I'm over contests now. But the profit? No way!" In reality, Jessie was still focused on how much money she could make from this, ironically saying it while in Las Pegasus of all places. "I'm not going to be out there showing my beauty. Someone else is going to do it for me and we'll rake in the cash!"

"Oh, no. I've never been that into contests." James denied, assuming Jessie was referring to him.

"Not you! Her." In reality, Jessie was looking at Lena.

"M-Me?" The ancestor of Ash pointed at herself out of confusion.

"Her?!" James and Meowth collectively said.

"I pray for moments like these. It's always just you two boys so it's nice to have someone like Lena around. And this is the chance of a lifetime for me!"

"Hold on! She doesn't know the first thing about contests! You're sending her into something fresh!" James tried being reasonable with Jessie.

"It's a competition, isn't it? What kind of competition? Will I have to battle?" Lena already threw some questions in, showing how much she wasn't aware of this. All she knew was that it was some sort of contest.

"Hm. You would think a lot like him, wouldn't you?" Jessie narrowed her eyes as she should've expected this. Lena was practically a mirror of Ash, being the blueprint for how he currently was. "But don't worry. It's not too late. You don't have to worry about those shards either."

"I don't? Mmm..." Lena wasn't really seeing it. "Seems like a waste, Jessie."

"Ah, you need to enjoy yourself. There's no shame in taking it easy." Jessie shook her head.

"I suppose...I haven't had the chance to do that much in this world since I've been so focused on reaching the shards before he does. But taking a break won't hurt." Lena would try it out. She was curious about it anyway.

"Great! Let's get you dressed and put you in a practice session. We have a few hours until it really begins." Jessie grinned, using this is a chance to make some quick money. Never before has a coordinator had someone as what could be considered their manager but Jessie was about to take full advantage of this.

For both sides, there was a lot to do and they had yet to really converge. But at this rate, Lena's existence might end up reaching Ash since they were in the same city. At the moment, Ash was trying out some Festival Spices that were plentiful and come from all across the world.

"Ash..." Twilight Sparkle and Sci-Twi both said with uncertainty in their voices. The spices they were looking at was brought over by the Saddle Arabians who were eternally grateful to Ash.

"Just for you, Ash. You can try these spices out for free.

"It's fine, Twilight. This'll really pack a punch for sure." Ash grinned, pouring some spices onto his food to give it that extra flavour, even if he had no idea what they possessed. "Never got to try these before."

"Yeah, yeah!" Encouraging him was Lucas who wanted a swing at them.

"It's not a full-on contest. It's sort of like a...mock one." Applejakc explained to Diancie about this city's contest. "They're just gonna show their stuff and be done with it. If it were the real deal, it'd be way longer and there'd be a battle too."


"But I ain't all into contests. Or Pokemon Battling." The earth pony shook her head. "But I do love spending time with my Pokemon. They're a part of the family after all."

"Scep. Sceptile." Sceptile greatly agreed which was also shown by a nod.

"Well, all of my Carbink feel like family to me." Diancie would grab Merrick, delivering a strong hug to him. "They're not just my servants and subjects."

"Mmmrgh...T-Thank you, Princess!" Merrick groaned, surprised by her own Princess's grip strength.

"So...Is she just gonna stay here the entire time?" Focusing on Twilight Moonlight was Apple Bloom.

"She'll be kept here until we can truly find a way to keep her from returning to her own universe," Celestia explained. "Ooh, makes me sound a bit menacing, doesn't it?"

"I told her she's wasting her time." Moonlight uttered.

"Aw, but she saved our lives. Did she really do something bad?" Unaware of the damage she's done, Apple Bloom and by extension Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle saw Twilight Moonlight as a good figure.

"If you count putting everyone's lives on a ship in grave danger as bad then yes. Absolutely." Luna answered. "When she permenantly stays here, we'll have either Interpol or the Ranger Union come for her. But, we do sense some good in her but that won't save her from judgement."

"Well, now's a good time to get to know this Twilight!" Pinkie Pie slid over, deciding to chat with Twilight Moonlight. "I'm so excited to meet you! Heard a lot about you! You're pretty scary, honestly."

"Good. I need to instil fear into my enemies, especially when it comes to stopping Prisma. If he does return, he'll fear me this time." Moonlight vowed with an intense voice.

"Oh. Intense. So, am I in your world? What am I like? I mean...if you've met yet. I assume you have since you're a Twilight." At this moment, Twilight Moonlight was about to have her first experience chatting with Pinkie Pie. She had no idea that this was going to be way longer than she expected.

Contest Hall.

Today's contest would be different from the rest. Instead of the usual two stages, there would be one stage only but it would still be enjoyable. No ribbons were available for this contest, meaning there was no risk of losing this one. But that wouldn't stop the coordinators who always have victory on their minds. Sweetie Belle was one of these ponies, who wanted to get some good training in. But while she was practicing, someone was getting dressed.

"Hold still, Lena!" Jessie bellowed as she was currently dressing Lena in a Contest Uniform that could be used for free. The sounds of Lena grunting revealed that she wasn't too keen on one thing. Dresses. "You'll knock them out!"

"This is completely uncomfortable for me!" Lena groaned. "Why can't I just wear my current clothes!?"

"You'd be seen as a scamp if you went out there. And blue really matches your colour! See?"

"Oh..." Lena came out of the room, wearing a beautiful blue dress. The dress left her shoulders uncovered, instead, it's supported around her neck and flows down into a graceful round neckline. It's a loose fit which gives the dress a relaxed, yet graceful look.

Her arms have been covered fully. The sleeves broaden towards the bottom, allowing for bracelets to be visible. Below the waist the dress widens every so slightly and has an accordion style. The dress reaches to just above her knees and is the same length all around. She was also wearing t-straps, which added simplicity and elegance. To top it all off she's wearing a simple, but stylish necklace and an opulent bracelet. Her hairstyle was also altered, appearing in the style of a ponytail and as the final touch, she had red lipstick on with her eyelashes darkened.

"Not bad!" James gave an approving thumbs-up. "Even on someone from the past, it still looks good!"

"Mmm..." Lena grumbled. She was not the biggest fan of this. "Modern-day clothing is so strange...But interesting. What good does this do though?"

"It's meant to 'Wow', Lena. Plus, with this look, you'll gain victory even if your Pokemon does all the work." Jessie giggled before freezing for a moment. "Ah! I forgot about the Pokemon!"

"Well, don't look at me. I ain't going out there." Meowth would back away, already suspecting that Jessie would choose her.

"A Pokemon is needed?" Lena scratched her hair. "Hm. I'm not sure I should call the Noble Pokemon for this. I was told to only do it for important instances and they would join in a contest."

"What do we do? Do we call the Rocket Prize Machine? People will suspect that it's us..." Jessie spoke with Jessie and Meowth, scheming something.

"We might have to put on that Gardevoir Evolution Line disguise from before. It might work today." Jessie pondered. "I took ballet classes once, ya know."

"Is something wrong?" Someone else entered this room, grabbing the attention of Team Rocket and Lena. When they looked over, lo and behold, when bringing up the Gardevoir Evolution Line Disguises they once used, the one person who was tricked by it before showed up.

"Well, we-" Jessie's sentence froze as she, James and Meothw collectively screeched when looking at the person in front of them.


"It's the 2nd Twerpette!" They each said in their minds in unison.

"I heard you didn't have a Pokemon. Is everything okay" May asked as the diguises Team Rocket had were completely elusive once more.

"W-Well, we're just having a small issue!" Jessie giggled nervously. "We made a goof and didn't bring a single Pokemon with us. For her, anyway!"

"Oh, that's a shame. Well, it's not that much of an issue. You can always..." Before May could finish her next sentence, she eyed down Lena' recognizing that face. The dress wasn't doing any favours but her face was.

That signature gaze, that hairstyle even if it was slightly altered and those lightning bolt birthmarks were impossible to forget. May knew of one person who had this signature look. Her old travelling friend. "Ash..."?

"No, no. I'm not my many-great grandson. I'm Lena." Lena quickly corrected her.

"Grandson? You're his Grandma?!" May bellowed while vigorously pointing at Lena. "You look so good for your age!"

"Well, I'm actually his ancestor. I was flung through time which explains my age." Lena chuckled, attempting to take a step forward. But the second she did so, the ancestor of Ash would trip. She was not used to walking in these types of shoes or even a dress. "Wah!" Face first, straight onto the smooth carpet. "Uuugh..."

"You have to walk like a lady too, Lena." Jessie kneeled. "None of that sprinting or bolting that you do, even if it's your charm."

"These restraints..." Lena groaned when slowly getting up. "How can someone move in this?"

"I can tutor you on that too." Jessie nudged when helping Lena up.

"Maybe that's not cut out for you though." May had something else in mind. She would prefer to see Lena in her element since she was partaking in the Pokemon Contest. "You need to wear something more your style or you'll mess up in the Contest."

"What do you think we're here for?" Jessie side-eyed May, opting for the more fabulous look. "And we're still dealing with the No Pokemon issue."

"My style..." Those words resonated with Lena. A smile graced her face as that was truly up her alley. "Yes! I'm sure that'll leave everyone amazed!" She pumped her fists, already rustling her dress.

"You sound and act like Ash too." May chuckled. "But you don't have to worry about a Pokemon. There are rental Pokemon here and they're all well-trained."

"Rental? Hm...Not sure what that means, but I'm guessing it means I can partner up with whichever!" Lena cheered. "I'm ready!" Once more, she would try and bolt off, searching for that rental Pokemon. To make it easier on her, Lena grabbed her dress, raising the lower part of it to avoid another trip.

"Lena, wait! I know what you're thinking but don't do it! Think of the beauty!" Jessie swiftly followed her with James and Meowth doing the same.

"She looks pretty excited. And if she's anything like Ash, she'll really put on a show." May smiled. "I should get myself ready too while I'm still here. I really wanna impress them all."

However, while Team Rocket and Lena were gone, there was one more individual in this room who hasn't left yet. And that was for one reason only. It was because of May's existence which was noticed by Diadora. She hid inbetween the clothes, instantly recognizing May.

While Ash was seen as the King of the Sea, prior to Delia, May was known as the Queen of the Sea, being the surrogate mother of Prince Manaphy. Much like how all the Samiyans recognized Ash, Diadora was sure to recognize May. "The Queen of the Sea's here too...I could use this to my advantage. But how?"

Diadora closed her eyes, thinking about some words that came from her uncle. The King of Pokelantis. But nothing really stuck since her uncle never spoke to her about scenarios such as this. "Improvisation it is then." She would have to think of something else. For now, she was going to spy on May since she was connected to Ash.

"Hm?" However, Diadora didn't go unnoticed by May. Immediately, she was spotted, causing her to flinch, squeak and cover her face with the clothes. But her lower body was still available. May would simply let it go and continue what she was doing.

Many other coordinators were starting to enter the room, immediately making it packed. Diadora grimaced as this wasn't the most efficient way to spy on someone. A bunch of chatter hit the dressing room as there was plenty of gossip going off. Diadora sighed as she was already bumped into by some of the coordinators, making it harder on herself.

Noticeably, entering this room was the Queen of the Hippogriffs or Seaponies, Queen Novo. It wasn't just Diadora sneaking around. Novo had her own disguise on which came in the form of a fabulous cloak that make her stand out along with black glasses.

Thanks to that cloak, she wasn't discreet at all. Since the Hippogriffs were here at Las Pegasus today, it was only natural for the Queen to be present here, wanting to be unnoticed despite what she was wearing. The Hippogriff Queen slid by the crowd of coordinators as she was here for the same reason.

She was here for the Pokemon Contests.

However, with Lena and Ash being in the same location, another connection happened. The shards that Lena possessed and the shards that Sci-Twi possessed were resonating with each other. Much like how the two Twilights had a connection, so did these shards which was obvious.

But not only that, Sci-Twi's pendant was letting out a faint glow. The upstart Pokemon Trainer noticed this glow, holding up her Arceus Pendant, wondering what this could mean.

At this very moment, one great power was attempting to return. A power that was known by many but possessed by few as the journey continues.

Chapter 337 End

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