• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Ice-Cold Clash! Ash vs Melony

Galar. Circhester. Day.

The Pokemon World Championships.

A trial to crown the World's Strongest Trainer. Standing at the very top of them all is currently Champion Leon and the one hoping to battle Leon one day is Ash, participating in this Championship and taking on many fierce opponents. Old and new. Another match has been decided that will once again raise his ranking if he claims victory.

Ash had arrived at Circhester. His battle with Melony was today, courtesy of the Pokemon World Championships. Arriving here, he was joined by a group consisting of Princess Skystar, Prince Raleigh, his mother Delia, the older Flurry Heart from another world and Prince Shooting Star. As well as guards of each respective kingdom. This time, they were going to make sure that they wouldn't take their eyes off them.

"Well, we shall wait for your return, your majesty. You will get to Canterlot sooner than us by using the gateway." They have the Sea Temple to thank for this quick trip. "We wish you all our luck in your battle."

"Thanks, you guys," said Ash with a thumbs-up. "I'll do my best!"

"Pikachu!" With that, the People of the Water would chart a course back to Equestria, seeing Ash off. However, not all of them left. Running up to Ash were some Samiyans. Among them were Enola, her older brother Adriel and others who wished to view this battle.

"Let us stay behind your majesty! We want to watch this battle!" Enola exclaimed. There was no chance she would miss the chance to see the King of the Sea battle. The answer was obvious. Ash wouldn't mind them joining. He always felt great whenever his friends were there to cheer him on.

"Hmm...I have a good feeling about today," said Delia with a pleased look on her face. "I can't wait to see Melony lose. As my Pen Pal, of course." Naturally, she was looking forward to seeing Melony lose. The two were now rivals and after what was said 2 days ago, she had to show Melony what her son was made of.

"Ooh...This is yet another cold region we've visited." Raleigh said, holding himself. "We should've stopped for some warm clothes."

"I'm used to this." Flurry Heart appeared completely fine. Living in the Crystal Empire made her greatly resistant to the cold. The People of the Water didn't seem too bothered either but they could definitely feel something.

"I don't know about me..." Skystar and Shooting Star, not so much. Their teeth were aggressively chattering. Even the guards were feeling the chill. If only they knew about Circhester's environment prior to showing up here. Raleigh certainly was, but just didn't come prepared.

"If you wanna keep warm, try out that shop!" Even though he was here to battle, Ash knew how to just spend time with his friends.

After yesterday when he tried reaching Lena Ketchum, he didn't spend more time with the young monarchs and take everything around him in. And up ahead was the Circhester Boutique. Galar is known for having a boutique in every town as well as a hair salon. It was among one of the most fashionable regions in the world.

And it did not disappoint. After entering the boutique, Raleigh and the others found themselves wearing some truly comfortable and stylish clothes. Raleigh wore a knit sweater that had an Applin Red colour to it. For Skystar and Shooting Star, scarves were given to them. Nothing could really fit their body types here, unfortunately. At least they were warm enough.

The People of the Water had their traditional clothes overlayed by these outfits. Enola and her brother wore matching sweaters as this was their first taste of modern-day clothing. For the longest, they've been wearing clothes that were made centuries ago.

Now that they were warm, they could stay focused on the battle. But before they could even head to the stomach, the other places of interest were catching their eyes. A restaurant that Melony mentioned once. Bob's Your Uncle was the name and it looked rather inviting. Some were already feeling the urge to snack on something this morning and that looked perfect. They knew where they were going next.

"Ah! The Hotel Ionia!" Raleigh pointed at the Hotel that his group passed by. This large hotel was specifically made just to keep others warm in such a cold city. That was another place of interest they could try. But they wouldn't tackle the hotel.

"What's a Hotel?" Enola asked, looking up at Delia. The Samiyans don't usually interact with cities and towns. Canterlot has been their first major city and now this was their second.

"One of the most relaxing things in the world, dear," Delia said to Enola. "You should try it."

"But we are here to see his majesty claim victory," Adriel replied, propping up Ash once more since he was a major fan. "I'm not sure we have time to relax."

"We totally do," Enola uttered. "We came here at an early time, big brother. I think Mrs. Melony is still getting ready, honestly. And we have plenty of currency for it."

"We'll do everything we can here at Circhester," Ash replied before rubbing his hands and eyeing down the restaurant with the chef as the mascot. "Right now, I need a bite."

Bob's Your Uncle.

Bob's Your Uncle. A restaurant located southwest of Circhester Stadium and a great place to get a Morning, Afternoon and Evening meal. For Ash's group, Upon entering, they could already smell the wonderful food. There was a delicious and enticing scent that touched their noses. Ash absolutely loved it.

The food of the world was also great to enjoy. Throughout his many journeys, he's eaten food from many regions and he wasn't going to slow down at all. Flurry Heart, Skystar, Raleigh and Shooting Star were soon captivated by this scent too. Even though they were royalty, the food here had a unique feeling that they just couldn't find in their lavish lifestyles.

"Oooh, what's that?" Flurry Heart asked among the crowd of people eating their breakfast on this cold yet lively morning.

"Mmm...I don't know, but it smells good." For Skystar, it would be a whole new experience truly. Living underwater doesn't provide that many food options. But that was about to change.

"Oh? Here so soon? This early?" Lo and behold, in this restaurant as well was Melony. Ash's Challenger. She was also here for a morning meal.

"Melony? You're here too? I thought you'd be waiting at the stadium." said Ash.

"Not until I have my breakfast. Delia." Melony stood up, meeting with her fellow mother. "Glad you could show up after all even with that meeting of yours."

"Oh, I'm just mingling during the meeting." Delia chuckled before putting on a straight yet serious face. "Our challenge from 2 days ago isn't over yet, Melony. I'd love to finish it."

"As do I. But I have a battle to prepare for. Before that, I'll finish up here and collect my thoughts at the Hero's Bath. Come and try some of it out." Melony would soon invite them all to try the delectable food. "Sometimes, I help out in this restaurant by making food for others."

While Melony's food wasn't served, some great options were still available to help kickstart someone in the morning. Ash immediately sat down the second some food was served in front of him. Fresh hot pie to feast on. There was enough for everybody here, fortunately.

The young monarchs would feast their eyes on this morning's feast. Traditional Galarian Breakfast right in front of their eyes. Waffles, eggs, sandwiches and more. Simple but effective. Before the battle, Ash was going to make sure he was fully energized.

Wasting no time, he snacked on the food in front of him, much like how he devoured the food at the Royal Phantasy. Melony would join him, still needing that fulfilment. Everyone else would seat themselves, trying out the Galarian Delicacies that its most famous restaurant chain was known for.

And at this moment, Delia and Melony would eye each other down. Their competition would continue in the form of this. The two of them would try and see who could finish their food the fastest. They would take it easy in the beginning, moving at a normal pace. But the moment one of them started ramping it up, the other would do the same. At this point, they were starting to catch up with Ash's eating speed.

Raleigh watched as Ash, Delia and Melony were tearing through the food. Whether it was a restaurant or a royal meeting, there was no sign of slowing down. However, it didn't take long for Delia and Melony to realize that they weren't at the right age to consume food so fast. Ash could only do it because of his big appetite and healthy body that he's obtained through the years of journeying the world. Thus, they put a stop to it and just ate their food naturally.

"Mmm...Thanks for the meal." Ash patted his stomach after finishing everything. Everyone else had their fill, even though they weren't going to battle. But they were satisfied with what they were offered either way. "Okay. I think that'll do."

"Great. Now to relieve ourselves at the Hero's Bath." Melony said, stretching her arms.

"What's the Hero's Bath?" Ash asked.

"A place where you can clear your head of anything. Before I battle, I like to clear my head. I always make sure my opponents get the same treatment." Melony explained. "it's also where the two heroes who saved Galar from the Darkest Day bathed to heal and rest. So it already has some great fortune with it~"

The Hero's Bath.

The soothing bath of the Hero's Bath was soon used. The best way to use the bath was by placing your legs into the hot yet comfortable water, which is exactly what Ash, Delia, Melony and Raleigh were doing. The looks on their faces spoke volumes as to how effective this was.

Since Circhester was so cold and there was snow falling constantly, the Hero's Bath was yet another way to find some heat. Probably the most effective way to do so as there was a Coalossal present here to keep that heat ever-present. Wanting his Pokemon to receive an equal amount of warmth, Ash sent each of them out.

"You were right, Melony. This really clears the head." Delia said with a relaxed face. "Even though this won't clear what's going to happen today."

"Mmm, we'll see," Melony replied before glancing over at Ash's Pokemon.

"Draaa!" Dragonite could be seen swimming in the Hero's Bath with Skystar. Skystar was in her element here, moving across the bath.

"I'm so comfortable!" She exclaimed, expressing how much she enjoyed this. Shooting Star would move his hoof across the water, feeling its energy. After feeling it, he pulled his hoof back with his coat standing up.

"What are you so afraid of?" Flurry Heart chuckled as this didn't bother her at all. She would jump into the bath without hesitation, making quite a splash. Lucario swayed his body to the side, avoiding the incoming water.

"S-Shouldn't you take off your regalia and scarf first, princess?!" Flash Sentry, one of the guards who came along, spoke out. It was too late. Flurry Heart had gone in with everything still on.

"Oh." The young alicorn from another universe uttered before looking at her wet scarf. But after a few seconds, she dismissed it as the water was far too captivating to care about it.

"I'm rather excited to take you all on," Melony said to Ash's Pokemon as Dragonite swam up to Melony. "Especially you, Dragonite~"


"I do love battling a Dragon-Type. As an Ice-Type specialist, it's always fun." Melony's eyes closed while keeping that sweet smile. There was a strong menacing air forming after she said that.

"That sounded a little bit threatening..." Raleigh shuddered.

"Well, it's only natural. Dragons are cold-blooded. Most powerful trainers love to use Dragon-Types to get as far as possible. They believe that Dragon-Types are the key to victory and I just end up defeating them. It's a shame really, to disappoint them like that. They mostly use Dragon-Types so they don't really have a choice but to battle with me Dragons and only have one other type as backup. But I do enjoy it, honestly."

"Well, Dragonite's not gonna go down that easily in this battle." Ash thought otherwise. He was fully confident in Dragonite's skills for this battle. "All of my Pokemon are gonna help me to the top. It's not just one type.

"Oh, so even though you have a Dragon, you believe all types can succeed. That is an interesting claim, considering a majority of the members in the Masters 8 have Dragons. Dragon-Type Pokemon are just full of power that other Pokemon can't achieve and as an Ice-Type specialist, it's satisfying to test that power and defeat it." Melony gets her own enjoyment our of a Pokemon Battle. And it seemed to be against Dragon-Types. "Oh, but she's so cute so a part of me will feel bad!"

"Draco?" As for Dracovish, that was a different story. Dracovish was still rather new to everyone else since no one has seen a Pokemon like him before.

"Let's show her what we're made of, Dragonite." Ash raised his fist as Dragonite would hit it back. The two of them weren't about to let Melony win so easily. Dragonite would be representing the Dragons that have fallen to Melony as she would show her what she could do even against overwhelming odds

"Hold on!" Raleigh bellowed. "You're sending Dragonite into battle?! But she's weak to Ice-Types. Wouldn't it be better to stick to your Fighting-Types instead? Or even Pikachu." He didn't quite see the logic.

"It's fine, Raleigh." Flurry Heart said while swimming by. "Ash thrives on stuff like this."

"He does?" Raleigh looked over at the young alicorn who already knew what to expect with Ash.

"Trust in my son, dear." Delia patted Raleigh's head, also knowing Ash's battling style very well. Any other Trainer would choose a different Pokemon, thinking twice about bringing a Dragon-Type to an Ice-Type battle. But not Ash. He loves the challenge and now that Dragonite had been brought into the conversation, how could he not?

Ash and Melony looked at each other, knowing what was coming next. Their battle was about to be underway at last now that they've spent time here at the Hero's Bath.

Circhester Stadium.

The Circhester Stadium.

Already, plenty of people have gathered to watch today's battle. Lined up here were Ash's friends, ranging from princes, princesses and even royal guards.

"Welcome to the Pokemon World Championships Ultra Class! Where Trainers battle to be number one in the world!" The announcer was already getting started, speaking to the crowd. "Now the matchup for today's competition...Currently ranked 35, it's own Circhester's Gym Leader, Melony. As always, she comes equipped ith her Dynamax Band."

Waling out into the arena was Melony. Much like all other Galar Trainers that Ash has fought, Melony also came strapped with a Dynamax Band. Dynamaxing was to be expected in this battle, it was hard to tell who it was going to be today. Melony's Pokemon were unknown by Ash. All he knew was to expect Ice-Types.

Here to watch his mother battle was none other than Gordie. He's been waiting for this battle and would love to see how Ash performs against his mother, who knocked him down a rank and was said to be quite the fierce battler.

"And currently ranked 36 in the World after successfully defeating Gym Leader Bea, the talk of the Tournament. From the Kanto Region's Pallet Town. It's Ash!" Ash was then introduced, making his way to the arena.

"You've got this, Ash!" Raleigh stood up, shouting as loud as he could to prop up Ash.

"If only Twilight and the others were to here to cheer him on like they usually do." Flurry Heart uttered, seeing this as a missed opportunity for Twilight and the others to show up.

"Don't worry. They'll get quite the view with this battle." Holding out her phone was Delia. She was going to make sure this battle was recorded. Not just because of her son battling but also because her rival was taking him on. This would decide things after what was said back at the Yard Sale.

"For this battle, only four Pokemon will be used." Said by the referee, for today's battle, both sides were limited to four Pokemon only. "Will both challengers please bring your first Pokemon?"

"Alright! Gengar, I choose you!" Ash's first Pokemon turned out to be Gengar.


"Appear! Darmanitan!" As for Melony, she would send out Darmanitan. But it wasn't a Unovan Darmanitan. Instead, it was a Galarian Darmanitan.


"Ooh? What's up with that Darmanitan?" Already, Ash was prepared to identify this Darmanitan who had a colder appearance compared to its Unovan variant.

"Darmanitan. The Zen Charm Pokemon. On days when blizzards blow through, it comes down to where people live. It stashes food in the snowball on its head, taking it home for later. Though it has a gentle disposition, it’s also very strong. It will quickly freeze the snowball on its head before going for a headbutt."

"Alright...Then it's probably got a Zen Mode as always. Got it." Ash grinned.

"Battle Start!" The Rotom Drone kicked things off at last

"Gengar, use Dazzling Gleam!"

"Gen...Gar!" Starting off with a flashy move, Gengar would illuminate his entire body in a field of rainbow-coloured energy, which expanded outward.

"Darmanitan, dear! Use Stone Edge!"

"Dar! Dar! Darmanitan!" After beating its chest, the Zen Charm Pokemon would slam its fists into the floor, summoning great and powerful crystals that would meet with the Dazzling Gleam. The crystals were used as a way to block Dazzling Gleam from getting closer, not intercepting it. Both attacks cancelled each other out with Dazzling Gleam failing to get close.

"Now, use Flare Blitz!"

"Manitan!" Even though it was an Ice-Type, the Fire Part within Darmanitan never left. With smoke filling the area, the Galarian Variant enveloped its whole body in a fierce burst of flames before taking off with it. Darmanitan moved through the smoke, burning some of it away.

"Look out, Gengar! Phase through!"

"Gen?!" Gengar gasped after seeing Darmanitan accelerate towards him. He tried turning intangible, only to be too late. Darmanitan crashed right into Gengar, letting out a blazing explosion right afterwards. Gengar was sent flying, taking the first batch of damage in this battle. But as a drawback, Darmanitan received recoil damage. The Shadow Pokemon took such a hit that his round body started bouncing on the floor."Gaar!"

"What a hit! Gengar's bouncing away!"

"Gen...!" Gengar would recover, sliding on the floor.

"Gengar doesn't have many options for Ice-Types. But if I play my cards right, I can bring out that other form of Darmanitan." Ash was already thinking about Zen Mode Darmanitan. And he knew one thing was for sure was that this mode can be forced out depending on how much damage Darmanitan takes.

"Hm? Is that so?" Meloy giggled. I doubt you can get my darling Darmanitan to that level. Use Icicle Crash!"

"Darman!" Galarian Darmanitan smashed its fists together, generating a chilling aura. From above, it formed multiple sharp icicles, turning the area above into an icy cave.

"Gen?!" Gengar and everyone else looked up. TO their disbelief, there was not a single gap. All the icicles were close to each other, making sure that it would be impossible to dodge them. There was a method of dodging something like this, but unfortunately, neither of Ash's Pokemon had access to that method. At least, not from the looks of it.

"Look at all those shards!" Shooting Star's jaw dropped. "Are they covering every part of the top?!"

"Already, Icicle Crash has covered a majority of the roof above us all!" The announcer bellowed. "This is how she's taken out most of her opponents!"

"She's used this a lot, huh?" Ash looked up, narrowing his eyes.

"Any Dragon that takes flight comes crashing down with this. But I'll show it off to you for the first time against, Gengar! Bring it all down!"

"Man!" All the icicles were brought down by Darmanitan's control. All those shards were raining down with sharp tips while also travelling at impressive speeds.

"Spin with Dazzling Gleam!"

"Gen...Gar!" By using Dazzling Gleam, Gengar lit his body up. But this time, the Countershield Strategy would be used. All those rainbow rays would fly out, moving in a spiralling motion. This was Ash's response to such a plentiful attack. Hit it with his own plentiful attack.

Everyone watched something akin to that of a Pokemon Contest. Gengar became a Rainbow Tornado, destroying the icicles that rained down and causing them to become smaller bits of ice. At the same time, the arena was being illuminated with beautiful sparkles from the ice and rainbows.

"Gengar's formed himself into a Tornado of Rainbows, knocking away each icicle!"

"Impressive! Spinning with a Pokemon move which such effectiveness?" Meloy's eyes widened, witnessing the Countershield for the first time.

"It's the Countershield. Pretty neat, huh?" Ash chuckled. "And I call this one the Rainbow Tornado! I was thinking of going through the ground but this works too! Because then, I can hit you back! "

There was more to the Countershield than just blocking attacks. It was also made for Countering, as the name suggests. And the way it did so was by sending one of its rays towards Darmanitan. The Zen Charm Pokemon gasped, jumping over the first ray that came its way. However, it would have to watch out for way more as these rays were rather frantic.

"Advance, Gengar! Charge in as a tornado!"

"Gaaaar!" Instead of staying in one spot, Gengar would move around while using the Rainbow Tornado. He was still managing to destroy the icicles above him thanks to this shield while also sending more of the rays towards Darmanitan.

The Ice-Type tried dodging as many of the rays as it could, only for some of them to land. The rays were inconsistent in their speed and position, making it difficult for Darmanitan to evade. Thus, it was being slapped around by all these rays while Gengar got closer. All the icicles above were starting to decrease in quantity as well.

"Dar!" After Gengar got close enough, Darmanitan was pulled in, becoming one with the Rainbow Tornado. Melony gasped as Darmanitan was lifted off the floor. Now, it was starting to receive repeated blows from the rainbows. Not only that, but some of the ice that the tornado gathered would strike Darmanitan, turning this into a Rainbow Blizzard.

"Nice! With that, Darmanitan will take plenty of damage until it faints!" Flurry Heart stood up. "Way to go, Ash!"

"My, that is a very effective tactic you have there, Ash. Using an Ice Pokemon's natural elemental disaster against it. But, I hate to say that it won't be enough. Darmanitan! Earthquake!"

"Dar..Man...Itan!" However, despite being in the Rainbow Tornado, Darmanitan had a way out. It may be turbulent but it could still use its limbs. Unable to reach Gengar, Darmanitan would instead clap its hands together, using Earthquake differently. From its hands, a grandiose shockwave had been unleashed. The resounding power of the earth boomed from its body, responding to the Rainbow Tornado.

"Gen?!" Gengar was hit by this tornado, taking super-effective damage in the process. He lost his concentration as the Earthquake completely destroyed the Rainbow Tornado's movement. Gengar would be seen flying away once the tornado fizzled out. Darmanitan was also freed, saving itself from all that continuous damage.

"Darmanitan's powerful clap breaks up the Rainbow Tornado and greatly damages Gengar!"

"Man...Using Earthquake like that?" Ash held onto his hat. "I've only seen that with Superpower but I guess that works too."

"Hm-hm-hm." Melony giggled before winking. "I have my ways around my opponent, Ash, dear."

"Come on, Ash! Use that tornado again and send Darmanitan flying!" Skystar bellowed.

"Return, Darmanitan." However, Melony saw this as a good time to return Darmanitan. Any more and Ash might just force out its Zen Mode. "Delia was right. You are full of surprises. I'd love to see what else you can show."

"I've got a lot in store. The Countershield's just the beginning!"


"Well, it sounds like you know how to show me a good time. But can you continue after I send out my next Pokemon? My lovely Frosmoth!" By throwing the Poke Ball into the air, out came the next Pokemon. And one that Ash hasn't seen before.


"Woah..." Once more, the Pokedex had to be used. Looking at it reminded him greatly of Volcarona but of a different type.

"Frosmoth. The Frost Moth Pokemon. Icy scales fall from its wings like snow as it flies over fields and mountains. The temperature of its wings is less than −290 degrees Fahrenheit. It shows no mercy to any who desecrate fields and mountains. It will fly around on its icy wings, causing a blizzard to chase offenders away."

"Alright. Head in, Gengar! Shadow Ball, up close!"

"Gen!" Gengar would go for an up-close Shadow Ball. By generating a blob of shadows in his hands, the Shadow Pokemon zipped in.

"Embrace him, Frosmoth!" Melony held her hands out as if she was going for a hug. But it was actually Frosmoth that was welcoming Gengar for a hug, encouraging him to get closer.

"Fros...!" With its wings spread out, the Frost Moth Pokemon would let out an alluring and soothing voice. But nothing about this was friendly. As soon as Gengar got close, slamming the Shadow Ball forward, the wings would grab onto him. The Shadow Ball ended up freezing instead of going off. The blob of shadows was hit a flash-freeze, failing and falling down.

Ash and Gengar gasped as the Frozen Shadow ball hit the floor, shattering. Frosmoth had ended an attack just by using her wings which carried a truly chilling presence. "Gengar?!" As for Gengar, he had been held by Frosmoth, captured by her wings. He already tried breaking free, struggling against such an innocent-looking Pokemon.

"Gengar's stuck! Frosmoth's inviting yet cold embrace has him!"

"Not good! Quick, Gengar! Phase through!"

"Gen...Gengar!" But Gengar was unable to do so. Mainly because his body was starting to freeze up. He was about to suffer the same fate as his Shadow Ball and there was seemingly no way for him to break free. He couldn't phase through or use a move in this instance. With no way to counter, it looked like Gengar would be the first down in this battle.

Ash vs Melony was only getting started and already both sides have shown what they were capable of. But at this moment, Melony was taking on a truly chilling approach, attempting to end this battle as soon as battle and especially waiting for Dragonite to make an appearance. As the journey continues.

Chapter 264 End.

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