• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,103 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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The Rainbow and Its Sparkles

“Not to sound like an impatient fuzzbutt... but...” Rainbow squinted at her two traveling companions as they traversed the stone forest. “The sun's going down. Are we planning to... y'know...?

“Heheh...” Reeds smiled back at her. “A valid concern..” He shook his head. “I'm afraid there's still quite a bit of the Petrispines yet to go. We won't be clearing it by nightfall. Not by a longshot.”

“Well, that stinks,” Rainbow muttered. “I mean... stinks for you.” She gestured at the other ponies trotting within close proximity along the path. “Stinks for all of you. I mean... I know how badly you wanna get back to your home town in time for Unification Day and all...”

“And we will!” Sweet said. “Think of it this way! If we rest now, then we'll be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for when we actually reunite with our families! Heehee!”

“And besides...” Reeds smirked. “The best celebrations are after Unification Day... during the first week of the Month of Thawing. Isn't that right, Sis?”

“I can't wait to wear my tomato hat!” Sweet cheered.

Rainbow opened her mouth... lingered... then gave up with a nod. “Nifty. I think.”

“Heheheh... it'd take twenty pilgrimages to explain everything to a Colonialist,” Reeds said. “It's best to sit back and observe it while it's happening.”

“And you're totally welcome to join our family, Scootabelle!” Sweet said. “The fireworks are positively to die for! Just... y'know... without the dying part.”

“Heh... I'm flattered. Super flattered. But...” The pegasus gulped, squinting at the dull rays of sunshine melting into shadow across stalagmites and pines. “I really can't be staying.”

“Awwwwwww...” Sweet pouted, her ears folded back. “Gotta go fast, huh?”

“Story of my life.”

“Where are you headed to?” Reeds asked.

“Erm... well beyond Stone Prefrecture, I can tell you that much.”

“Gotta spread the Religion of Shipping around, huh?”

Rainbow winked. “You know me too well already.”

“Well, it's a real shame. But I understand when you have to go somewhere to do something important,” Sweet said. “I only wish you could hang around for a little while to see the celebrations! You already missed the fireworks from earlier!”

“Fireworks?” Rainbow blinked. “You mean the bandits that got thrown off the rocks?”

“They were thrown off?” Reeds remarked. “My sis and I only saw them fall.”

“Did you see something we didn't?” Sweet stammered.

“Erm...” Rainbow winced slightly, shrugging. “Guess I just... heard some gossip from the other travelers we passed.”

“Oh! Heehee! Common mistake!”

“Tell me about it.” Rainbow cleared her throat. “So... uh... where are we going to rest, exactly?”

“There's a spot in the northern Petrispines that's perfect for camping,” Reeds explained. “Assuming it's not too crowded at this point.”

“They call it the 'Stone Eye,'” Sweet said. “It's... it's n-not as big as it sounds.”

“But still, it's safe, sheltered, and has plenty of space for most travelers to lay their sleeping mats,” Reeds added. “They even built a fort there. We should be more than safe from would-be thugs.”

“Yeah!” Sweet snickered. “Especially since the bandits around these parts were scared off to Verlaxion-knows-where!”

“Heh... lucky us,” Rainbow murmured.

“It'll be a bit after sundown before we arrive at the Eye,” Reeds said. “But don't you worry. I have this place memorized like the back of my hoof. I can get us there in the dark.”

“Cool beans, dude.”

“Say! In speaking of beans!” Sweet turned to Reeds. “Did you bring those samples from the merchant we ran into in Seed Prefecture?”

“Sis, they're too dried up for anypony to eat. I told you that when you bought them—”

“I don't want to eat them, silly!” She stuck her tongue out. “I think they'd make perfect beads for a necklace!”

“Yeah? And would you really want beetle larvae hatching around your neck without warning?”

“Ew! They are so not infected!”

“Girl, I'm telling you—”

While the blue-coated siblings verbally squabbled, Rainbow Dash drew back slightly. When she felt that she was out of earshot of them, she gazed to her side.

Only Twilight Sparkle hovered over the gravel path.

Rainbow arched an eyebrow. “Where are the others?”

“Hmmm?” Twilight looked over. “Oh. Uhm...”

“Vanilla Zoning?”

“Yeah.” Twilight gulped. “They figured that way they'll be more awake for when it's time to talk to Luna.”

“And what about you?” Rainbow cocked her head to the side as she murmured, “Don't you need rest as well?”

“I'm fine...” Twilight sighed through her nostrils. “Maybe a bit antsy, but whatever.”


“Besides...” Twilight brushed her bangs back as she hovered forward. “Seems only right that you should always have one of us girls awake and present.”

“What am I, now? Your prisoner?”

Twilight let loose a prolonged sigh. “You know what I mean, Rainbow...”

“Twilight...” Rainbow smiled. “You know by now that I'm very... very good at thinking on my hooves.”

Twilight closed her eyes with an exasperated breath.

“Better than the rest of you girls, in fact,” she said. “I mean—no offense. I had a year and a half of intense practice.”

“I know that, Rainbow. But still...” Twilight reopened her eyes, staring squarely at Rainbow. “This isn't the same as your previous travels.”

Rainbow gulped. “I know.”

“Nor is it the same as your time with the Jury.”

“I know...”

“You're flightless and with a bounty on your head.” Twilight gulped. “I mean... certainly... you have the skills and finesse to handle dozens of meat-headed bandits—”

“Heh. Dang straight.”

“—but for Celestia's sake! What if you get hurt even worse? Or if you draw attention to yourself? I mean... need I remind you that some of Rohbredden's finest are chasing after your tail?!”

“I couldn't just let these ponies get skinned alive by those punks back there, Twilight,” Rainbow whispered. “You overhead them yourself! Weren't they—like—gonna shoot arrows through the Osmanes here?!”

“I'm not trying to say that what you did was wrong, or that you should refuse to save innocent ponies on this continent.”

“Hah! Thought so...”

“But Rainbow...” Twilight gulped, looking sad. “As much as you want to be a hero, one of these days you might find yourself having to let ponies be... if saving them means putting your overall quest in danger. I mean... you of all ponies know what's at stake here with the course of Austraeoh.”

Rainbow turned towards Twilight, her expression serious. “Like I knew at the Quade?”

Twilight blinked. She hung her head with a mild glaze to her eyes.

After a deep breath, Rainbow said, “It's not easy having to balance what's on our shoulders is it?”

Twilight slowly shook her head. “No.” She gulped. “It's not.”

Rainbow stared ahead at Reeds, Sweet, and the dimming path ahead of them. “I'm convinced that there can always... always be a way to solve something. The one time I failed to grasp that—back in Luminar—ponies suffered for it. And why? Because I wasn't honest with you, Pinkie, and Rarity. If I had just leveled with the three of you, then maybe we could have figured out a way to get Fluttershy free without any madness or destruction.”

“That's hard to imagine,” Twilight muttered. “I mean... looking back...”

“Guess we'll never know for sure,” Rainbow said with a nod. “And it's my fault.”


“But I've stopped giving up on being awesome.” Rainbow clenched her jaw. “It sucks what happened to you girls, but right now... you're a real gift to me the way you all are... an edge. And I just know that we'll have what it takes to sneak past Verlaxion and rescue Applejack.” She turned and winked at Twilight. “Because I'm awesome again. And it's because of you gals. You... give me strength n'jazz.”

“I can't imagine how 'strong' you are if all I do is nag about how you're doing it wrong,” Twilight groaned.

“Please. Keep nagging.” Rainbow shrugged. “One of these days, I'll probably have no choice but to listen to you. That's a thing I didn't have before I cleared the Choke. A voice of reason.”

“Yeah, well, your quest is anything but 'reasonable.'”

“Give it time. It's a big plane.”

“Heh...” Twilight smiled. Then her eyes shifted as the thoughts in her head changed. “Rainbow...”

“Yes, egghead?”

“What if the bandits back there really were being supplied by the same organization that's putting the bounty on you?”

“Then I guess the muck spreads beyond the seven seas.”

“Right when we broke out of Red Barge, Skagra was... trying to make a deal with somepony outside the platform... wasn't he?”

“Yeah, I got that impression too,” Rainbow muttered.

“What if there was always a connection between the Barge and Rohbredden?”

“You mean Skagra was always in cahoots with somepony on the inside?” Rainbow remarked. She shrugged. “Wouldn't be the first time I've seen that crud happen.” Her nostrils flared. “Back in Val Roa, Queen Chrysalis had corrupted the government—and in so doing she partnered with the Goblin Cartel to finance several raids on the outlying townships.”

“Did...” Twilight tapped her chin in thought. “...did we ever figure out who that one mare was connected with? Or where she went?”

“I'm afraid you lost me, Twi.” Rainbow glanced aside. “What mare?”

“The unicorn,” Twilight droned. “The one who attacked out of nowhere.”

“And she looked like she actually knew what a shower was? Or a manedresser for that matter?”

“And she was very... very proficient at magic.”

“Heh...” Rainbow sighed a bit too dreamily for her own good. “Yeah, I remember.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow.

Rainbow cleared her throat. “You... you think she represents the outside party?”

“Or she was the outside party.”

“So... what does this mean?”

“Simply that I'm right to be paranoid,” Twilight said, wincing slightly. “As much as I hate to say it.”

“Uh huh.”

“There are more ponies ahead of you than I believe we're led to think, Rainbow,” Twilight said. “Verlaxion isn't the only one keeping her eyes open. You have to be careful.”

Twilight shuddered. “Let's just... focus on one group of baddies at a time, shall we?”

“I'm not sure we can afford that luxury.”

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