• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,102 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Everything Is Coming (Down) Explodey

"Oki doki loki!" Pinkie Pie spun about with a twitchy smile. "It was nice knowing you, girls! Here's hoping our loose spirits find a wicked cool pirate ship to haunt for eternity!"

"Pinkie, hush!" Twilight Sparkle shouted above the deaffening roar of the invasive gale. Flurries of snow and ice flew through her ghostly form. "Rainbow Dash, you've got to get the ponies to the furthest end of the shelter!"

"Everypony!" Rainbow hollered as Nicole, Echo, and several members of Bard's family galloped past her. "Get to the back! Lay low!"

"That won't be of any use and you know it," Remna droned.

"Shut up and put your invulnerable body to good use!" Rainbow retorted.

Remna's violet nostrils flared. "I can't sit on everypony."

"There's hardly any room to hide!" Rarity exclaimed, trembling all over. "Those heartless wraiths could fill this whole niche within a single frozen blink!"

"Well we gotta do somethin'!" Applejack hollered. "I'm fixin' to get Rainbow 'round the world so I can fetch me a new body again! I sure as heck ain't plannin' on spendin' the rest of my ghostly days here, anchored to a popsicle!"

"The windigoes..." Twilight shivered. "They're getting closer!"

"Can we re-seal the cellar entrance?!" Fluttershy squeaked.

"The doors are completely smashed, darling!"

"There's gotta be something magical that can help us out!" Rainbow stammered, squinting into the blistery cold sheets of snow. "Wildcard! Ariel! Look for something!"

The griffon and the pegasus fumbled around through the wrecked supplies.

"What in the hay are ya makin' them search for?!" Applejack cackled.

"Something! Anything!" Rainbow exclaimed. "I know that we don't have Mortuana's spells at our disposal! But if we can seal ourselves off in here like we did before west of Starkiss—"

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight exclaimed.

Rainbow looked in her direction.

The ghostly unicorn pointed at a stack of wooden crates.

"There!" Rainbow aimed her hoof in the same direction.

Ariel and Wildcard gawked at her. "What?!" Ariel asked.

"Magical conduits," Twilight exclaimed. "Not... n-not sure what exactly—"

"In those crates!" Rainbow pointed once more at the boxes. She flung a nervous look at the farmers huddled against the furthest wall. "Does anypony know what's in them?!"

"Lumiscent crystals!" Nicole exclaimed. "For measuring fivelights!"

"Wait!" Flynn rushed over, breathless. He gnashed his teeth against the sharply dropping temperature. "Are the crystals purified?"

"No!" Kelly spoke up from the corner. "It's all raw mineral extract! They haven't even been enchanted yet!"

"Perrfect!" Kepler's spectacles shimmered in the gray light as he looked across the chamber. "Flynn, arre you thinking what I am thinking?!"

"We'll only have one shot at this!" Flynn's horn glowed brighter as he gestured at Logan. "Big Show! You know what to do!"

"Gang way!" The fat stallion charged the crates, throwing his massive shoulder into the wooden boxes. SMASSSH! They fell apart in a sea of splinters. Dull black shards spilled out—which Kepler and Flynn instantly picked up.

"Wildcard! Ariel! Help me!" Flynn exclaimed, levitating as many dagger-shaped rocks as he could. "We gotta place them around the entrance!"

"Around the entrance?!" Echo exclaimed from where he stood beside Nicole. "Those blizzard bastards are ripping the farm to icicles and you wanna light their way towards us?!"

"It's not about enchanting the crystals to glow," Nicole exclaimed, understanding the situation. "Without being purified, the shards will overload with just the right dosage of magic..."

"Ah jeez..." Echo grimaced. "Always explosions."

"Hurry!" Flynn exclaimed, joined by Wildcard, Kepler, and Ariel as he started placing crystals at the bottom of the stairwell. "Make a solid perimeter!"

"Surrround the entrrance!" Kepler said. "If they arre not close enough, it may not worrk—"

"Wait!" Fluttershy stammered. She pointed a spectral hoof at the very top of the entrance. "Bard and his brother!"

Rainbow looked up.

"Johnny!" Nicole called from a distance.

Perhaps the howling winds blocked out Nicole's voice... or perhaps the Desperado didn't care. In any case, he didn't flinch. The stallion stood at the mouth of the stairwell—high above—with Tim in his grasp.

"Rnnnngh!" Wham! He punched Tim again. Whud! And again. "Grrrr!" Whud!

Tim shook and bled in the stallion's grip. The tips of his ears froze over as the windigoes' hooves streaked lower and lower... closer and closer to the ground.

"Tell me, brother..." Bard snarled. "Once yer buried... who's gonna be left to give a shit." He gnashed his teeth. "Much less flowers?!"

"Quit it, boy!" Blue hollered from below. "Yer killin' him!"

"You can't murder that which ain't ever lived!" Bard shouted from above.

"Rainbow..." Applejack murmured.

"Right. This should have stopped centuries ago." Rainbow Dash galloped further. "Okay, Bard! Out of the murder pool! Your time's up—!" A violet hoof stopped her. Shaking, Rainbow snarled aside: "Axan! For Celestia's sake—!"

"Shhhh..." Remna held the mare at bay. "It must be his decision."

"Huh?!" Rainbow Dash frowned. "What do you mean?!"

"You had your chance back at Frostknife," the mare said calmly. Her eyes turned to green slits once again. "This is now your friend's."

"Rainbow, forget her, darling!" Rarity exclaimed. "This dragon in pony's clothing knows nothing! Now go and drag Bard down here before we lose his body and his conscience!"

But Rainbow didn't move. Nervously, she looked at Wildcard.

The griffon placed down the last of the crystalline shards in his grasp. He glanced back at Rainbow Dash. The lenses of his goggles reflected a pegasus' nervous grimace. Nevertheless, he made no move to stop the other Desperado.

Biting her lip, Rainbow remained in place.

"Okay!" Ariel exclaimed as she and Kepler desposited the last of the crystals around the base of the cellar. "That's the last of them!

"All yourrs, brrotherr!" Kepler gestured at Flynn.

"Bard!" Flynn stepped back, aiming a glowing horn at the array of crystals. "We're only gonna have one shot at this! Are you in or out?!"

Up above, Tim dizzily sputtered as he dangled in Bard's grip. "You... h-heard 'em... ya damned flankhole..." He spat blood and squinted. "You had the balls to go this far. Grkkk... better make yer stinkin' b-bed..."

Bard stared at him, panting. The breaths between them turned to frost in mid-air. His heart pulsed—sending shockwaves up and down his numb system. The shrieks of the windigoes intensified, and he closed his eyes to the bleeding stallion in his grasp. After a momentary shudder, he grumbled: "A cryin' shame that even dyin' wouldn't learn ya nothin'."

"Hrmmm... hckkkk..." Tim gargled on his own fluids, struggling to laugh. "Always... always a stinkin' coward..."

"One final warning, Bard!" Flynn shouted at the top of his lungs as the blizzard's winds reached hurricane force, flooding the cellar with gray snow and noise. "They're on top of us! Gotta fire it up!" His horn pulsed brightly, illuminating the sweat across his bald spot. "Now or never!"

"Maybe yer right about me, Tim," Bard slurred. "But you can learn a thang or two from bein' a coward." He hoisted the mountainous pony up as best as he could. "Join me, shall you?!" The two of them awkwardly plunged back down into the cellar together.

"The windigoes!" Twilight shrieked, her lavender horn bursting with light. "They're here!"

"Look!" Pinkie pointed.

"Bard and Tim!" Fluttershy shouted. "They're coming down!"

Rainbow caught the barest hint of two masculine shadows tumbling down the stairwell. "Now, Flynn!" she yelled. "Do it now!"

"Firing—!" Flynn flung his skull forward. Zaaaaaap! A stream of mana poured into the first of many crystals. Like explosive dominoes, they all burst into flames, one after another. Milliseconds later, a quivering beam of electricity roped through the entire perimeter. The resulting overload popped the eardrums of everypony in attendance.


The last Rainbow saw of Bard and Tim, they were two carbon black silhouettes against a sea-blue eruption of unbridled mana. Burning plasma flooded the chamber, rippling inward like a blanket of flame.

"Get down!" Kepler shouted, propelling himself.

Ariel shrieked as Wildcard grabbed her and flung them both behind a stack of crates.

Flynn and Logan ducked. Nicole and Echo hugged each other while family members cowered.

Within the next breath, the combined explosions of the fivelight shards caused an enormous earthen chunk of ceiling to collapse directly before the mouth of the stairwell. The glowing eyes of diving windigoes disappeared behind an imploding wall of soil and rocks. Hot pebbles flew like shrapnel—sailing straight for Rainbow's face.

Remna pounced over the pegasus at the last second, shielding her with her equine body as—


—half of the cellar collapsed entirely, burying the survivors in dust...

...and darkness.

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