• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,101 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

  • ...

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Song of Ice and Latrines

"So, uhm..." Raptr's armor rattled as he marched along with the group. "We're just leaving Evil Miss Unicrazy back in Braum?"

"Affirmative," Seraphimus said. She led the Talon through the snow and towards the southern gates of Steamfall. "I intend for us to question the supervisors of the facility on their knowledge of the Rainbow Rogue. When and only when it becomes advantageous to expose a weakpoint in their testimony, we'll announce our possession of the mare who burned down the tavern."

"A fine plan, Commander," Sarda said, accompanying the group on hoof. "That way, you can use her as a bargaining chip."

"That is not my intent," Seraphimus growled ever so slightly. "She is to be brought to Frostknife and tried for her crimes. The Talon is above taking hostages to exploit a suspicious party, Mr. Sarda."

"Still..." Windburst smirked. "It wouldn't hurt."

Starstorm chuckled.

After a deep breath, Seraphimus muttered, "I suppose that—if she has associates here in Steamfall, associates that even remotely respect her—then the knowledge of her capture just might provoke them into a confession."

"A confession to what?" Raptr inquired.

"Willful harm committed against the citizenry," Windburst remarked. "Seems cut and dry to me."

"If only our job was ever that simple," Starstorm droned.

"Mr Sarda," Lieutenant Keris spoke. "How do you normally approach the ponies of Steamfall for amicable negotiation?"

"I don't," Sarda grunted.

Keris sighed. "In all seriousness, sir..."

"My apologies." Sarda cleared his throat. "When I have to, I approach the guards at the southern gates up ahead." He pointed at the distant barrier. "Kayman and his two associates would have done the same."

"In their absence, I wonder, would they be expecting the leader of Braum to arrive?" Keris remarked.

"What are you getting at, guardian?"

"Yes, Lieutenant," Seraphimus murmured. "Do fill us in."

"The ponies of Steamfall likely know that we have arrived in Braum. What they do not know is that we have any reason to approach them." Keris glanced at the others. "I suggest we capitalize on that possibility."

Seraphimus and the other members of the Talon scuffled to a stop.

"You mean take them by surprise?" Windburst remarked. "Show up unannounced?"

"That... could be beneficial in exposing their true motives," Starstorm said. "The element of surprise works wonders."

"But how would we even set that up?" Raptr remarked, squinting in the morning light. "They already know we're in Ivory Prefecture."

Keris looked over at Sarda. "Mister Sarda. I know you've been through a great many tribulations as of late. However—for the good of our mutual investigation—would you be willing to exercise one final act of courage and faith?"

Sarda nodded. "You should know by now that I'm willing to do anything that will settle the score here with the Consortium. And they are scum. You must believe me."

"We may or may not find proof of that, provided we approach this the right way." Keris turned towards Seraphimus. "Commander? With your permission?"

"Please..." Seraphimus took a calm step back, gesturing. "...by all means."

"Hmmmmmmmmm..." Pinkie Pie tapped her chin, squinting into the morning light. "'Remna'... 'Remna'... 'Remna...'" Her ears twitched. "Where have I heard that name before...?"

"Stop stressing over it, Pinkie Pie," Rarity said as she and the other girls floated after Rainbow. "So perhaps we've heard the name before. What of it? It's a small world."

"Actually, no," Rainbow droned. "It isn't."

"Well, you know what I mean."

"Rainbow, what are you doing?" Twilight asked.

"I'm... uh..." Rainbow Dash shuffled in a zig-zag direction as she approached the southeast warehouses of Braum. "...flailing casually."

"Well stop flailing and start trotting normally," Twilight insisted. "You'll blow your cover before you even have it!"

"But I-I just can't tell which direction I'm supposed to approach the streets of this place from!" Rainbow grumbled, eyeing the complexes and bunkers as they drew closer. "What if—like—I'm expected to be on a scheduled patrol or at a specific post or—?"

"If I were you, Dashie, I'd learn to stop worrying and love the uniform!" Pinkie waved a dainty hoof, smirking. "It looks super snazzy on you!"

"You wear this stupid friggin' cloth sarcophagus around your flank and neck and you tell me how 'snazzy' it feels."

"Shhhhhh!" Fluttershy hissed. "A pair of ponies are coming around the corner!" She pointed up ahead and towards the left. "Workers! Just like you!"

"Okay, everypony," Twilight Sparkle spoke. "Let's be quiet. Give Rainbow Dash some air to concentrate and talk herself through this."

"Right..." Rainbow gulped, cracking the joints in her neck before calmly trotting straight ahead. "...cuz that's the one thing I'm good at: talking. Not headbutting."

"Here they come!" Fluttershy whispered.

Two mares in uniform waltzed around the corner, chatting with one another.

"And so the wyvern says to the seapony, 'No! YOU have chicken mouth!'"

"Hahahahaha..." The other mare sighed through a smile. "I still don't get it."

"Girl, you never get it."

"Whoah, hold up." They both scuffled to a stop, blinking at Rainbow Dash. "Where in the heck did you come from?"

"Me?" Rainbow blinked.

"Yeah, you."

"Uhm..." Rainbow's eyebrows twitched. "The woods."

Twilight and Rarity simultaneously face-hoofed.

One mare squinted. "The woods?"

"Yeah. My... uhm..." Rainbow fidgeted on the sidewalk. "...my steam supervisor told me to go and... g-gather pinecones to decorate her office in the bunker... forrrrrrr the Month of Thawing." She shook her bag. "See?" A gulp. "And who am I to ruin the boss' holiday spirit, y'know?"

The two mares stared at Rainbow.

Fluttershy chewed on the ends of her hooves. Pinkie Pie stuck her ghostly head into the ground.

"Hmmmmm... heheh..." One mare smirked. "...yeah, right."

Rainbow winced.

"Let's be real." The mare pointed at the snowy trees in the distance. "You were out there taking a crap, weren't you?"

Rarity did a double-take.

"Ehhhh..." Rainbow Dash rubbed one leg against another. She forced herself to blush. "...you caught me, huh?"

"Hahahaha... ya poor little thing." One mare giggled. "They're still being cruel to newcomers over in Bunker Beta, huh?"

"It was a good few weeks before they allowed me access to the company latrine." The other pony shook her head. "Friggin' jokers."

Rainbow shrugged. "I just don't want to step on anypony's toes."

"Or smell up the bunker. Which is good! They'll adore you sooner than later, kid."


"Hey... if it helps..." One mare winked. "You can use the latrine at Bunker Alpha."

"Really?" Rainbow cracked a smile. "Oh, Verlaxion's Sheet!"

"Sleet!" Twilight hissed.

"That too!" Rainbow sighed. "I've dreamt of this opportunity. To... ahem... make waste in freedom and comfort."

"Enjoy it while it lasts. Cuz soon enough, they'll make the rookies dig the new latrine." The mares shuffled off. "So much for comfort then!"


"Say—good job on scoring a uniform in your size, kid! It looks snazzy on you!"

"Verlaxion's blessings!"

"Errr... yeah..." Rainbow Dash waved a hoof. As the two trotted off, she looked at herself with a frown. "Like... seriously. I don't see it. Do you girls see it?" she whispered, standing up tall and straight. "I'm the same size of any other mare my age."

Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, and Rarity all floated up so that they "stood" alongside Rainbow Dash. Everypony's shoulders and ears reached undeniably higher.

"Eughhhhhh..." Glaring, Rainbow Dash slumped along. "You're all ghosts. You don't count."

"Heeheehee!" Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie giggled.

"Horses for courses, love," Rarity said.

"Okay..." Twilight gestured ahead. "Looks like it's getting busy up ahead. Let's cross this compound and find ourselves a train."

Rainbow's jaw muscles tightened. "Easier said than done..."

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