• Published 13th Oct 2015
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Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Here Comes the Night Again

“I surely hope you have decided to stay clear of the main roads,” Luna's voice said with an air of concern.

“Believe me. I'd love nothing more than to avoid them.” Rainbow Dash gulped, strolling swiftly across the field full of swaying grass. She turned her head to the right, staring at the Silt Path situated south of her in the moonlight. “But... this central path is kinda sorta our only way of getting deeper into the continent of Rohbredden.”

“We're doing everything we can to help Rainbow Dash avoid the local authorities, Princess Luna,” Twilight Sparkle said.

“Twilight wants to remind you that she and the rest of the girls are helping me every step of the way,” Rainbow paraphrased. “They've already saved my skin on more than one occasion.”

“Even still, this must be an extraordinary challenge for you.”

“Your Highness, with all due respect,” Rainbow muttered. “It's not my first rodeo. Back in Ledomare? Every soldier who could pick up a mana rifle wanted to eat my guts for breakfast. You remember Ledomare, right? That place was—like—an explosion per day!” A nervous chuckle. “And yet I still survived!”

“Quite true. Alas, you were able to fly then. And—towards the tail-end of that experience—you possessed an aircraft full of traveling companions.”

“She's got a point there, Dashie!” Pinkie said.

Rainbow sighed, hanging her head as she stumbled down rows of rice paddies. “Yeah... well... the girls and I have a head start over Verlax's finest, at least.” She gulped. “We had a good long look at the map earlier. Once we get to the mountains, I'm... pr-pretty sure we can make ourselves scarce.”

“And you're certain the next beacon awaits you there...?”

“Right.” Rainbow squinted, tilting her head up slightly as her eyes found Yaerfaerda, glistening orange and bright among the looming mountains. “And where there's ruby flame, there's Applejack.”

“Rainbow Dash, it fills me with great joy that you have found Fluttershy. No doubt her presence is of great joy and relief to you.”

Fluttershy hovered along, blushing. The other mares smiled and nuzzled her close.

Rainbow smirked aside at the mare. “Yeah... she's... she's been a real life-saver for sure.”

“But this new situation that you're in alarms me terribly,” Luna said, her regal voice crackling in the air. “You're certain that there is no other recourse to the path you're taking?”

“Your Majesty, if I don't get to the Fifth Seed, I'm done-for.” Rainbow gulped. “And so is Applejack.”

“From the pattern of things, it seems likely that Verlax would seek to test you once you arrive there.”

“That's something we've considered through and through, Princess,” Twilight said.

“Rainbow shan't be alone when or if such a confrontation happens!” Rarity added with her jaws clenched. “We will assist her with every sense and gift at our disposal!”

“... … ...my child?”

Rainbow exhaled with a smiling sigh. “The girls were just voicing how prepared they are to help me if worse comes to...” She blinked, then glanced aside at Rarity. “...worst?”

Rarity nodded with a wink.

“That is a relief to hear, Rainbow Dash,” Luna said. “To be perfectly honest, I was somewhat... concerned for your well-being the last time we spoke.”

“Oh yeah?”

“You seemed rather anxious... your thoughts muddled and your emotions strained. It's been the deepest hope of my sister and I that you've been able to confront such fears. Judging from the tone in your voice, it would seem as though you and your friends have found a comfortable middle-ground.”

Rainbow gulped. “I dunno about 'comfortable,' given the situation. But... I-I'll go with awesome. Eheh...”

“Alas, you would not be Rainbow Dash if that was not the case.”

“Tell me about it. Eheh...” Rainbow cleared her throat. “So... uh... you'll have Spike make contact with the ponies of Cloudsdale?”

“Yes,” Luna's voice said. “He shall seek out Fluttershy's family immediately. By the powers invested in me, I shall have a wholesome conference prepared for tomorrow night.”

Fluttershy exhaled softly, gazing down at the moonlit grass with a dull expression. Pinkie and Rarity glanced at her curiously.

“That sounds super awesome, Luna,” Rainbow said. “Feel free to bring in everyone else! I'll... uh... I-I'll do my best to be someplace inconspicuous enough for a lengthy conversation.”

“We are all concerned for the well-being of you and your fellow friends, Rainbow Dash. Your safety is the top priority. If you must make forthwith to the next location of Yaerfaerda—”

“We'll get there when we get there,” Rainbow droned. “Something tells me that...” Her eyes traveled along the dim heights of the distant mountains, and she sighed. “...we're gonna be here a long... long time.” She gulped. “We'll likely be doing this same song and dance again before I reach the edge. At least... I-I hope so...”

“And Celestia, Spike, and I shall do our best to assist you by any means possible.” Luna's voice took a breath, then returned: “There is a pressing question that I feel must be asked.”

“Yeah?” Rainbow blinked, tilting her chin up. “What's that, Your Highness?”

“Your companions... the ones called Bard and Wildcard.”

“... … ...”

“Whatever happened to them, my child?” Luna asked. “Why would such selfless, brave ponies depart from your presence?”

Rainbow bit her lip. She gazed across the fields.

Pinkie winced, her ears folding. Rarity hugged herself. Twilight, meanwhile, took a deep breath, nodding at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow somberly nodded back.

“Okay, girls... let's... uhm...” Twilight gestured with a weak hoof, drifting towards Rainbow's pendant. “Let's rest for a bit.”

“Okie dokie lokie...” Pinkie dripped quietly, disappearing after her in a lavender haze.

Rarity followed third. At last, Fluttershy lingered in front of Rainbow Dash. Her eyes met the brave peagsus', and she spoke in a calm voice: “Do not be afraid, Rainbow Dash. She trusts you more than anyone.”

Rainbow nodded, closing her eyes as Fluttershy also vanished.

“... … ...Rainbow?” Luna's voice entreated.

Rainbow's pace slowed as she took several deep breaths.

“Are you still there, child?”

“I... I am, Luna.” Rainbow gulped. “And... it's only m-me right now. The... the girls went off to chillax in the Vanilla Zone.”

“The... Vanilla... Zone...?

“Erm... it's what we call the Harmonic place where they go to rest up. Y'know... the essence of my pendant?”

“Does this mean that we are having another conversation outside their spectrum of knowledge, Rainbow Dash?” There was a hint of an exasperated sigh from Luna's end. “Rainbow, I had truly hoped you had learned your lesson from previous occasions.”

“And... I-I have, Luna. I totally have. That's the whole point.” Rainbow gulped hard. “We're all in the know, now. Like... completely honest with one another. It's just that... that n-now I need to be perfectly honest with you.”


Rainbow's trembles were coming on. Quick. “About the real reason why I'm on the run from Rohbredden law... and why the Desperadoes aren't here any longer...”

“I am listening, Rainbow Dash.”

“There's...” Rainbow came to a stop, fidgeting in the middle of the windblown field. “There's n-no good way to put it, really...”

“You did something reprehensible,” Luna's voice coldly said.

Rainbow sucked in her breath.

“At least... reprehensible in the eyes of the Desperadoes and Rohbredden,” the voice continued. “And for that reason, you are now a fugitive.”

Rainbow grimaced. Hard.

Luna's voice went on: “Are you so surprised, Rainbow Dash? It was obvious to me from the details of our previous conversations that Verlax was desperate to test your resolve. It was my hope that you would not give in to her demented idealism. And yet... I perfectly understand that you have incredibly heavy burdens to carry. Not only must you find a way to resurrect your friends, but all of Equestria hangs in the balance. Nay, the entire world. These are the kinds of crises that no mortal should be forced to weigh. And yet, such a fate has been thrust upon you.”

“It's...” Rainbow's voice shook. Tears formed along her eye sockets. “It's so m-much more worse than you can ever imagine, Luna.”

“Mmmmm... I have lived a long... long time, Rainbow Dash, and committed as many miracles as atrocities. I can imagine plenty.”

“You don't get it. I... I had to get to the beacon where Fluttershy was. But... but this ancient society of monks sat in the way. The only way to bring her back... to continue the journey was to tear their home apart. Verlax set all of this crud up on purpose to make me do the unthinkable!”

“Rainbow Dash...

“And... and if I-I had j-just been honest with my friends before and found a way to plan things out with them, then m-maybe I could have found a truly peaceful solution! Instead... instead I-I let Verlax get to me, and... and I became the monster of the seven seas, Luna.” Rainbow sniffled. “That friggin' 'beast' that Shell was chasing all over Ledomare? I finally became it! Continents and oceans away, I finally gave into the weapon Ledomare saw in me. I attacked and dismantled the home of innocent ponies and for what?! They're all homeless and drifting now. I-I even heard that some of them may have d-died because of me!”

“Listen to me—”

Rainbow stomped her hoof in the soil. “I bucked things up!” She hissed. “I bucked things up and... and now the quest to free Applejack is in jeopardy 'cuz of the bounty on my head! Not even Wildcard and Bard could stand me! I sent them away like a total moron and—”

Lower... your voice, child,” Luna said firmly. “I know my blessed night shrouds you, but it would be tragic if you attracted attention to yourself where you currently are.

Rainbow shuddered. Sniffling, she rubbed her muzzle dry, glancing south at the Silt Path in the distance.

At last, Luna calmly spoke: “Nothing can erase the actions you committed to free Fluttershy. You will be forced to live with the memory and the consequences of what happened for the rest of your life.”

Rainbow clenched her teary eyes shut. She hung her head, shaking.

“I cannot pretend to say that the memories sting any less over time. You must endeavor to learn from them... not obsess with them. Is that understood?

Rainbow nodded. “Y-yes, your Majesty.”

“You are one in a million, Rainbow Dash. Or—dare I say—one in ten billion. Of all the ponies I've known in my extensive lifetime, you are the one who shares the most qualities with immortal alicorns.”

Rainbow shuddered. She lifted her moist eyes. “Your Highness...?”

“Indeed. I do not exaggerate. You carry burdens that are not unlike that which my beloved sister and I have had to contend with. They are neither joyful nor desirous. However, while they are still our burdens to bear, we are not so much defined by how we deal with them—but how we proceed to exist in the shadow of such actions. Tell me, Rainbow Dash, do your friends know what you've done?

“You... you m-mean the girls?”


“Well...” Rainbow rubbed her muzzle, sniffling. “Y-yeah. I mean... that place I was talking about earlier? Red Barge?” She gulped. “We got out of there only because we finally made up. And... and I-I've promised to be completely honest with them ever since.”

“Then, I am to understand that they have forgiven you?”

Rainbow stared ahead. Blinking.


“Yes.” Rainbow squeaked. Another tear trickled. “They h-have...”

“Hear me and hear me well, Rainbow Dash. It does not matter what the world thinks of you or how big a price has been placed on your head. The fact that the Desperadoes were forced to leave you saddens me. But that's a minor loss compared to the strength that you now have.” Luna's voice took on a firmer tone. “What matters more than anything—more than harmony or morality—is the trust you have in your friends. Events have proven time and time again that the Austraeoh's journey is defined by those that bring wind to her wings. Your journey is your friendship, and without a solid foundation—all is lost. Equestria. Rohbredden. The entire world? It's utter ashes in the derelict drift of chaos without the successful completion of your sojourn. So long as you can complete that in the sincere confidence of your companions, then there's still something to hope for.”

“Luna...” Rainbow stammered. “Shell... I...” She clenched her eyes shut. “I came so close to becoming him.” She grimaced. “I was him.”

“What monster exists that has won the love of such dear friends?” Luna said. “Or the undying faith of two princesses?

Rainbow shuddered. She collapsed, falling on her knees as she buried her sobbing face in her forelimbs.

After a while, Luna's voice quietly returned: “You are brave, Rainbow Dash. You are remarkable... sympathetic... and caring. I have no doubt in my mind the extent to which your actions have scarred you on the inside. And it pleases me to know that you are endeavoring to make amends with your friends and in the lands beyond. But—most important of all—you must keep going. To allow your sins to weigh you down here and now would be the ultimate tragedy—one that none of us can afford. And you are simply... too awesome to give up now. Am I wrong?

“No... y-your Highness...” Rainbow looked up, smiling tearfully into the moonlight. “You are totally right.”

“As I am likewise completely and utterly proud of you. Now... get some rest. Restore your strength. And we shall both resume our mutual odyssey tomorrow.”

“Okay...” Rainbow Dash said, nodding. She stood up on wobbly legs, rubbed her muzzle one last time, and murmured: “Princess Luna?”

“Yes, my child?

“Does... does it ever get any easier?” She gulped. “Immortal decisions, that is.”

“Would you accept any less of a challenge?

With a sigh, Rainbow shook her head. “Nah...” A devilish smirk. “I guess friggin' not.”

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