• Published 13th Oct 2015
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Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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The Twilight Dialogues, Part Seven

After countless hours of riding comfortably by wagon, the Herald reached a spot that was completely unnavigable by cart. The "land" had turned into a patchwork collection of mostly sunken sand dunes. The moist ground beneath the puddles of seawater only threatened to sink the wheels of the vehicle, and the only way to properly proceed from there would be by hoof.

Flynn informed them that there was still a mile or two left to trek before they reached the spot where he had hidden his vessel. So, working together, the Desperadoes and Job Squadders collectively unloaded the wagon of all their supplies. They shared the burden of carrying the materials, with Remna, Bard, and Logan shouldering the most. Even Echo and Nicole—virtually inexperienced in heavy lifting—offered their humble assistance in carrying a satchel or two of necessities.

The only pony not carrying anything was Ariel. She played her part by flying ahead of the group, braving the winds and performing reconnaisance. She flew back every now and then with a brief description of the topography ahead. Right before the final shoreline—and the tempestuous waters beyond—there apparently was an uneven line of jagged limestone structures. Even from a long distance, Rainbow Dash could squint and spot a hint of these knifing formations. Kepler explained that Flynn had to moor his vessel along the east end of these rocks, for attempting to navigate the shallow channels west of them would have proven hazardous. What's more, they provided safe shelter that obscured the location of the Herald's boat.

Rainbow Dash certainly wasn't about to complain. She carried a relatively light load of provisions—if only so she could continue channeling energy from Princess Luna's long-distance enchantment. The mare floated eastward, hovering just above Wildcard and Bard, her mind and senses engrossed in the conversation still being engaged.

"Mrmmmm..." Applejack paced and paced in the air. Her spectral orange figure phased through Rainbow Dash multiple times. Green eyes stared hard through the sand and water beneath the trekking group. "Where are they... where in tarnation are they...?"

"Be patient, darling." Rarity smiled nervously. "Spike said that they'll be here anytime soon!"

"Ain't like Apple Bloom to be late to somethin' so important." Applejack froze in midair, blinking. "Is it?" She grimaced. "Jumpin' jackrabbits... how much as my lil' sis changed over the past two years?!"

"Now calm down, Applejack..." Twilight reached over.

Applejack hyperventilated slightly. "What... what if... in h-her sorrow or my disappearance... she t-turned her back on the farm?!" She gulped. "What if my death drove her to live with the Oranges in the big city?!" Her teeth chattered. "Mrmmmm... that lil' hayseed always had such a fire 'bout her! Reckon not even Big Mac could h-hold her back!" She covered her freckled face. "What... what if she's goin' to school to become a lawyer?!"

Pinkie Pie giggle-snorted. "Oh come on, AJ." She winked. "I've never seen you act so... so..."

"Frazzled?" Rarity droned.

"Mmmm... I think 'motherly' is the term Pinkie is searching for," Fluttershy said with a smile. She floated over and nuzzled Applejack gently. "Just relax, Applejack. You and the rest of the Apples are made out of stern stuff. You should give Apple Bloom more credit."

"But h-how come they ain't th-there with Celestia and Luna yet?!" Applejack gulped a lump down her throat. "Maybe... maybe they're mad at me!"

"Now why would they be mad at you, Applejack?" Rarity chided. "I don't think I've ever seen the Apple Family members bicker. Not once!"

"Then ya dun know Apples." Applejack pouted, forelimbs folded. "We've got plenty of sour worms in us."

"Please, Applejack. Be calm," Twilight said. "Spike said they'd be coming and he's not one to lie." She looked at their anchor. "Right, Rainbow?"

"Yeah... heheh... sure..." Rainbow spun to glare at the sky. "Spiiiiiiike?" she growled raspily. "Wherrrrre is Applejack's familyyyyyyy?"

The silver glow in the air distorted, capturing the curious attention of the Heraldites. At last, Princess Celestia's voice rang through: "Spike is currently... detained, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow's eyes flickered like ruby flame. "With what, your Highness?"

Pinkie and Fluttershy winced at the tone in Rainbow's voice.

Celestia calmly replied: "Worry not, my little pony. Behold... here he comes now."

The leylines carried the sounds of a panting breath—followed by Spike's trembling voice. "Sorry! S-sorry! So sorry, Rainbow Dash!" The dragon's deep voice resembled its whelpish beginnings. After a few deep breaths, Spike recovered in time to speak evenly: "Just... uhm... a slight, last s-second delay. Uhm... nothing to be worried about..."

Twilight squinted curiously, her ears twitching to the wavering tone in Spike's voice. Rainbow noticed her friend's perplexion, and she almost said something—

"Get on with it already!" Applejack floated up high. "Is my family there or not?!"

"We're... uh..." Rainbow cleared her throat. "...we're waiting on you, Spike."

He didn't reply.


"Uhm... howdy...?" a mare's voice drolled. It was remarkably deeper than anypony expected. "Sis? Sis, are you th-there?"

Applejack's emerald eyes shrunk to pinpricks and her ears folded back.

Fluttershy held a hoof over her muzzle.

"Oh my..." Rarity breathed, her eyes instantly turning glossy.

"It's... uh... it's me, AJ. It's Apple Bloom..."

Applejack's lips trembled.

Twilight smiled.

Pinkie Pie leaned in with a grin. "Psssst! Go on, silly filly! Say something!"

"Uhm... erm... r-right..." Applejack sniffled, then put on a brave smile. "Howdy, Apple Bloom. Land's sakes... you... s-sound as though you've grown bigger papa's plow..."

Rainbow Dash breathed easier. She smirked into the silver air. "Applejack says 'howdy' back, Apple Bloom. She says it sounds like you've grown a whole heck of a lot."

"Uhhhh... yeah. S-sure..." Apple Bloom's voice cleared. "Rainbow Dash? Why ain't Applejack talkin' to me?"

Spike's voice interjected: "Applejack and the others can't project their voices over Princess Luna's enchantment. Only Rainbow Dash can see, hear, or talk to them."

"Oh... oh r-right. I guess you d-did tell us that, huh?"

"It's... it's really m-me, Apple Bloom!" Applejack blurted. "Remember... uh..." She glanced anxiously at Rainbow Dash. "...remember when at age four when I bought you that plastic sheet for yer bedspread?"

"Ah jeez..." Rainbow winced.

"What is it, Rainbow Dash? Is AJ okay?"

"She... uh... she's mentioning something about you at age four and needing a plastic sheet for your bed—"

"Oh for cryin' out loud!" Apple Bloom's voice cracked, reaching a familiar, foalish high note. "Applejack, ya ain't gotta prove nothin'! I know it's you on the other side! Land's sakes!"

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy giggled.

Applejack gulped, smiling nervously. "S-sorry... the first thang I c-could think of."

"Goodness..." Rarity remarked, smiling.

"Applejack says she's sorry, Apple Bloom," Rainbow Dash droned.

"Heh... it's A-okay, Rainbow. Just... shucks... she's really back, isn't she?" Apple Bloom's voice shuddered. "It's been outright torture waitin' all this long for her to come back. How come she had to be the last spirit that got freed?"

"I... I don't write the rules, Apple Bloom," Rainbow Dash said. "But—believe you me—we're all glad she's back too."

"What... what's it even like bein' a ghost? Do you not have to go to the bathroom or—?"

"Oh for cryin' out loud!" Applejack cackled. "Forget me!" She smiled, sniffling. "Let's hear about you! Let's hear about the farm! Please... sugarcube... t-tell me everythang!"

"Apple Bloom?" Rainbow craned her neck. "Applejack's dying to hear about you and the farm. Er... eheh... you know what I mean."

"Oh! Silly me! Of course! Reckon it's mighty borin' bein' an invisible pony attached to Rainbow Dash. Uhhh... no offense..."

"Heh. None taken, girl."

"Ahem. The farm's doin' great, AJ!" Apple Bloom said. "We made a record harvest last season! In another year, we'll have enough money to buy the supplies for raisin' a new barn. It should come in super-handy for all the okra we've grown."

"Okra?" Applejack raised an eyebrow. "What in the hay...?"

"Apple Bloom? Applejack's tripping on that 'okra' part," Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh. Oh right. Erm... about ten months ago, we started plantin'' okra, turnips, and radishes. But dun worry none! We've got the land for it. Ever since we've merged with the Harvest family, feels like we've got soil comin' out our ears."

"Merge?" Applejack blinked. "Are y'all sharecroppin' with the neighbors?"

"Applejack mentions something about... sharecropping?"

"You got that right, AJ! Remember how you was always fixin' to work hoof-and-hoof with Golden Harvest and her folks? Well, Big Macintosh decided that it was for the best that we share the crops and the profits of our two farms. Apples are still our number one produce, of course, but we're also expandin' somethin' mighty fierce. In about a month, we're gonna have our own store built right next to Barnyard Bargains that'll be dedicated to sellin' our stock. Filthy Rich is movin' on to sellin' some newfangled mana-powered appliances, so he's agreed to let us to rake in full profit from next year's cider season. You know what that means, right?"

Applejack sported a big, dumb grin. "The Apple Family is startin' an enterprise..."

"Anyways, right now we're fixin' on callin' the store 'Apple Harvest Country Goods.' The name is Big Mac's idea. But y'know how he's always crammin' words into thangs. I'm already talkin' to Golden Harvest about shortenin' it to somethin' like 'Golden Apple.' Sounds catchy, ya think?"

In the meantime, a few steps ahead, Bard flashed a smile at Nicole. "Reckon I like this lil' darlin's style."

Nicole giggled while Wildcard smirked.

"Them's some good... good news, Apple Bloom," Applejack said through a shuddering smile.

"AJ's totally on board with it, Apple Bloom!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Way to go, girl!"

"But enough about business," Applejack said. "What about you? How are you doin', sugarcube?"

"But now she wants to know how you're doing, AB."

"Oh... uh... I'm fine." The voice on the other end paused to swallow. "Ever since work picked up at the farm, it's been... hard to focus on anythang else. So Cheerilee's worked out a lesson plan with Big Mac."

"Lesson... plan...?" Applejack blinked.

"Care to clarify that last bit, AB?" Rainbow asked.

"Nothin' to be worried about! I'm just bein' homeschooled is all."

"Oh wow..." Twilight breathed.

Applejack bit her lip. "Homeschooled...?"

"I still get to see Scoots and Twist and all the other gals every week! So it ain't so bad. Plus—when the lessons get super tough—Cheerilee shows up at the ranch to help tutor me. I've been gettin' all A's and B's the last two semesters too! And the best part is, I get to keep an eye on the farm and make sure everythang's in order. Everypony's been so... so super helpful ever since Rainbow Dash left. It's so amazin', Applejack. You'd be super proud of everyone..."

"Reckon I already am..." Applejack sighed through a smile. "And Big Mac? How's he doin'?"

"'How's Big Macintosh doing?' Applejack asks."

"Heh... why dun you ask him yerself, Rainbo—er... Applejack!"

"Oh wow!" Pinkie Pie remarked.

Fluttershy floated closer.

Rainbow squinted. "Uhhh... Big Mac? Are you there?"

Applejack hovered in place, muzzle agape and breathless.

At last...


Rarity and Twilight instantly giggled. Pinkie Pie playfully punched Applejack's shoulder.

"Oh my..." Applejack shivered slightly. "...he sounds like he h-hasn't aged a day!" After a slight jolt, she fiddled her fetlocks and leaned in. "Quick! Quick! Ask him..." The farm mare leaned in and whispered in Rainbow Dash's ear.

Rainbow nodded... nodded... then faced the sky. "Big Mac? AJ asks if Golden Harvest and her family are pitching in to help the two farms."


Applejack whispered again.

"And... uh... now she's asking if Filthy Rich is still offering free plow maintenance."



"Erm... the... the buck?—Something about vampire fruit bats? Have any bats been causing... trouble?"

"Heheh... Eeenope..."

"Yeeehaaaaa!" Applejack tossed her ghostly hat, only for it to fall back on her head. She grinned a crescent moon. "Sounds like everythang's fine and dandy!"

"You're making Applejack a super happy apple pony, Big Mac."

The voice on the other end chuckled.

"Oh! Oh!" Applejack smirked wryly. "Ask him if he's met himself a mild-mannered country mare to take to the dance."

"Applejack!" Rarity rolled her eyes with a smile. "Honestly!"

"Oh come now, Rarity." Twilight giggled. "Sisters will be sisters."

"Do it!" Applejack urged Rainbow Dash, stifling a chortle. "Ask him!"

"Big Mac, are you smooching anyone?"

"Snrkkk!" Applejack frowned. "Not like that, ya varmint!"


"Eeeenope," Big Mac said.

"Awwwwwwww..." Fluttershy giggled.

"Oooh! Winona! How's the little pup doin'?"

"AJ wants to know if Winona's doing fine."


"And Granny!" Applejack smiled. "How's she's holdin' up during all this nonsense?"

"How's Granny Smith doing, Big Mac?"


Applejack blinked... then blinked again. As the seconds wore on, her smile dwindled into a confused deadpan.

Rainbow's brow furrowed. "Big Mac?" Her ears twitched, listening for a reply that wouldn't come. "Is... is Granny Smith there? Could we talk to her?"

More silence.

Twilight and Rarity exchanged curious expressions.

At last...

"No, Applejack..." It was Apple Bloom, and her voice was breathy. "She ain't here."

Bard and Wildcard glanced up towards the sky.

Nicole bit her lip.

"Then..." Applejack swallowed dryly. "Where... where is she...?"

"Where is Granny Smith, Apple Bloom?" Rainbow Dash reluctantly asked.

"She's buried with Ma and Pa, Applejack," Apple Bloom murmured. "Just... just three weeks ago. She passed... peacefully. Said she wasn't in pain at all. I... I really wanna believe that. But... but you know Granny."

Rarity had a hoof held over her muzzle. Fluttershy and Pinkie hovered limply alongside one another.

"Rainbow Dash, the Princesses and I thought of telling you," Spike's voice gravely said. "But... well... we figured it wouldn't exactly be our place..."

Applejack's ears drooped. "What..." A shuddering breath. "...what was...?"

"Does anypony know why?" Rainbow Dash asked, growling slightly. "Like... the friggin' cause?"

"Pneumonia," Apple Bloom answered. "At least... that's what Nurse Redheart said. Dun be mad at her, AJ. She and the rest of the Ponyville doctors did everythang they could. Even Zecora. You should have seen the zebra. She cooked up so many dang recipes to try and nurse Granny back to health. But... truth is... she just... just..."

"She gave up," Applejack murmured breathily. The mare hug her ghostly self. "I vanished... I died and Granny just gave up. It's all my fault..."

Rainbow sighed. "AJ..."

"She was happy, Applejack... positively overjoyed when Spike told her that you was gonna be rescued next. I wish you could have seen her face. It nearly brought the color back to her coat. She..." Apple Bloom's voice lingered, squeaked, then resumed tearfully: "She passed with a smile on her muzzle, Applejack. She said 'Everythang's alright so long as there's still an apple seed growin',' and she meant it, Applejack. She meant it with her heart and her soul and... and n-now..." Shuddering. A sob. "Now she's g-gone. I really wish she would have held out longer so she could t-talk with you again. But there was nothin' I could do. I was by her side the whole t-time. I... I should have been better encouragement or somethin'. I don't know. I-I just... don't know..."

The silver air carried on the mare's quiet sobs.

Kepler and Flynn trotted with their heads hung.

Logan cleared his throat. Remna stared forward in her march, unfazed.

By then, Rarity and Fluttershy were in tears. Twilight flung Rainbow Dash a helpless look.

But before the anchor could say anything—

"Ahem..." Applejack floated forward, staring skyward with a determined expression. "You best be translatin' this, ya hear?"

"Uh..." Rainbow Dash coughed. "Yes, Applejack. Sure thing—"

"Now you listen here, Apple Bloom!" Applejack said loudly.

"Applejack tells you to listen closely!" Rainbow exclaimed, eyes locked on the mare.

Apple Bloom's voice caught its breath, silencing the air a bit.

Applejack's eyes narrowed, chasing the moisture away. "You dun more than yer fair share for the family. Yer strong and yer an Apple and ain't nothin' gonna change that. Dun be blamin' yerself for nature bein' nature. Just continue bein' strong and bein' yerself and you'll do this family no wrong, ya hear?" She sniffled, but kept talking straight. "I'm proud of you. Mighty proud. Same with Big Mac. Granny died lovin' the dickens out of you and ain't a day goes by that I dun adore y'all the same. I believe in the both of you more than words can say, and when all of this is over I'll come back and we'll hold hooves like we ain't ever been split apart to begin with. I know it's hard... it's hard for all of us. But dun forget that smile on Granny's face. She was smilin' because she knew in her heart of hearts that we was destined to be with one another again. Apples to the core. And that's what Rainbow and the rest of us aim to make happen. So no more fussin' with the past, ya hear? A shiny golden future awaits this here family, and dun you doubt it!"

After she was done, Applejack took a long breath. Her green eyes darted over towards Rainbow Dash, tearing... pleading.

Rainbow nodded back. Swallowing hard, she faced the heavens... and did her best.

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