• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,102 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Things More Priceless Than Gold

"Rainbow Dash!" Rarity squeaked, flailing through the air as Rainbow sped southeastward over rippling waves. "What's gotten into you, darling!"

"Wowie-zowie!" Pinkie Pie sputtered as thunder rolled overhead. "I've never seen her move so fast!"

"Rainbow Dash, please!" Fluttershy insisted, struggling to float in front of the mare. "Stop for a second and speak to us! We're... we're worried!"

"She's right, Rainbow!" Twilight hovered alongside the mare. "Just what happened to you inside the Tower?!" Her violet eyes narrowed. "You were positively yanked inside by some unseen force! And then—within a blink—you were thrown outside and the structure sank!"

"Rainbow Dash?!"


"I don't understand!" Rarity whimpered. "Why is she ignoring us?"

"It's not that simple!" Applejack grunted.

"What do you m—?"

"Look at her eyes!" The farm mare pointed. "She sees somethin'! Her mind's set on a destination somethin' awful!"

"Yeah, b-but what?!"

Rainbow Dash panted and panted, flapping her wings as hard as she could. Her ruby eyes twinkled—flickering red-on-yellow. "So... so clear..." She hissed beneath her teeth, smiling stupidly. "...why did I ever st-stop...?"

"Rainbow Dash," Princess Luna's voice spoke.

"It's there... always b-been there..."

"Rainbow Dash!" Luna's voice positively growled.

"Rainbow, for harmony's sake!" Twilight frowned. "Answer our moon princess—"

"I'm sorry, Your Highness!" Rainbow hyperventilated. "I can't stop!" She huffed and huffed. "I can't ever stop!"

"Something has possessed you. I can sense it."

"Not a possession..." Rainbow gulped, grinning wider. "...perspective. I can see, Luna! I can see it!"

Princess Celestia's voice interjected: "You can see what, Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow sweated hard, her eyes darting left and right.

A golden stream pierced the landscape, threading its way east. It was a veritable golden shawl draped over the plane, spilling off the edge of the world. It twinkled like sunlight through a soft morning window.

"The journey. Austraeoh. We are... I am..." Rainbow gulped. "...both one and the same! I... I can see it, Luna." She panted as her eyes finally locked on Twilight, Applejack, and the others. "Twi. AJ. Flutters. It's... it's right before me... it's been right before me this whole t-time..." She squeaked and whimpered. "It's just taken Utaan... it's taken Utaan to clear the last layer. Now I must go beyond... it's what Verlax always thought, but never grasped. And now Ilrifa—she wants to help me too!"

Rarity's muzzle scrunched. "'Ilrifa?'"

"Oh gosh..." Pinkie grimaced. "She's lost it! The big It!"

"Shhhhhh..." Applejack shook her head. "Not necessarily."

Rarity gawked at her. "You've got to be kidding us—"

"I just mean—whatever she's rambling about—she believes it whole heartedly," Applejack said. "Heart, mind, and soul."

"Even still... I don't like what this 'revelation' is doing to her!" Twilight insisted. "You hear that, Rainbow?! You're worrying us! Now slow down, turn back, and reunite with the others—"

"I can't!" Rainbow grimaced. "I shouldn't!" She hyperventilated some more. "You five died in Ponyville. Shell caught up with Belle and Pilate and Kera. Verlax conspired and took everything!" She gulped, her eyes nevertheless bedazzled. "Why haven't I always been moving? Why aren't we all just... moving?" Panting breaths. "Urohringr. The rings. The stars. All of it!"

"Rainbow, my child," Luna spoke calmly, firmly. "You have evidently witnessed something spectacular, and that cannot be denied." A deep breath. "But you are accomplishing nothing with blind, forward momentum. Your experiences—if nothing else—should prove this."

"Y-yeah, Rainbow!" Spike's voice sputtered. "What about your friends?" A gulping sound. "You need them to get to the Dark Side, don't you?"

"Dark Side..." Rainbow sputtered, shaking her head as she watched the gold, the glimmer, the shimmer. "It's so bright. So clear. It's like... like... the Southern Birds." She glanced aside, grinning like an idiot. "You remember them, Fluttershy? They always knew where to go! We... we were only fooling ourselves when we thought we were helping them during Winter Wrap-Up!" She giggled—a little too long and joyfully for her friends' comfort.

Fluttershy slowly nodded. "I remember, Rainbow Dash." She gulped. "I also remember helping them with egg-laying and gathering food."

Rainbow sweated, shuddering slightly.

"Now promise me something." Fluttershy leaned forward. "Don't fight her."

Rainbow blinked at last. "Fight who?" Swooooosh! A set of hooves wrapped around Rainbow from behind. "Guhhh!" She struggled and squirmed.

Ariel held on tight, anchoring the two in mid-air with nimble wings. "Rainbow... grnnngh... Dash!" She panted and panted, fighting the expert flier's strong feathers. "Stay... still..."

"Ariel! Grnngh... let me go!" Rainbow wheezed, reaching fruitlessly for the east horizon, eyes frenzied. "Don't... wanna hurt y-you!"

"What's gotten into you?!" Ariel gnashed her teeth, looking over her shoulder. She breathed easier as she saw Wildcard, Bard, and Enix catching up. "What did you witness inside that thing?"

"You... mrmmfff... wouldn't understand...!"

"And why not?! We're the Herald!" Ariel held on tighter, absorbing Rainbow's jostling movements. "Rainbow... talk to us!"

"Whew!" Bard rushed in, along with Wildcard. "You caught her..."

Wildcard's goggles rattled as he levitated in place, reflecting Rainbow's pale muzzle.

"Have... have to get to the end..." Rainbow panted. "Can't... can't explain it..." Her nostrils flared. "The gold... is burning inside me... tethering me..."

"Tetherin' you to what?"

"The... the h-horizon..." Rainbow Dash wheezed.

"Rainbow, that horizon's gotta end at one point or another!" Bard said.

Rainbow blinked hard, panting for breath. Her sweat was a cold drench now.

"Listen to him, Rainbow Dash," Luna spoke. "You've grown to be more than a mere tool of Urohringr."

"That's right, Rainbow," Twilight spoke, nodding. "The reason you got this far—and ponies like Commander Hurricane didn't—is because you learned to temper zeal with companionship." Her lavender brow furrowed. "You're Loyalty... the last Element of Harmony. That's precisely what Urohringr needs... and it's what we all need just the same."

"This is not like you," Luna said. "Perhaps—before Axan—it once was, but that has changed. You have changed. And you must remember that... and hold true to it if you wish to truly save this plane."

Rainbow Dash's eyes remained locked on the golden stream. "But... But I see it so clearly n-now..." She gulped. "I don't know why... but it's there. The torches are lit and... and..."

"Then take the time to bask in the light," Luna said. "And do so in the company of those whom you can trust, so they can help you ascertain the truth."

Rainbow shuddered in Ariel's grip.

Enix flew up along with her wingmates. The nightblooded sarosian calmly surveyed the situation, then faced Rainbow Dash directly. "A true Avatar of the Moon Maiden would do that which our Matriarch commands." She raised an eyebrow. "Or were we wrong to assume that her divine wisdom carried the Austraeoh this far?"

Wildcard looked at Enix, then at Rainbow Dash.

Bard reached a hoof out, resting it on Rainbow's shoulder. "How 'bout it, darlin'? You gonna slow down and take a breather with us or what?"

"We care for you, Rainbow Dash," Ariel said, giving her a slight squeak. The grip had turned into a soft hug by now, and even Rainbow realized she was no longer struggling. "Let us help you figure it out together."

Rainbow's ears folded. For the first time since waking, the gold streams faded—but only because a fresh curtain of tears had rippled between them. "I'm just... j-just so t-tired..."

"Shhhhh..." Ariel nuzzled Rainbow from behind. "I know you are..."

"It's... it's so much, Ariel..." Rainbow wept, burying her head in something—only to discover it was Ariel's chest. The pegasus held her dearly in mid-air while the others hovered nearby. "It's always... one th-thing or another. I try to be strong... but the b-best I can ever be is a crazed idiot..."

"Shhhh... no you're not..." Ariel nuzzled her, stroking her mane and shoulders. "You're better than that. Mortuana knew that—and so do we."

"I'm so sorry..." Sniffling, Rainbow looked past Ariel. "Twilight... Fluttershy... girls, I'm s-so sorry..."

"It's okay, Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy said with a tearful smile.

"Yes, darling..." Rarity sniffled, leaning in to Fluttershy and Twilight. "We're here for you. Don't ever doubt that for one second."

"We've got yer back, sugarcube."

"Every wing-flap of the way!" Pinkie chirped.

Rainbow's muzzle scrunched. As more tears welled up in her eyes, she curled up in Ariel's grasp, blinding herself to the elements. Ariel held her tenderly, giving the others a tender look.

Wildcard slicked his headcrest back while exhaling a breath of relief.

"Well then..." Bard took his hat off, fanned himself, and plopped it back on. "Why dun we... uh... go back to Bleak's Plummet and try to sort this all out, huh?"

"Rainbow?" Ariel gave Rainbow's figure a slight shake. "Is that okay with you?"

Rainbow produced a muffled whimper before nodding her head against Ariel's shoulder.

Ariel glanced at the Desperadoes.

Bard and Wildcard nodded back. The griffon took the lead, gliding west. Bard lent Ariel a hoof in guiding Rainbow back the way they came.

As the sarosians joined them, Enix hung at the back. She stared east for a few blank seconds of abject curiosity... then followed the others in their westward lurch.

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