• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,102 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Interview With a Rainbow Rogue

The next day...

In the blistering sunlight...

“Gather around, ya little seafoam pricks!” Saxon barked, marching down the length of multiple welded boats along the eastern strut. “Dredger Nixkit needs the pipework here fixed, then shined up all clean and sparkly! So no dragging tail or you won't get any nibbles! You know the stinkin' drill!”

Dozens of foals filed in line, muttering and murmuring to themselves.

“Mrrmmmfnngh...” Whony limped alongside the slowly marching orphans. He rubbed his eyes. “Why do they have to pick the brightest Strut for this crud?”

“The latest drift south wasn't very good on the steamworks,” Quint said. “My guess is Skagra is planning on having us cruise back north... in search of better shelves to harvest.”

“Grnnngh...” Whony blinked wearily into the glittering waves around them. “They can harvest my sorry flank, for all I care.”

Quint raised an eyebrow. “What's wrong, Whony? Didn't get any sleep last night?”

“Hrmmmf... no...” Whony smiled bitterly. “Was up late, taking out the trash.”

“... ... ...” Quint squinted. “Whony, what have you been up to?”

“Heh...” Whony smoothed his bangs back, smirking. “Let's just say that the labors around here are going to get a tad bit less clumsy, thanks to yours truly.”

Quint simply shrugged that off. He stared down the line of orphans, doing a mental headcount. A few gasps broke out amidst the group, and that's how he knew that an elite dredger had shown up.

Nixkit strolled in from the central strut, followed by a few of Skagra's lackeys. He strolled up to Saxon.

“They're all yours,” Saxon mused, chuckling. “Save me some of their teeth after you kick them out. I'm trying to make some brand new die. Heheheh...”

Nixkit rolled his eyes. “Can't believe I'm saying this, but I almost miss Digiff.” He cleared his throat and raised a clipboard before his muzle. “Alright. Listen up!” He glared at the many-many orphans gathered. “Red Barge is going mobile soon! Monket will be returning. And when he does, we need to be able to spread the struts apart so that his ship can make port again! That means the steam from the harvest chambers have to flow evenly through the pipes! We don't want a repeat of last summer's incident in the West Strut, do we? Nopony knows better than the likes of you seafoam just how blazingly hot it can get in the crawlspaces when the junctions break!”

Several orphans hung their heads in grim silence. Croche stood on the sidelines, her sunken eyes staring out across the bulkheads.

“Work hard... show the shine from your efforts... and you'll get extra nibbles!” Nixkit declared, flipping a clipboard. “This should come as rudimentary to most of you! What matters here is speed more than dexterity! Show energy and initiative, and you will be rewarded handsomely!” He smoothed his pale, matted hair back and pointed. “Hell... just follow his example!”

“... ... ...?” Whony, Quint, and several more foals glanced aside. Within seconds, Whony's eyes exploded wide.

Swab galloped speedily across the bulkheads, deposited a series of grimy rags into a soapy bucket, fetched some fresh pieces of cloth, and sped back the way he came.

Croche blinked, her lips pursed.

“Hey, seafoam,” Nixkit droned. “What's your progress?”

“Five lattices polished since sunrise!” Swab sputtered, wiping the sweat from his brow. “But I-I need to get to work fixing a leak on some pipework two hulls down!”

“Good. Very well done,” Nixkit said with a nod. “If only every other urchin could follow your example.”

Swab shrugged. “Guess I just had some extra energy this morning.” Turning about, his gaze scraped across the many faces, lingered on Whony's for a length of time, then flitted off as he galloped back to work.

Whony's jaw dropped. Upon receiving Quint's glare, Whony winced, his ears and tail drooping.

“Now get to it!” Nixkit barked. “Get the whole strut done, and I'll even put good word in to Digiff for when he returns!” He tucked the clipboard away with a sigh. “I'm sure all of you would appreciate less bruises. Now move!

Quint, Whony, and several other colts grunted... sweated. They laid on their backsides, fussing with the steaming joints of complex pipework in the roasting sun. Using a wild assortment of rusted tools, they struggled to contain the venting steam before leaning closer to polish the hot, metallic surfaces.

Dozens of foals had to take multiple breaks. They rolled over, sitting on their haunches and panting for even breaths. Between them, multiple stomachs growled, and there was more than a small amount of whimpering.

All the while, one body and one body alone zig-zagged all around, putting the finishing touches on row after row of pipework. Swab left multiple swaths of metal shiny and sparkly-clean in his wake. He even found time to wash the rags clean, wring them with soapy water, and pile them across the sun-roasted deck to dry.

“Done! All yours!” He sputtered towards a group of fillies gathering the rags. Without wasting a breath, he scampered back the way he came, eyes bright and ear twitching.

“Grnnngghhh...” Whony sneered under his breath. “Where... is th-that... little booger... getting the strength?!

Quint casually exhaled, struggling with a crooked length of pipework. “Mrmmff... some of the other colts told me this morning that he went without nibbles for over thirty-six hours.”

“No kidding!” Whony grumbled. “He was light as a feather last time I saw!”

“Mrmmfff... easy to toss around, I bet.”

“Oh, totally! Last night it felt like nothing dragging the little fleabag across the struts.”

Quint glared aside.

Whony blinked blankly ahead. “Uhhhhhm... errrr... I-I mean...”

As if on cue, Swab scampered past them again. He carried a bucket full of replaced metal bits, then dropped them down in front of Nixkit. He stood up straight and at attention before the seated dredger. “Dredger Nixkit, sir! I finished with the central east strut like you asked!”

Nixkit looked over from several harvest reports he was going over. “Hrmm... good. Very good.” He flipped a sheet or two. “That puts us ahead of schedule.”

“Want me to work on the southern lattices?” Swab remarked, standing tall and resolute.

Nixkit rubbed his chin. He exhaled. “No, kid. Half of the seafoam's already covering that. You'd just get in their way... or vice versa, heh...”

“Then...” Swab blinked. “...what do you want me to work on next?”

“At ease, urchin. You'll steal all the other foals' thunder.” He signaled Saxon just as the guard shuffled up. Saxon huffed, reached into the cart he was pushing, and tossed a bag of rice at Swab's hooves. “There ya go,” Nixkit said. “Take a breather. You've earned it.”

“... ... ...” Swab took a deep breath. He tilted his chin up, not even looking down at the rice. “Two bags.”

Quint and Whony jolted to a stop, looking over. Croche blinked from a distance.

The rest of the nearby foals gawked while Nixkit looked up from his clipboard. “I beg your pardon?”

“I've done ten times as much work as anypony else here today,” Swab spoke firmly. “I should get two bags of nibbles.”

Several foals exchanged nervous glances.

“Hmmmfff...” Nixkit's pale muzzle bore an even paler smirk. “And just how does that math work?”

“Very easily,” Swab droned. “Don't make me ask for five bags.”

Several foals gasped.

Whony bit his lip.

“Grnnngh...” Saxon whipped out a crossbow and marched forward. “Listen here ya upstart little shit—”

Saxon,” Nixkit throated.

The guard spun around, eyebrow raised.

Nixkit scratched his chin, squinting across the way at Swab. “... ... ...the kid's right. Let him be an example to the others.” He smirked. “Give him a second bag. But no more.”

Croche glanced at the dredgers, at Swab, then back at the adults.

“Hrrmmmfff...” Saxon clenched his jaws. With limp motions, he reached into the cart again and tossed another bag of rice at Swab's hooves. “What're these seven seas coming to, I swear to Verlaxion...”

Swab took a deep breath. He swept up the two bags and bowed slightly. “Thank you, dredger. I won't let you down.”

“Heh... I'm sure you won't.” Nixkit waved a hoof. “Now scamper off before I get to the really juicy part of these harvest reports.”

Swab did just that. He galloped southwest, blazing a path directly past Quint and Whony.

Croched stared after him. After a few seconds, the slightest hint of a curve crossed her pale pink lips. She returned to her polishing task with sudden vigor.

Several other foals found themselves working faster... harder.

“I don't get it...” Whony sputtered. “What's gotten into him?”

Quint coughed. “Probably whatever it is you've shitted out.”

Whony gawked at Quint.

Quint quietly and patiently worked on his pipes.

Whony blinked, then glared past his own work. “Mrmmmfff... shoulda killed the little bastard in his sleep. And just where is he off to, anyways?

“I don't care how angry they think they are, Fluttershy,” a beat-up, battered mare muttered. She sat in the corner of her cell, just outside the reach of barred sunlight. “You gotta reach out to them. I know you have it within you.”


The pegasus shifted her weight, wincing from multiple bruises. “How else? Sweet-talk them! Appeal to their sense of friendship! Use the stare, if you have to! Whatever! Just...” She sighed, her bandaged wing muscles quivering. “...you gotta get them to come out of that place. Even if they weren't copping an attitude, I... I just don't see how it's healthy to be in such a crazy... bright 'nothingness' for so lon—... ... ...huh?”

A beat.

She groaned. “So what if it feels like time speeds by in there? That's the whole point! They're hiding from everything just by being in that place! It's not going to help them... it's not going to help me... it's not going to help anything!”

More silence.

The mare leaned to her side with a flick of her colorful tail. “Yeah, and maybe they'd be right about that. Who can blame them? But the fact of the matter is... I ain't stopping. This journey is more important than both them or me... more important than all of us! And...”

She winced, then sighed.

“I don't know, Fluttershy. I... I-I don't know, but I'm going to get free! I've been in worse places before, believe it or not.” A brief silence. “Yes! Even without them if I have to!” She growled. “...I don't care if they don't like it! But if there's still a scrap of decency in any of them that wants me to get through this in one piece, then they'll stop their friggin' tantrum and come out and help me! You're going to have to convince them or else nopony will ever change! I don't know what you'll have to do to—”

She froze suddenly, her shoulders stiff.

“... ... ...who?” Her ears twitched. “What do you mean 'the cute lil' guy's back?'” She squirmed. “He has?” Another pause. “Since when?” A jolt, and her head spun up, squinting into the sunlight.

“... ... ...” Swab smiled, his scruffy little faced pressed up to the bars. “H-hey...”

“... ... ...hey yourself, kid.”

“Are... are you hurt bad?”

“Hrmmmff...” The pegasus winced, tightening her injured wingmuscles. “That sunlight really is blinding out there, isn't it?”

“I mean...” Swab gulped. “From when Digiff and the others beat you up.”


“Last night, remember? They surrounded you with the shark prods and—”

“Should you even be here, kid?” she asked.

Swab fidgeted, glancing at the prison corridor behind him.

At last, the mare sighed, hanging her head. “I can already tell this is no happy hotel. Better run off before one of the creeps who runs the place decides to kick and spit on you instead.”

“Pick a day of the week,” Swab droned.

The mare exhaled. A blink or two later, and she glanced aside. “It means exactly what it sounded like,” she said to the shadows.

Swab's eyes followed her gaze.

“... ... ...now don't you start crying again—” The mare groaned, rolling her eyes. “Honestly, Fluttershy. If you do that with every sob story we run into, you'll never stop!” A beat. “Yes this place is that terrible! And guess what? I've seen worse! That's what the other girls fail to understand! You wonder why I've made the kind of decisions that they hate? I've had to deal with stuff like this since the first day I ever—”

“Is that necklace heavy?” Swab asked, his eyes falling on the pendant. “It sure looks it.”

“Kid, will you just scram?” She growled up at him and the window. “There's nothing here that's worth gawking at. Trust me.” She hung her head, shuddering. “Nothing...

“Monket put it on you, didn't he?”

The mare said nothing. Her ears folded back tightly.

“... ... ...it isn't even yours, is it?”


“The Slaver of Waves was out searching for the Rainbow Rogue for barely a day... and yet he comes back with her? With you?” Swab remarked. He gulped. “Seems like it'd be super easy to just grab some poor, injured pegasus... throw a jewel around her neck... and say that he's got the prize.”

“What are you even getting at, kid?”

“He took in the wrong pegasus, didn't he?” Swab murmured. His muzzle hung open as he peered through the bars. “You're no Rainbow Rogue. You're just... the wrong mare in the wrong place.” He gulped. “Monket's attempt to convince Skagra and use leverage against some 'fat cat' named Chandler...”

The mare sighed. “You're wrong, kid...”


“That monster? The one that everypony's looking for?” She grumbled out the side of her muzzle. “You're looking at her.”

Swab blinked curiously.

“Just... just don't talk to me, okay?” The mare slumped down, burying her muzzle into her bruised forelimbs. “Just... just don't.” A slight sniffle. “Ponies around here may suck super bad... but only one deserves to be in this prison. So... so just leave it be... for real...”


Th-Thump. A small bag landed next to the mare's face.

“... ... ...” She tilted her head up, squinting at the satchel of rice. Before she could blink—

Thump. A second fell next to it.

"Rice," the colt's voice said. "And I promise that it's got zero percent fish in it."

The pegasus looked up, muzzle agape.

“I've lived my whole life around monsters,” Swab murmured. A delicate smile broke across his face. “You don't deserve to be down here.”

“Grffff...” The mare glared into the shadows. “Stuff it, kid. You don't know anything.”

“I know that monsters don't have friends.”

Blinking, the pegasus looked up. “The buck are you even talking about? You're a total friggin' stranger to me—”

Swab was already shaking his head. “I wasn't talking about myself.”

She blinked. Her gaze fell to the metal floor.

“Did... did they abandon you?” he asked through the bars, his tone soft but imploring. “Or did you just get lost? Because I know a thing or two about—”

“Do you ramble to every dangerous prisoner who comes here, speaking to invisible ponies?”

“No.” Swab shook his head. “Only to the ones who feed me.”

“You must be friggin' bored.”


“I'm only going to tell you this one more time... stop talking to me,” the mare hissed. “There's no telling what these melon fudges are doing to do once they get their hooves on my flank. A little scamp like you shouldn't get caught in the crossfire.”

“I'm small. I can get out of their way.”

“I mean it, kid. Buzz off. I don't need you or your company.”

Swab stared. “... ... ...then does that mean you're going to throw the rice back?”

The pegasus opened her muzzle... but fidgeted. She gulped an empty lump down her throat, gazing down at the two bags.

“You're right. I should probably get going before Digiff finds me and beats me up.” Swab turned, trotting away. He paused, glancing back with the barest hint of a smile. “Go ahead and shove the rice into your bucket if you want. Still, if you know what's good for you, you'll let it slide through your insides first.”


“And Red Barge never gives anything away,” Swab said. “It's earned. Bye now.” He took a deep breath and... proceeded to trot in place. The little colt lessened and lessened his hoofsteps until they became feather-light pitter-patters. At last, he stood still, leaning back and craning one good ear.

He listened... and listened... and...

The unmistakable sound of dried rice being consumed...

Swab smiled... then smiled some more. Stifling a giggle, he scampered up to the top deck of Red Barge with a proud grin.

His first one in months...

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