• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,101 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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A Midnight Conversation, Part Five

"Real quick." Rainbow Dash pivoted in mid-air to face the sarosian scouts. "You say these Rohbredden warriors are on boats?"

"That is correct, Blood of Luna," a Nightblood warrior said, nodding. "They're heading this way most swift—"

"Yeah yeah, I get it. Tell me." Rainbow's eyes narrowed. "Were any of them true land-dwellers?"

"I... do not understand..."

"Were any of them earth ponies? Or unicorns?"

"No." Another scout interjected, shaking her head. "They were pegasi and griffons. All of them."

"So they could all fly?"

"Yes," one scout said. A blink, and then she blurted, "As a matter of fact... we detected one flying westward shortly after the soldiers acquired their vessels."

Applejack craned her ghostly neck. "What are you gettin' at, sugarcube?"

"They all have wings," Twilight Sparkle spoke out loud.

"So?" Pinkie Pie shrugged.

"So..." Twilight glanced at the others. "...they can spread information around."

"Here's what I can't stop thinking about," Rainbow Dash said, hovering higher so that both the Herald and the sarosians could see her. "They must have figured out that—not only am I out here—but that you guys are out here as well. I mean the midnighters." She gestured. "And... from the look of things... they might have already sent word home to Frostknife about the fact."

"What you mean to suggest is..." Enix leaned forward. "...they've ascertained the location of Bleak's Plummet?"

"Seems totally like it," Rainbow Dash said. "Especially if they're now headed directly this way." She turned to look at the scouts.

The scouts gravely nodded.

"Then Bleak's Plummet is done for," Nicole said, gulping. "If the rest of Rohbredden finds out..."

"...then this could just be a preview of things to come," Rainbow Dash muttered. "Assuming there's a break in the wendigo attacks, then who's to say what the head haunchos at Frostknife will be sending tomorrow. Four ships? Eight? The entire friggin' armada?!" Rainbow Dash shuddered. "Say what you want about owning these armored floozies headed our way—but I know for a fact that all of your Nightblooded badflanks combined wouldn't be able to make a dint in the armor of all that Rohbredden has equipped to sail the Seven Seas." She frowned. "Trust me. I've seen a bunch of this crud up close."

"Let's say for a second we do take these two ships of warriors on," Flynn said. "Like—we go with Big Show's suggestion and just absolutely wreck them." He grimaced. "Who's to say that one or two winged soldiers won't break loose and fly back home to warn the others of the midnighter forces out here?"

"Yeah?" Logan snorted. "So what of it?"

"I left Rohbredden in a heightened state of paranoid xenophobia," Rainbow Dash said. She exhaled sharply. "You think that's the kind of crowd to just let the ponies of Bleak's Plummet be?"

Flynn shook his head. "They'd come back full force and they'd purge the Seven Seas of every last drop of sarosian blood until the 'Seventh Tribe' is fully, genocidally eradicated."

"Ewwww-poop-oh..." Pinkie Pie winced.

"Precisely my fear," Rainbow Dash said. "And if they already have an inkling as to where Bleak's Plummet is located, then that puts these guys in a super vulnerable position." She glanced at all the others. "Don't you get it? It doesn't matter how well this upcoming slobberknocker goes! What's at stake here is the aftermath to follow... which is something you guys will be having to deal with while I'm on the Dark Side!"

The sarosians murmured and squeaked in apprehension.

"I do not fear a fierce death in the face of an overwhelming opposition," Enix grumbled. Nevertheless, her leafy ears drooped. "And yet... I am bound to protect Xarchellus and the rest of the Matriarch's subjects. Their safety is not something I can afford to compromise."

"Right." Rainbow Dash nodded. "So... the way I figure it... we gotta find a way to elude Rohbredden's forces. What better way to do that than to take advantage of what bat ponies are most awesome at!"

"And what's that, Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy asked.

Rainbow grinned like an idiot. "Slipping away in the night, of course!"


Even Wildcard fumbled for words.

"Your faith in my foals is most admirable, Rainbow Dash," Princess Luna's voice said. "But even I would desire some clarification of that last statement."

"Indeed," Celestia's voice humbly joined in. "What my sister said."

"Shhhh... j-just listen..." Rainbow Dash gestured delicately with her forelimbs. "What's immediately at stake here is getting me over to the Dark Side. I mean... if we do it in a way so that the Rohbreddenites can't follow, then... well... hunt's over! Am I right? I mean... those jokers will have no choice but to head back to Frostknife super defeated! Or else they'll go nuts banging their heads against the ether!"

Remna spoke, "But we do not even know how we shall travail upon transporting you to—"

"Shhhh!" Rainbow waved her hooves dramatically. "That's besides the point! We'll figure it out! But... in the meantime..." She turned to smile at Xarchellus and her colleagues. "...while the warriors are focused on us, that will be the time that Bleak's Plummet will make its move."

Xarchellus narrowed her good eye. "Do tell..."

Rainbow said, "The Herald and I will get the Rohbreddenites' attention. Meanwhile, Bleak's Plummet will make an initial dive. The Herald draws the enemy ships over to the Edge of the World—passing above Bleak's Plummet and all of its inhabitants. Then—once the coast is clear—you guys begin your exodus." She gestured westward. "You cruise as quickly as your bleakweed-sealed-butts can carry you. You make it to the Grand Choke, ditch the branches and brambles behind, then continue the trek onwards to Val Roa."

"Hrrrrmmm..." Kepler rubbed his hairy chin, smiling. "Sounds both darring and simple."

"I shall aggree with you on the 'daring' part," Ariel said. She turned towards Enix. "Is it even possible for Bleak's Plummet to move that swiftly?"

"Not... entirely..." Enix said. "...however..." She looked at Rainbow. "It is tactically feasible for the enemy forces to be made to move that swiftly—if not moreso—past us."

"Totally!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"I beg to differ, Blood of Luna," Xarchellus said. "Only a fool would think it possible to bait over a hundred warriors with the feeble numbers that you and your 'Herald' possess..." Her wrinkled brow furrowed. "...and still survive."

"She's got a point there, Rainbow," Bard said. "The Job Squad ain't nothin' to laugh at... but what you need here is a small army."

"But I thought the point here was to avoid as much bloodshed as possible," Flynn remarked.

"In a perfect world, maybe," Logan grunted. "Let's face it. We're gonna need all we can get if we're gonna waste these motherbuckers."

"We don't have to waste them!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Don't you get it? I'm not saying that violence is completely unavoidable. But in this plan... we only need to fight them off just long enough for two things to happen." She held up one hoof. "For me—and the Herald—to get to the other side." Then she held up the other hoof. "And for Bleak's Plummet to make a clean exit."

Ariel blinked. "Well, I don't see that happening without some super intense help from Xarchellus' finest here."

"Indeed." Enix punched her fetlocks together, frowning. "And we would gladly give our lives to ensure the safety of both the Austraeoh and our home." Several other sarosians nodded in agreement.

Rainbow gulped. "Right. And I respect that. But..."

"That brings us back to one of Rainbow Dash's major concerns," Flynn said. "Assuming this plan goes through as well as she would hope, then a lot of these Rohbredden attackers will likely survive. In which case, they'll know that the 'Seventh Tribe' was involved and that much-dreaded witch hunt for the midnighters will still happen."

Wildcard swiftly gestured with both his flesh and metal talons.

Enix blinked. "What does the griffon say?"

"Ahem..." Bard interpreted, "Dubya makes a fine point. 'If we time it just right, they won't know that Bleak's Plummet is on the move. Any forces they send out to these here waters will find nothin'."

"Prrecisely!" Kepler grinned. "Save forr the ghosts of bat ponies! Ha-Hah!"

Logan sighed. "Seems like we're bending backwards an awful lot for a fleeting hope."

"And yet..." Remna gazed up at Logan. "...was that not Mortuana's entire motivation for leading the Herald?"

Logan clenched his jaw shut.

Rainbow Dash took a breath. "Look... if it means my leaving the Light Side of the plane with as few casualties as possible, then I'm all for it," she said. She looked at the sarosians. "Lend us all the help you want. But once my friends and I have crossed over—the rest of you had better book it. Head west under the cover of night. Reunite with Bleak's Plummet and continue the journey to the Grand Choke before the forces of Rohbredden can find out where you've gone off to. I know it sounds crazy complicated... maybe even a bit stupid... but stupid things are worth a shot. That's... something that I've let slip for a while now." She gulped, fidgeting slightly. "Much to my regret."

Twilight smiled gently at her.

"Blood of Luna," Enix spoke. "Your plan is a convoluted one... and yet quite noble. Just weeks ago... I would not have possessed the heart and soul to recognize such respectable quality." She breathed deeply. "But all is different now. The blessed light of the Maiden of the Moon has re-enlightened us all. We were all foaled from a harmonic spirit. For generations, lost to hatred and distrust, we allowed the Vigil to corrupt us until it nearly destroyed our family structure from the inside out." Her slitted eyes narrowed. "To pursue life for life's sake is a most risky path indeed, and it is one that we had not thought to treasure for a long time... until now." She looked in Xarchellus' direction.

The Matriarch nodded, then gazed heavenward. "Oh Maiden of the Moon... we seek your wisdom in this matter. What words do you have to impart in regards to such a measure?"

Rainbow Dash and her friends listened in tense silence.

At last, Luna spoke: "I, of course, applaud any attempt on Rainbow Dash's part to come up with a peaceful solution. To be perfectly realistic, one cannot expect this plan to be undertaken with absolutely zero consequences. That being said, I'm quite certain Rainbow Dash is already fully aware of this."

Rainbow Dash took a shuddering breath. "I just don't want a bloodbath, Your Highness. Not if I can avoid it."

"And I believe that you can avoid it, Rainbow Dash," Luna said.

"So do I," Princess Celestia added. "However, I am compelled to address some glaring holes in your strategy... the most notable being the means by which you plan to cross over to the Dark Side in the first place."

Rainbow Dash gulped hard. "R-right..."

"Time is of the essence, and if you cannot discover how to make this possible, then you will sadly have to throw out your plans altogether and focus on an entirely different course of action... perhaps one that is far more dire than what you've just recently dreamed up."

"Then that means one thing, Rainbow Dash," Twilight Sparkle said.

"Right." Rainbow nodded. "We gotta get our butts to the edge of the world and sniff out a solution."

"And fast!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "My ghosty-body is already buzzing all over with spring-loaded senses!"

"Austraeoh..." Remna trotted closer. "...do you even know where to start looking?"

"Oh, believe me, Axan." Rainbow pivoted east, squinting at a golden haze of ethereal light. "I think I've got that covered..."

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