• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,102 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

  • ...

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All Evils, and Then Some

Talons scraped against the floor of the barn.

Longaze looked up from where she sat. A cold suppression cap rested on her horn.

Windburst turned around.

Commander Seraphimus marched into the room. Specks of frost still clung to her armor as she shuffled to a stop. The griffon stood before Longaze, staring down at her.

Longaze stared back.

"Ahem..." Windburst cleared his throat. "Still silent as ever. Even when she asked to use the bucket, she merely gestured with hoof-motions."

Seraphimus spoke without taking her gaze off the mare. "I beg your pardon?"

"You know..." Windburst shrugged, then pointed into the opposite corner. "The bucket."

"Hmmm." Seraphimus exhaled. "Knew I smelled something."

"I... uh..." Windburst fiddled with his crossbow, sighing. "I got one of the villagers to cough up a jacket. It's old, but it's just her size. It should keep the creep from freezing for the trip to Frostknife. From then on, well, I guess she's in the Court's hands."

"Thanks, Sergeant. It's very much appreciated." With a calm squint, Seraphimus stared down at the unicorn. "Our business in Steamfall is far from over with. Rest assured, I will get to the bottom of the matter. As for you... we'll be bringing you to Frostknife, where you will now be answering for the willful abduction and mistreatment of three innocent civilians in addition to the crimes you've committed here in Braum."

"... ... ..." Longaze sat in place, her head lifted steadily despite the weight of the magic suppressant.

"I cannot speak for the Council," Seraphimus murmured. "But—from prior experience in working with them—I can assure you... they will show a certain degree of leniency in your sentence. But only if you prove willing and cooperative in assisting the impending investigation into the Shoreline Trade Consortium."

Longaze barely blinked.

Seraphimus leaned forward. "And, if need-be, I will use my influence to make sure that you're imprisoned someplace that is... shall we say... 'agreeable.'" A breath. "But only if you are willing to help us."

Longaze's eyes narrowed slightly. She didn't say a word.

Seraphimus stood back. After a sigh, she managed: "Where was this steel-cold resolve the other day? Hmmm? You know, I spoke extensively with the executives up in Steamfall. Many of them claim ignorance of your actions, and the truth of that has yet to be determined. But each and every pony had word to describe you: 'professional.' And as much as I like to believe that, I know for a fact that the cretin who burned down a tavern was nothing less than a madmare." The griffon's eyes glinted. "A psychopathic terrorist of the most banal variety. And it's a shame, really. For a professional would see the situation she's in and realize that the ponies responsible for putting her here need to share the blame for that which drove her to such extremes."

Longaze's nostrils flared, but she said nothing.

Seraphimus' beak clenched tightly. She turned around and shuffled across the barn. "Sergeant..."

Windburst snapped at attention. "Commander?"

"Keep an eye on her a little longer," Seraphimus said. "I need to have a final word with Sarda and his associates, and then we'll be taking off."

"Very well, Commander."

Seraphimus made for the exit.

And then...

...a cold voice rolled across the interior.

"You claim that you can help me in Frostknife?" Longaze droned. "I heard about what happened today. You found the Rainbow Rogue. And after senselessly blowing up a warehouse, a mountain tunnel, and an entire train, you couldn't capture her either." Her brow furrowed. "Now who's unprofessional?"

Seraphimus stopped icily in place.

Windburst glanced at Longaze.

Longaze glared across the way.

Windburst's eyes darted quietly towards Seraphimus.

The Commander's feathers shook... then were still. After a cold breath, she spoke without moving. "Would you be so kind as to leave us?"

Windburst coughed. Slipping on his helmet, he ducked his way out of the barn.

Seraphimus turned around and marched towards Longaze.

The unicorn snorted. "What, am I supposed to be scared?" She shook her head. "You don't intimidate me. So save your menacing speeches for somepony who—"

Without breaking her stride, Seraphimus reached out and gripped Longaze's horn, jerking the metal cap to the side. A sickeningly loud crack emanated from somewhere inside the magic suppressant.

"Aaaaaugh!" Longaze howled. Her lower body writhed, manacles rattling.

Seraphimus maintained her grip, lifting Longaze so that the unicorn's flank floundered off the edge of the wooden stool. "The time for fear is over," she said. "Would you like to forfeit your spine?" Clenching her beak, she jerked her grip of the horn again.

"Haa-aauchkkkt!" Longaze sputtered, grimacing in agony. "Mrmmmgh—h-hurtssss—"

"Yes." Seraphimus' eyes flared. "Pain, you fecal insect. The same thing you inflicted on three innocent stallions without their approval. Why should you be spared any less?"

"Mmmmmfff—goddessss..." Rivulets of blood trickled out of the cap from all sides. Longaze dangled from Seraphimus' grip, hyperventilating. "Please... please st-stop—"

"Stop? Stop?!" Seething, Seraphimus raised Longaze to her beak. "Cowards torture. The righteous punish." She yanked her grip, causing more blood to roll down Longaze's whimpering face. "You are going to tell me who authorized this: your presence in Steamfall, your attack on Braum, your entire pursuit of the Rainbow Rogue. And if you don't—I swear on all the holy power invested in me—the sheer wrath of Verlaxion herself will be a respite after what I have done to you."

Longaze's eyes popped open. Hot tears mixed with the blood. "Can't... I-I can't... t-tell... snkkt..."

"You may wish to rethink that," Seraphimus hissed. "Unless you truly don't value your tongue."

Longaze shivered. All she managed were ragged breaths.

"Take your time if you must. I have plenty of patience, and you have plenty of blood." Seraphimus raised her other talon, barring its claws. "We will see which runs out first."


"Gaaah!" Rainbow Dash sat up, eyes wide and covered in cold sweat. "The Elements! Don't... don't use..." Her face scrunched up, and she covered her pale face in a pair of shivering hooves. "Mrnnnngh... dang it... dang it..."

"Another nightmare?" Twilight's voice murmured.

"Mrrrrnghhhhh..." Rainbow Dash gnashed her teeth, shook, then finally slumped with a heavy sigh. "... ... ...yeah..." She swallowed a lump down her throat, rubbing her tired eyes dry. "Another friggin' nightmare..."

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that."

"The same darn stupid thing since freeing Fluttershy... Pinkie Pie... heck, even after Rarity they were getting bad." Rainbow shivered in the cold dark. She hugged herself and grumbled. "Starting to wonder what's the point in even falling asleep anymore."

"Perhaps... it's related to your dizzy spells?"

"No. It's... it's almost every time I sleep, regardless." Rainbow gulped, composing herself. At last, her shivers stopped, and she blinked into the darkness. "Wait... Twi?"

"Yes, Rainbow?"

Rainbow rubbed her pendant.

Ruby light exposed the cold dark rock walls of the corridor. Twilight Sparkle levitated a few feet away from the pegasus.

"What... I mean..." Rainbow squinted. "Why aren't you doing the vanilla shuffle?"

Twilight shrugged. "I tried... but it wasn't doing anything for me." She gulped. "Besides, it... only seems right that at least one of us should be watching over you while you're sleeping."

Rainbow blinked. "Watching over me."

Twilight nodded.

"Twilight, it's—like—pitch black in this darn place. How are you going to watch over me?"

"Well, hear over you, then. Whatever." Twilight sighed. "Just... I-I need to feel like I'm being useful. And you've been going through so much to make sure that this journey is finished to completion and—"

"Okay. Right. I get it. Mrmmmff... sorry if I sound grumpy." Rainbow rubbed her forehead with a slight shudder. "I guess I never once stopped to think about it."

"Think about what, Rainbow?"

"Well..." Rainbow bore a tired smile. "Once upon a time, we girls went on adventures... and it was always you leading the charge. Y'know... being alpha mare or what-crap."

"I was never an alpha mare, Rainbow," Twilight said with a pout. "I was just... just..."


"Yeah—No!" Twilight snorted. "'Assertive' is more like it!"

"Sure, I'll buy that." Rainbow stifled a yawn. "I mean... you were the apprentice to Princess Celestia. We all sorta looked up to you as an authority figure."

"Well, I wouldn't know abou—" Twilight blinked. "...really? You 'looked up to me?'"

"Don't let it get to your head," Rainbow said, squinting. "Your eggheadedness sorta pegged you down a notch, kept you from being awesomeness supreme n'all. But, y'know... ever since Nightmare Moon came back, it seemed like you were the most important pony around Ponyville. So... guess that made you party leader during most of our crazy hijinks."

"Heheh... I guess you're right." Twilight exhaled. "And then you became the Austraeoh."

"And then I became the Austraeoh..." Rainbow stared off down the dark corridor. "I was already the most awesome pegasus ever, so why not upgrade?"

"How's it feel like to be the most important pegasus ever?"

Rainbow blew out the side of her muzzle. "...wanna trade?"

"What I want is for you to be safe and secure," Twilight said. "And... there was a time when I could make that happen."

"Well..." Rainbow Dash stood up, knees wobbling. "...think of this whole crazy trip as my wacky, flank-over-elbow way of returning the favor."

"Don't..." Twilight stretched a hoof out. "D-don't you need more sleep?"

"Ugh... really, Twilight?"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Fine. Don't you need more rest?"

"Mrmmff... I think my legs could use some stretching." Rainbow flexed her limbs. A loud growl emanated from her stomach. "And my belly could use some grub."

"You've got the supplies from Bard and Wildcard, right?"

"Yup. The Desperadoes Diet. This should be good." Rainbow Dash fished through her bags. "The other girls are enjoying some quality vanilla snooze?"

"Most likely."

"You should join them, Twi."

"I'll have my turn," the unicorn said. "Right now, I'd rather be with you."

"Well, aren't you swell."

Twilight smiled calmly. "I try."

Rainbow squinted down the corridor once again. "I wonder if I could make some progress..."

"Uhhhhh..." Twilight fidgeted. "Do you really want to try proceeding without Rarity to chart the way?"

"You can ghost through the walls n'stuff, right?"

"Er... yes... but only for a limited distance."

"Good enough." Rainbow Dash gathered her things. "We'll see how far we can spelunk, and once Rarity wakes up, we'll hopefully have made it far enough that she can lead me the rest of the way."

"You sure that's a good idea?"

"Better than sitting here, wasting both my time and Remna's."

"Assuming she hasn't already lost you."

"Gotta make it to Wyvern Point one way or another," Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight pointed. "What about your meal?"

"Think I'll eat on the go."

"Sounds like a clumsy idea." Twilight raised an eyebrow. "All these months of traveling east, and you never once thought of fetching yourself a feed bag?"

"Heh... breakfast and entertainment..." Rainbow bit onto some celery and hummed. "Mrmmmff... coulda used this back in the Grand Choke."

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