• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,102 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Swing Low, Sweet Bat Pony

Resting high above the icy gray waters of Frostknife's Bay...

High above the iron docks and the granite shelves and the wooden platforms built into the V-shaped canyon's west side...

Above the walkways and suspended buildings and lofty balconies...

...the largest entrance to the Frosted Shelves loomed. The prison gates were enormous steel doors built into a rigid square frame carved into the icy stone surface of the wall. No less than twenty members of the Central Guard stood at watch: griffons, unicorns, and pegasi clad in silver armor with windigo intaglio. Those who weren't standing at stalwart attention were instead marching in patrol, covering every possible crevice and niche that could conceivably lead in or out of the sprawling labyrinthine facility.

It was here that Lieutenant Keris stood along with two other members of the Talon. The three of them could not look any more out of place—their armor and feathers worn from days upon days of exhausting flight and combat. While Sergeant Raptr and Sergeant Starstorm stood calmly along the edge of the frosted balcony before the doors, Keris paced and paced in an exceedingly anxious manner.

Raptr clenched his beak. He gave Starstorm a nervous look.

Starstorm cleared her throat. "Uhm... Lieutenant?" She squinted at Keris' shuffling figure through her helmet. "I mean no disrespect, but perhaps you would be better off in the Central Guard's Infirmary. The rookie and I can wait here for the rendezvous. Meanwhile, you can have that arm of yours looked at. After all... just how many days have you gone with it in a sling? Surely it needs a physician's expert eye."

"I've suffered worse injuries and endured greater lengths of time before recuperating," Keris murmured, continuing to pace. "Right now, my duty is here... awaiting the Commander."

"She appears to have been delayed... uhm... sir..."

"Yes, but with what?" Keris hissed under his breath, continuing to pace. "With what?"

Raptr shuffled.

"Well, perhaps you could... cease pacing... s-sir?" Starstorm asked.

Keris shuffled to a stop. His magenta eyes blinked at her.

She smiled nervously. "I think it's making the rookie nervous."

"Hmmm..." Keris looked over at Raptr. "Is this correct, Sergeant?"

"Uhhhhh..." Raptr glanced at Starstorm, then back at the Lieutenant. He gulped. "Maybe?"

Starstorm face-palmed.

"I must admit... I share the other Sergeant's concern for the well-being of your talon," Raptr said. "It's been through a lot these past few days."

"We've all been through a lot, Sergeant. Including the Commander." Frowning, Keris squinted up into the skies. "Where is she?"

"Look!" Starstorm pointed towards the sky, causing a few nearby guards to jolt at attention. "Incoming! From the northwest!"

Keris exhaled with a small smile. "Verlaxion be praised. It's about time." He turned to look—and instantly his headcrest drooped beneath his helmet.

From a long glide, Windburst landed with a shivering prisoner in his grasp. He lowered Longaze onto her hooves, and a group of guards immediately rushed up to surround her. Shuddering, the mare swiveled about and trotted into their company without protest.

Raptr blinked. "...huh."

Windburst looked at Keris. "Lieutenant."

"Sergeant..." Keris squinted back. "...where is the Commander?"

"She... uhm..." Windburst cleared her throat, then stood up straight at attention. "She decided to investigate the Central Harbors, sir."

Keris blinked, his beak agape. "The... Central Harbors?"

"That is correct."

"To what end?"

Windburst gulped. "She did not give too much clarification, although I suspect it's to investigate the Shoreline Trade Consortium even further." His expert eyes narrowed. "The last time I saw her, she was headed southwest..."

"That's..." Raptr gaped at the others. "...that would lead her back to Osmanthus Prefecture!"

"And... and..." Starstorm glanced at the other guards, then leaned in to whisper to the Talon. "We've got a report to give to the Council of Verlaxion!"

"I have a report to give to the Council." Keris took a deep breath. "I've put a lot of faith in the Commander. But now... I'm starting to wonder if perhaps I've been putting too much faith."

Windburst looked over. "She said that she would still meet with us, sir."

"And I'm sure she intends to, Sergeant." Keris sighed. "But... it's obvious now that she also intends to do a lot of other things, and I fear for what that might do to our image... much less the integrity of our authority here in Frostknife."

"She... she'll come around." Raptr attempted to smile "She's never let us down before!"



"Her concerns are her concerns now, Sargeant," Keris said. "Her actions have made that more than evident. Right now... we still have several loose ends to look after." He gestured the others to follow. "Come with me."

"What would you have us do, Lieutenant?" Starstorm asked.

"For now, I wish to oversee the securing of this unicorn in the Frosted Shelves." Keris followed the guards and Longaze towards the massive gate. "Then... I suppose... I shall prepare the mother of all reports to present to the Council."

"I'm sorry that I didn't attempt to talk the Commander into flying with me, sir," Windburst said with a shudder.

"Do not blame yourself, Sergeant. The Commander has more enemies in her life than all of Rohbredden combined. If she must deal with them, then we can only extend the Goddess' blessing to her. For now, we have much to contend with here in the heart of the continent." Keris clenched his beak in mid-stride. "The state of things is turning out to be far more complicated than we thought."

"What do you mean by that, sir?" Starstorm asked.

Keris replied, "Now, more than ever, I'm starting to suspect that our entire debacle with the Rainbow Rogue was a distraction. Whether it was intended or not, I can't pretend to say. But there's a great deal of blindness afflicting us, our Commander, and the Central Guard in general. It fills me with great worry. We must be vigilant..."


Far below, inside the dimmest, deepest reaches of the Frosted Shelves...

...an equine figure with leafy ears hung upside down. He breathed in and out in calm motions. Then—with seemingly no provocation—a pair of slitted eyes opened, reflecting the tiniest hint of meandering gray sunlight from far beyond his cell.

Within a minute, the hoofsteps of a guard clattered into existence. A unicorn in silver armor marched around the corner. He approached the bars of the cell and levitated an envelope out from under his breastplate.

"Hey... Midnighter." The unicorn squinted at the rusted plaque above the cell, then back at the envelope. "You go by 'Echo,' yes?"

A pair of fangs reflected the unicorn's glowing horn. "I've been called much worse these past few days." His ears twitched. "But yes. That would be my name."

"Mrmmfff... whatever." The guard tossed the envelope limply onto the floor of the cell. "Try not to get any of your guano on it."

"Charming." Th-Thwisssh! Echo flipped down from the ceiling and landed on spry hooves. "Do you drool on your mother with that mouth?"

"Watch it, freak!" The unicorn frowned, pointing a hoof. "Or I'll come in there and nail those stupid ears of yours to the wall."

"Careful." Echo bore a lazy grin. "One bite from us, and I hear daylight stallions never get it to rise again."

The unicorn blinked, his frown disappearing in a flash.

Echo whispered, "All the... guano in the bloodstream, you see." His eyelashes fluttered. "Unless you want your girlfriend to shit out a poop baby."

The unicorn grumbled. "'Bleak's pissant'... that's what you are." And he turned tail and marched off.

Echo picked up the envelope. It flopped in his grasp, and his brow furrowed. "This has been opened."

"Of course it was, dipshit!" the guard spoke over the sound of his hoofsteps. "What do you think we are? Stupid?"

Echo opened the note and looked all over. "And... there're no words on here. Just a blank page with the sender's name at the bottom!"

A cackling voice echoed back. "Sounds like you're the butt of some loser's dumb joke! Hah! Only fitting!"

As the sound of hoofsteps dwindled, Echo looked at the name on the bottom once again. His velvety muzzle scrunched.

"...just who in the blue Hell is 'Jordan?'"

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