• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,102 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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A Lasting Gift From Verlax

"Rainbow, darling, I think you should go above deck," Rarity said.

"Mrmmmff... what's the m-matter, Rarity?" Rainbow wheezed, stringing together three empty potato sacks that were taken from Blue's ranch. She then proceeded to loop them over opposite support beams situated in the bottom deck of the Princess Stardust's cabin. "In some... basic... c-cavemare way, I'm actually trying to liven up the pl-place!" She paused to catch her breath. "Isn't that kinda thing your bag?"

"I can already tell that those drab satchels are hardly strong enough to support even your meager weight." Rarity shuddered. "Also... the longer that we spend down here in this rusted womb, the more likely I am to expel my stomch fluids..."

"Rarity, you've been a veritable spirit for nearly two years," Twilight Sparkle droned. "How could you possibly vomit?"

"Have you seen the the atrocious conditions of this ship?!" Rarity's voice squeaked. "How can I not?!"

"Hehe! She's got a point, Twi!" Pinkie Pie winked. "Roll enough times in your grave and you're bound to upchuck eventually!"

"I think it's nice down here," Fluttershy said with a smile. "It's all so very... simple." A gulp. "And quiet."

Thunder echoed across the bulkheads.

Fluttershy trembled. "Okay... mostly quiet."

"Hey! See?" Rainbow Dash fumbled and fiddled with the potato sacks, tying their ends neatly so that they raised a good few feet above the cabin floor. "Fluttershy's got the right idea! I mean... think about it! I've been on the run for friggin' months. Between the Talon and the Consortium and the Central Guard chasing me, I haven't had any real good opportunity for some shuteye!"

"You don't need no shuteye, Rainbow Dash," Applejack said. "Quit foolin' yerself."

"Mrmmmfff..." Rainbow yanked one edge of the makeshift hammock tight. "What makes you think I'm lying, Applejack?"

"Because you just did." The mare's brow furrowed. "Just now."

"Look... I was comfortable back on board the Noble Jury." Rainbow wiped the sweat from her brow and shrugged. "So sue me if I wanna get comfortable once again."

"But this isn't the Noble Jury," Twilight Sparkle said. "We're with the Herald... and we're just now sailing into the final waters of the final ocean on the final edge of the eastern world." She smiled gently. "You don't have to pretend to be calm, Rainbow Dash. When the time comes that you really wanna fall asleep, we'll watch over you."

"Yeah!" Pinkie nodded. "Pinkie promise!"

"Rrrrrnnngh..." Rainbow frowned, flapping her wings. "Stop trying to mother me, guys!" She lifted off the metal floor and hovered directly above the dangling sacks. "I said I'm sleepy and I meant it! If Luna can catch some Z's, then so can I! I'm not stressed! I'm not freaked out or anything! I just want to sleep!"

That said, she coiled her wings to her side and dropped like a blue anvil.

Riiiiiiiip! The potato sacks shredded under her weight and Rainbow plunged to the metal floor. Clanggggg!

Fluttershy winced.

"... ... ..." Rainbow lay stiffly on her back, blinking. "...I think I should go above deck."

Kepler gripped the rudder wheel in strong claws as the Stardust rocked and swayed in the rolling waters. Every minute or so, Flynn's ship would hit a thickly-crested wave, and a spray of salt water would baptize the top deck. The wyvern chuckled against the elements, guiding the vessel ever eastward.

In the meantime, the members of the Herald minded their stations. Those who had no tasks to do sat in the center of the open deck, sharing a huddled conversation.

"...but he's made a pact with Rainbow and the Herald!" Bard exclaimed. "There's no way in Hell that he'd do anythang to harm the expedition!"

Wildcard stubbornly shook his head. He sliced the air with flesh and metal talons.

"Hrmmmmfff..." Bard folded his forelimbs. "'Rohbredden Pride.' Pfffft... like that's gotten anypony anywhere lately... especially with the lousy Council. You ask me, yer ol' buddy will wipe his lion feathers with that notion and just stay back in Frostknife."

"I wouldn't treat Wildcard's opinion so frivolously, Bard," Ariel said, shaking her head. "After all, he knows him far more than the rest of us."

Rainbow Dash stumbled onto the scene at precisely this moment. "Who are you guys talking about?"

Ariel looked up. "Our mutual friend. Lieutenant Keris."

Bard growled, "Dubya here thinks that his ol' slicey-dicey friend in the Talon will go after yer neck."

"You mean he thinks Keris will track me down?" Rainbow remarked. She looked back at Twilight and the others. "Well... that would make sense, wouldn't it?"

"Huh?" Bard blinked.

Rainbow sat down next to them—steadying herself as the ship rocked slightly. "Hrmmmff... well... think about it!" She blinked at the others. "Keris is responsible not just for the Talon—but for all of Rohbredden. Sure, he and Theanim Mane are tasked with restoring peace in Frostknife... but if it's the will of the Six Tribes to chase me down..." Rainbow shrugged. "...then it'd be the smart thing for him to play along."

"Smart thing?!" Rarity exclaimed, causing Rainbow to look her way. "You almost make it sound like you want to go to blows with the Talon once more!"

Ariel squinted at Rainbow. "Something your friends want to add to the conversation?"

Rainbow cleared her throat. "Rarity thinks I'm hoping for a fight."

Rarity folded her forelimbs. "Hmmmf!" She frowned. "That's not what I said at all!"

Rainbow stuck her tongue out. "Deal with it." Clearing her throat, she turned to look at the not-so-ghostly Heraldites. "Before we parted ways in Frostknife, I had a pretty deep conversation with both Theanim and Keris. I put an awful lot of weight on their shoulders." She shrugged. "It wouldn't surprise me if Theanim's spread a bunch of lies about my evilness and Keris has committed to gutting me alive." A sigh. "I know I haven't made things easy for them."

Fluttershy gulped. "Nor is it all that easy for us... either..."

"So... uhhhh..." Ariel fidgeted. "...what's the plan then?"

"Plan for what?" Rainbow blinked at her. "For if Keris runs into us again?" She shrugged. "Staying alive, of course."

Ariel sighed. "You and your one track mind."

"It's gotten me this far east, hasn't it?" Rainbow briefly smirked. "Besides... I think we have a lot more to worry about... what with the sarosians of Bleak's Plummet and all."

"But yer Moon Princess has got a fix for that, right?" Bard remarked.

"Yeah." Rainbow nodded as thunder rolled overhead. "I'm hoping. After all, the royal sisters have never let me down."

Pinkie glanced aside. "What about that one time Celestia talked some sense into Axan and the dragon momma ended up killing half of Silvadel and crushing you to a pulp anyways?"

Rainbow gritted her teeth. "They've never tried to let me down... let's just roll with that, mmmkay?"

"So... lemme guess..." Bard gestured. "Our best hope at the moment is to... outrun any of the mofos that Rohbredden might be sending after us?"

"Seems like a good enough plan to me," Rainbow said with a nod. "And—besides—it's not like they're gonna want to chase us beyond the edge of the world." She bore a nervous smirk. "So we have that going for us."

Wildcard gestured something.

Ariel nervously translated: "'Chandler might.'"

Rainbow's ears drooped. Nevertheless, she muttered: "Well... let's just hope the melon fudge trips on his own ego before he makes it far... alright?"

Bard sighed. "Guess I didn't help none by makin' us wait so long at the ranch..."

"Hey... we got a bunch of supplies out of it," Rainbow said. "And you got to reunite with your baby sis." She shrugged. "If you ask me, that's worth it times ten."

"Still... it ain't helpin' nopony if Rohbredden's goons catch up to us in the end."

"That's assuming they're actually chasing after us," Ariel said. "I'd much rather freak out over windigoes and midnighters."

Echo spontaneously trotted into the conversation. "We shouldn't be shitting ourselves over windigoes, midnighters, or the Talon."

Wildcard and Bard looked up.

"Why not?" Ariel asked.

"Because I know the real reason why we should be speeding our asses to the edge of the world as fast as our farts can take us," the sarosian said. Echo sat down between Rainbow Dash and Bard. His slitted eyes reflected glossy constellations. "It ain't about Chandler and it ain't about any of the crazy ice horses that Verlax released."

"Care to drop the suspense and just tell us already?" Ariel droned.

Echo cocked his head to the side. "Before meeting your delightful 'Herald' posse up in Starkiss, I had a whole lot of time to bond with Keris, Theams, and the Talon. I may not have had much nifty stuff to share, but I did do a whole lot of listening."

"Yeah?" Rainbow squinted. "And?"

"Theanim mentioned something that... stuck out to me," Echo muttered. "The stiff stallion kept trying to explain the Talon and their motivations as best as his convoluted tongue could manage. And he happened to state that the leader of the strike force... Commander Serendipity or something—"

"Seraphimus," Rainbow corrected. Wildcard nodded.

"Yeah. Whatever." Echo cleared his throat. "On top of being a real cold, calculating bulldozer with ovaries... the griffon officer had a lot of shit to be angry about." He waved a hoof. "Something about her family being locked away in ice somewhere."

Wildcard suddenly gestured with great intensity.

Ariel blinked. "She... had a husband and child in Frozen Stasis," the mare remarked. "For... years apparently."

"Hmmmff..." Bard tilted his hat back and sighed into the deck plating. "Just like my Amber. Small flippin' world..."

"Not small enough, apparently," Echo said. "Theanim talked about how Sera-whoever would constantly visit the Stasis chambers in the caves to the south of Frostknife. Like... she'd show up there constantly... dressed incognito so she could pay respects to her frozen family n'stuff. Seems like the Commander of the Talon was super religious and pious and shit."

"Where are you going with this, Echo?" Ariel asked.

Echo gulped, then looked directly at Wildcard. "I've been thinking... with Verlax croaked and gone..." His slitted eyes narrowed. "...just what do you think has happened to all of those frozen stasis chambers?"

Wildcard sat dead still.

Thunder rolled.

"Shit alive..." Bard took his hat off and fanned himself. "I... I never stopped to think about it. But..." His eyes lifted up. "So many of them stasis chambers depended on Verlax's frosted magic. Even the one that Amber and I stayed in couldn't maintain itself without constant visits of the Frosted Vessels every other season or so." He gulped. "They'd carry the Queen's essence into the Twilight Lands and re-enchant the outlying chambers."

"Just... h-how many ponies are we talking about?" Ariel murmured. "How many are dead and gone now that they don't have Verlax's dragon essence to depend on?"

Wildcard somberly signaled a guestimated number. Nopony had the courage to translate it out loud.

"So... like..." Echo's leafy ears twitched. "This Commander Seraphimus was pretty hardcore already, at least according to Theams and the rest of the Talon. But... with her family reduced to inert popsicle sticks—just how ticked off do you think she is now?"

All this time, Rainbow Dash stared over the turbulent seas with her muzzle agape. At last, she blurted breathily: "Gosh dang it, Verlax... you've done it again..."

Everyone looked at her. Even Kepler was distracted from his steering of the vessel.

"Rainbow?" Twilight cocked her head. "What are you thinking?"

Rainbow inhaled deeply. "Just think about it, Twilight." She squirmed in place. "Verlax did so... so many things to make sure that I was simultaneously tested and accelerated in my journey." She waved a hoof. "She threw challenges at me at every turn. She conspired to combine the Consortium and the Central Guard to hunt me down. She threatened the ones I cared about and made me as hated as I was in Ledomare... if not more so." A shuddering breath. "But now? Even beyond death, she's hammered the nail into the coffin."

"Care to be more specific, darling?" Rarity asked.

"Uhm..." Fluttershy shivered. "...do we really want to hear the specifics?"

Rainbow gazed at her friends. "In all of my travels... in all of the many miles I've flown... one thing... one pony made me fly harder and faster than anything else. He made me chase the horizon to protect Urohringr... to protect my friends." She gulped. "If Verlax's vision has stretched as far as she's made it seem... then she knows all about this. She's known about it for a long time... and she's done her best to recreate it. To make sure I 'complete the circle' out of fear and desperation."

Twilight grimaced. "Rainbow, I-I think you're looking too deeply into this—"

"Am I?" Rainbow frowned. "It's all coming together. Commander Seraphimus... her pledge... her family..." Rainbow slowly shook her head. "Everything's shattered for her... all because Verlax is dead—a thing that I ultimately had no choice in, but is still pinned on me all the same."

"Sugarcube...?" Applejack blinked. "What are you gettin' at?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Rainbow exhaled. "Verlax has built a new Shell." She gazed off into the distance. "I promise you... Seraphimus will come for me now. Maybe we'll run into Keris and Chandler. Maybe we won't. Echo is right: that's not what we should be concerned with at the moment. Somewhere... out there... an angry, tragic soul seeks my head... and I can bet you every bit in the whole dang world that she'll stop at nothing to make sure it's removed from my body." She gulped. "And she'll tear through every friend and ally to get to that goal... I don't think even the edge of the world can stop her."

Twilight and Rarity bit their lips.

Ariel leaned forward. "Who... who is Shell?"

"The worst of the worst," Rainbow muttered. "And a dark chapter from my past that I have no interest in repeating. But now... thanks to Verlax..." She shook. "...I've got just the accursed fuel I need to continue with the Divine's twisted vision of Austraeoh's journey as quickly as I can." She shook her head. "We can't afford any more stops... any more distractions... not so long as such a deathly element exists out there."

Wildcard hung his feathery head in a solemn breath.

Ariel shuddered nervously. "If... if this 'Shell' was so awful... so murderous..." She raised an eyebrow. "...then how did you survive him?"

"I barely did," Rainbow replied. "In the end, the only way to defeat him was to do something that I had refused and resisted for so long... and at great, unnecessary cost. But now... I know better... and Verlax is counting on that."

"What do you mean, Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked.

"Rainbow..." Twilight started—

"You know it too, Twilight," Rainbow said, looking emotionlessly at her. "There's far too much at stake for me to deny it." Her gaze settled on the growing flicker of Yaerfaerda above the rolling waves. "When I run into Seraphimus again... there's only one way to deal with the Commander... the same way I had to deal with Shell in order to move on." She gulped, frowning. "I'm going to have to kill her."

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