• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,102 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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All Just Smoke and Murk

Rainbow coughed, spitting up soot and ashes.

Wincing, she rolled across what little was left of the tavern floor. Bright blazes lingered to her left and right. There was scarcely any clean air left to breathe. When Rainbow opened her teary eyes, all she saw was fountains of smoke erupting from hot gold furnaces all around.

"Not good not good not good..." Rarity floated in panicked circles. "This is most certainly n-not good!"

"Why'd you have to do that, Dashie?" Pinkie pouted. "Just a bit more oomf and you could have gone out the hole with them!"

"Can't you see that there's nothing she could have done?!" Twilight hollered. "She saved their lives!" She sniffled, looking forlornly at the scene all around. "She... saved everypony's lives..."

"But what about Rainbow's life?!" Rarity yelped. "Let's not just stand here arguing! We've got to help her!"

"You're the one with structural senses! Is there a way out of this mess?!"

Rarity's muzzle hung open. She simply hovered there as falling, smoldering debris phased through her.

"Well?!" Twilight exclaimed.

"My senses aren't helping any either..." Pinkie whimpered.

"I'm sorry, girls."

Everyone looked down at Rainbow.

Rainbow coughed, curling up into a little blue ball. Her eyes teared from all the smoke and ash. "I thought I c-could get us to the end..." She sputtered, wincing from the heat. "But I-I couldn't even g-get us to Applejack..."

"Don't... d-don't speak, Rainbow!" Rarity fought a lump in her throat. "Conserve your oxygen!" She looked across the smoke-covered ceiling. "Surely, a solution will... pr-present itself..."

"Mmmmmm..." Pinkie covered her muzzle as she fought tears.

Twilight grimaced. After a heavy shudder, she sniffled and floated down to Rainbow's level. "Rainbow Dash..." She bore a tiny smile. "I just want you to know that despite all that's happened... the mistakes as well as the triumphs..." A tear rolled down her cheek. "We are all so very proud of you. We love you... and... and we never stopped..."

"Mrmmmff..." Rainbow squinted and coughed. "...friggin' sap."

Twilight frowned. "Well excuse me for being earnest you... you..."


"Thank you!" Twilight's eyes crossed. "Wait, 'fuzzhead?' That's the best insult you have for yourself?"

"It's..." Rainbow coughed. "...awesomely silly..."

"Eugghhhh..." Twilight tossed her hooves. "Is this really how you want to die?!"

Rainbow laughed, wheezed. "Heh heh heh—kaff! Koff!"

"Twilight, please..." Rarity sighed. She looked back at Fluttershy, then did a double-take. "Uhm... not trying to be melodramatic, darling, but why aren't you bawling in tears right about now?"

"Mmmmmm..." Fluttershy bore a strangely rosy-cheeked smile. "...because."

POWWWW! The east wall of the tavern exploded.

"...!!!" Rainbow's head tilted up.

A gaping gray hole loomed across the way. The flames split.

"What are you waiting for, fuzzhead!" Twilight hollered. "Go! Go!"

"Going—!" Rainbow hopped up to her hooves and galloped towards the hole.

Crkkkkkk! The top of the fissure was already caving in.

"Hurry, darling!" Rarity shouted.

"Go go go go go go go go!" Pinkie squealed.

"Rrrrrrrrrrrrgh!" Rainbow did a running leap as—

THUDDD! The east wall of the tavern collapsed completely.

Rainbow rolled over several times in the snow. At last, she came to a grunting stop. Breathless, she and the ghost mares looked back behind them.

With an enormous crunch, the tavern finally imploded. A vomitous column of flames spat out, climbing sky high and obscuring the entire east end of Braum with smoke.

"Wooohooo!" Pinkie Pie pumped a hoof in the air. "Yeah! I knew we could make it!"

"That was unbearably close," Rarity said with a shiver.

"You're telling me..." Rainbow Dash pushed herself up. At last, she stood on wobbly knees and squinted at the smoldering scene. "Do any of the villagers or griffons see us, Fluttershy?"

"No, Rainbow." Fluttershy gulped. "But Rainb—"

"Enough questions!" Pinkie blurted. "Let's make like a tree and bark!"

"But... but..." Rainbow squinted. "What happened?"

"Do we really need to know?!?" Pinkie hollered.

"That was clearly an explosion," Rarity said. "The weight of the tavern didn't make that hole."

Rainbow turned to look at Twilight. "Twi? What's with your horn? You're rubbing your head like you know something."

"Only... I don't. Not really." Twilight cleared her throat as her horn stopped glowing. "There was definitely something magical about what happened."

"The unicorn?"

"No, she was down for the count. Besides, Keris carried her out on the other side of the building." Twilight blinked. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say someone just used an enchanted explosive to free us."

"An explosive?"

Twlight nodded.

Rainbow blinked. She looked back at the flames with a stupid expression. "But who around here would have used an expl—?" Just then, a metal talon reached in from behind and clamped its mechanical claws over her muzzle. "Mrmmmmfff!" A wide-eyed Rainbow found herself being hoisted skyward in a black-and-blue blur.


Twilight blinked. "Wat." Fw-Fw-Fw-Fwoooosh! She and the rest of the mares shrieked as they were yanked towards the heavens by a silent figure, becoming one with the smoke.

Minutes later...

Seraphimus and Keris paced around the burning remains of the tavern.

"You're certain that she didn't start this fire, Lieutenant?" Seraphimus asked.

"I know what I know from eyewitness testimony, Commander," Keris said, limping slightly in his gait. His armor was stained with smoke and the tips of his feathers were singed. "But I did witness the unicorn combatant threatening one of the innocent civilians at knifepoint."

"And you say she's the same mare you and the Rogue encountered at Red Barge?"

"Affirmative." Keris remarked, staring with dull eyes at the blaze. "Witnesses confirm that she was the aggressor from the very second that she and the Rogue entered the tavern. At least two stallions claim that she began tossing burning logs from the hearth at her target."

Seraphimus took a deep breath. "This complicates things. Not just for us, but for the state of affairs here in Ivory Prefecture."

"Or perhaps it simplifies things," Keris said.

"In that the Rainbow Rogue is now dead?"

Keris looked at the Commander. "I was going to say because it supports much of our prey's innocence."

Seraphimus grumbled. "The fact that she's saved the life of several ponies and my prized Lieutenant does not strip her of the crimes committed in the Quade."

"Of course not, Commander." Keris shook his head. "But it certainly might strip her of all wrongdoing since."

Seraphimus looked at him.

Keris' eyes narrowed. "Was this mare truly worth the effort we put into chasing her?" He blinked. "Or the emphasis that the Council put?"

Seraphimus was preparing to respond to that...

...when Windburst walked up. "You won't have to worry about the firestarter now."

"Report, Sergeant," Seraphimus said.

"I knew there was a reason why we always kept a spare magic suppressor around." Windburst smirked as he stood before them. "That unicorn won't be casting any spells with that cap on her horn."

"Has she awoken?"

"Not yet, Commander." Windburst shook his head. "We've got the pony locked up in the largest barn here in Braum. Starstorm's keeping a watchful eye on her, awake or not, as was ordered."

"Well done, Windburst." Seraphimus nodded. She stared at the flames once again. "She will have much to answer to once her eyes are open."

"So then..." Windburst sighed as he faced the remnants of the tavern. "...this is the end of our hunt." He cleared his throat, frowning. "I must admit. It's not very... cathartic."

"No, Sergeant," Keris droned. "It's not."

Seraphimus glanced aside at him. "Surely you can't believe she's still alive."

Keris looked at Seraphimus. "And what has this crazy world tossed at us that isn't worth believing in?"

Seraphimus merely blinked at that.

Just then, Sarda's voice rang across the snowy village from east of the tavern's ruins. "Commander! Lieutenant! You should come and see this!" The stallion waved from afar. "I've found hoofprints! Fresh ones!"

Seraphimus' eyes fluttered shut. She closed her beak while weathering a deep, deep sigh.

Keris merely smiled.

"Hoofprints, you say, Mr. Sarda?" Seraphimus calmly turned around and flapped her wings. She glided over to where Sarda was gathered with a few of his fellow villagers. Touching down with the Talon, the Commander leaned in for a better look. "You're certain they don't belong to any of your companions?"

"They're too small to belong to any of us," Sarda said, rubbing his stubbled chin. "And none of the mares have been out this side of the tavern in the past hour."

"They're Rainbow Dash's size, alright," Keris said. "Look..." He pointed at a line of tracks. "Looks like she ran straight from the tavern."

"How's that even possible?" Windburst exclaimed. "That place was collapsing right when the Lieutenant made his death-defying exit!"

"I'm just telling you what I've seen," Sarda droned. He gestured. "Now you can see for yourselves."

"How very curious..." Seraphimus stood up, glancing at the snowbank. "The tracks just end right here."

"Well, the Rogue is a pegasus," Sarda remarked.

Seraphimus looked at Keris. "Did her wing look healed while you were inside with her?"

Keris shook his head. "It was still bandaged. And she threw all of her weight to her right side."

"Wait..." Windburst's limbs locked in place as his eyes narrowed.

Keris looked at him. "You see something, Sergeant?"

"Indeed." Windburst flapped his wings, then hovered closer to the burning remains of the tavern. "Tracks. Griffon tracks."

"I saw them too," Sarda said, trotting after the feathery group. "I figured they belonged to the Lieutenant."

"I did circle the tavern before braving an entrance," Keris said.

"Right." Windburst pointed at one particular print. "But you haven't used your left talon since Red Barge."

Keris and Seraphimus leaned in.

Indeed, there was a series of left-talon prints in the snow. Not only that, they left the tell-tale signatures of metal seams and rivets.

The Lieutenant's beak parted. With a gaping expression, he looked at the Commander.

Seraphimus stared in silence. Her headcrest's feathers paled.

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