• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,102 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Trusted Friends and Tin Foils


Rattling chains.


Echo's slitted eyes opened. "I swear." His fangs glistened in the dark as he grumbled, "When it rains, it shits."

Nevertheless, the guard grunted, "You've got a visitor!"

"Oh please, darling." Echo tilted his head about from where he hung and purred at the cell doors. "Anypony who longs for my soft fuzzy flank that much can settle for 'home owner.'"

"Mrmmmfff... whatever." The guard opened the doors and took a step back...

...allowing a breathless Theanim Mane to step forward.

"Oh." Echo blinked. In a heartbeat, he leapt down to his hooves and stood before the stallion. "Well, I guess there's that, then."

Clang! The doors rattled shut behind the Professor. "No funny business, midnighter! I mean it!" He marched away.

Echo craned his neck after him as he trotted down the prison corridor. "Think nothing of it, my love. The Mother of Nightmares has a warm, moist cave prepared for you and me alone!" A beat. He turned to wink at his friend. "Best that you don't let them choose how they get entertained, am I right?" He yawned, performing a brief sonic shriek in the process. "Iiiiiiiee... still... mmrmmfff..." He stretched his back like a cat. "I've imagined worse honeymoons in my life."

"Please, old chap," Theanim stammered. "Now is not the time for vaguely homoerotic jocularity!"

"Holy shit." Echo blinked. "Things must be serious for something that atrocious to come out of your science hole." He shuffled over and leaned against the cell wall with a sigh. "What's up, buddy? Beside my head, of course."

Theanim adjusted his goggles and whispered. "Have you gathered your wits about you yet?"

Echo's slitted eyes bounced around. "Uhhhh..." He squinted at Theanim with a frown. "If you're asking me whether or not the psychological side effects from years and years of huffing coral like a frenzied bum have dwindled from my inner being, then you can go buck yourself, ya selfish impatient prick." He nevertheless cleared his throat. "But... for what it's worth... mmmmmyeah... I'm no longer seeing lobsters with top hats and razor-thorned tits in the wall... or whatever."

"Good." Theanim gulped. "Then I need you to remember. Back in Rust... back in Mud Top... you ran circles with the Syndicate..."

"And then some. Yeah. We all know this, Theams." Echo cocked his head to the side. "What are ya sniffing at?"

"Did you ever cross paths with a certain character named Monket?"

"Pffft. Unfortunately. Nasty Mister Bastard still owes me for a bunch of Peace Foam I smuggled for him while I was splitting hairs with Revan."

"Peace Foam?"

"Erm..." Echo fidgeted. "A... sissy name ponies in the business give for a sedatitive that's administered to the slaves bred at Mudtop so that they're less resistant to forced labor." Echo gulped. "Among other things." He brushed a shaky hoof through his mane. "You know, Theams... for all my sass, I really... really don't thank you enough for pulling my sorry ass out of all that crud."

"Well, if you wish to pay me back, now's the time, Old Chap."

"Name it, Goggles."

"I've spent the last twenty-four hours situating myself here in Frostknife and doing an extraordinary amount of paperwork. However... I do believe I've finally gotten the permission I need to seek an audience with an imprisoned former member of the Syndicate." Theanim's eyes narrowed. "And I just had it authorized for you to join me."

"Uhhhh..." Echo blinked. "What former member of the Syndicate?"

Theanim took a breath. "Boss Jeryn of the Southern Hoof."

"Hah!" Echo snorted. "That slimy queef magnet?! Pffft... I'm done with his sorry ass. Unless." He blinked. "The Council's finally ready to conduct an investigation?"

"No." Theanim shook his head. "This is all my choosing. I have reason to believe that Jeryn knows a great deal about the Consortium and it's secret, sordid connections with the criminals of Mudtop and beyond. Jeryn is one link in a chain. Monket is the other. If I can piece them together, then I can prove a connection between the Syndicate and the Consortium—which exposes a very alarming conspiracy that reaches to the very courtyard of the Council of Verlaxion itself!"

"You're going after Brye Chandler's head?!" Echo grimaced. "What the hell, Theams? I thought you were off skirt-chasing Luminards in order to figure out what made Rainbow Dash go nuts!"

"And I just got back with speaking to them," Theanim said. "Elder Sonikah was so kind as to give me a very personal testimony of her voyage from the Quade to Frostknife. She related several frightening details about the Consortium and its connection to various insidious organizations. Tell me... have you ever heard of Top Dredger Skagra?"

"Uhhh... yeah." Echo nodded. "Some... half-headed pretender with a death-wish who runs Red Barge. Or—at least—he used to. Word around the Frozen Shelves is that he took a major dip in the ocean and now a bunch of dredge coal is up for grabs."

"Dredge coal that the Consortium has had a major investment in." Theanim nodded. "I think it's no coincidence that Skagra bottomed up while Chandler's been enjoying a disproportionate amount of popularity and attention as of late with the Council. I need to know more about what happened on board that ship the Luminards rode here. Since I can't even pretend to seek an audience with the infamous Monket, I must settle for Jeryn."

"And since he and I have history together..." Echo squinted. "...you think that I'm the right stallion to leverage against him... make the milk-drinker crack."


"And exactly what did you tell the warden of the Frosted Shelves that convinced him to allow this sort of... dual interview? Or are your Sciency Balls just that huge?"

"Erm..." Theanim looked over his shoulder. His goggles rattled in the shadows. "I claimed that we're here to... erm... prepare a detailed testimony about the 'Rainbow Rogue's crimes across the Seven Seas.'"

"So, let me get this straight." Echo's fangs glinted. "You, Professor Theanim Mane, Purveyor of Truth in Rohbredden, as Goddess Verlaxion is our witness, are fabricating a huge-ass lie and soiling Rainbow Dash's good name just to cover your ass while you try to unravel some stupidly improbable conspiracy?"

"Erm..." Theanim gulped and nodded. "As a manner of speaking."

"That's super dirty, dishonest, and shitty." Echo produced smiled as his slitted eyes lit up. "I am so on board."

"You're certain you're up for this, Old Chap?"

"Hell bucking yes, I'm up for this. It's too cold in this damned cell to clop anyways." Echo shuddered. "Let's go before the blood rushes back to my butt and I change my mind."

"You must allow me to do the majority of the speaking, friend," Theanim said. "This is a highly delicate situation, and I want Jeryn to be as much in the dark about our purposes as the warden."

"So the veil's over his eyes too. Got it." Echo nodded. "Wouldn't be the first time." He raised an eyebrow. "Why all the friggin' secrecy, anyways? The Consortium doesn't own the Frosted Shelves, y'know. The Syndicate controlled this place from the inside more than anypony else."

"It's not the Consortium I fear," Theanim said. "Nor what's left of the Syndicate. But rather..." He shuddered. "...I was rather rattled by the sights and sounds of Frostknife when I arrived yesterday. Everypony in the capitol appears on edge. In fact, there's talks of angry verbal disputes in the Court and... and..."

"And what?"

Theanim gulped. "The Talon are delaying their report of the hunt for the Rainbow Rogue. It's been weeks, Echo."

"You think Rainbow gave them the slip?"

"I wouldn't doubt her of being capable," Theanim remarked. "Especially if she has more invisible companions at her side by now. Even still... something is ahoof. Something rancid. You can feel it in the air of this place."

"Yeah, no shit." Echo nodded. "It's like something's about to blow. And... y'know... the strangest thing happened to me."


"You said you just showed up yesterday?"

"That's correct."

"You... didn't send me a letter or anything?"

"I ordered a telegram or two. Why?"

"... ... ..." At last, Echo shuffled over to the cot, reached under the pillow, and procured an envelope. He came marching back. "I'm guessing this wasn't one of them."

Theanim slid his goggles down over his eyes and scrutinized the letter. His brow furrowed above the lenses. "Why..." He lifted the goggles, blinking at Echo. "...this is blank."

"So I'm not going crazy."

"And who is 'Jordan?'"

Echo shrugged. "Was hoping you'd know. It's not the guard's name; that's for sure. The letter's not perfumed."

"Curious and curiouser..." Theanim rubbed a hoof across the sheet. "...would you mind if I take this?"

"I wouldn't mind if you pissed on it."

"Something about the texture of this paper..." Theanim murmured out loud. "...could be some sort of enchanted lettering." He sniffed the surface. "No doubt legible with the right kind of chemical. But which one?" He bit his lip. "And who is this 'Jordan?'"

"You don't suppose it's from Rainbow?"

Theanim looked at Echo.

Echo fidgeted. "I... honestly don't know anypony else who would write me."

Theanim exhaled. "We'll fix that in due time, Old Chap." He patted Echo's shoulder. "I promise. I will get us out of this mess."

"Yeah, well..." Echo smiled faintly. "Let's work on the mess Rohbredden is in, huh?"

"Right." Theanim knocked his hoof against the bars. The guard's hoofsteps returned as he muttered, "After all the messes we've been in, it should be a veritable sleigh ride."

"Wow. Nice snow segue."

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