• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,103 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

  • ...

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Know the One True Threat

Nearly two dozen tiny lifeboats congregated together. Water splashed as the cold, frightened passengers struggled to row their miniature rafts westward—towards a hazy gray line along the horizon.

In the meantime, Chandler's expedition had divided itself into three groups—each congregating on a different steamship. Pegasi and griffons marched across the now-empty decks, minding each station and prepping the vessels for a swift, churning cruise east.

"All stations clear, sir!"

"The other vessels comply!"

"Ready to go on the Minister's signal!"

Keris stood at the stern of the centermost vessel. He took a deep breath, staring out at the distant rafts to the west.

"They... uh..." Starstorm wandered up. "They're going to have to row against a strong current, aren't they?"

"Only the strongest," Windburst murmured. "Tossing them overboard would have just gotten it over with faster."

"They... th-they need an escort!" Raptr exclaimed. He looked at Keris. "Commander, surely two of us can hang back and help them get to dry land! We've got experience! We can help them find a westward stream!"

Keris stood in silence.


"Our place is with this expedition," Keris muttered. "And in being there for when the inevitable confrontation happens with Rainbow Dash."

Raptr blinked. He eventually hung his head.

"Well, no doubt Chandler got what he wanted out of this," Starstorm muttered. "The way he must see it—we're ready for battle."

"Are we?" Windburst glanced aside, adjusting the weight of his crossbow. "There's no telling just how many midnighters are out there. If they've truly taken Rainbow Dash's side—"

"Then she'll be the one in charge of them!" Starstorm exclaimed. "She... she would teach them some restraint, don't you think?"

"Sergeant..." Keris sighed, finally turning around to face the bow. "Even we can't afford to be that naive. Even if Rainbow Dash did find a way to pacify the midnighters—for she is gifted—they've been bloodthirsty pirates all of their lives. I doubt they know how to function in a way that isn't outright hostile."

"Rainbow Dash has done the impossible before," Starstorm said.

"We should nevertheless expect the worst," Keris said. "Just like she would. At this point—I'd say a confrontation is inevitable. Now—more than ever—I'd expect no less."

"The... the odds just keep increasing," Raptr muttered. "How can we prevent a bloodbath at this point?

"Maybe it's time to reassess our priorities," Keris said.

Windburst raised an eyecrest. "How so?"

"Chandler wants a fight. Rainbow Dash wants to escape to the Dark Side." Keris glanced at the rest of the Talon. "I don't see why we can't let both happen... in the best interests of Rohbredden."

The Sergeants glanced at one another.

Eventually, Windburst spoke, "Well, either way, I expect a major migraine. One thing's for certain." He gulped. "I don't envy the position that Seraphimus has put you in, Commander."

Keris nodded. "And let's just keep it that way, hmmm?" He signaled the others as he marched off. "Mind the stations. Make sure none of the soldiers hurt themselves with the steam equipment. Their expertise is fighting—not navigation."

"We'll see what you can do."

"What about you, Commander?"

"What else?" Keris made for the bow. "I have to play face."

The leader of the Talon brushed past busy pegasi and griffons. At last, he reached the spot where Chandler's chariot had been parked. The Defense Minister sat on a wooden crate, leaning against the vehicle as he scribbled words onto a piece of parchment.

"We're... uhm..." Keris cleared his throat, standing at attention. "Ready to cast off, sir."

"Do we have plenty of fuel in the hold?"

"Between all three ships? Most definitely, sir." Keris said. "Although, I do suggest you let me send a few squadrons ahead of us to watch the waves and skies for signs of the enemy."

"Make sure you put extra coverage on the waters," Chandler said. "If the midnighters are indeed in possession of submersible craft, I want to know right away."

"I'll have our unicorns posted to detect any errant leylines."

"Well-thought, Commander."

Keris squinted at the letter Chandler was writing. "Arranging a message, sir?"

"Indeed." Chandler nodded, scribbling. "With the most recent developments, I believe it is paramount to inform Frostknife of the involvement of the Seventh Tribe."

"Assuming Rainbow Dash is in league with them."

"I presume it's quite obvious at this point, Commander."

"How... do you intend to send the message out?"

"I'll be asking for winged volunteers within the hour," Chandler said. "Just one brave soul should be able to make the delivery." His eyes darted up briefly. Sharply. "Do you want it to be you, Commander?"

Keris' feathered brow furrowed. "My post is here with the expedition, sir."

"Is it?" Chandler raised an eyebrow as he paused in writing. "Because I couldn't help but notice that it took the former Commander of the Talon to make that observation about the coral contraband."

"I'm afraid I don't follow."

"Please, Commander. You're smarter than that. So don't insult my intelligence." Chandler leaned back. "You've never been a firm believer in my authority. And—to be honest—there are times when I wonder just how difficult it was for the Rainbow Rogue to 'pollute your feeble mind' with the dark powers of the Blight."

"An interesting idea," Keris said. "Albeit needlessly paranoid."

"In my position—and with what's at stake—I cannot afford to be otherwise."

"If that's the case, then why didn't you try harder to dispute the Talon's inclusion into this expedition?" Keris calmly said. "Even as we set out from Frostknife, did you hold such distrust?"

"Why else do you think I brought the ever-loyal Seraphimus along?"

Keris was silent.

Chandler took a calm breath and finished his letter. "The Queen will be avenged, Commander. Mark my words. Any force—no matter how esteemed—that tries to interfere with this mission of vengeance will be eliminated. You are being watched closely."

"Is that supposed to be a threat?"

"No." Chandler sealed the letter. "It's Seraphimus who is watching you and your sergeants closely." He pointed. "That's the threat." He held the letter out. "Now... care to make a delivery for me?" He stared at the leader of the Talon.

Keris stared back. His beak opened slowly. "No, sir."


Chandler's nostrils flared. "Hmmmff... I've no clue what you're truly planning, Commander. A pity I just can't have the Talon thrown overboard like the drug runners."

"I believe that should be the least of your concerns right now," Keris said.

"Indeed." Chandler stood up and brushed past the griffon. "Funny. I could have told you the same." He approached the crew assigned to the central vessel, whistling. "Soldiers! Gather around! I am in need of a brave messenger to deliver a letter to Frostknife! Fear not... your honor shall not be slighted in the least for performing this noble task! You have my solemn word as Defense Minister of this most righteous venture!"

Sighing, Keris turned about. In so doing—he caught a cold glint in the distance. He stared across the choppy waters to the ship off of port.

Seraphimus perched on the starboard side of the nearest vessel. She had been staring fixedly at Keris the entire time, and she wasn't smiling.

"... ... ..." Keris exhaled. Breaking sight with the former Commander, he shuffled off... pacing thoughtfully along the deck of the ship.

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