• Published 4th Oct 2016
  • 16,388 Views, 1,290 Comments

Making Family - Cirrus Sky

You can find a home, but sometimes you have to make a family. Sunset is working on that.

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Pen Pals

The school day was long over and all her friends had made their way to after school activities. Rarity had some outfits to complete, Fluttershy had tagged along to help with the sewing as the shelter was closed for a deep clean. Pinkie Pie had her shift at the cafe to take, sometimes working in the front and other times entertaining the twins upstairs. Rainbow had a soccer training session at the stadium, the coach had arranged for the team to play like the pros for a while. As ever, Applejack had chores at the farm.

Sunset had offered to help out, but she wasn't on the soccer team or employed by the Cakes and Applejack didn't like to pull her friends into her chores unless it was her only option. Sunset's sewing was abysmal as was her knitting and crochet. So, she was stuck here, sat on the steps to the school as she waited for her mother to finish working.

Bored, she tried to think of something to do. Looking at the statue and idea occurred, so she pulled out her journal.

~Hey Twilight, are you around to chat?~ She wrote into the book where she last left off. Of course, Princess Twilight had plenty to do, being Princess of Friendship. But there was a chance she was free to spend some time writing to her friend.

Sure enough, a few beats later the book began to glow and text in Twilight's smart cursive appeared. ~I'm free, Spike was telling me to take a break from research too. A chat though? No worlds threatening events this time?~

Smirking, Sunset penned her reply. ~Nope, not one. I just thought I could do with a chat with a friend.~ She doodled a little smiley faced unicorn. She'd often put little pictures in when writing Twilight, a habit from texting. As often as not, it was a human smiley face, something she hadn't really dwelt on.

~Oh! No problem at all then! How are things in the human world?~ Twilight's reply was quick and Sunset began writing an answer.


After a while of exchanging messages, mostly comments on life in their respective worlds and events going on around them, with the odd aside on a friend's antics. Twilight was writing. ~I'm not keeping you from anything am I?~

~No, not really. I'm stuck waiting for a ride home, so I have plenty of time for the moment.~ Sunset looked at her phone, it was getting on for supper time. If this meant take-out then she could forgive her mother the wait.

~You know, I never have asked about where you live on the other side of the mirror.~ Twilight wrote back. She had shared that Sunset's room at the palace was still as she had left it, only dusted to keep it clean since she had run away.

~No, you didn't did you? And I've never really told you. My bad.~ Sunset tapped her pen on the page. Thinking of what to put. “Guess I'll start from the beginning.” She began to write. ~For the longest time I was homeless, in a way. The first week in the human world, I spent most nights in doorways while I figured out what I was doing. Then I lucked out and found this abandoned building that was better than doorways and public shelters. I made that my home and then~

A figure grabbed her hand and the pen slid down the page.

“What?” Sunset looked up to see tearful amethyst eyes and indigo hair streaked with two purple tones. “Twilight? What are you doing here?”

“Come and live at the castle of friendship. I have more than enough room and the commute to school is practically nothing. You can have a whole suite if you need and it won't take me long to figure out how to power all your things.” Twilight was speaking nineteen-to-the-dozen and pulling at Sunset's arm, tears spilling down her face. “I can't believe it never even crossed my mind! One of my best friends, homeless!”

“Twilight, everything is fine, really.” Sunset put her free hand over Twilight's that tugged at her arm. That toppled the journal to the floor.

“Oh no! We'll have to find somewhere over here to keep the journal. It is the link, the anchoring point to this world. Who can we trust?” Twilight changed track but carried on trying to hustle Sunset off the steps and to the portal.

“I can't go just yet.” Sunset said, trying to slow Twilight and calm her down. She took hold of both her friend's elbows and stood, bringing Twilight level with her. “Twilight.”

“The Princess doesn't have to know until you're ready. I know you have friends in this world and you have school too. But it is all only a portal away.” Twilight had stopped crying, but she was still insistent and pulling Sunset to the portal.

“Twilight, calm down.” Sunset tried again, glad that she was just that little bit stronger than her friend as she stood her ground.

“Why hello Twilight Sparkle.” Celestia said, she was at the top of the steps having just left the school. “While it is lovely to see you, I'm afraid that this late on a school night, Sunset can't go visiting.” She paused and put a hand to her chin, thinking a moment. “Perhaps you and my daughter can arrange a day together on the weekend?”

Twilight drew her brow, considering the words she had just heard, she loosed her grip on Sunset. A gently amused Sunset who was following her friend's thought process through her facial expressions. All at once it seemed to dawn on Twilight what the principal had said.

“Don't worry Mom, I know the rules for a school night.” She smirked and looked at Twilight, still holding her friend's elbows. Twilight wasn't trying to pull her along any more.

“Mom? Daughter?” Twilight moved from confused to elated. “Sunset! I'm so happy for you!” She grabbed Sunset into a hug. “So why did you say you were homeless? I was so worried.”

“I was starting from the top. Somepony didn't wait long enough to have the whole story.” Sunset returned the hug from her friend. “Mom got me to stay at her place and then we sort of both figured that I wanted adopting and she wanted to adopt me.” Sunset shrugged a little. “Now everything is great.”

Twilight drew back to beam at Sunset and Celestia. “You never said anything Sunset.” She made a mock grumpy face and then giggled.

“It never really came up did it? Most things are about day to day life, studying and then the odd magical creature threatening us.” Sunset chuckled. “Come for a visit and we can catch up properly.”

“I really do need to, it has been pretty quiet in Equestria lately.” Twilight gave Sunset one last hug and released Sunset. “So, you should come by and visit some time. All of you.”

“Sure thing.” Sunset stood next to her mother. “Hey! You could come for the Friendship Games, they'd be just your kind of thing.”

“Sounds like a plan. I'll try and keep things clear.” Twilight gave a little wave. “I'd better get back, Spike will be worried, I did just run over here without any warning.”

“Bye Twilight. Keep writing.” Sunset waved her away and watched her walk into the plinth and disappear.

“You have some very good friends.” Celestia commented as they walked to her car.

“Yeah, I do.” Sunset nodded. The fact that Twilight had been so quick to help, it made her feel warm inside. Such friends as she had, she was so very lucky.

Author's Note:

Twilight and Sunset often write, but some things just don't come up. I mean, two brilliant minds probably skip right to the deep stuff.

How I imagine it might go once Twilight learns the truth.