• Published 4th Oct 2016
  • 16,404 Views, 1,290 Comments

Making Family - Cirrus Sky

You can find a home, but sometimes you have to make a family. Sunset is working on that.

  • ...


Late spring sunshine flooded the grounds of the school, and Rainbow's mom had been to Costco and got way more soda cans than anyone ever needed. All seven girls and Spike were hanging around the plinth in front of the building drinking cola, spending some time together after school. “Thank your Mom Rainbow. This really hits the spot.” Applejack said, tipping back a can.

“Yeah, this is a great way to hang out after band practice.” Sunset was sat on a step holding her own soda and Twilight's while the girl next to her rummaged out a treat for Spike.

“It was pretty heavy carrying so many cans around, but worth it.” Rainbow agreed, she was sat above them. Always the athlete, she'd boosted onto the empty plinth. The friends carried on their conversation amongst themselves, content to wait for rides home or the time it was probably best to start their walk back.

A conversation that was interrupted by the roar of a classic car engine. Rainbow and Sunset immediately turned their attention to the road. “Holy.... A Jaguar E Type...” Rainbow said, watching the British racing green car roll past; it even had the imported vintage plates in black and silver.

“I have to drive one of those.” Sunset said, watching as it rolled past. It was slowing down as it passed the school.

The roof was down and the driver had a fashionable headscarf and sunglasses on. “I must say, the whole look is rather chic.” Rarity commented. Rainbow and Sunset watched the car turn onto the road at the junction.

“That was a cool car.” Sunset sat back down by Twilight and tried to act nonchalant as she shuffled a little closer.

“It had to be an import.” Rainbow whistled. “Some serious dedication to get that.” She knew some more about the car and was about to try and impress her friends with the knowledge.

All this was interrupted however, when Luna came rushing out of the school and ran around to the other side of the plinth. “Sunset, time to evacuate. I advise we move with speed.”

“Aunty Luna, what is going on?” Sunset was really not sure what her aunt was doing, while she wasn't as prim or proper around the school as her mom, Luna did keep some face. Trying to remain a little more respectable and even mysterious around the students.

“My mother is here.” She said darkly. The kind of dark that required atmospheric weather and serious music.

“She's always been fine on the video chat...” Sunset furrowed her brow. She jumped off the plinth

“In person it is a whole different game.” Luna said looking out for anyone approaching. “There will be a great deal of fuss.” She gestured to the parking lot. “I advise we escape else risk a great deal of public embarrassment.”

“Alright then.” Sunset shrugged and made to follow Luna. However another call interrupted their escape.

“Luna, Sunset! There you are.” Celestia was stood on the top step of the school entryway. Beside her was a woman in a rather smart coat, sunglasses and a headscarf with red hair peeking out at the boundaries. The girls recognised the driver from moments ago. “Sunset come meet our Mom in person.” Celestia said, smiling and proud.

“Hi.” Sunset suddenly felt quite shy. She had spoken over Skype, but with the woman here in person it was another thing entirely. “Um..” Sunset was propelled forward by Luna's hand and was soon stood in front of her 'Grandma Sass.'

“Come here child. I want to get a good look at you.” She took off the sunglasses and blue eyes surveyed Sunset. “Sweetheart, it is wonderful to meet you in person.” Sunset was enveloped in a hug, it was a little tighter than she'd expected and her grandmother was a lot taller than her.

“Hi Gran.” Sunset said, muffled by a shoulder. She heard a chorus of 'awws' from the girls. “Was that you with the car?”

“Yes indeed, I do enjoy to drive something exotic wherever I am.” She leaned in to whisper “I've got a firebird for work.” She winked and shifted so Sunset was beside her, an arm slung over her shoulder. “Would you like a ride in it?”

“Yes!” Sunset tried not to shout. “That would be so cool.”

“We're all going out to the diner for our evening meal, so you can ride with Mom.” Celestia added. She grabbed her mother and daughter in a hug. “Oooh, all the family together. This is wonderful.” Luna pushed in beside them all and added to the hugs.

“You inviting anyone else sister?” Luna asked, wondering if she should ask Chrysalis to come along with them.

“Not this evening, we're catching up with Mom tonight. I thought we could plan something with the others later in the week.” Celestia

“Good! I have two to give a good talking too while I am here! They have been lucky that I was the other side of the Pacific.” Sassafras said to the pair. “So, now I have thoroughly embarrassed the three of you in front of Sunset's friends, shall we head to the diner?”

“That sounds like a good idea.” Luna said, fixing the six girls with a look that spoke 'Silence or one million years detention'.

There was a chorus of goodbyes and one shout from Rainbow admiring the car again. “You so have to get me a ride too!”


The Jaguar was getting a lot of admiring looks and Sunset's smile was near splitting her face. “This is so cool!” She waved to someone from school, the roof was down and she was loving it.

“I do like nice cars, as vices go they're not the worst.” Sassafras said as they drove down the road. “It is how I met Cosmos actually, he was working at a car event during college.” She smiled, one Sunset had seen on Celestia. It was these similarities that made it easy for her to be comfortable around Sassafras, even if they had first met on Skype.

Laptop on the coffee table and a few nerves in her middle, Sunset was getting ready to meet Celestia's mother. She worked abroad, Head Teacher of an International School in Japan. Celestia had told her mother about Sunset, before and since the adoption. But now was the time to be introduced to her.

“Mom is going to love you.” Luna said, wandering past Sunset with snacks for her basement gaming session. “Don't worry.”

“She really will.” Celestia came from the kitchen just as Luna disappeared into her lair. She had a teapot and cups on a tray. Tea was an effective way to get Sunset to relax. “Mom was very happy for us both when I told her we'd signed the papers.”

“Yeah?” Sunset mumbled, sitting on the couch she fiddled with the fabric of her shirt.

“Absolutely. She is rather excited to be a grandmother.” Celestia sat beside her daughter and picked up the laptop. It was about the time that she had arranged to contact her mother. Sassafras was punctual after a lifetime of teaching and appreciated punctuality on the part of others. “Ready?”

“As I'll ever be.” Sunset replied, she'd never had a grandmother before and too many thoughts ran through her head. Not the most positive ones at that. Celestia was logging on and quite quickly the call was connecting.

“Hello sunshine.” A voice came from the laptop, Celestia had it too close for Sunset to see, but the voice was friendly and loving, something like an older Luna.

“Hi Mom.” Celestia said, cheerful and smiling. “I've finally got Sunset here to meet you.”

“Wonderful! Put her on dear, I want to speak to my granddaughter.” That was the last Sunset heard before the laptop was placed for them both to see.

She was met with a woman who looked like Celestia but older. A few lines of age were evident on pale white skin but not prominent, blue eyes she had a depth that belied her experience. Her hair was shades of red and for a moment Sunset was absently running a finger down her matching streaks.

She didn't notice the double looks of love, from her mother and grandmother. Celestia had to cover her mouth to avoid a happy sob escaping.

“Hello Sunset.” A smile, again quite like Celestia's (but of course they would be, mother and daughter had always been alike).

“Hi.” Sunset said, nervous, she was twirling a lock of hair. “Um... What should I call you?”

“I was thinking Grandma would be a great start.” Sassafras said.

“Alright, Grandma.” Sunset smiled, testing the word out and watching the reactions from her family. Celestia shifted closer on the couch, slipping an arm around her to share the camera on the laptop. Sassafras was smiling back at Sunset.

“Tell my about yourself. I'd love to know more about my granddaughter.” Hearing that, Sunset felt her nerves fall away. Celestia's mother was readily calling her granddaughter, she was accepted by her. For the first time, Sunset had a grandmother.

Sassafras knew the way to the diner, they beat Celestia and Luna there. “Want to wait inside for the girls? I would love a coffee.” She had parked up and they were idling in the parking lot, enjoying the sunny weather.

“A coffee sounds nice.” Sunset agreed and got out of the car, hoping very much she'd get a ride home in the car too. She had a learner's permit too, so a drive wasn't out of the question. Hopefully.

They were seated in the diner on a table for four as Sassafras requested. “Two coffees please, black with cinnamon for me. Sunset?”

“Um, black, but with some creamer on the side thanks.” Sunset checked the little bowl of sugar packets on the table, there was brown sugar there already so she didn't have to ask for that.

“So you do drink coffee? 'Tia prefers tea. Lulu was the one who went after the good stuff.” Sassafras smiled. “We'd sit and drink coffee together when she was allowed home. Together in the lounge, just the two of us. It was such a nice time.”

“I like both.” Sunset said, fidgeting with a sugar packet. “I like tea, it reminds me of good times. But if I need more of a caffeine hit then I get a coffee. You can't disregard sleep for study without a little something extra.” Sunset laughed a little. “I wasn't interested in 'wasting time' sleeping at one point.”

“Oh dear.” Sassafras commented. She thanked the server for the drinks as they arrived. “Not the healthiest habit.”

“I learned that the hard way.” Sunset chuckled, “Totally crashed out during school one day.” That had been before friendship, but Flash had been her boyfriend, so someone had been looking out for her. “Mom keeps me to an actual lights-out time, even if she can't get Luna to listen.”

“You know, you light up just a little when you say Mom.” Sassafras knew it might embarrass the girl, but she had to say it. Every mention of the word had brightened her just a little. She'd seen it during their Skype chats and seeing it in person had been wonderful.

“Do I?” Sunset took a sip of coffee and blinked, the slightest blush colouring her skin. “I'm still so happy to have a mom again.” She looked up again. “And I have a gran, which is great.”

“I was a little concerned when Celestia said she had taken in a teenager.” Sassaras said, carefully and judging how to go on. “She is not impulsive, but she hadn't mentioned plans. When I heard of what state you were in I understood right away.” The older woman paused. “When she came back to say she wanted to adopt you I was a little annoyed I would not get to meet you sooner.” Looking at Sunset she smiled. “I am glad to have a granddaughter and happy that my daughter has reached a goal she long held.”

Sunset could only smile and nod. They finished off their drinks as Luna and Celestia arrived. Neither had noticed the pair enter only to leave to allow the conversation to finish. The sisters were pleased to see their mother and Sunset getting on well.

The family meal went well. Conversation was light at times, deep when the four would seemingly suddenly realise that they were a family in three generations, but always happy. The sisters were pleased to catch up with their mother, she was often so far away and her visits were not frequent.

Sunset was basking in the feeling of having a growing family. Now she had a grandmother, for the first time in her life. It was another step in making her family.

Author's Note:

Sassafras is a part of the Laurel family, one of the reasons I chose it. The other is I just love how it sounds and also Sass is great for a nickname.

Anywho, chapter.

Also, Cosmos is the name I have chose for Celestia and Luna's dad. I like it as names go.