• Published 4th Oct 2016
  • 16,388 Views, 1,290 Comments

Making Family - Cirrus Sky

You can find a home, but sometimes you have to make a family. Sunset is working on that.

  • ...


Operation Sparkle Sleepover was in full swing. Applejack was the host for this evening and the girls had all been enjoying an “unplugged” slumber party. Board games, music that they played on their instruments and lots of chatter and laughter.

Now that Twilight was settled into Canterot High and at least a little used to having six instant friends, Pinkie Pie had decided to initiate her into the world of sleepovers.

Needless to say, Twilight Sparkle had a book about it. When met with Pinkie Pie and her own bigger book, however, Twilight had decided to surrender to the expert.

The party planner had set out a timetable of Friday night and Weekend sleepovers stretching on through the next few weeks.

This was the first. Something a little simpler, easier for the not-so-social girl to ease into the group. It would be quieter, without music and video games competing with their conversations. An environment that Twilight would feel comfortable in, seeing as this was going to be a whole new experience.


It had been such a fun evening that Twilight had almost forgotten. The change in routine, the cheerful company, Sunset. They had all been a distraction and now she had settled into her sleeping bag with all the others. It was late, she had nearly fallen asleep when the niggling feeling she had forgotten something turned into a wake-up reminder.

“Of course I forgot.” Twilight mumbled to herself, placing her glasses on her face and sitting up. Her bag was at the edge of the room with the others. Between her and the bag was the veritable minefield of her sleeping friends.

But she had to get up, this was important. She had to take her medication every evening, especially when she was in a new situation that might stress her out.

Standing carefully and dropping her sleeping bag to the floor, Twilight tip-toed through the room to her bag. It wasn't hard to find the bottle, tucked into the side pocket so she could reach it easily. There would be a glass and water in the kitchen.

Twilight left the room as quietly as she could and followed the passageway to the stairs and down. It wasn't hard to find the kitchen. Twilight walked in, twisting at the cap of the pill bottle.


“Eeee!” Twilight jumped and the bottle, fortunately still capped, flew from her hand. The rattle of it rolling across the floor not helping her track it.

“Sorry!” It was Sunset, she was also in the kitchen. Twilight wasn't sure how she'd missed her not being in the bedroom. “Here, I think these are yours.” She walked over and put the pill bottle in Twilight's hand.

Sunset's fingers brushed her palm and Twilight felt a little heat grow in her cheeks. “Thanks. I, uh, wasn't expecting anyone to be up... Or you know, down...”

“It looks like we both remembered the same thing.” Sunset smiled affectionately, she held up her other hand to show Twilight a blister packet, a few gaps evidence that she'd taken some. Turning, Sunset put the pack on a counter-top and opened a cupboard. She took down a glass and filled it with water. “Here you go.” She offered it to Twilight.

“Thanks.” Twilight placed the glass down on the table and opened her bottle. Taking a pill, washing it down with the cool water, she tried to ignore Sunset watching her.

“You don't need to worry about the girls knowing. They'll understand.” Sunset had taken a seat, she was holding her packet of pills in her hand again, smoothing a little of the torn foil between her thumb and the packet.

“I wasn't worried, I just forgot to take one before bed. All these new things I am doing and having so much fun.” Twilight smiled at Sunset, making shy eye contact. “It um, it slipped my mind.” Sunset was being so open about everything since becoming her friend, Twilight felt comfortable talking with her. The girl's own meds were evidence enough of a shared understanding.

“Yeah.” Sunset grinned back, glad that Twilight was a more relaxed than she'd expected. “I realised that I had forgotten to take mine. I only started a week ago.”

“Uh, if you don't mind me asking...” Twilight fiddled with a loose strand of hair. “Um, why do you have meds?” She mumbled and blushed again. “I'm a neurotic mess of anxiety and social insecurity, so of course I have to take pills to function but you seem so together...” She babbled like she often did when unsure of herself. Speeding up her breathing between words, feeling the twitch of anxiety. She was suddenly wrapped up in the beginning of panic. 'Oh, I was doing so well too..' Not noticing that Sunset had stood up and approached her until a gentle arm wrapped around her shoulders and a chin rested softly on her head.

“Twilight. It's okay. I'm not embarrassed to be asked.” Sunset stayed in place until Twilight was breathing normally. “Okay?” She asked, drawing away.

“Yes. Sorry.” Twilight mumbled, everything felt so warm where Sunset had been. The other girl took a seat on a chair at the table.

“Right. You know about some of my past? Ultimate bully, she-demon, all that?” Sunset saw the nod from Twilight. “That, then the mess in the winter... And a little more of what's best kept in the past left me more than a little... imbalanced. Depressed. Mom suggested I see some counsellors. The talking therapy is really helpful.” She paused and looked down. “Recently we've settled on these meds to try for a while. See if they help me get on the level again.” Sunset said, “You, ah, you were there for that little breakdown. I told them about it of course, so these were a suggestion.”

“Oh.” Twilight blinked and fiddled with her pill bottle. She remembered how broken Sunset had become in those moments in the music room. Her shocking revelation and the fallout from the truth of just how dark her mental state had become. “You're so open about it all. I wish I was that confident.” Speaking the last part louder than she intended, Twilight pressed her lips together.

“I'll help you get to confident Twilight.” Sunset stood, to be close to the scholarly girl again. She dropped her arm back around the thin shoulders. “There is nothing to be ashamed about, needing to take some meds. I'm not going to shout about it from the rooftops but I'll happily talk with someone genuinely interested or who wants advice.”

Two arms wrapped around Sunset's middle. “Thanks.” Twilight sighed. “I know that they help me. I've been taking them so long. But I know that it isn't exactly the social norm.” Twilight smiled when Sunset hugged back. “It was just another thing that distanced me from others.”

“That's not going to happen with us.” Sunset promised. “Me and the girls won't leave or stay away from you and you don't ever have to withdraw.” She paused a beat, “Unless you need to, for any peace and quiet or just a break from everything being all around at once. I understand that too.”

“I... Thank you. Again.” Twilight mumbled, getting a little embarrassed once more.

“I'm glad I could help.” Sunset said. Anything else was cut off by a large yawn. “I think it is time to try and sleep now.” She chuckled after the yawn ebbed.

“Yes, good idea.” Twilight realised how tired she was too.

They went up to the room again and settled into their sleeping bags. Sunset flashed a smile that brought heat to Twilight's cheeks as they mouthed goodnight to each other and settled down to sleep.

Author's Note:

tl:dr-Personal experience behind this chapter.

Yeah, I've had different dosages of anti-anxiety meds for about five, maybe six years now. After talking therapy in my teens helped me out of that funk, I was mostly managing until my twenties. Changes in circumstances and, as it turned out High Functioning ASD being behind my "depression" meant I went onto something to help out with the anxiety that was actually the issue. Turns out, the intensity of existing when your senses are turned up to 11 but you're not so far along the spectrum that rocking-in-the-corner is the only option, really does make you anxious.

These things work. Really they do. Don't give up hope if you feel like anyone in this chapter. Sunset's words are really mine:

“There is nothing to be ashamed about, needing to take some meds. I'm not going to shout about it from the rooftops but I'll happily talk with someone genuinely interested or who wants advice.”

So yeah. EMOTIONS. :pinkiecrazy: