• Published 4th Oct 2016
  • 16,404 Views, 1,290 Comments

Making Family - Cirrus Sky

You can find a home, but sometimes you have to make a family. Sunset is working on that.

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In a spacious and modern bistro, two old friends were chatting. While they often met for drinks and a good catch-up, this occasion had a slightly more serious tone.

“Are you certain?” Celestia asked, surprised and a little disbelieving.

“As I can be, and with what I have access to, that is pretty damn sure.” Chrysalis said, tapping the tablet in her hand. “There was no Sunset Shimmer in this world until I created the records.”

“Really? But there was a Twilight Sparkle and as our visitor discovered, her whole family exists here too. Right down to Spike!” Celestia was concerned. If there was no counterpart for her daughter on record, why?

“Nothing. No birth record, no death record. Not even a Jane Doe who matches her appearance.” Chrysalis sighed. “The mystery deepens though. I spoke to Sunset about her family in the other world. Just a few casual questions, to get a little more to go on.”

“Her mother died when she was young. She was fostered until the Princess had her as a student.” Celestia said, recalling the conversations she had with Sunset as she helped her daughter heal. There was not much else for the girl to share, she'd not known her father. Sunset had said that her mother hadn't really explained the situation with her father and she was too young to know more.

Chrysalis nodded, “Yup, that's what I got. So while the family who took her in exists here, her biological mother turned up even more questions.” Chrysalis thumbed through some files on the tablet. “Sunshimmer was her mother's name.” She offered the device to Celestia to take a look.

“Oh dear.” Celestia looked at the file her friend had pulled up. A missing persons report detailing the last known whereabouts of Sunshimmer, twenty five year old expectant mother. “This is dated eighteen years ago?”

“Sunshimmer grew up in Philadelphia but moved to Canterlot after college to work in a family friend's publishing business. She met a local guy and they lived together.” Chrysalis took the tablet back and looked through her files. “The company folded about a year before she went missing, but she stuck with the boyfriend, by all accounts he was your regular sort of guy.” Chrysalis thumbed through to some news reports.

“So what happened?”

Chrysalis picked out a news report saved from a local news archive. “On the night of her last sighting, neighbours heard them arguing which ended in her storming off. She is on CCTV across a few blocks, just wandering around, looking a little distressed. Then, nothing at all.” Chrysalis shrugged.

“How do people just disappear like that?” Celestia asked sadly, it happened all too often in the news.

“Nobody knows. Not even me with all my access. The boyfriend had nothing to do with it, he was in his apartment, cleaning up after the row. He rang around a few of their friends to mention she might visit. After a few hours and she'd not shown up anywhere he called the police.” Chrysalis sighed. “Not one trace bar the CCTV in a few places. Her purse was just as impossible to find and no known criminals were operating anywhere near Canterlot at the right time.” This the agent spoke with distaste, the sort of people who could be behind such a disappearance were not something she wished to explain further.

“So Sunset's mother had an alternate, but she disappeared. She maybe, maybe died before she had a child here so that is why we have no counterpart for my daughter?” Celestia had hoped to find out who Sunset's equivalent was, if only to ensure neither girl was affected by the existence of the other. She had never wanted to uncover this tragedy.

“Sad to say, but that is how it looks from here. But who knows? Maybe she went a few states over and changed her name, gave the baby a different name too? It can happen.” Chrysalis shrugged. Her friend was down now about the past, but there was nothing the caring principal could do about it. “Come on 'Tia. Want to have a few of those cakes you like so much? Then you can share all about this rekindled 'thing' you've got going on with the judge!”

Celestia blushed and glared to a chuckle from her friend. It had been sad news, but old news. There was no need to dwell on the past, as her daughter always said. She would enjoy her afternoon with her friend. Making sure that Sunset got an extra long and loving hug later today.


On the slopes of Canterlot, further down the mountain where the castle gardens and parks converged, there was a cemetery. It was where the heroes of Equestria and the residents of Canterlot were laid to rest.

It was not unusual to spot a pony coming to pay their respects or wandering the older stones as they researched ponies long passed. Here in the mixture of tombs and stones, monuments and markers, all ponies were equal. Even the presence of a Princess did not demand any extra attention. Whether everypony was respectful to one who certainly had many to mourn, or each pony was too wrapped up in their own private world in this quiet place of remembrance, Celestia was glad to walk undisturbed.

However, it was with some surprise she reached her goal. The unremarkable grave had another already in attendance. A pony she knew well. “I wasn't aware that you knew her also.” Celestia said to the pale purple unicorn who carefully tended to the grave.

“Just as I didn't know that a humble bookshop worker had some acquaintance with the Princess.” Twilight Velvet replied easily. When royalty had become family it was easy to be informal. “I thought to come and visit her on the anniversary. Tidy up a little, leave some flowers.”

“Yes.” Celestia paused and looked at the marker. “I do not always, but it seemed to be the right thing to do today. I have been putting off sharing some news with her also, so it made sense to visit now.”

“About Sunset?” Twilight Velvet said, a sly smile for the surprised mare beside her. “My daughter loves a chat and knows how interested I am in stories. She didn't mind sharing so long as I made sure to make any details sketchy in any re-tellings I want to publish.”

“I suppose I didn't tell Twilight to keep it a secret from everypony and her friends already knew...” Celestia smiled to keep any sting of rebuke from her words. “So you are planning a new series of books?”

“Nothing too detailed just yet. I was wondering if I could take from some of Twily's experiences in Time Travel to stretch out the idea. A rebellious unicorn student adventuring in other universes is too good an idea to waste.” The smaller mare looked to the simple stone they stood by. “I think Sunshimmer would be proud of what Sunset has achieved.”

“Proud of her achievements and pleased for her daughter finding her way home.” Celestia said softly.

“Home?” Twilight Velvet said, confused. Her expression was one Celestia found familiar, it was not unlike Twilight Sparkle's own mixture of chagrin at not understanding and curiosity to discover something new.

“Sunset Shimmer has found a home and a mother in the human world. The world that Sunshimmer left.” Celestia said, looking between the marker stone and the mare.

It was fall in the city and just chill enough at night that the young woman wished she had taken a jacket as she stormed from her apartment. Her anger that had driven her from the place was subsiding now as the cold night air and cold reality hit.

The argument with her boyfriend, the father of the child she carried, had started over something trivial. She was grumpy nearly all the time from pregnancy hormones and little bits of pre-baby jitters. Anything could set her off. Not to mention, she was feeling needy, un-sexy and near paranoid about her boyfriend.

Far Horizon was a photographer, a good one at that. His latest gig was with a small model agency who had needed someone to take photos for product shoots. It didn't help her nerves and mildly possessive nature that her boyfriend spent his days with many attractive women.

She'd seen him with one of the girls from work and seen waaay deeper meaning into it than was sane. She'd gone home and stewed, stocked her fear into anger, held onto a needless fury.

When Far Horizon had arrived home from work he'd faced a blazing row from the fiery tempered redhead.

“Way to go Sunshimmer.” She groaned as she walked down the city street. It had been great for the longest time, she'd moved to a new town. Had her dream job. Met a great guy. Had a nice place and moved him in with her. Life was going swimmingly.

Then she lost her job.

It was alright for a while, they had money to live off and time to spend with each other, while she looked for a job he had tried to get more freelance work besides the artistic shots he tried to sell at galleries and the small income from stock image royalties.

Things had looked up when she had fallen pregnant, he got all excited about being a father and she'd dreamed of being a perfect mom. But no one wanted to hire an expectant mother and he couldn't make good enough money selling the odd print and jobbing day-to-day.

The spot at the agency had been just the stability they needed to support a baby until she could get back into work. The business had even increased its standing in the industry after getting involved with an excellent designer. Far Horizon was being recognised for his work, even the artistic shots that were his passion.

So of course she had to turn into a real she-demon and blow up in his face. “Baby, I just shouted at daddy for the stupidest thing.” She spoke to her bump sadly. Far Horizon and a girl from the agency had been fetching coffee for the shoot, there was some sort of Fall Weather theme that demanded hot drinks in take-out cups. He'd gone along to choose the perfect size and colours of cup and the girl was just the runner! Not even a model.

“Ugh.” Anger had cooled to shame now. Sunshimmer bit back a sob. She was quite a ways from home now and was worried to call back. She'd said some terrible things to him. He'd have every right to say they needed a break, something she really didn't want to happen. But her tired and hormonal mind was telling her it was exactly what would happen.

She walked onwards. It was late, a full moon was in the sky but she didn't want to go back to the apartment. She carried on walking through the city as she tried to figure out her next move.

As she neared the high school building her feet began to ache. Her anger and her sadness had pushed her a long way from home now. Outside the school was a bus stop though, she had grabbed her purse as she left, so it wouldn't be hard to get a bus across town to her friend's place.

She could have a good cry with her friend and maybe work out a good way to apologise to Far Horizon and make it up to him.

“Another hour?” She groaned, reading the timetable on the pole.

There was no seat, but there was a statue with steps, she wasn't quite so bulky that sitting on them would be impossible. Settling onto a step, Sunshimmer started to figure out her next move. She leaned back against the plinth to rest.

And carried on backwards.

That was when things got really weird.


Tumbling backwards, Sunshimmer was alarmed at how different she was feeling. Her body felt like it wasn't her own, she was a little dizzy and her brain was telling her she had four legs to concentrate on.

Standing, indeed on four legs, Sunshimmer looked around a strange and grand room. It was not where she had been moments ago. Then she caught sight of someone else in the room.

A highly stylised pony looked back at her, one with her colouring. Coat colour a perfect match to her skin, the hair... mane, was even styled like her hair. They too were showing the slight roundness of pregnancy.

“What...” She and the pony said. It was a mirror. The pony was her.

Sunshimmer promptly fainted.


“Wake up dear, the floor is hardly the best place for anyone, let alone an expectant mother.” Someone was gently nudging Sunshimmer and she went to bat them away, moving a limb that ended in a hoof not a hand.

Everything came back to her and she shot bolt upright, her breathing moving to panic. “Hush child, settle down, breath. You are safe.” The voice was calm and understanding, there was another gentle touch, this time to Sunshimmer's back. “You've experienced quite a change, haven't you?” The soothing tones did go some way to calming her down.

“What is going on?” Sunshimmer said. She had her eyes screwed shut, working on the idea that if she couldn't see it, it wasn't real. Though she could still feel her new hooves, her different shape. The company radiated calm though, her breathing was returning to a healthy rhythm once more.

“You came through the portal from your world to mine.” The calm voice replied. “It causes a change in form so you fit in to the local space.” They gently brushed her hair back over her shoulder, she felt safe. Sunshimmer opened her eyes.

There was a unicorn, a winged one, tall as a horse and taller than her pony self. A coat of brilliant white was paired with a flowing pastel shaded mane. “I...” Sunshimmer found herself lost for words. The beautiful creature had a tiara and a caring, concerned expression.

“Hello. I'm Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria. Welcome to my nation.” She smiled, “More specifically, the high security magical artefacts containment tower of my palace.” The teasing tone and slight smirk finally won Sunshimmer over. Whoever and whatever they both were, this Princess was her kind of people.

“My name is Sunshimmer. From Earth, because humans haven't got the best imagination at times.” She was sat up, surprisingly comfortable even with her change of form. “I fell through a portal?” Her mind was still processing what she had been told. “Can I get back through?”

“Yes, you must have.” The Princess nodded her head to the mirror that Sunshimmer had seen herself in. “This is the other side of the portal.” Her horn glowed a moment. “Sadly, the portal seems to have closed. It only opens every thirty moons.” She closed her eyes, her face becoming grave. “You'll be here for nearly three years, my visitor from another world.”

Sunshimmer fainted again.

“Oh dear.” Celestia sighed. She had not expected the portal on the other side to be so unguarded, so that some innocent ended up falling thorough. Concerned for the welfare of her new guest, she carefully lifted her up with magic. The infirmary was not far away.


This time Sunshimmer awoke on a bed. She was still a pony, but the bed was soft and warm. There was a feeling of security and safety all around her. “You'll be glad to know that the baby is fine. They have also been changed by the portal and my doctors assure me that everything is as it should be.” The princess said, coming into view as Sunshimmer focused on the figure.

“That's good. I was worried for the baby.” One load was off her mind, but the three years still weighed her down.

“The crown can take care of you both.” The princess said, she inclined her head to the doctor bustling in the corner and the pony left. In truth, Sunshimmer hadn't noticed him, but the stallion looked amusing, dressed in a white coat with a stethoscope around his neck. “I do not know how you came to fall through the portal, but as you are stuck here for the time being I can help.”

“Thank you.” Sunshimmer said earnestly. She was still feeling tired. After her emotional evening and then this unexpected change. Her journey to another world, her alteration in form, her worry over the baby...She was exhausted.

The princess seemed to know this, she smiled softly to her guest. “You can rest here while I have rooms prepared.” The orange shaded pony nodded in reply, a small yawn escaping her. “After you're settled we'll figure a longer term solution.” A little magic pulled a blanket around her

“Th'nks.” The woman turned mare mumbled as she started to doze, comfortable and safe, her baby was safe and well, things would work out.

Celestia tarried a moment, watching over the expectant mother until she fell asleep. Leaving quietly, Celestia saw her arrangements taking shape. There was an aide set to keep an eye on the guest and help her, sat on a chair outside the room flicking through the magazines. In the palace rooms were being prepared and Celestia herself was going to consult Starswirl's archives to glean what she could about the world Sunshimmer had left.

Things would work out.

When the portal was active again, Sunset was coming on in leaps and bounds with her magic.” Celestia was sat on the grass by the neatly tended grave, relating the story to her friend. “Sunshimmer couldn't bear to take her daughter away from the only world she knew. One she was thriving in.” Celestia sighed. “At that time it was decided that it would be better to wait for Sunset to be old enough to understand the changes.” Her gaze was solidly away from the marker now.

“Every three years, so by the sixth year Sunset was...” Twilight Velvet paused.

“Orphaned. Yes.” Celestia said sadly. “I didn't conceal the full facts from Sunset by design, it just was easier to leave it alone.” The princess fell silent.

“Sunshimmer never said anything to me you know, not about being from some other world.” Twilight filled in the silence. “I met her when I had a signing at the bookshop. She was friendly and interesting, when I found out how close in age our girls were we had a bit of a bonding moment.” The writer laughed in remembrance, “We started to have 'Mom SOS' meet-ups for lunch when the girls were with sitters. She was a good friend.”

“It was my intention to tell Sunset her true heritage when she was of age. As things began to become, difficult, I made one of my many poor decisions.” Celestia felt ready to continue. “I showed her the mirror in the hopes of broaching the subject, hoping she would see the form owed her by that world and I could explain the truth.”

“It worked out though. She's home. Thriving, from what Twily told me.” Twilight Velvet said carefully. She counted the princess as a friend and saw sometimes a hint of melancholy in the monarch's words.

“I regret that she could not go with my blessing.” Celestia said simply. She rose then, from the comfortable sitting position the two friends had taken while the princess related her story. “Thank you for being here Twilight Velvet I would appreciate if this information was kept between us. At least for no.w.” At that, the Princess took off on great wings and flew to her palace.

“Well Sunshimmer,” Twilight Velvet said to the headstone, imagining the mare's easy smile. “Sunset is doing well, she's got friends and goals and a family in your world.” She smiled, “Possibly a girlfriend too, from what Twily says. You'd be proud.”

Twilight Velvet took a small bunch of flowers from her saddlebag and placed them by the grave. “Goodbye dear, until next time.” She trotted away and through the well kept cemetery, the stirrings of a new story mulling in her mind.

Author's Note:

Alrighty. My personal theory is now dropped! :derpyderp2: This was a longer one than usual, but I have been a bit quiet of late and then I was on holiday. So I wanted to post something big.

Happy to discuss it and hoping this doesn't put too many people off. This is just an idea I had that veers from what we do know in canon a little.

Of course, we are a ways off Sunset finding out. That and other things will be dealt with in the future.