• Published 4th Oct 2016
  • 16,404 Views, 1,290 Comments

Making Family - Cirrus Sky

You can find a home, but sometimes you have to make a family. Sunset is working on that.

  • ...

Date Night

“Jump in kiddo. We're going spying.” Luna had pulled up beside Sunset as she walked home from Sugar Cube Corner.

“Spying? Isn't that something you do with Chrys?” Sunset did get into the car, she was curious and didn't exactly have any plans.

“She is way too deep cover to take along us amateurs.” Luna laughed, “We're just going to take a few little looks and drive-by to check up on those two crazy kids.” Mischief afoot, Luna was in full kid-sister mode.

“Alright then.” Buckling up Sunset shared a smile with her aunt. “Let's hit the road!”


After too long, Discord and Celestia were going on a date again. Time as friends since their relationship when they were younger meant it didn't feel too odd to actually have a true date once more. It had also given them time to put the past to rest.

Though, this didn't make them complacent to dating. Discord was out to impress and woo. The tea room he had brought them to was stocked to the rafters with every kind of blend a tea lover could wish for. It was also somewhere Celestia had yet to visit.

“I can't believe you have found somewhere like this that I have never been to before.” Celestia looked at the delicate tea service and the old-world trade house aesthetic with delight. Catching the man gazing at her she smiled warmly and reached across to gather his hands in her own. “Thank you.”

“I am so glad you like it.” Discord smiled back, the wonder she wore in her expression was something he treasured. It was what had driven him to find places to take her that she would enjoy now and in the past. “I may have cheated a little, an old colleague founded the place when she retired.”

“No, not cheating. It is useful knowledge.” Celestia smiled softly. “It is wonderful here.” She checked the teapot and liked the colour and scent, pouring a cup for herself and one for Discord. “Thank you.”

“Ah ah, thank you Celestia. I've been looking forward to bringing you here.” Discord said accepting the cup of tea. “I am very glad that this is as more than simply friends.”

“My family helped me realise that I wasn't helping anyone by keeping my distance.” Celestia spoke softly, she met his eyes with her own. “I was only denying myself what I wanted by pretending it was for the best.”

“To new beginnings then.” Discord said with a smile he only ever had for Celestia. He raised his teacup for a toast.

“To new beginnings.” Celestia smiled and her eyes sparked. Discord was starting to wonder how slowly they had to take this rekindled relationship.


Cruising around town in Luna's Camaro hadn't really helped locate the love-birds. “You're sure you know what kind of places they would go to?” Sunset asked, peering out the window.

“Tea place and a sweetheart's walk in the park is her favourite kind of date.” Luna said, taking as much notice of the sidewalks as the road. “There are only so many parks and twee little tea places to visit.”

“Hey!” Sunset mock glared. “I like tea shops too!” They had checked the little place Celestia and Sunset visited first. The teen was secretly glad that it remained 'their' place, the pair not to be found.

“That's because you're under-age.” Luna poked her tongue out in a tease. “Okay, so it is getting past time they would have finished having tea. How about we try parks now?”

“Sure. But can we run by the Hey! Burger? I'm hungry.” Sunset looked hopeful, appealing for food always worked with Luna.

“That sounds like a plan.” Luna grinned. “Drive-thru or eat in?” She set to driving towards the nearest location. If they were lucky the thick-shake deal was still running.


The tea shop had been a great success, Discord decided, watching Celestia smile and hum approvingly at the flavour of the tea-blend had been quite lovely. Now his plan for the second half of the date was underway. “This way 'Tia. Not a new place I'm afraid, but a favourite.”

“Tea and a walk in the park.” Celestia smiled again and drew herself closer to the man. “Always my favourite way to spend an afternoon.”

“I recall. I hope today is as enjoyable as it was before.” He held onto a pale hand with a grin he hoped was dashing.

“I certainly remember that these trips involved ice-cream.” Celestia said, looking up with winsome eyes. “The parlour here has birthday-cake flavour.”

“Really? How fascinating.” Discord struck a gentlemanly pose. “Shall we?”

“We shall.” Celestia laughed as he led her through the park.


“We're at the right park?” Sunset asked, dropping her trash in the can at the gate. Her veggie special had really hit the spot and Luna had picked up a pair of large shakes for the price of a regular. Now, fed and ready to carry on seeking Celestia, they were at one of the many parks of Canterlot.

“Yup.” Luna finished off her shake and chucked the cup, making a victory pose when it went right into the can. “This park has an ice-cream parlour and it is Celestia's favourite. For a safe 'first' date Discord will choose this park.”

“Alright.” Sunset shrugged. “Lets go find them then.” She shoved at Luna a bit to get her aunt moving and received a playful swat in return. The pair wandered into the park on the lookout for their target couple.


Celestia had eaten her ice-cream. There had been birthday-cake flavour ice-cream, it came with sprinkles. It didn't take her long to polish it off. Discord had been a little more paced with his own cone. There was still plenty of his left to eat.

While Discord ate his treat, Celestia spent her time enjoying the park and looking around. There was plenty to see; dog walkers and joggers, families with children, other dating couples and a familiar pair doing there best to remain unseen.

Dashing from 'cover' to 'cover' Luna and Sunset were following them, a little ways off but still close enough to see. Celestia laughed, it turned into the lightest snort. “I've not heard that in a while. I was quite concerned you had outgrown it.” Discord bumped his shoulder against hers. “What brought that on.”

“It seems we have company.” Celestia didn't point but angled her head to show Discord where the two were. “Sorry, it looks like they came to spy.” They carried on walking through the park.

“Dearest, it gives me unbelievable joy to see your sister and your daughter attempting to covertly follow us.” He looked across with genuine happiness in his eyes. “Considering how things were in college and after, that Luna is so well and there is a young lady who looks to you as mother is simply wonderful.” Discord took the last bite of his ice-cream as Celestia walked alongside him.

“Discord, you are such a softy for someone who tries to look so much like a punk.” Celestia sighed and wrapped her fingers into Discord's. The whole date had felt like old times, they had gone back to it so easily and everything was right.

“You know, Chrys was probably the one who sold us those ice-creams.” Celestia said ruefully, but spotted something and giggled. Sunset had stepped out from behind a park map and a blue hand dragged her back.

“Or she is one of the trees.” Discord chuckled. The map sign didn't reach the floor, there were two pairs of jean clad legs visible below. “We can only hope she reveals her hiding spot after the fact.”

“I'm sure she will.” Celestia rolled her eyes. “And crow about it all the while.” The path turned along a bend and in a moment they would be out of view of the spying pair. But a spark of mischief and a desire to get closer had Celestia feeling a bit more forward. At risk of Discord being too polite, she'd have to do this first or risk waiting far too long for her own good (again).

Holding his arm still, she stopped and so did he. “What..” Discord began but was interrupted by a finger to his lips.

“Why not give them something to spy hmm?” Celestia moved her hand and closed the small distance between them, lifting herself a little and kissing him sweetly on the lips. Trying not to break it with the smile fighting to reach her face. Discord for his part was almost silent, but his hand reached around to slide his fingers into her hair.

They parted, Celestia stepping back to look at the man and smirk at his blush. “I knew you would be far too polite to do that.” She breathed a moment and laid her head against his chest. “And I have wanted to do that for quite some time.”

“Honestly, I never stopped.” Discord put an arm around her.


“So didn't need to see that.” Luna pulled a mock disgusted face and tugged Sunset away. “C'mon she saw us. There's no fun in it anymore.”

“I thought it was cute. They looked really happy.” Sunset turned to walk along with Luna. “I'm glad they're having a nice time.” They headed for where Luna had left her car. “What do you want to do now?”

“Home. TV. Pizza.” Luna called off. “They won't be back until late.”

“Sure.” Sunset was still smiling, she was very glad that Celestia had taken that chance.

Author's Note:

Here is a chapter. I am trying to keep the writing mojo going.