• Published 4th Oct 2016
  • 16,407 Views, 1,290 Comments

Making Family - Cirrus Sky

You can find a home, but sometimes you have to make a family. Sunset is working on that.

  • ...

Moving Day

Stacks of neatly taped boxes on the drive, each labelled with accuracy and some with added warnings for fragile items. A rental truck already part loaded and two girls were making light work of putting on the rest. Today Luna was moving out of Celestia's townhouse and moving in with Chrysalis.

“Twi' you get that stack of the fragile stuff, If we set it in the middle then it is all good and protected for the journey.” Applejack suggested to her friend, eight more loaded boxes marked books balanced in fours on each hand. “Ah'll put these around 'em and they won't move about so much.”

“That sounds like the best idea.” Twilight had a few boxes held up in her magic. Levitated with precision to avoid jostling the contents. The pair took their boxes to the truck, Rarity was inside making sure everything was placed just so.

Stood back a little, Luna whistled, impressed. “When you said the girls could help me move quickly, I didn't think it would be quite this fast.”

“Levitation magic and super strength comes in handy.” Sunset said, watching the last of the boxes move to the van.

Boxes that held everything Luna was taking out of the house. All her things really, the books and games, her DVDs and collections. The basement had been stripped bare, only one bookcase and the couch remaining. The bedroom wasn't much different, Luna's bed and the desk were unneeded in the home she was making with Chyrsalis and were all that was left in the room.

It hit Sunset then, that her aunt would be gone from the house. She had known that her aunt was moving out, that she was leaving the house. But it hadn't been real then. Now it was.

Luna wouldn't be in her room, or the basement. It wouldn't be the case that she would return from work or a date to their home. The supportive figure who understood was not going to be there any more.

“I'll only be a phone call away.” Luna said quietly, only for Sunset to hear. “Chrys knows better than most, that sometimes someone has to be there. I can be there for you.” She dropped an arm around Sunset's shoulders. “And don't think for a second that you can't come and crash at our place. You're my niece, and I think Chrys is pretty taken with the idea of being an aunty too.”

“I'll miss you.” Sunset said, a whisper.

“I'm not going far. Not even across town.” Luna turned Sunset closer for a hug. “I'm here for you and Chrys is here for you. Your Mom is here for you and Discord is virtually yelling from the rooftops that he is going to be a dad. You're loved Sunset.”

“I know.” Sunset said, still quiet, “Things are going to be a little bit different, but a lot of things have changed for me. Right? What is one more change.”

“Everything has been for the better.” Luna loosed the hug and smiled. She was dealing with a change too, but they were both going to love these changes when they were used to them.

Stood side by side again, both saw that the truck was loaded. The girls had noticed the pair were having an important conversation, so they had kept a respectful distance. Though it looked like Twilight was itching to go over to Sunset. She never liked to see her friend unhappy.

“Thanks for the help girls.” Luna said, pleased with how quickly they were done. It was enough to tell them that she and Sunset were finished talking. Almost straight away, Twilight was beside Sunset.

“No problem Miss Luna.” Applejack thumbed her hat. “We can help out at the other place too, if you like.”

“That would be a great help.” Luna went to the truck to check everything was secure, leaving Sunset and Twilight together.

“Are you alright?” Twilight said quietly. Seeing Sunset downcast always made her worry. The other girl always went out of her way to cheer her up, so Twilight wanted to return the favour.

“I guess so. It just hit me that Luna isn't going to be around as much. We got close you know?” Sunset sighed. “I'm being selfish.”

“No, I don't think you are.” Twilight took Sunset's hand. “I felt the same way when Shining moved out. He was my BBBFF and it was such a big change for him to be gone.”

“BBBFF?” Sunset asked, raising and eyebrow.

“Big Brother Best Friend Forever.” Twilight reeled off, giggling a little at the end and getting a smile from Sunset. “We were close, he was my only real friend. So it was strange when he wasn't just down the hall.” Looking over at Luna closing up the moving truck, Twilight shrugged. “But we are still close, he just lives somewhere else.”

“Yeah. Luna said she and Chrys would both be there if I need them.” Sunset managed a smile.

“See, you get two aunties now. Bonus!” Twilight smiled back, bumping her shoulder against Sunset's.

“Girls! Are you coming to help out?” Applejack shouted over, already in the farm truck and waiting to follow Luna.

“Of course we are!” Sunset shouted back and the pair ran over. Hopping in, it wasn't a long ride to Chrys' home.

It was a modern town house, something of an “architectural villa” in a neighbourhood of Canterlot City that had been designed by a famous name in building design. Understated but attractive, the clean lines and tinted glass were very Chrysalis.

“My stars...” Rarity was impressed by the structure, halting to admire it as they waited for Luna to open the moving truck.

“Chrys is a classy lady.” Sunset replied. She had visited a few times before. Chrysalis had taught her to ride a motorcycle and taken her to the dirt bike track at least once a month almost since Celestia had adopted Sunset. It had sometimes lead to them returning to the house to have some soda's and clean up after any spill on the bikes where Celestia would not get suspicious or alarmed.

“If you could help me to unload into the garage that would be great.” Luna had parked up the truck and the shutter to the garage was rolling up.

“Hello everyone. Here to get Luna all shacked up with me?” Chrysalis emerged from the garage, a grin across her face.

“Pretty much.” Sunset replied, deadpan. It was the best way to deal with the woman when she was in a cheeky mood.

With only the one place to put all the boxes, it was very short work. Twilight simply used her power to move them from the truck to the garage in one go, all the boxes arranged just as they had been loaded.

“You should consider starting a house moving business.” Chrysalis said when her jaw was off the floor.

“If we didn't have to try and keep this at least a little quiet, I would be right on it.” Twilight laughed.

With everything in the house now, down to Luna and Chrys to unpack and arrange everything, the group jumped back into Applejack's truck. It was with a little twinge of sadness that Sunset waved to her aunt as they drove away.

But this was a good change for Luna, Sunset would get used to her aunt not being around the house all the time.

Besides, within the week Discord would be calling the smart town house home.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long, I was never happy with the chapter. However I have made it into a something I can publish.
I still have more stuff to post in future, once it is polished.