• Published 4th Oct 2016
  • 16,388 Views, 1,290 Comments

Making Family - Cirrus Sky

You can find a home, but sometimes you have to make a family. Sunset is working on that.

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A despondent Twilight Sparkle stood on her porch. “Twi'?” Sunset reached out to the girl. It was clear she had travelled in the rain that was lashing the street outside, her hair was mostly down from the weight of water and her glasses were dappled with droplets.

“Sun-” Twilight took a shuddering breath and tears started to streak her face. She didn't complete Sunset's name, let alone her sentence. Sunset took Twilight's hand and pulled her into the house, she shut the door on the cold and the rain.

“Let me get that.” Sunset spoke gently, pulling the zipper down on Twilight's coat and pulling the wet jacket off her, hanging it by the door. “Oh, Twilight.” Her friend was still in tears, holding back sobs.

Sunset had heard the knock as she was reading in the lounge, but had not expected to find such a broken Twilight Sparkle at the door. “He. He has a n-new girlfriend.” Twilight hiccuped out as her sobs escaped at last.

“What?” Sunset immediately grabbed Twilight into an embrace. “Twilight, you didn't even tell us it was over!” Holding the other girl close, she could feel how soaked by rain Twilight was. “Come with me, get dry and warm.” Leading Twilight through the house, she caught sight of Celestia in a doorway. Her Mom looked from one girl to another and understood, signalling for Sunset to carry on.

Twilight was unresisting as she was led through the house, Sunset paused to fetch towels from a cupboard in the hall. “I can loan you something dry to wear too.” Sunset carefully placed a towel over Twilight's hair as they entered her room. Sitting Twilight down on the bed, Sunset found a sweater and leggings.

“Thanks.” Twilight's voice was soft and her lip still trembled. She took the offered clothes and towel and slipped into the bathroom.

Sunset started to shuffle some cushions and blankets around on her bed, Twilight would need something comforting and cosy to be. Even if she wasn't ready to talk about the subject. A light tap on her bedroom door caught her attention. “Hi?”

“I've called Velvet, to let her know that Twilight's has come here.” Celestia was holding her phone, “Her family are less worried now, apparently she just walked out of the house.”

“Timber and Twilight broke up.” Sunset said, sadness for her friend colouring her tone. “Today Timber is dating someone new, but that is all I know.” The teen shrugged.

Her bathroom door clicked open and Twilight stepped out in the borrowed clothes, her own wet clothes bundled in her arms. “Oh, um...” She trailed off, looking down at the floor.

“I can launder and dry those for you Twilight.” Celestia said with all her warmth and kindness. “I was just letting Sunset know that I've contacted your Mom.” Taking the wet clothes, she rested a caring hand to Twilight's shoulder. “You're always welcome here sweetheart.”

“You don't need to worry about showing up.” Sunset added.

“Thank you.” Twilight whispered, she let Sunset lead her again, this time to the bed to be wrapped up in soft fleece blanket. Celestia left the pair with a sympathetic smile.

Tucking the blanket just so, Sunset smiled to Twilight. “There we go, nice and snug.” Sitting next to her friend, they were both silent a moment.

“We couldn't do long distance very well.” Twilight spoke quietly. “I agreed it was the best idea to break things off.” Sunset kept silent, she wanted to let Twilight share what information she was willing. No interrupting questions or forcing out more than Twilight could tell. “I thought we could figure things out without the pressure of a dating, all the expectations.” Twilight began to press her fingers together, fidgeting with her fingertips, an outer sign of her inner turmoil.

“He's got a new girlfriend now.” Twilight's voice broke on a sob. “He updated MyStable. Lots of new selfies with her.” With that, the girl leaned in to Sunset, hiding her face against the other girl's shoulder.

“I'm really sorry to hear that Twilight.” Sunset soothed her friend, putting both arms around her. “You could have spoken with me, or Rarity; we would have heard you out.” All the girls had agreed to help Twilight navigate friendship and any other relationships if she needed it, no judgement at all.

“I thought I was doing the best thing.” Twilight mumbled.

“It was always your call Twi'.” Sunset agreed, keeping on hugging her friend. “Want to just hang out and watch movies?”Twilight nodded against her. “Mom has all the Disney films, we have all the streaming services. Name a film Sparkle.”

Cuddled up in blankets on the bed, Sunset and Twilight watched a film. Sunset was glad to see her friend slowly calm down and her tears stop.

Whatever happened next, Sunset was determined that she would be there for her friend. This was Twilight's very first heartbreak and she needed supportive friends.

Author's Note:

Another short one.

The past months have been dreadful. I am still working on more story, but I want it to be good quality.

I hope this suffices for now.