• Published 4th Oct 2016
  • 16,407 Views, 1,290 Comments

Making Family - Cirrus Sky

You can find a home, but sometimes you have to make a family. Sunset is working on that.

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'Tis the season

The Holiday season was starting today. Sunset's phone was one of the many devices, adverts and people which had told her so. This year was set to be the best ever though. This year she would have friends to share it with, without the taint of a scandal, bullying and depression to linger in her mind.

This year she had a family to share the holidays with too. They had already had a Thanksgiving dinner, with Chrysalis and Discord visiting and a video call to her grandmother. Sunset had nearly cried when they got to sharing what they were thankful for. Her Mom had been full of praise for her, Luna had repeated her thoughts on having a niece. Then Discord had shared how happy he was for his “dearest friend” to have fulfilled her wish.

Of course, Sunset had stammered through expressing just how thankful she was for being accepted into a family and spotted Celestia's eyes shining with happy tears. That had set Discord off into over-dramatics and culminated in Chrysalis throwing a potato at him.

The spread could have almost rivalled the Apple family and there was plenty for Sunset and also the meat-eaters of the family. There had been leftovers for a fair few days, though all the sweets had been eaten on the day.

Now it was the first of December and though it was a school day, Sunset was excited for the promised festivities. While she knew about how Hearth's Warming was similar in ways to the winter holidays of the human world, apparently there was something in the run-up to the day. All through the month there would be something, according to her mom.

It was a useful distraction from the emotions surrounding last year too.


Washed and dressed, Sunset again got down to the kitchen before Luna, thought the grumbling sounds from the bedroom probably meant her aunt was awake. Apparently some of her online games had limited time winter events and she always got carried away playing through some. “Good morning Sunset.” Celestia smiled and then sipped her tea.

“Good morning.” Sunset smiled back and went to take her place at the table. On the table there was something a little different to usual. A festively wrapped parcel was on her chair, whenshe picked it up, the paper crinkled and the gift felt soft.

“We wait for Luna for opening these.” Celestia said, “Fortunately, this time of year she is more likely to wake a little brighter.” As if on cue, Luna actually walked into the kitchen. Gone was the shuffle of waking-gloom and while she made a bee-line to the coffee pot it was with a lot more coherence.

“G'morning.” Luna took her seat, coffee in hand and reaching for her parcel with the other. Once she was seated she grinned at her family. “Do we get the calendars yet 'Tia?” Snaring a few pastries on the table and dropping them on her plate, she looked to her older sister.

“Sunset gets to go first. Mom's rule was always for the youngest first, remember?” Celestia smirked back.

“Phooey.” Luna poked her tongue out but didn't protest more. She knew that this was Sunset's first holiday with a family and wanted her to have the most fun possible. “Sweaters first though.” She crumpled the paper parcel in her hands, listening to the paper rustle.

“Yes, yes. Sweaters first.” Celestia smiled indulgently at her sister and produced her own wrapped parcel. “Discord chose mine this year. It should be interesting.” She coloured a little at Luna's teasing snigger. “I got yours and Sunset's, I do hope you like them.”

“Come on Sunset, tear in!” Luna pulled the paper apart quickly. In moments she was holding up a black knitted sweater, white patterns incorporated to create a design. “Oh! I love it.” Luna hugged it a moment and then had it on quickly.

With her aunt wearing it, Sunset could see that the sweater had a pattern of snowflakes, however at a second look she spotted the TIE Fighters, X-Wings and faction logos hiding amongst the few actual snowflake designs. “That's clever.”Sunset commented. She knew what they were now, after Twilight and Luna had discovered the gaps in her knowledge and “human cultural experiences”.

“Open yours!” Luna pointed to the parcel Sunset held. At the prompting, Sunset tore the paper at an edge and slid out a sweater. The red woollen sweater was soft and would certainly be warm. Sunset unfolded it .

“Its so lovely. Thanks mom.” Sunset smiled genuinely. The geometric designs where in white, snowflakes and reindeer came in rows between the stripes of patterns.

“I know it is a little more traditional than Luna's but I wanted your first holiday season as part of the family to be just like those we had as children.” Celestia said, she was a little quieter at the end, almost as if she was shy making the suggestion.

Sunset pulled her sweater on over her t-shirt, it was indeed soft and warm, just what she needed since it had been snowing a few days already. “It is perfect Mom. Thanks.” She looked at the parcel her mother held. Unlike the other two, this one was wrapped it what could only be called “tropical” print paper. It looked more like a Hawaiian shirt than a holiday gift. “Can we see what Discord got you?” Sunset smiled with false innocence.

“Ooo, yeah.” Luna said, around most of a mouthful of colourful cereal. “What did lover-boy bring by?”

Celestia blushed, which set the other two sniggering. “I'll open it now.” She too was careful with the paper, not quite sure if there would even be a sweater inside, Discord did have a very peculiar sense of humour after all. It was with a little relief that the paper revealed a knitted green sweater. She unfolded it and laughed. “I suppose it does look seasonal anyway.”

Revealing it to her family, Luna and Sunset laughed too. While it had pine trees and snowflakes, the creatures frolicking upon it were not so logical.

They were dinosaurs, picked out in white outlines on the green wool. All of them sporting little red Santa hats with actual bobbles attached.

“Legitimately amazing.” Luna said when she had recovered. “I dare you to wear that to school.”
“I was going to wear mine anyway.” Sunset added, with a hint of challenge. She hoped that it would happen, if only to see what Rarity's reaction would be.

“Uh huh, I'm wearing mine.” Luna agreed, a fist bump shared with Sunset sealed their pact.

“Alright then. I will.” Celestia said. “But we'll also get a photograph for the school's online newsletter of the two of us, and one to send to Mom of all three of us.” She was actually quite taken with the idea, if it went down well, she could try and make it into a school event.

“No problem.” Luna nodded and then drained her coffee. “I'm actually glad Discord didn't slip some other kind of Christmas wear in there...” Her 'yuck' face was expressive of just how distateful that could be.


When they had eaten breakfast, there was still more than enough time before they had to leave, meaning they could talk a little longer in the lounge. It was after they had settled down when Luna pulled a box from beside the couch. “Breakfast is over, time for the Calendars!” Luna sounded the sort of gleeful that toys and goodies prompted.

“Calendars?” Sunset was surprised to be handed a thin box covered in numbered panels. The festive scene was of a country town in deep snow and on closer inspection, each panel looked removable.

“One for every day until Christmas.” Luna said, her box was larger, it had LEGO logos and Star Wars printed next to them. “One treat every day.” She was about to poke her finger into the card when Celestia coughed and shot a look.

“Youngest first.” She reminded, Luna pulled a face but conceded. She lowered her box. “Sunset, it is pretty simple. One door is marked with a number one.”

“I see it.” Sunset peeled back the panel to reveal a tiny charm and a wrapped candy. “That's cute.” The charm wasn't much bigger than a dime, but it was a carefully detailed snowflake. “Thanks for this gift too.”

“This calendar has little treats and trinkets. Luna picked out hers and I hoped this would be alright for you.” Celestia said over the sound of Luna already opening her day's treat. Ripping card and tearing plastic bags was clearly audible.

“I love them.” Sunset unwrapped the candy and ate it, caramel was always enjoyable. She was wondering where to keep the charm safe too. “What have you got Mom?”

“Me? I have fancy chocolates.” Celestia had opened her calendar also and there was just the slightest smudge of chocolate on her lip. She swallowed and smiled. “I like chocolates.” They both giggled and Luna showed off her prize for her family.

When they parted to get ready for school, Sunset was overflowing with happiness. No space for even one spot of sadness about the previous year and how things had been that winter.


Some of her friends were already waiting by the plinth when Sunset arrived. Applejack always started her day early and Twilight was always more than punctual. She walked over to join them. Both girls were wrapped up warm against the chill of winter snow. “Hey girls.” Sunset called.

“Howdy Sunset.” Applejack replied.

“Hi Sunset.” Twilight looked up from the book she was reading. She smiled. “I really like your sweater.” Twilight greeted Sunset with a hug, one Sunset always gladly returned.

“Thanks, it was a gift.” She drew back and smiled to Twilight. “Family tradition, Mom has one too and so does Aunty Luna.”

“It looks nice.” Twilight smiled, she kept an arm linked Sunset's as they waited at the statue plinth for more of their friends to arrive.


It was getting close to the bell and the start to the school day. Never tardy, the whole group were waiting at their favourite spot and chatting. Sunset was still pretty close to Twilight, she was aware of this and of other times that the girl had kept near to her or shown just a little more affection. She was still trying to mentally deal with a reaction this morning when someone called her name.

“Sunset, we're getting that photo. Get over here!” Luna shouted from the steps. Now that her friends knew of Sunset's family everyone had gotten a little less secretive about it. Though, it wasn't exactly busy outside the school building on such a cold day.

“Sure.” Sunset said, released by Twilight to join her mother and aunt on the steps. They had even roped Raven into taking the photo. Standing cheerfully with her family, Sunset smiled for the camera, ignoring Rainbow's sniggering and Rarity's dramatics over the sweaters.

This photo was of her with her mother and her aunt. It was going to be sent to her grandmother who would probably set it as her desktop wallpaper and print it off for her desk in work. From what she had figured in their Skype conversations, she would probably have it on her phone to bother colleagues with. Then she'd get the three of “her girls” to wear their sweaters for Christmas when she visited.

Sunset had really made a family. She looked over to grin at her friends, spotting Twilight's shining eyed gaze back, Fluttershy's smile of shared happiness, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow making up teasing things to call as Applejack, long-sufferingly, comforted Rarity over the outfits. Life was really good, the events of the previous holidays were gone and everything was looking great.

She smiled for the camera and the flash fired off.

Author's Note:

So, festives!

I also have a plan for a second spin off from Finding Home. Friends and Others can cover the more Sunset and her friends times. It will have the shipping. Also, probably, the bits that are not so oriented around Sunset and her Family.
