• Published 4th Oct 2016
  • 16,388 Views, 1,290 Comments

Making Family - Cirrus Sky

You can find a home, but sometimes you have to make a family. Sunset is working on that.

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A Canterlot Visit

Sunset and Celestia had fallen asleep on the bed in Sunset's room while reading. The unicorn had found a book all about the night sky and was eagerly sharing it with her Mom. Discord had found them sleeping, Celestia with one white wing spread over the amber unicorn. “How I wish for a camera.” He mumbled. Ready to sleep, he pressed a kiss to two foreheads and used his new magic to shrink down to almost the size of a cat and settled in at Celestia's other side.


The sunrise woke the sleeping unicorn. Sunset, the first of her family to wake, blanketed by white feathers and cosily cuddled up beside her Mom. A tiny dragonic tail was laid across her back too. Discord had seemingly shrunk himself.

Shuffling out from under the wing, Sunset looked up and saw Discord, as small as a cat and currently curled up between Celestia's wing joints. The unicorn smiled at her adoptive parents and snuggled back to sleep a little longer.


A knock at the door woke the three sleepers next. Discord raised his head like a periscope to see over Celestia's head. Sunset uncurled to look out from under a wing and Celestia looked across with bleary eyes.

“Rise and shine!” Luna bounded in looking freshly showered and in a very good mood.

“Is breakfast ready?” Celestia groaned. Why was it that her sister was so energised for the morning today? Usually she was zombie-like and silent.

“I heard Spike call that he had made food.” Luna grinned. “Come on! It smells great!” She actually cantered away.

“How?” Discord yawned and rolled off Celestia and jumped from the bed, growing to his usual size.

“Earth Pony.” Sunset said, blinking and staying under the warm wing. “They can draw energy and vitality from the earth itself. A lot of earth ponies live a very long time also.”

“This world is truly fascinating.” Celestia said, now more awake. “But what I think I'd like to investigate first is the variety of breakfast pastries.” She smiled with a gleam in her eye.


The family of three met with Chrysalis, in her disguise of a normal unicorn, walking by. She did at least look a little embarrassed. “About last night.”

“Doing my best to erase it from my mind.” Sunset said immediately. Discord nodding his head so much it detached.

“We'll all agree not to talk about it.” Celestia added. “Now I want breakfast before Luna eats everything.”


The breakfast meal was very enjoyable for the visitors. Spike and Pinkie Pie had joined forces in the kitchen to put on a “True Taste of Equestria” that included very many baked goods. Everyone had indulged in a little too much food.

“You're going to have to try flying to get some exercise in.” Luna teased as her older sister took another muffin from the platter.

“I was going to try flying before we left.” Celestia looked excited a moment. “But today we will be visiting Canterlot. Canterlot here, I mean.” She looked over at Sunset who was talking with her friends. Princess Twilight and Starlight Glimmer were discussing something using words Celestia had never heard and were most certainly related to Magic. “Sunset wants to show me the city she grew up in.”

“And visit Sunshimmer?” Chrysalis asked softly.

“From what I can gather, yes.” Celestia knew that the visit she and Luna had taken Sunset along on set the girl thinking. It was not a nice thing to have in common, losing a parent, but it meant she could help her daughter. “There are a few places she wants me to see that were important to her and I don't think we'll come back here without that.”

“We made plans today.” Luna said, looking conflicted. “Big Mac invited us to visit the farm and see a little of the Everfree Forest.”

“You two don't need to stick with us.” Celestia nuzzled at her sister, again slightly impressed with how instinct could make her act. “Discord, Sunset and I will visit the city, you visit the farm.”

With plans set, the family continued with breakfast. There was still time to kill before the train was due to depart for the city.


Discord had adopted a more equine appearance for the journey, his native counterpart was not known for behaving himself when in public and it was the plan that they would have a quiet trip. The distinguished looking grey unicorn stallion was lanky and had brown dapples. It amused Celestia no end that he had kept the white and black hair as a two toned mane and tail, with a little white goatee on his chin. To nail the look, he wore a tweed jacket with leather patches on the elbow.

Sunset was sat beside him, she looked immensely pleased with herself, Celestia could guess it was because the young unicorn had a family travelling with her. Their talks at home, unpacking all the bad and the sad of the girl's past had brought up the subject of her rootless family. The unicorn prodigy from nowhere amongst the high-born nobility who's past was of high importance. Now the amber coated unicorn was sat beside a distinguished unicorn stallion father with a beautiful pegasus mother.

Also, Sunset was quite excited to share the city with her parents. She had already mentioned three cafes, a library and a half-dozen bakeries.

But Celestia could see that this was more a distraction for her daughter. Sunset Shimmer was avoiding dwelling on one of her planned visits. To go to the cemetery, to see Sunshimmer's final resting place. Something she had never done before, first too young, then too focused on her goals to look back.

It had been a source of guilt for Sunset, but Luna's kind words had helped the teen, she too had been unable to visit a dear parent. Their conversations had strengthened Sunset's resolve to visit the cemetery.

Now it was so close, Celestia could tell Sunset was nervous and covering for it.

“Will we visit the palace?” Celestia asked as the city came into view, the train nearly at the top of the mountain and gleaming white towers rose ahead.

“Um, maybe?” Sunset blinked once and looked out of the window. “There are some things I would like to bring home with me.”

“We can go and collect them.” Discord said with an encouraging smile for Sunset. He and his counterpart had spent some time discussing his new position as a father, the millennia old creature of chaos had been intrigued with the thought and shared a little “wisdom”.

“I promise to behave myself.” Celestia said, slight hint of teasing in her voice. That got Sunset smiling again, just in time for the train to come to a halt at the Central Station.


The family of three sat at a table outside a little cafe in the city. The beautiful and ancient city was fascinating to the visiting pair and Sunset was pleased that they were enjoying it. While she had never really been attached to Canterlot, to an extent it was “her” city. She had been born and raised there for a time after all.

“Did you visit here often?” Celestia asked, looking around the little square, it was one of many they had come across as they walked the city. She loved it. The architecture was beautiful and put her in mind of the European cities she had visited. Taking Sunset to one or two was an idea for when they were back from Equestria.

“Sometimes. The Princess would take me here for lunch during my studies.” Sunset had a drink held up by red magic, she wasn't really enjoying the tea now, her memories were drifting to why they had stopped visiting.

“It is a good spot to people watch.” Discord was watching the citizens about their business, there were a lot of unicorns around. “Or, ah, pony watch.” He chuckled as a stallion in judges robe and wig trotted by, a winged gavel embroidered on the robe. It made him curious as to his profession here in a magical land. A thought for later.

They had visited the stores and places Sunset had wished to and now it was the time they all knew she was avoiding. “So, um. There's a flower seller between here and the cemetery.” Sunset looked down the street. “We're near the entrance too, the memorial grounds, park and royal gardens are all part of the same area. The Princess set part of her land aside for everypony to enjoy and to remember.”

“We're here with you.” Celestia leaned closer to the unicorn, placing a wing around her.

“Whenever you are ready.” Discord sat forward to lay a hoof on her.

“Thanks Mom.” Sunset sniffled. “Thanks Dad.” She remained in the embrace a moment. Gathering her emotions. She wanted to visit her Mom, the mare who had given birth to her and loved her so much. The mare she loved with all her heart.

Shifting a little, Sunset let her parents know she was ready to go. “I don't know what her favourite flowers were.” She sniffed again, feeling tears gather. “Can you help me choose some?”


The cemetery was in a beautiful space, green and quiet with trees and hedgerows dividing sections apart. Sunset had a spell that was leading her where she needed to go, the incantation was on a plaque by the entrance to the cemetery, a simple aid to lead any pony to the plot they wished to visit.

The spellcast arrow led the way, but Sunset didn't run. She kept an even pace, her adoptive mother beside her, ready with a comforting wing-hug. Discord held the flowers in a swirl of his magic, they had chosen a colourful assortment from the seller near the gates.

It didn't take long to reach the space set aside for Sunshimmer. A simple stone with her name and cuite-mark engraved into it. Some thoughtful pony had added the colours to the cutie-mark and Sunset felt her tears fall. She had forgotten what it had looked like after so many years.

“H-hi Mommy.” Sunset whispered, her voice cracking. “I came to visit.” The amber unicorn sat on the grass ahead of the stone and pressed her muzzle against it. “Sorry it took me so long.”

Discord and Celestia held back, they both wanted to let Sunset work her way through this at her own pace. It wasn't easy, every instinct of Celestia's demanded she sweep her daughter into a hug and hold the hurt away.

“Mommy... I missed you so much.” A sob broke the words. “I was so nasty and, and I hurt people.” Sunset poured her heart out to the memorial stone. All the bad but all the good too.


It took at least an hour for Sunset to share her whole story but no one was keeping track of time. It was important for her to grieve properly.

Eventually her words just naturally petered out and her tears slowed. Dabbing at her eyes, Sunset sat up and finally looked over at her adoptive parents. “Mommy, this is my new family.” She felt a wing and a hoof across her as Discord and Celestia stepped forward.

“Hello Sunshimmer.” Celestia bowed her head to the memorial stone. “You have a wonderful daughter.” She focused on the name. “I will take care of your daughter. I love her so much.”

“She is someone quite special.” Discord added. “I for one am glad she is a part of my life.” He passed the flowers to Sunset, carefully. The unicorn was too emotional to use her magic, so amber hooves caught the bouquet and reverently laid it at the foot of the memorial stone.

“Mommy... I can't promise I will visit again soon, but I will come back.” Sunset's voice trembled but she needed to speak. Pressing her muzzle to the stone one last time, she blew a kiss. “I love you Mom.”

Author's Note:

Bit of a gap, sorry. I have been a bit tired and work was so busy that I just couldn't do anything productive after.