• Published 4th Oct 2016
  • 16,406 Views, 1,290 Comments

Making Family - Cirrus Sky

You can find a home, but sometimes you have to make a family. Sunset is working on that.

  • ...

Star Star

Spying on Sunset had not been Twilight's aim when she left the tent. In fact, she had not even noticed her friend's bed was empty. The call of nature had drawn her from sleep and her bed and that meant making her way across the camp to the “comfort” block.

After finishing up and washing her hands, Twilight had started her way back to the tent. Pausing a moment she listened to the sounds of the camp at night. The lap of the lake waters at the dock, the calls of nocturnal creatures and the soft sound of someone strumming a guitar. The music was a little out of place at this early hour.

Tracing the source of the sound, Twilight was sure it came from by the fire circle. A little way from the centre of the camp and further again from the tents. She quietly approached, not wanting to surprise whoever played. The music was very nice and she'd hate for it to stop on her account.

Drawing closer, she heard someone start to sing. “Star, star, teach me how to shine, shineTeach me so I know what's going on in your mind.” She knew that voice, Twilight knew it very well.

Reaching the fire circle she spotted the singer. Sunset. The other girl was sat on a log, her guitar balanced on her knee as she looked to the clear sky and sang. Her words were sang out clearly, with so much emotion and Twilight felt her heart flutter a little.

She focused on Sunset, her fingers as she strummed out the melody and her face as she blessed the night air with her song. There was a sort of melancholy to her and as the lyrics became words with a meaning to Twilight, it was so slightly a sad song.

Wondering what Sunset was thinking about to sing such a song, maybe even who, Twilight kept back among the trees. Her stomach had butterflies and her heart sang along with the redhead. But it couldn't mean anything could it? Her feelings just after the Friendship Games had been a reaction to being saved. Just a silly crush on someone who showed her friendship.

She liked Timber, really. He was a nice guy, friendly and good looking. Intelligent. Interested in her... Twilight had nearly had her first kiss. She'd danced with him and had a wonderful evening.

But then she'd also had a good time with Sunset. Who was nice, friendly, intelligent. Really good looking... She shook her head. The music was coming to an end, in fact Sunset was simply strumming out wandering tunes.

Afraid of discovery and confused by the thoughts and feelings swirling through her head (it looked like Midnight's absence was allowing room for other concerns now) Twilight hurried back to the tent.


Out here at Camp Everfree the night sky is like Equestria's. There are no electrical lights to block out the skies, to hide the stars. Sunset tried to kid herself its why she decided to leave the tent and sit out in the fire circle. She'd picked up her guitar as she left, needing the distraction.

Sunset had spent most of the night lying awake, trying not to watch Twilight sleep. Trying not to dwell on the fact that her friend seemed to have a boyfriend now. Trying not to go over in her mind what her feelings were for Twilight.

Trying not to let disappointment settle in her heart, evading the sadness. It was difficult to do, just lying in bed there was little to distract her. So Sunset had left her bed, the tent and the girl who was at the centre of this emotional conflict.

Her guitar helped her think or to focus on something else. Though, of course, the song that came to her as she began, the melody that she picked out on strings, was the song she had been practising to play for Twilight.

“No.” She halted with a discordant twang, starting up another song by choice and not by musical wandering. A different one, just a nice tune that was technical enough to demand a focus.

As she played, Sunset looked up to the sky, to the stars.

Again the melody and lyrics came to her and again Sunset forced herself to another.

It took a while of this, Sunset growing ever more tense, until she surrendered to the song.

She had come across it on the internet and had decided it was such a lovely piece. The first stirrings of deeper feelings for Twilight, the Twilight of this world, had been making themselves known at this point.

Her staunch supporter when she had broken down at school, a true friend who was willing to be open. A girl who understood so much of being alone and of giving in to a darkness. She was not the Princess and Sunset knew her feelings for Twilight were not rooted in her admiration for her saviour.

But Twilight was not interested in a deeper relationship than their friendship. Sunset could deal with that. She would deal with it. So she played the melody and sang with all her heart.

As she finished the melody, it was simple to fall into a few exercises to relax with. Sunset finished with a smile, she did feel a lot better now. Tomorrow, well later today, was a new dawn and something new would come along to tackle with her friends.

Yawning mightily, Sunset carried her tired body and her guitar back to the tent. Setling the instrument down and climbing into bed, she fell asleep quickly.

What she wasn't aware of, however, was the other girl in the tent. Twilight lay awake looking across at her friend, a small smile and a blush gracing her features. Even if the feelings behind them were confusing.

Author's Note:

Not ship sinking, but this ship does not sail on calm seas.

Here are the lyrics to the song. I love The Frames, one of their tracks came on a CD I got for free on a cereal box when I was around eleven and just starting to explore music for myself. This and a second track (that may be the focus of another short story) are my two favourites.

Anyway, hope this is ok. If people would rather the shipping elsewhere, I will move it to another Fic. Opinions?

EDIT: Changed a little bit as I found what I had been looking for. Bark.