• Published 4th Oct 2016
  • 16,407 Views, 1,290 Comments

Making Family - Cirrus Sky

You can find a home, but sometimes you have to make a family. Sunset is working on that.

  • ...


It was a week night, a school night really, but Sunset was still off sick. She was living with Celestia and Luna, recovering in their care. They had picked up a few things for her, but once Celestia had looked at exactly what Sunset had to her name, she had insisted on taking her to buy more things.

Now they were in one of the better supermarkets not only finding necessary clothes and school supplies, but also all kinds of foods Sunset would enjoy eating. It looked like Celestia was enjoying herself plenty, looking at the fruit and vegetables with interest. “Anything you really like to have?” Celestia was stood by a vibrant display of squash and eyeing up one or two of the more robust offerings.

It was the case that Sunset was getting a little like Pinkie Pie in a candy store, all the many staple ingredients in dishes she'd not had since her days in the palace were there. “A pumpkin? I really like soup and pie.”

“Sounds good. A nice hearty soup for the cold weather.” Celestia added one to the cart. She chose a bunch of carrots that looked nice, Sunset would snack on them raw she'd noticed. Sweet potatoes went in as did an few more root vegetables.

“You don't have to get all this on my account.” Sunset looked at the load already in the cart. They had browsed the clothing, picking out necessities like pyjamas, socks and underwear. Then Celestia had insisted on some warmer hoodies and sweaters, just until they could take a trip to clothing stores at the mall.

“Nonsense Sunset. You need to eat and eat well to get better.” Celestia selected a big bag of spinach and a head of cabbage. “Are there any fruits you would like me to get? I always have apples and berries, but if there is anything else I'll be happy to pick some up.”

“Um.” Sunset looked across at the colourful selection of fruits. Mangos and papayas looked very tempting. She'd not had a chance to eat them since Equestria. The princess was often gifted with many fine examples of sun-loving fruits and Sunset had loved to have some.

Spotting her focus on the fruits, Celestia picked up some and chose some others to add to the fruit bowl. She might prefer pastries and Luna had a love of candies, but it couldn't hurt to get something a little healthier too. “Do you like oranges or on of the smaller varieties? Satsumas are nice.”

“I, um, either is good.” Sunset said, reminding herself that she could have nice things and Celestia wanted her to have nice things. The room at her house was evidence of that already, this shopping trip confirming it. “Thank you.”

“Sorry, I'm not putting you on the spot am I?” Celestia noticed how uneasy the girl seemed.

“I don't want to impose on you so much.” Sunset said, folding her arms and gripping her elbows. Once again Celestia saw the difference in the girl now from the bully before.

“You aren't imposing. I invited you to stay with Luna and I so that you had somewhere better to live than that derelict building. Living with us means you get fed too, so I'm going to buy you good food.” Celestia gently gripped a jacket clad shoulder. “Don't worry. If you're sure that this is enough from this part of the store then we can look at the other sections.”

“That really is all the fruits and vegetables I can think of right now.” Sunset said, smiling timidly. She was still so unsure of herself in situations where people wanted to treat her well.

“Right. Well, there are plenty of other things to choose from in the other sections.” Celestia let go of Sunset's shoulder and gestured towards the aisles further back.

“Okay.” Sunset followed along until they stopped where the refrigerated aisles began.

“You might prefer to stick to the dairy aisle.” Celestia said, it was her turn to look uneasy. “I know you're vegetarian and have been very respectful with us meat eaters, but I think expecting you to come into the meat aisles and butcher's section is a little much.”

“Oh! Yeah.” Sunset drew back from the sight, it made her feel a little icky to see everything unprepared. There was some degree of separation from cooked meals and the living creature, but the packaged cuts of meat were too close for comfort. She'd had conversations with such animals in Equestria, it was a small mercy that the people of this culture didn't eat equines. “I'll go and look for yoghurt and cheese... Yeah.” She hurried away.

It was fine for others to eat meat and the prepared meals never looked too bad, but Sunset knew she was never going to be able to eat any. It was nice of Celestia to consider her this way.


Celestia joined Sunset in the dairy section, there was a box in her cart with the lid folded closed. “It's all packed in there. You did say it was okay for us to cook meat when you're around?”

“Sure.” Sunset shrugged. “AJ is a big fan of cook-outs. I'm used to it, I just eat the same as Fluttershy.” She looked at the box. “Thanks for this. It is a little freaky for me when it is like that.”

“Not a problem.” Celestia smiled, glad she'd not offended Sunset. “Have you found anything here you want to try? I'll be picking out my favourites and Luna's.” She looked to her favourite brands and picked out some flavours. She was surprised and pleased when Sunset added others without any cajoling.

“I spotted some great flavours. I didn't even think of passion fruit flavour and now I have to try it.” Sunset put the pots into the cart. “And some cheese looks pretty familiar. Could I have some of that too please?”

“Of course. Ah ha, and they have the cream cheese on offer.” Celestia followed Sunset, it looked like she had settled a little with the point of the shopping trip. Not too shy now, after Celestia's little pep talk.


Overall, it had been a successful trip to the grocery store. When Sunset had allowed Celestia to treat her to plenty of nice things both had had a much better time of it. They had enjoyed themselves, picking cereal and snacks, choosing the staples like pasta and rice. The free samples had provided cheese pizza slices and little portions of cake, much to their delight.

After that, Sunset hadn't tried to argue against a new notepad Celestia had come across, or the stationary set that matched. She'd also mentioned her plans for a proper shopping trip to a mall at some point. Once Sunset was back in school and fully recovered from her 'flu.

“I'm glad we picked up pizzas today.” Celestia said after they loaded the car. “I could do with quick and easy to prepare tonight.” She laughed, “I love to get lazy at the end of the day.”

“Really?” Sunset was surprised, “You always seem so switched on.”

“True, but that takes a lot of effort sometimes, so I like to just spend an evening getting some quality sofa time when I have the chance.” Celestia said, they got into the car and she started it up.

After a while of silence, Sunset considered the almost impossible image of the woman lounging about eating pizza. It was a nice one really, approachable and a little fun. “How about a pyjama party?” Sunset was shy, but she knew that Celestia wanted her to be part of the household, not just a guest or a charity case.

“Now that sounds like a plan.” Celestia grinned, glad that Sunset seemed to be getting so much more comfortable.


Luna returned home to find the other occupants lounging around on the sofas in pyjamas. They had a big but depleted bottle of cola and three pizzas between them. Celestia gave her sister a languid wave, making Sunset giggle.

Pulling a face, she made her way to the kitchen to prepare herself a pizza.

Though, with growing panic, her search wasn't turning anything up bat bags and bags of healthy fruit and vegetables. “'Tia! Where are the goodies? I can't find the goodies!”

Actual guffaws came from the living room and she stormed in to find Celestia and Sunset almost falling off their seats. “Oh Lu' it was too good to resist.” Celestia sniggered and stumbled on her words. “The 'goodies' are in the utility room, I think you only came across Sunset's groceries.”

“Pah.” Luna blew a raspberry, it had been a terrible and awful prank. Though, it was also a very good one. It was nice having someone else around to enjoy it with.

Author's Note:

I think this sums up a shopping experience. I drive my mum to the supermarket for the weekly shop and we have a fun time even if it is a bit of a chore.

As a note, I am a complete meat eater of the worst order (Hog roast, mmm) like, GoT style banquet/Viking Feast is just my kind of thing. But, I respect vegetarians who have made a moral or dietary decision not to eat meat, so long as they respect that I am fully aware of the food production chain and still eat meat. So, I am writing Sunset as the better kind of vegetarian (like my sister is).

Also: Trollestia strikes! :trollestia: