• Published 4th Oct 2016
  • 16,404 Views, 1,290 Comments

Making Family - Cirrus Sky

You can find a home, but sometimes you have to make a family. Sunset is working on that.

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Equestrian Vignettes: Flying

“Wings out.” Rainbow demonstrated to her student.

“Wings out.” Celestia repeated, spreading out her new limbs. They had been easy to use on instinct for other actions, hugging or shielding Sunset with barely a thought. Hopefully flying would come to her as naturally.

She really really wanted to fly.

“Try flapping them.” Rainbow looked over at the mare, it was strange to think that the adult pegasus had never flown. But then she was visiting from a world where she had no wings. “Twilight says that pegasi shouldn't be able to fly, it is our magic that lets us. Our wings are how we use the magic, so give it a try.”

Celestia visualised herself soaring through the skies, beautiful white wings lofting her. She gave the limbs a few flaps.

“Oh wow! Great take off!” Celestia heard Rainbow from beside her. She opened her eyes.

“I'm flying!” Celestia flapped her wings again, she was just high enough to be above rooftops and she was feeling the exhilaration of flight. “This is amazing!” She saw something she wanted to go and look at and flew towards it as fast as she thought.

“You've got into the sky.” Rainbow flew alongside her. “Now you know the basics, how about we really fly!”


“Fluttershy, this is amazing.” Sunset whispered, she had a family of bunnies sat around her, the tiny fluffy baby bunny was an adorable puffball of fuzz.

“You're lucky that Mr and Mrs Bunny wanted to show off the baby today.” Fluttershy said, her normal speaking voice so quiet that there was no need for her to whisper.

Sunset was about to reply when twin blasts of rainbow colour split the sky, a crack like an explosion startled the bunnies to shelter.

A bright rainbow contrail, partnered by a pastel twin was drawn overhead. Sunset could swear she could hear her mother's laughter.

She was going to have to have words with Rainbow later, but considering her mane was where the three bunnies had hidden, she was a little too overcome with the cuteness to be really cross.


“A sonic rainboom on your first flight! That. Was. AWESOME!” Rainbow was settled on a cloud watching the colours fade in the sky.

“I. Must. Admit. That was. Quite exhilarating.” Celestia was getting her breath back, she had been whooping and cheering as she sped through the air. She hardly noticed that she was stood on a cloud.

“Ready to take off?” Rainbow asked, the double rainboom had been the most awesome thing ever.

“Maybe at a more sedate pace?” Celestia finally looked at the cloud she was standing on and started to shift her hooves through the soft puffs of water vapour. It was fascinating and awe inspiring, she was stood on a cloud. She had flown at insane speeds and created a rainbow.

“Yeah, maybe aiming for another rainboom might wear you out.” Rainbow was back in the air. “Want to try a few loops?” She was grinning fit to burst, Celestia had a look of pure joy about her.

“That sounds fantastic!” Celestia jumped from the cloud and took off. “Are you coming?”

“Heh, Sunset's Mom is pretty fun.” Rainbow laughed and followed. “Hey, I'm the one doing the tour here!”


On a balcony of the Castle of Friendship, the Equestrian Discord lowered his comical telescope and chuckled. “Your Celestia is a lot more entertaining, I can see why you partnered up.” Sprouting four extra arms, he nudged his counterpart with all five elbows.

“You should have seen her at college.” The former human Discord was watching Celestia enjoy herself, wondering if Equestria could be a regular vacation destination. This little trip had been most enjoyable.

Author's Note:

I am splitting them, they are fun and short things to share.