• Published 4th Oct 2016
  • 16,388 Views, 1,290 Comments

Making Family - Cirrus Sky

You can find a home, but sometimes you have to make a family. Sunset is working on that.

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Study Hall gave Twilight plenty of opportunity to work on private projects, she really could have tested out of the whole curriculum at school after all. In the past it had been her goal, but with the friends she had made, she wanted to stay with them for as long as possible.

One bonus of being a star student: she could access any room she needed in the school building as long as it was not in use by a class. Today she had the music room, not the practice space that the Rainboom's used, but the actual classroom with all the equipment she could ever need.

“So what's the project today?” Spike asked, he was settled on a chair watching as Twilight was looking at the computers and starting up software. She had her own impressive machine at home but he knew that was specialised for her research.

“I want to use the mixing software to make a seamless playlist.” Twilight put a thumbdrive into the port, it was full of music tracks she wanted to use, or to be accurate, Shining wanted. “Shining was asking me about making a mix-tape, he had a sweet idea for a gift.” Twilight grinned, her older brother was going to propose and the proposal was actually going to be the last audio track to go on the tape. He had recorded it and sent her the file, but she'd not listened to it yet.

“A mix-tape?” Spike cocked his head, “What's that?”

“Old school.” Twilight chuckled, pulling out a cassette and laying it on the desk. “Shining used to make them all the time, but tech has moved on a lot, so he's not got what he needs to make them.” Early memories of sitting on the floor in the family room as her older brother patiently recorded tapes from Radio and vinyl crossed her mind. It had been a bit dated even then, but Twilight still treasured the ones he had made for her and helped her make. “I'll have to play some of mine at home.”

“Okay.” Spike peered over as Twilight began to transfer music from the drive to the software on the computer.

“I had a few lessons from Vinyl on how to get the transition perfect.” Twilight had picked up pretty quickly what to do and the DJ had complimented her 'ear' for the music. “This is going to be a romantic one, so if you like, I'll let you loose for a while.”

“Yes please! Yech.” Spike made a face, he was still a puppy, even as clever as he was compared to normal dogs. He ignored Twilight's laugh and bounded out through the door she opened for him.


Stacking books in her locker, Sunset had finished her homework and was at a loose end. She shared study hall time with Twilight, but as they had not shared the last period together, the redhead had no idea where her friend could be.

Having just left the library she knew that regular haunt did not have Twilight present. The band room was home to Rarity today, she had set up her sewing machine to create new performance outfits and the designer had not seen their purple toned friend.

“Not the usual places, so what unusual place might Twilight be in?” Sunset asked herself, going to one of the tall windows that looked onto the school grounds she looked out at the fair weather. A squirrel bounced across the lawn, it made Sunset smile, a purple blur racing through the grass made her laugh. “Spike, seriously?” The pup tripped and rolled tail over nose and came to halt, the squirrel long gone.

Close to an exit, Sunset headed out to see to the dog. “You okay Spike?” He couldn't have damaged much more than his pride, but the loyal dog would know where his mistress would be.

“Darn squirrel, I nearly got it this time!” Spike sat up and shook grass from his coat. “Hey Sunset! Didja see?”

“Yeah, I did.” Sunset hid her laugh, Spike was quite proud of his attempt at catching the rodent. “Is Twilight out here too?”

“No, she's in the music classroom.” Spike said, his focus on Sunset for now. “She is doing something with the computers and said I could come out an play for a while.” He was about to say something more, but a rustle in the bushes nearby caught his attention immediately. “Squirrel!” He bounded off.

“The music room, right.” Sunset laughed at the sight of Spike diving head-first into the greenery. There was a door into the building that wasn't too far and led right to the music classroom. The teen went in search of her friend.


One song merged into another without a single beat of silence, Twilight nodded her head and grinned. “Perfect.” She had a large pair of headphones on to hear every note and had created a seamless mix for half the songs Shining had asked for. Checking the cassette for the runtime, Twilight knew it would cut it close to add another.

“Right, let's hear it through the speakers.” Twilight said to herself, there was no point recording the audio to tape if it wouldn't sound good for a whole room. Switching from headphones to PA system, Twilight set the audio file playing.


Muffled music was audible from outside the classroom, Sunset knew the whole suite was soundproofed, but the seams of the door still let a little audio out. It was clearly recorded, she recognised the beat to one of the tracks Luna liked to play from her dad's vinyl. Sunset grinned, if Twilight liked this music too, there was a chance she'd want to hang out and listen to music together.

Opening the door to the classroom, the noise was drowned out by the music, the audio set-up was well balanced and filled the space with sound.

Sunset spotted Twilight at the console, bopping her head to the beat and waving a hand with the melody. She was about to announce her arrival when her friend sang out.

Sunset was dumbstruck a moment, the look of pure enjoyment on Twilight's face was beautiful and her long nursed crush pushed to the forefront of her mind and heart. The scholar was singing perfectly, not missing a lyric.

Her mind raced. Twilight was no longer with Timber, she was single. It was clear that the girl was ready to be in a relationship, even if it was close to her breakup, the concern Sunset had held onto about Twilight's readiness for any partnership had been swept away. Maybe it was a little too close, but Sunset couldn't bear to hold back any longer.

As the chorus came around again, Sunset took her chance and sang along.


“Las Parablas De Amor.” Twilight sang to herself, balancing the sound across the array of speakers in the room. She let the music play and listened with her eyes closed and a smile on her face. As a child, she had enjoyed the instruments and the rhythm, the way her parents had always been romantic and danced together singing to each other as it played. Now, with her different perspective; with someone she held a deep affection for, Twilight was even more taken by the music.

Her imagination was creating a scene that made her smile more, dancing with Sunset the same way her parents still did when this song played. Sneaking kisses and singing the lyrics to each other. A plan in her mind to ask Sunset along as her plus-one to Shining's wedding, so they could certainly dance to this song.

The chorus had come around again and Twilight sang louder, “Las Parablas De Amor.” All the joy and all the love she was feeling making the words feel so true.

“Let me hear the words of love.” A voice sang with her own, a voice Twilight knew. A voice she adored.

Twilight blinked and turned her chair around. Stood, looking strangely shy, was Sunset Shimmer. She had a slight blush and wasn't looking right at her. “Sunset?”

“Hey Twi'.” Sunset replied, trying to keep her cool. “You should sing more with the band.”

“Maybe.” Twilight half whispered back. Now was her chance. It was perfect timing, a moment handed to her. Working up her courage, bolstered by the fact that right now Sunset was shy, Twilight stood from the chair and approached the other girl.

“You sing really well.” Sunset added. Looking up to see Twilight stood right ahead of her. “I-”

“Go out with me?” Twilight said, managing to space out her words. “Anywhere, any time. Just, together? A date?” She grinned, a touch manic but still earnest. Sunset's mouth had dropped open and her eyes were wide. “Sunset?” It really did look a little like Sunset.exe has stopped responding. As she was getting concerned, an amber toned hand grabbed hers.

“Yes!” Sunset shouted, a little more forceful than intended. “Of course yes.” She smiled and lifted Twilight's hand in her own. “Yes. Anything, anywhere.”

“Excellent!” Twilight giggled.

She had asked Sunset Shimmer on a date!

Author's Note:

I love Queen, the three Greatest Hits albums my parents had were some of the first I recorded to tape for my cassette player. Las Parablas De Amor is my Mum's favourite, so it was often on the tapes played in the car.

So, ship is sailing!