• Published 4th Oct 2016
  • 16,404 Views, 1,290 Comments

Making Family - Cirrus Sky

You can find a home, but sometimes you have to make a family. Sunset is working on that.

  • ...

Worlds Traveller

Checklists. Checklists were what Princess Twilight Sparkle lived by and the habit had passed to Sunset via her journal. The list that sat before her now was a short one, a single sheet. 'Things to Pack' was the title. Considering it was for a trip away, the list was exceedingly short.

Scientific Calculator


Pack of Pens


This was for a trip with a difference though.

Sunset Shimmer was going back to Equestria.


With vacation time upon them, Sunset hadn't needed too much persuasion to convince her family to make a visit to Equestria. Since 'Sunny Skies' had visited, Celestia had been intrigued to go. Luna had caught on to the idea pretty quickly, loving the idea of meeting her other self. The prospect of no Luna for at least a week had got Chrysalis tagged onto the party and Discord had invited himself too.

-“You promise you will come back?”- Sunset read the message on her phone from Twilight. Her human friends had been concerned when they had heard about Sunset's plans.

-“Yes, I will come back Twi'. This is my home. I think I am due a visit to Equestria without it being urgent! :)”- Sunset sent of the text with a smile. She dropped the phone to her bed and wandered out of her room. This was the night before they stepped through and there was plenty to do.

In the hallway she could hear the sound of muted singing in Celestia's room as she finished chores. Hearing a familiar laugh below Sunset took the stairs quickly and was soon in the lounge.

“Hello Sunny!” Discord was sat in one of the comfy chairs leafing through a book. “I hope the ponies go au-natural, seeing as I have not packed a stitch!” He grinned and twitched his brows. Since he had moved in she had gotten quite attached to him. The anarchic man loved her background and origins when she had shared her story. A visit to another world had captured his imagination.

“Essentially.” Sunset flopped onto the couch and lay across it. She looked over to the lanky man, “Ponies are covered in a coat of hair, so we're not exactly naked. Clothes are a status symbol or a practicality. It's dressy fashions or work-wear.” The teen rolled over and looked to the ceiling, stretching her arms up. “Hats are popular though. Lot's of ponies like to wear them.” Right now she was very happy to be thinking of her former home, excited to visit and not treading over past guilt or racing to fix a magical problem.

Discord pouted “You should have said, I have a number of dashing chapeaus that would have looked quite stylish whatever form I take. I'll never choose the perfect one now!”

“Heh, sure thing Dad.” Sunset laughed. “Come to think of it though, I have no idea what you will turn in to.” She rolled over on her couch to look at the man. “I mean, I at least know that Mom, Luna and Chrys will be pony shaped. Though Chrys might be a little bit of a surprise.” Sunset mused a moment. “Discord in Equestria is a god of chaos and well, discord.”

“A surprise? How exciting!” The man grinned. “So long as I am taller than 'Tia all will be well. It would be quite frustrating if I was to be a ferret.” He smirked and Sunset laughed.

Whatever he turned out to be, there was a high chance that he would be able to turn into anything he desired. Hopefully pure and easily accessed magic would not come as too much a shock to her human family.


Bright and early the next morning the little family were at the school. Chrysalis and Luna had met them by the portal, their own bags in hand.

Celestia was locking the doors to the school and checking them one last time. She had stowed the book in the office safe, deciding it was better to keep it there than risk it anywhere else. Her own and Luna's car keys were in there too, holding onto the school keys instead of multiple keys when they were in another world was the most sensible plan.

“There. We're all ready.” She placed the ring of keys into her simple purse, Sunset had advised everyone travel light and with a basic bag so the magic didn't have to work too hard to change things.

“Princess Twilight should have the portal ready soon.” Sunset supplied, watching the plinth as it quietly began to become a portal once more. She tapped it gently and watched her hand push through the surface. “We're good to go.”

“So we step through and Shazam! Pony-faces right?” Chrysalis poked a finger through the formerly solid stone.

“Pretty much.” Sunset looked to her family, “I haven't gone through with any more than two at a time though. So I think it would be better to stick to that.” She moved to step through. “I'll go first so I can help anyone on the other end. I've sort of made a habit of transforming.” Her laugh was a little self-deprecating but mostly humour. “The landing is a doozy.”

“I'll come with you.” Celestia said, she was still more than a little concerned about her daughter taking an extended visit to Equestria. Though the teen had assured her that she was not planning on staying, there was still a chance to lose her.

“Alright then.” Sunset held out her hand. “Another two can follow in a few minutes. Then one more after that.” When her mother took hold, Sunset put her arm into the portal. “See you all there.”

They both stepped through, the sensation of travelling and changing was something Sunset still hadn't really got used to. The landing was still a nuisance too. They ended up sprawled on crystal floors.

Sunset slowly got to her hooves and smiled, it was nice to be a unicorn again. Magic just wasn't the same in the human world. “So that is what you look like.” It was Celestia's voice, but not the princess. Princess Celestia had more gravity to her words, more depth of age. This voice was just as familiar though.

“This is me, Mom. But what are you?” Sunset turned around, wondering what her mother had become in the world of Equestria.

A just-barely-pink shaded mare a little taller than her, stood examining herself. Her mane was muted pastel shades but she was exploring under one impressively spread wing so Sunset couldn't see her face. “New limbs, interesting...” Her mom turned to face her. No horn, but the same eyes as ever looked back at Sunset.

“You're a pegasus.” Sunset smiled and stepped forward, trotting around the mare her mother had become. While the pastel shades of her hair were still present, the hint of pink and lack of horn would simply make her a pegasus who resembled the Princess a little instead of a shocking twin.

“Hmm, interesting parallel. The creatures of human myth existing as normal beings here.” Celestia fluffed her wings, seemingly enjoying the sensation of two new limbs. “I wonder if the portals between our worlds are responsible for that, or if it really was a coincidental development.”

“Exactly what I have been looking into.” Twilight Sparkle was in the library, a wide smile to greet her friend. “Hello Sunset, Celestia. Its good to see you.”

“Twilight.” Sunset trotted over and hugged her friend. “Aunty Luna, Chrys and Discord are on their way now. We didn't want to tax the portal too much, trying to come through all at once.” The unicorn explained. “And I wasn't so sure how Mom would end up this side of the portal and one extra princess is easier to handle than two.” She chuckled.

“We were having to plan for the possibility of two sets of princesses around and all the problems that would have caused.” Twilight giggled.

“Mom being a pegasus is much easier, we'll have to get Rainbow to give her a crash course in flying.” Sunset laughed. “Hopefully not too much crash though.” The mention of flying seemed to garner Celestia's attention.

“Wait, I get a chance to use these?” Celestia sounded almost giddy with excitement. She had not been surprised to see Princess Twilight with wings and a horn, Sunset had explained about princesses in Equestria. She had been adjusting to her new form and the mixed signals extra and re-purposed limbs were giving. It was strange to have four legs to consider.

“If you like. Rainbow isn't the most patient teacher but she does like a chance to show off her knowledge.” Twilight smiled. Like Sunset, she trotted around the human turned pony. “Oh, your Cutie-mark.” She looked a moment. It was slightly simpler than the Princesses, but still a sun of the same shape. “Not too similar... I wonder if this is because there is already a Celestia here with that mark?”

“We have a lot to study about the portal Twilight. It is a project I was going to request of you and Sunset.” A benevolent voice said as Princess Celestia entered the room. “Hello Sunset, welcome ho- Back to Equestria.” Her tone faltered at the slip up, she had been informed quite certainly that Sunset's home was the human world.

“Princess.” Celestia said, a greeting yet she stepped beside Sunset, unconscious pegasi instinct drew a wing over the smaller pony.

“Principal.” The Princess inclined her head. She towered over the pegasus, tall though she was, but there was a glint in those eyes she had seen many times in a mirror. Most often before battle for her ponies. “We'll have to come up with an assumed name for you and all your party. Bar Sunset of course.”

Twilight looked between the two mares and then caught Sunset's eye. The unicorn looked slightly pleased if a little flustered at how protective her adoptive mother was being. “I was thinking of that.” Twilight interjected to cool the tension. “Sunlit Sky isn't registered and is a more traditional pegasus name.” She smiled to the two Celestias.

“That sounds nice.” Sunset agreed. “Everyone knows that Sunny Skies is the Princess in disguise, so you can't use that. Sunlit Sky is a good name to use.”

“It sounds acceptable, if you think it suits this pony-self then I can adopt it for the week.” Principal Celestia allowed.

“It only needs to be in public Mom, and only for the others. I'm going to carry on calling you Mom.” Sunset nuzzled against her mother, it had been a very very long time since she had done this as a pony and it was bringing joyful tears to her eyes.

Her mother noticed. “You're crying.” She said softly, ignoring the others in the room and drawing her wings around the unicorn. Instinct was a powerful thing and the extra limbs that had concerned her on arrival were proving themselves useful.

“I'm happy. I was a little filly last time I could nuzzle my Mom.” Sunset said, the sensations she had missed bringing a rush of happiness.

“I think this trip was a good idea then.” Celestia nuzzled Sunset, marvelling at how right the gesture felt.

There was an awkward cough and they looked up, Spike had entered. “Uh hi... I'm not interrupting anything am I?” He looked to their visitors and then to the Princess and Twilight.

“Spike?” Sunset said, grinning to see the dragon. “You're right, you look much more, ah, fearsome as a dragon than a puppy.” She said, going over to look at her friend.

“Hey Sunset. Looking good on hooves again. Much better without the grim cloak.” He joked and gave a fist bump, or claw to hoof bump anyway.

Behind them there was a crash and some grumbling and a quiet pained groan in voices she recognised. Luna and Chrysalis had arrived. Time for a little surprise and some explaining. “So much spinning.” Luna commented.

“I thought you enjoyed the rides at the theme park, wasn't it quite the same Lu?” Principal Celestia said, she walked over to give her sister some help to stand up. She had landed on Chrysalis who was still lying dazed on the ground.

Luna had become an earth pony. Still deep blue with a lighter mane and tail, just like her hair in the human world. Her cutie-mark was a simple crescent moon. “Aww, still shorter than you.” She bumped against her sister.

“Oh! You look just like she did all those centuries ago!” Princess Celestia couldn't contain her glee at seeing the little earth pony.

Luna looked up and up some more. “Okay then, an even bigger sister. Hi.”

“Luna will be quite tickled to see you when she arrives. It is still a little early for her to wake though, so we will see her in a while.” Princess Celestia said. “It is lovely to meet you.”

“Whoa hey, I'm all tall and spindly.” Chrysalis said, standing up and examining herself.

“What!” Twilight prepared her magic. Princess Celestia was poised to attack too.

“Wait, wait!” Sunset teleported from beside Spike to between the combat ready princess and her almost aunt. “I thought I had explained! This is human world Chrysalis. Aunty Luna's girlfriend.”

“Chrys is Chrysalis?” Twilight shouted, face-hoofing. “I always thought it was short for Chrysanthemum...”

Princesses Celestia didn't look too surprised. She recalled the offhand mention of Chrysalis from her counterpart when they'd had a chat.

“Ah, my bad.” Sunset said sheepishly. “The book doesn't have predictive text, I am so not going to write Chrysalis out every single time.” She looked to the tall changeling and then back to her native Equestrian friends. “Yeah, um.. Meet Chrysalis, if those pair would ever get on with it she'd be my other aunty.” That one earned a kick from the changeling and a glower from Luna.

“Okay... So we have the double of the Queen of the Changelings ready to walk about the place.” Twilight looked like she had a headache coming on.

“Just a second. I have an idea.” Chrysalis said. In a swift flash of flame-like magic the hole-legged insect-equine was a unicorn in dusty black, a mask on her flank as a cutie-mark, with the same teal mane and eyes. “Ooo, it worked.” At the shocked looks she grinned slyly. “I've been studying.”

All eyes turned to Sunset. “I told her a lot about how magic felt and how it worked... I didn't think she would pick up on it so quickly.” The unicorn smiled. “I must be a great teacher.”

Celestia swatted her with a wing. “Ow, mom!” Sunset protested with a smile for the smirk her mother was wearing.

“Alright, that solves one issue.” Twilight looked at the changeling. “As long as you keep that form consistent then nopony should panic.” The alicorn paused a moment. “We need a name though.”

“Just call me Mirage.” Chrysalis grinned again, still slightly fanged. She turned to Luna and ran her tongue along her teeth. “You are legitimately adorable. I look forward to snuggling tonight.”

“Having hooves is weird.” Luna commented instead of engaging. Eyeing up her partner and family she pouted, “How come you all get wings or horns and I have nothing?”

“You're an earth pony Aunty Luna.” Sunset said, trotting over to look at the pony her aunt had become. “Extra strength, more stamina and an affinity for plants and the earth.” She took a look over her aunt. “I am sure one of Twilight's earth pony friends could tell you more.”

“Were you and Princess Luna a pegasus and an earth pony then?” Sunset asked the Princess as she looked to see what cutiemark Equestria had given to the second Luna.

“Yes we were, a long time ago.” Princess Celestia said, amusement in her voice as her counterpart attempted a little flight.

“So, why do I have a crescent moon on my butt?” Luna said, looking at the plain white crescent.

“No one pony shares the same cutiemark.” The voice that spoke was a new arrival but Sunset heard some similarities between the newcomer and her aunt. “Thus you, my counterpart, have a somewhat simpler representation of our talent.”

“Princess Luna?” Sunset said, looking to see the alicorn, she had not really had much of a chance to talk with the other alicorn on her last visit.

“Hello Sunset Shimmer. It is good to see you under less trying circumstance.” The Princess of the night approached the group. She looked to her counterpart and the double of her sister. “Ah, it has been a long time since we saw us like this.” She smiled. “I do sometimes miss it.”

“Wowser.” Discord had arrived, passing through the mirror had changed him just as the others. A pair of claws clicked on the crystal floor. “How do I look Sunny?” He struck a pose.

“Like another Discord.” Twilight groaned, hoping this one wasn't as prone to teasing her as the native Equestrian Discord.

“Two Discords....” Spike said aloud an idea dawning, “Say, do you like tabletop role-playing games?”

“Oh! I do!” Luna called out, finding a surprising turn of speed from her new pony form and joining the little dragon quickly.

“Aaand we've lost her.” Chrysalis said, trotting to the Princesses and Sunset. “So, what have you ponies got to do around here? I was hoping to spend a lot of vacation time by a pool.”

Author's Note:

So, my theory for the Princesses is pegasus and earth pony. After all, if the pegasi can make rainbows then powering that up could take you as far as the sun right? And the moon is a really really big rock...

There is more to this trip than just this chapter of course, so stay tuned.