• Published 25th Feb 2013
  • 397 Views, 13 Comments

The Return Of Night - EndlessKnight980

It been a 1000 year since Endless Night was turn to stone. Now a curse Pony trying to remove her curse has become Endless saving grace. This follow the story. The Tail Of Endless Night.

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Chapter 9:Future shock

Endless open his eyes. Standing in front of him was a large group of pony’s.

“Ekkk. He back.” Flutter Shy scream. She flew behind Rainbow dash.

“Hello. Um. Everyone. Um. Can someone tell me what going on?” Luna tackle him and gave him a big kiss.

“What was that for?” he said not seeing it was Luna.

“just shut up.” she said giving him another kiss.

“Luna?! Is that you?” he could hardly believe it.

“yes.” she said.

“You look so much older.” he said.

“Shut up. You Jerk.” she said hugging harder.

“Luna get back. We don’t know if he like his father.” She said magically pulling her away from him. he was confuse.

“Wait my father! He Back?! O no. This is bad. Very, very bad.” he said walking around in circle. Everyone watch him as he did this. Celestia was ready for anything. She wasn’t going to have another pony taken.

“He never use the power out and that would cause an overload of chaos energy. He would be almost pure evil.” he mumble as he continue to walk in circle.

“Princess. What do we do?” Twilight ask getting in an attack position. But before Celestia could answer.

“Hi. I’m Pinky Pie. I get a good feeling from you. What your Name? Are you going to want revenge too? Because if you are then we have to try and stop you. Then we fight and there are more of us then there are of you.” Pinky Pie said walking right in front of Endless and jumping around as she talk. he took a step back. He was in shock by this little pink pony. She reminder him of Gem stone.

“I’m Endless Night. But. Why would I want revenge?” he ask as he saw everyone but Luna and a yellow Pegasus ready to attack.

“Well the other pony said he was mad for being trap in stone for a long time without anyone trying to help him. Well he did say it that way it was more mean and evil. But that was the sum of it.” She said acting it out. he look at her and back to Luna and the group. Then he smile and said.

“I could wait forever. Just to see Luna smiling face one last time.” he let out a small sigh of relieve as Celestia and the other smile.

“So was that a yes?” Pinky ask cocking her head to one side.

“Pinky Pie.” They all yell. They laugh. he join in. trying to make them feel at ease.

“I’m so happy your back.” Luna said running up hugging him.

“Me to.” he said look at her. They kiss each others. Staying this way until Twilight cough.

“I would love to leave you two to your reunion. But we just let loose an evil unicorn who is bent on destroying all of Equestria.” she said jumping into the air.

“Twilight right. Ever if I don’t understand how it happen. But we need to act now.” Celestia told them.

“Ok. Some Pony need to fill me in on what going on.” Endless said letting Luna go. He walk up to Celestia. She sigh.

“Endless. We talk about this later.” she said as a beam of light hit him in the head. He hit the ground. Luna ran over to him.

“Don’t worry. He asleep. We need to move fast. Luna take him back to the castle. I’ll take the rest of you back to ponyville.” she said looking over to Twilight and her friends.

“But princess.” Twilight started.

“No buts Twilight. White Night was once a great and powerful mage. You and your friends would not last long in a battle with him. So me and my sister will handle this.”

“I understand.” she said.

“Alright then. Let go.” she said gathering Twilight and her friends. She look to Luna.

“Luna. I’m trusting you know what must be done.” Luna nodded as Celestia teleported out.

--------------------Luna Room)--------------------------

Endless rub his head.

“ ooooo that hurt.” He look around. He was laying in a bed. The rest of the room had books on the floor. he got up. There was a stuff Alicorn dress doll in the corner with a note pin to it. he walk over and pull the note off. It was from Luna.

Dear Endless Night. I regret to inform you that your father White Night. Has void to destroy all of equestria. His goal is to get revenge on the royal family. He has already pony nap one pony by the name of Elma Corn. We do not know what has become of her yet or that of your father. This room you are in is mine. If you need anything at all just ring the bell. Edwin can asset you with almost anything you need. Within reason. Just stay in my room until me or my sister say return. With all my heart. Luna.

he smile as he read the last line. he look around at all the books on the floor. He sigh and start to move them into piles. He never did like thing to messy. he finish clearing the floor and saw three stack of books on a dresser. They look like they were going to fall.

He walk over and started to float the books into the other stacks he made. The book were almost all move and he saw a book edge under the dresser. He bent down and grab it. As he bent back up he saw shape of a pony behind the dresser.

he jump back and duck. Dropping a few books onto the floor. One landing open on his head. he move the book and look at the dresser. There was a mirror on it. he smile as he walk up to it. It was dusty. he look around for a rag and found one. He wipe a spot clean and look into it.

“That can’t be right.” He said touching his mane. he wipe the spot again.

“No, no, no, no, no, no. My mane. My black Mane. no it can’t be. It turn gray. Why me?” he sat down and pull a few hairs out. He look at them. They were sparkling. Like the little white gems all over his hair. he sat there studying his hair for a few minute. There was a knock at the door. he jump.

“Excuse me sir. But are you awake yet? I have prepare lunch for you sir.” he walk to the door. He put his eye next to the crack in the door and try to look out. Then his stomach growl.

“Yes I’m awake.” The door flew open. Smashing into his face and pining him to the wall.

“Sir were are you?” he ask.

“Behind the Door.” he mumble. Edwin close that door and he fell to the ground.

“Sorry. sir. I did not know you were there.” he said.

“It ok. No harm done.” he said as he smelt something tasty. Edwin push a cart with a silver plate and cover to the middle of the room.

“You lunch is serve.” he said lifting the lid off.

-------------------(After Lunch)--------------------------

After lunch Edwin gather the plate and prepare to leave.

“Before I go. sir. Is there anything else you need?” Endless sniff the air and then himself.

“Yes. Is there a washtub around here?” he ask.

“A washtub. sir? What is a washtub. sir?” he ask in confusion.

“You know a place to wash up.” he said.

“You mean a bathtub. sir.” Edwin said. he was now the one confuse.

“What a bathtub?” Edwin rolled his eyes.

“If sir would follow me. I’ll show him the way to the bathroom.” he was still confuse but follow Edwin out of the room. They walk down the hall. Edwin was silent the whole time. Then he stop and he broke the silent.

“Here you are sir. The lavatory.” he was really confuse now.

“No I didn’t want a laboratory. I wanted a place I could clean myself.” Edwin rolled his eyes again. He open the door. his jaw drop. It was like nothing he ever seen before. His mind race as he look at it. The floor was square stones. The sink was white stone of some kind. The washtub was the same. The toilet as well.

he put one hove out and tap the floor. It was cool to the touch. he walk into the room and close the door. he look at the tube. It had pipes heading up to a round thing. It was an odd looking. he look around for the pump. He finally say two small nobs at the bottom of pipe. he turn one. There was a rattling sound. he look up at the round thing.

Water spray out and hit him into his face. He back up and step into the toilet. He put his hove on top of the toilet. Hitting the flusher as he did. he wave his hooves wildly in the air. Toilet paper flew through in the air and wrap around his face. he kick the Plunger up. It flew into the air and landed on the back of his head.

----------(outside the bathroom)--------------

Edwin was walking back with a cart full of towels and bath robs. he look down the hall. Luna guest was still in the washroom. He could hear the water running. he smile. The last time Luna had a male friend was that red unicorn. Celestia had once had on the guard for a short time.


Edwin jump and the cart falling over. he ran up to the door. The toilet was shatter. As well as the sink. The mirror above the sink was crack down the middle. Water spraying everywhere. There was toilet paper everywhere.

“By all that is good with equestria. What have you done to the bathroom?” Endless pock his head out from under a pile of wet toilet paper. He look around the room.

“Sorry. I had some trouble.” a glob of wet toilet paper fell from the ceiling and landed on his head. Edwin fell backward onto his back. One leg in the air twitching.

----------------(hour later)-----------------------------

An hour later Edwin and Endless Finish cleaning the room.

“That repair spell really helps. Now how do I work this crazy thing?” he said pointing to the bathtub.

“were are you from? The stone ages?” he laugh.

“Could be. I don’t know how long I’ve been away.” he said. Edwin stop laughing.

“What do you mean?” he ask.

“Well. One day I’m fighting to save Luna. The next, I’m waking up to her smiling face and a large group of colorful pony’s ready to attack me.” Edwin look at him as if he was Crazy.

“Were are you from?” he ask.

“Canterlot.” he said.

“How old are you?” he ask.

“let see. I was 17 last I knew. But then I still don’t know how much time past. I could be a 117 now. If it been a 100 years.” he laugh. Again. Edwin look at like him was crazy.

“Anyway. Can you help me out here?” he said pointing at the shower.

------------------(After a shower)-------------------------

Endless rub the towel on his head. He look into the mirror. It was still crack. Endless sigh. Bad luck for that. He thought as he wipe the fog off with the towel. He move his mane from his eyes. He look at his mane in the mirror.

“I guess I’m stuck with it.” he sigh. He always love his full black hair. It made him feel mysteries. The girls in the royal city always giggle and flirted with him. He hope Luna would like it. He stood there and study himself. He had age a little in his time away. He didn’t know how that work. But it didn’t seem to be getting worst. Maybe he was catching up to the current time. He thought. He knew Alicorn could live long time. So he would only age to about the same as Luna. So he wasn’t worry.

he look at his flank. It was back to being scar. He was hoping that it would be normal. He knew that was just wishful thinking. But when he was incase in stone. He knew it show. But at lest some of the scars on his face had faded away. he move his mane out of his eyes again.

“I wonder if Gem stone is still around. I could uses a hair cut.” he laugh. he was thinking about her cutting his mane for the first time.

he sat down on the bed. He wonder how much had change in the time he was away. Other then the washtub into a bathroom. He lay back and look at the ceiling. He try to remember everything that was said when he came back. They said his father was back.

he knew that was bad. See as he abused so much chaos energy from Darth. But unlike his father he use the energy as soon as he abused to incase Darth in the stone charm. he stress his legs and wings and yawn. He remember Celestia hitting him with a powerful sleep spell.

he pull Luna note over again. Elma Corn. That name sound familiar. It was bugging him. He knew that name. but from were. There was a knock at the door.

“Endless? Are you awake?” Luna ask. he jump up.

“Yes! I’m here!” he said wiping his mane. Luna open the door. She was wearing armor of some kind.

“Is the castle under attack by dragon?” he ask.

“What? O the armor. No the dragon wars are long over.” she said.

“So any luck finding them?” he ask. Hopping they found his father.

“No. But my sister still think your evil like him.” she said with a sad face.

“I can tell you. I’m not. I know why my father the way he is.” he said.

“You do?” she ask surprise.

“Yes. You see. When my father abused Darth’s chaos energy that day. He didn’t ex-spell it. It been inside of him. Growing. I fear it will consume him.” he said.

“But you abused Discord energy too. Why are you not like him?” she ask.

“Because. I use that energy to stop Darth that day.” Luna stood there and thought for a few minutes.

“I’m sorry for deceiving you. Luna you can come in.” The door open and another Luna enter.

“Wait. Two Luna's?” he said.

“Not really.” The first Luna said casting a spell. Celestia stood were the first Luna was.

“You see. For the safety of all pony’s. I needed to be shore you were really good. And I knew you tell Luna anything. So I gamble that you tell her everything.” she said.

“Your scary something. You know that. Right.” he said. they laugh.

--------------------(hour later)-----------------------

After that they headed to the main hall.

“Wow thing really have changes.” Endless said as he look around.

“Yes. You been gone for some time now.” Luna told him.

“How long?” he ask. Luna look down at the floor.

“Understand that I’ve been trying to cure you for that time. Most everyday I spent looking from book to book. For a cure.” she stop talking as they pass a set of guards. Once out of ear shot she continue.

“I try all sort of things. Even the most. Oddest of things.” her face when red. he was a little confuse.

“Like what?” he wonder. Luna lead over and whisper in his ear. he stop. His face went a bright red.

“Ok. We’ll keep that to our self’s.” he continue to follow them. His face starting to return to it normal color. As they walk Celestia and Luna laugh about how red his face was. This didn’t help his face return to his normal color. If anything it made it worst.

“So how long have I been away?” he ask again. Hopping to stop then laughing about his red face.

“It been a long time.” Luna told him.

“Are we talking days, months, or years?” he ask.

“Years.” She quickly said.

“Ok. Years. How many.” he ask.

“That can wait. We’re here.” Celestia said. They stop in front of two large wooden.

“Luna Wait here with Endless.” Luna nodded as Celestia walk to the right of the door and down a hallway.

“So. How many years?” he ask again.

“You have to understand. After you left. We had a lot of thing that needed to be done. You were put on the bottom of the list and I’m sorry for that.” She told him.

“I understand. The Dragons and Darth destroy a lot. I just want to know how long I’ve been gone.” his Ears park up. He could her Celestia making a speck.

“Endless. You been.” he put a hove up.

“Hold that thought. She talking about my father.” he said cutting Luna off and putting his ear to the door. He could just hear Celestia.

“Even tho we fought back. White Night ran. Taking a unicorn by the name of Elma Corn with him. Do not worry my little pony’s. For there is good news.” she said.

“Endless. I have to tell you.” Luna said pushing him lightly.

“One minute.” he said

“Long ago there was another mage. He was the reason that the Dragon War’s Ended. And now in our dark’s hour. He has return.” she said.

“Endless. It been a 1000 years” Luna said. he turn his head is shock and face her.

“WHAT!?!?!” he said.

“I would like to Welcome back. Endless Night.” Celestia announced. The doors flew open as he had said the word what. he Face the crowed of pony’s. They were all holding boxes. Then the boxes started to flash. They blinded him. He close his eyes and put a hove up to block them. he did know what to do.

He panic and casts a water spell. He wrap a ball of water around himself and Luna out of thin air. He slowly open his eyes and saw spots. He blink a few times and saw Luna in front of him.

“It ok Endless. They won’t hurt you.” she said.

“ok if you say so.” he stop the spell. The water wash over the floor. Soaking a few pony’s.

“Please no more pictures.” Luna order.

“I’m sorry. Still not use to these new fancy things.” he said bowing.

“Let try this again. I would like you all to meet. Endless Night.” Celestia said announcing him again. The crowed let out a cheer.

“Thank you.” he said to the crowed. He look to Luna and smile. She smile back.

“You know what.” he said with a big smile.

“What?” she said.

“I could wait another 1000 years. Just to see that sweet smile of yours.” Luna lead into him as the crowed cheer on.

Author's Note:

boo. cheesy line Endless Night. Just kidding. Yes he back. and if you don't know why. then Read: The Tail Of Endless Night. shame on you. But now what. White Night. Endless Father is evil. does this mean Endless will have to battle his own father. i don't even know. I've yet to write that chapter. o right the answer to the last question. "wait can i do it?" fine Gem stone. "The Great Shining Star. i wish he was here. he so dreaming. " Ya your right. "What? You agree with me. who are you and what have you done with Ken?" o no i was talking him being here. then i wouldn't have to put up with you. "Why you." well it about that time for the Question of the chapter. "Fine. but your a jacka!# and you dead. when we're done here." What ever you say. "Her the question. Witch make more since. this jacka!@ typing everything i say. or me speaking my mind?" That not the real question. she just being a b!@##. now the real question. "Fine. Who's Date did Endless and Luna spy on? Happy now?" I'm never been happy since you broke the forth wall. "Ha ha Fun"