• Published 25th Feb 2013
  • 397 Views, 13 Comments

The Return Of Night - EndlessKnight980

It been a 1000 year since Endless Night was turn to stone. Now a curse Pony trying to remove her curse has become Endless saving grace. This follow the story. The Tail Of Endless Night.

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Chapter 2:The Liberian

Elma walk into town around noon. There was a Pony she knew as Rainbow Dash breaking clouds over head. Pinky Pie was running around with Apple Jack. The whole town seem to be fill with energy.

“So this is how the world change in the last 1000 years.” Night said as she grab her ears.

“Be quiet. Some pony will hear you.” she said looking around.

“Don’t worry. You’re the only one how can hear me. Remember?” he said. She roll her eyes and continue to the library. She know it was run by some unicorn from canterlot. But that was all. Elma try to keep most pony at a dictation from herself. This was not because she was shy. It was safer that way.

Pinky Pie and Red Cider were the only two pony’s in town she really knew. Pinky Pie was the first pony she met went she first came to ponyville. She was really friendly and jumping around. she remember all the trouble she had trying to keep her secret from Pinky Pie as she move in to her new house. She was to friendly for her own good. But that how this whole mess started in the first place she though. If she wasn’t so friendly in the past. Then she never been curse.

Red Cider was another matter all together. During one of her episode. She got out and ran into the evergreen forest. Red Cider was there getting suppiles for some pony and found himself hanging from a tree. There were monsters under him. They were hitting the tree trying to knock him off. she smile. As she though of all those scary monsters running at the sight of her. She didn’t remember anything after her episode. The next morning she woke up in Red Cider bed. He saw the whole thing and didn’t know what to make of it. she remember trying tell him her problem. He promise not to tell anyone and to try to help.

“Hey. Are we there yet?” she shook her head and look around.

“Ah. There we are.” she said looking at the library. She walk to the door and knock. She waited for a minute. Then knock again.

“What taking so long?” he ask like a little colt.

“I think no one home.” she said trying to look in a window.

“It a Library. Can’t you just go in?” He ask.

“No. The library is close if no one here.” Night made a rude sound.

“We’ll just have to wait until some pony show up.” she said taking a set on the step. she look around. There were pony of all kind walking down the street. She lend back into the door and close her eyes.

“What are you doing?” he ask.

“Trying to get some sleep.” she said.

“Why?” he ask.”

“Because I don’t sleep that well.” she told him

“Why don’t you sleep well?” he ask as she open one eye.

“It part of my curses.” she said closing the eye again.

“Ok.” He final stop. As she sit there she started to think about her new problem. She sigh and try to fall asleep. but couldn’t.

“Night. I’ve been thinking.” she said sitting up.

“ What?” he ask.

“What are we looking for here?” she ask. There was an odd silent. Then.

“Well. We need find out about a 1000 years ago and any pony name Night.”

“That it? There could be a 1000's of books on that.” she said in disbelief.

“Well. That all I know. You try remembering things from a 1000's years ago.” he said. she roll her eyes and lead back on the door. She close her eye and try to fall asleep again.

“Twilight look. There someone at the front door.” she open her eyes and jump to her hooves. A little blue dragon was pointing at her.

“Spake down point. I’m sorry. Can I help you?” said a purple unicorn with party hat.

“Um. No I’m just waiting for the librarian.” she said looking around. It was late.

“Well that me. I’m Twilight Sparkle.” she said opening the door and leading them in.

“Spike it getting late. Why don’t you head to bed.” The little blue dragon walk up the stairs. Yawning and rubbing his eyes.

“So. What are you looking for?” she ask floating her stuff off onto a clear table.

“I need to find anything out about a pony by the name of Night that was around a 1000's years ago.” Twilight put a hove to her chin and then floated a large book off the shelf. She place it on a table with a thud. Dust few up into the air. she cough as the dust clear.

“No not this one.” she said flipping through the pages. She close the book and pull another book down.

“Not this one either.” She move another book down and continue do so again and again. Elma took a seat and watch her. Twilight seem to be having fun. she thought this was odd. But then again. Every pony has they own thing that bring them joy. Her was eating Corn. Purple Corn. She love it so much. That she spent hours on the farm growing it. Just so she could cook it up and eat it. At lest she did. Before everything happen.

“Wow she full of energy. But do you think she can help us?” night ask. she set back and watching Twilight. She watch as Twilight pull another book down and flip through it quickly.

“Hey I ask you a Question. Do you think she can help us?” he ask again. she rub her ear. Night sounded like he was yelling.

“Yes” she whisper angry. she watch Twilight the rest of the night. sun coming up outside the window. The little blue dragon came down the stair yawning.

“Morning Twilight.” he said jumping into a chair and pouring himself a bowl of Jewels and gems. Elma jump at the sound of the jewel hitting the bowl. Twilight pock her head out of a pile of books. Her main was a mess.

“Morning Spike.” she look around and saw Elma.

“O. Right. I almost forgot. Your looking for a book on Night? right?” she said floating a book to her. she open it. It was a little pony book on the night time.

“I’m looking for a book on a Pony who live a 1000's years ago. name Night.” she said putting the book down. After another two hours. Twilight pull the last book of the shelf and sigh.

“The only thing I could fine on a Pony name Night was a poem. But it was wrote only 700 years ago.” she said pulling a small book out of the pile. It was old and ratty. She open it to the page and pass it to her.

“The Star Fall Into An Endless Night A The Moon Move Across The Night Sky. A Mighty Evil. When The Night Turn White. Time Stand Still. It Wait For No one. Love Fades As Time Move Forward. Hate Grow Like Weeds In A Flower Garden. When The Moon Turn White As A Ghost. The Endless Night Will Never Travel With The Light Of The Moon. Heed The Warning Of These Words. The Endless Night Shell Return With A Great Evil. Be Careful. Be Brave. Be Aware. Be Love.”

she finish and flip to the next page. It was another poem about a golden apple.

“Can I Barrow this book?” She ask.

“You can take it. I got several copies.” she said floating books back on the shelf’s.

“Thank you.” she said putting it in her bag. She bid Twilight good day and head out the door.

“O one more thing.” She said running outside.

“if You need to find out anything else out. You may try the Library in canterlot. It much bigger then the one here.” she said passing her a note.

“This will help you get in.” she look down at the note. It was a pass to get into the royal library.

“Thank you. This should help a lot.” She said and she walk away. Head for her house.

“So what do we got?” he ask.

“ Well we got a poem. But I never really like poems. Never really got them.” she said as she saw a Rainbow Dash breaking clouds again.

“So What Next?” he ask.

“Well first I’m going home and getting some supple together. And then. We’re going to Canterlot.” she said with a smile.

Author's Note:

answers to the last chapter question: Chapter 19. and she splash mud on him. now i'm going to be starting work soon. so fixing these fic are going to be slow. but i'll spit them out as fast as i can. and with that. her this chapter Question. Gem stone if you would. "Right here we go Every Pony. Where did Endless Night first meet Luna and how?" thank you gem stone. also the answer for this chapter will be behind this. (AWR:) from now on.