• Published 25th Feb 2013
  • 397 Views, 13 Comments

The Return Of Night - EndlessKnight980

It been a 1000 year since Endless Night was turn to stone. Now a curse Pony trying to remove her curse has become Endless saving grace. This follow the story. The Tail Of Endless Night.

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Chapter 5: An Audience with Royalty

Elma was kiss the ground as she got out of the library. She was so happy. She lost track of time. The sun was coming up or it was setting. But she didn’t care. She just wanted to get back to the inn and get some sleep.

“Grooonn.” she look down at the stomach.

“Maybe a get something to eat first.” Night said. She laugh as she walk down the step.

“So after you get something to eat.” he ask.

“and get some sleep.” she cut him out.

“Well ya. What our plan to meet the princess?” He ask.

“We’ll think of something later. Right now I’m hungry.” she said putting her nose into the air and smelling something good. It smell like pancakes. She walk up to the dinner. She open her money bag. 20 bit left. She counted out. She walk in and look around. It was fancy. She hope it wasn’t to pricey. After eating she walk back to the inn. She still had enough coin for one more night. She sigh.

“What wrong?” he ask.

“Once a pond a time. I had more money then I could count. Now I have to scrap together what I can. We’re be lucky if we fine any bit on the street.” she said looking down street.

“Don’t worry. I’ll help you out when I’m back to normal.” he said

“How are you going to do that?” she ask.

“After I cure you curse. I’ll get a job to help you. I mean your helping me. It the less I could do.” he said as she walk into the inn. She when to the front counter and pay for a night. She shook her empty coin bag.

“You know it. I hope we can find a way to see the princess tomorrow.” she said entering the room. She set her bag down and jump into the bed.

“I can’t believe it. I’ll have a body by tomorrow.”Night he in joy. she Smile.

“If we’re lucky. Do you know how hard it is to get a audiences with royalty?” she said warping herself in the covers.

“I’m have a good feeling. We’re going to do it.” He said as she faded of to sleep.

she was running through a forest. She look back. A large dark figure was chasing her. She ran faster. There was a light up ahead. She ran into it. It was a large field with wheat every were. A lone white Unicorn with a black main was standing in the middle of the field.

“Help me!” she cry as she ran up to him. He turn to face her. His eyes were a bright red and appear to like flames around them.

“Help you. Now why would I do that. Who ha, ha, ha.” he laugh and grew ten times his size. she turn ready to run. But couldn’t. The dark figure chasing her was standing over her. It was breathing hard down on her. She look up. Both of them were laughing at her. She felt herself spinning and sinking into the ground. She look around. She was under water.

She felt her hooves touch something cold. She look down and saw ice. She kick at it. She could feel her lung about to give out. She open her mouth and inhale. She blink twice and realize she could breath. She kick the ice and broke thought.

She pop her head out and look around. She saw two young colts. There was a black alicorn and a Pegasus floating on a cloud. He was freezing the water. she quickly climb out and ran over.

“Hey.” she yell as she ran over. They look at her.

“What are you doing?” they look at each other then back to her.

“You need to trust you eyes. Not the mind.” They said together.

“Wait what?” she said looking around.

“What is this place?” she ask as the Pegasus flew away. The Alicorn look over and pointed to a small house. she remember it. It was the house she grew up in. It was burning and the large dark figure was standing behind it.

“We need to go.” she said looking down at the young alicorn.

“No. You need not fear it.” he said sitting down.

“What!?! are you crazy? It huge.” she said looking back to the dark figure and then the Alicorn.

“You say not to fear it. Then what do you expect me to do?” she ask in a panic.

“Tam it.” he said. She had a half smile on her face.

“Tam it?! Tam it?! How do you thing I can do that?” she ask as the dark figure move forward.

“I can not tell you that. My time is almost up. So listen clearly.” she look at him. He was turning to stone.

“Trust me. There is dark magic in the air. The mind fades. But the spirits are forever. Think back to a time long gone. A small meeting can remind the memory.” he was almost fully incase in stone only his head remain.

“I’m sorry. I wasn’t looking were I was going.” he said as his head turn to stone. she saw a tear roll down the side of his face. A roar fill the air. she turn and saw the large wolf like figure standing over her. She swallow hard and ready herself. The large figure tower over her and swallow her whole.

she awake. She was on the floor.

“Are you ok?” he ask. She look around the room. There was a knock on the door.

“One second.” she said standing up.

“No need ma. Your check out is in one hour.”

“Ok.” she said. She could hear the pony from the front desk walk away. she look into the mirror and saw her main was a mess. She floated a burst out of her bag.

“So what the plan?” he ask as she burst her main.

“Well first we need to head to the castle. Once there. We need to find out how to get an audience with Princess Luna.” she said putting the burst away.

“What if we can’t get audience with her?” he said as she gather her things.

“Well then we break in and find her.” she said putting her bag on.

After leaving the inn. she head for the castle. The main gate was guarded by two earth pony’s in golden armor. There were other pony’s coming and going as they please. she fill in with them and got past the first set of guards.

“That was easy.” he said as they headed up the stairs.

“Don’t say that. It a jinx.” she said as they reach the top of the stairs. she look around and saw two more guard at a large door. she remember them. They were the doors to the main hall. She had been here once before at the gala. Princess Celestia would be in there. If she could see her. Then maybe she would be able to get to princess Luna. she walk to the door but was stop by one of the guards.

“Sorry miss. No one see the princess without an appointment.” shestep back.

“But I have to. I’m here to report the details of my research.” she quickly lie.

“What research is that.” he ask.

“The research she was doing at the library the other day.” said the Pegasus guard from the library. Both guards stood at attention.

“Captain Grits. Sir.” They both said.

“At ease. I’ll take it from here.” he said walking next to her and guiding her to the down a path to the right of the door.

“So what are you really doing here?” he ask as they stop in the garden.

“I don’t know what your talking about. I have an appointment with the princess about my research.” she said.

“Now we both know that not truth.” he said now standing in front of her and looking into her eyes.

“What are you talking about? I’m not lying.” she said looking away.

“Ok let try this again. I know you don’t have an appointment with the princess today. Do you want to know why?” he ask her. She shook her head no.

“The Princess is not in Canterlot right now.” he said sitting down. her heart sank.

“Princess Luna not in Canterlot.” she said sitting down.

“Wait. Your looking For Princess Luna? Not Princess Celestia?” he ask in shock.

“Yes. I was doing research for her and made a break through. She told me do this research without anyone finding out. It top secret.” she said with tears in her eyes.

“But there a little time left and I need to see her soon.” she look down at the ground as tears hit the top of her hooves.

“hey. hey. I didn’t know. Here dry your tears.” he said handing her a blue rag. She took it and wipe her eyes and blow her nose.

“But I have some good news. Princess Celestia may not be in Canterlot. But Princess Luna is.” she lifted her head quietly.

“She is?” Grits nodded his head yes.

“I’ll help you get you meeting with Princess Luna. But after that you got to do something for me.” he said with a smile.

“Thank you. Thank you. Thank You. Whatever you want.” she said jumping up in joy.

“nice acting. You should be an actress when this is all over.” night said. she smile.

Grits lead her through the castle. He lead her up a set of stairs to a long hallway. It look old and had banners with the old crest of the royal family. It look like no one clean it in years.

“Sorry about the mess. This is on old passageway that not use much.” he said

“That ok.” she said with a smile.

“O come on. I know we need this colt. But soften it up.” night said. she roll her eyes.

“So you never told me what you wanted for helping me.” she ask.

“I was thinking you could help me with something.” he said with a smile. her mind flash to a thought.

“O come on. That just. O come on. Really. You first thought.” Night said see the whole thing. she blush.

“and what would that be?” she ask.

“Well I need someone to go with me to my parent house.” he said.

“Well that a new one. Normal when I get rope into something. It a date or a kiss or something along that line.” she said smiling.

“ It a like more complex then that. You see my parent have this idea. This wild idea. That I’m support to....... merry by now.” There was a long silence.

“So you need me to act as your wife.” she said as they reach a large door.

“I can understand if you don’t want to.” he said.

“No. I can do that.”she said with a smile

“That great.” he said.

“So what are we talking about. Just acting all lovey dovey, content, or bitter at each other?” she ask.

“Wait what?” he said opening the door.

“Well lovey dovey explain itself. Content means. We’re in love but not to much lovey dovey stuff. You know a kiss then and there. But not over the top. And of chose. Bitter at each other and say mean thing at each other. with a hint of love under neath.” she said as they headed up another flight of stairs.

“How about engaged. You know how it is before a wedding.” he said.

“Ok I can do that.” she said.

“Well you do make it sound formal. But enough about that we can talk more later. We are here.” he said as they reach a large door with a moon on it.

“And were is here?” she ask.

“Princess Luna Room.” Grits took a deep breath and knock. her heart was beating hard. The door open. A blue Pegasus open the door in a suit.

“How may I help you?” he ask.

“Yes. There is a.... one second.” he said turning to Elma.

“This is odd. But what you name?” she put here hove up to hide her smile.

“My name is Elma Corn.” Grits turn and face the Pegasus again.

“The very beautiful. Miss Elma Corn is here to see Princess Luna.” The Pegasus look over at her. She was blushing.

“Wait here.” he close the door.

“So the beautiful. Elma Corn.” she said smiling.

“Well it truth.” he said boldly.

“You better believe it.” she said and kiss him on the cheek. The door open.

“Miss Corn may enter. You sir are dismiss.”

“I’ll meet you at the red horse inn later.” she said as she walk in.

The room was very nice. But messy. There were book everywhere. she saw copies on the Legend of Endless Night.

“Wait here. Princess Luna will be with you soon.” he said walking into the other room. she look around the room. There was not only book on the floor. There were paper and candles melted to the base. she saw a stuffed pony for dresses. It was as alicorn and had a green robe on it. she walk over and look at it. It had a patch on the back flank area. It was a heart on a moon with lightning around it. It look very old. she put her hove up to touch it.

“Please don’t touch that.” Luna said walking in.

“Well I do say. This is odd. I’ve never thought a pony would seek an audience with me after my Nightmare moon phase. So tell me Miss Corn. Why have you seek me out?” she ask.

Princess Luna was standing in front of her now. she felt over power. She felt like there was a weight on her back and she was about to fall at any moment.

“HEY. Elam. Tell here.” Night told her. She shook her head.

“Hay bail.”she said. Luna rise one eye brow.

“Hay Bail?” She ask.

“Yes my lady. He told me to tell you to remember the hay bails.” she said. Luna face seem to change a little.

“Edwin please leave us.” she said to the blue Pegasus. He nodded and left the room.

“Tell me Miss Corn. What do you know about these Hay Bails?” she ask.

“not much. He only told me to tell you hay bail. To prove it was him.” she said.

“and who is this pony your talking about?” she ask.

“Well he more of a spirit then a pony right now. But there only a few thing he can remember. Hay bail was one thing. You for another.” she was silence for a moment.

“Another was his name.” she said.

“And what is his name?” she had Princess Luna full attention now. her heart was beating fast.

“Endless Night.”

Author's Note:

if anyone wondering about the hay bail thing. it a joke form The Tail Of Endless Night. By the way i got an Editor now. he working on that story now. he going to send it to me when he done.

"Gem stone here. the writer took a break. so i'm working on the Q&A stuff. the answer for the last chapter was 25. this chapter question is. Who was taken from the stone family the night of the Dragon attack on canterlot?" she said crying.