• Published 25th Feb 2013
  • 397 Views, 13 Comments

The Return Of Night - EndlessKnight980

It been a 1000 year since Endless Night was turn to stone. Now a curse Pony trying to remove her curse has become Endless saving grace. This follow the story. The Tail Of Endless Night.

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Chapter 11:Crazy Fashion

Endless walk into ponyville. It was getting late. He look around for a store that would sell tents. he saw a group of little filly’s in robes. They ran pass heading into a large white building with bright colorful ribbon hanging off it. he wonder if some pony in there could help him. He walk in. A little bell rang.

“Hello and welcome to Carousel Boutique. I am Rarity. Your fashion designer. How may I help you today.” he was bewilder by her. Then he realize she was there the night he came back.

“O my. Your hair!” she said in shock.

“O that it nothing.” he said blowing it out of his eyes. He still hadn’t gotten a hair cut.

“No, no, no. This will not do.” She said Pulling out a pair of scissor.

“Now sit down and I’ll trim it up.” she told him.

“No I’m good.” he said taking a step back. A group of young filly’s bump into him. He fell forward.

“Sweety bell!” she yell

“Sorry Rarity.” she said and then ran off.

“I’m Sorry Endless Night. My sister and her friends have been driving me crazy all day.” she said griping her teeth.

“It ok. But how did you know my name?” he ask.

“You’re the talk of the town. Haven’t you seen the news papers?” she floated a roll up paper over and unroll it. His jaw drop open. On the front of the parchment was a image of him. he started to breath hard. He close his eyes. He then hear screaming. He open his eyes and thing in the store were spinning around the room. he quickly stop.

“I Am so Sorry.” he said putting his hooves over his head.

“I’ll help clean up.” Rarity stood up under rolls of cloth.

“What was that?” she ask.

“Sorry. I sometimes have trouble with new thing I don’t understand.” he said.

“I’m sorry. I don’t understand.” she said her eyes still spinning.

“I’m a 1025 years old. So everything is new to me.” The young group of filly’s enter the room.

“Rarity. What happen in here?” A little white unicorn ask.

“O. It nothing. Just some magic discharge.” she said.

“I thought you didn’t get that anymore.” she said.

“Well I don’t but....” she startes.

“But it was me. And I’m haven’t use magic in a long time. And, and it builds up if you don’t use it. Right.” he told them.

“Yes that right.” she said with a big smile.

“Ok. Well were heading to sweet apple acer.” she said.

“Ok. That fine. Be back before it get to dark.” The young filly’s ran pass and headed to the door.

“Sweety Bell. I need you tell Apple Jack I need her help tomorrow morning.” Rarity yell.

“Ok.” she yell as they left. Endless help rarity clean. it didn't take long.

“Ok that should do it.” she said as they finish. he sat down and wipe his forehead. Then blow the hair out of his eyes.

“I’m really sorry about that.” he said.

“It quiet alright. Now let me take care of that mess you call a mane.” she said floating a pair of scissor in the air.

“Fine.” he said giving up. he watch as hair fell to the floor. It sparkle as it fell.

“There all done.” She pull a mirror in front of him. She cut it shorter then he like. But it didn’t look half bad.

“Thank you Miss Rarity. It Great.” he said.

“Yes I do have a flare for this. But fashion is my real passion.” she said.

“Well I don’t know about fashion. But thank you for the hair cut.” he said.

“No problem at all. By the way. Why did you come into the Carousel Boutique?” she ask.

“I was looking to buy a tent.” he said.

“O. Are you going camping?” she said.

“No. But it cheaper then staying at an inn.” he told her.

“O my. You will not be staying in a tent while your in ponyville. Your royalty and should be treated as scut.” she said.

“But I’m not roy....” he started to say.

“No, no, no. I won’t have it. You’ll stay here tonight.” she said cutting him off.

“But I’m not....” he try again.

“It alright. You can sleep on the fold out sofa tonight. But then tomorrow we can find a proper place.” she said cutting him off again. he just gave up and grab his bag. The bottom rip open. His stuff fell to the ground. Rarity swelled.

“That robe. It ancient.” she said.

“Sorry. It my old mage robe. Princess Luna save it for me. I had it made in Little hove after I solve there dragon problem. Back in the day.” she swelled again. This time louder. A Blue Rainbow hair Pegasus crash through the front door.

“Rarity are you ok?” he took a step back from Rarity. Rainbow dash mouth was left open.

“Ok. I’m more then ok. This has to be the last robe ever made in Little Hove ever.” she said wrapping herself in Endless robe.

“and the color is just magnificent. And this crest on the flank is to die for.” he look back to his own flank.

“Look at the sticking. You do see this anymore. I must have it.” she continue on.

“Sorry Miss Rarity. But it has sentimental meaning. I can’t give it away.” Rarity look sad. She started to tear up.

“But I guest it won’t hurt to let you barrow it for the night.” she jump into the air and huge him hard.

“O Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.”she said hugging harder. he coughed.

“Can’t breath.” his face turning blue.

“Rarity!” Rainbow dash yell.

“O right. Sorry. Not very lady like of me.” she said blushing. he rub his neck.

“Rainbow darling. What are you doing here?” she said looking over to rainbow dash.

“I hear you scream. But more to the point. What he doing here?” she said pointing at Endless.

“Rainbow Dash don’t point. That very rude. I’m sorry. Rainbow Dash forget herself sometimes.” rarity said.

“It alright.” he told her. he didn't care he was never big on manners.

“No it not alright. What is he doing here?” Rarity sigh.

“If you must know. He my guest tonight. And thank you to leave now.i must design a whole new line around this piece.” she said holding his robe up.

“Alright. But if you do anything to rarity I’ll make you pay. Got it!” she said eye to eye with him and grinding her hove into his chest. he swallow.

“Got it.” The only thought going through his mind was how scary she was. She flew out the door closing it behind her. Rarity ran off with his robe and place it on a dummy. he look down at his bag and his stuff on the ground.

“Could I barrow a needle and some tread?” he ask. But Rarity seem to be in her own world. The door flew open.

“Rarity! I’m Home!” Sweety bell yell. Endless cover his ears. How could any pony that small be that loud?

“Sweety Bell. Could you be a doll and help Sir Night with anything he needs?” rarity said as rolls of cloth flew pass.

“Ok!” She said walking with a bunch in her step.

“Hi. I’m sweety Bell.” she said.

“Nice to meet you Sweety Bell. I’m Endless Night.” he told her.

“O I already know that. Every pony know who you are.” This stock him as odd.

“Every pony?” he ask.

“Yes everyone know about you now. Ever since Miss Twilight got everyone together and told us all about you.”

“Sweety Bell! Hee, hee, hee. Yes that was a week ago.” Rarity said wrapping her hooves around Sweety Bell mouth.

“But that was just yester...” she said getting he mouth lose and quickly cover back up.

“Yes that right. It was yesterday last week. Sweety Bell can I talk with you for a moment.” They left the room. Endless Sigh and look over at the sofa. He was tier. He walk over and lay down.

“Now that, that settle. Is there anything I can do for you?” she said entering the room. he let out a loud snore. Rarity smile.

“poor thing. He must be tier.” she said floating a blanket above him.

“O my. it so bi.” she said looking at his scar Flank.

“What is it?” Sweety Bell ask. trying to see

“Nothing.” she drop the blanket on him quickly. her face Que red.

“Come now Sweety bell. Let us leave our guest.” She turn the light out.

Author's Note:

AWR: MING. "Do i have to?" Yes you lost the bet."Come on really. it not lady like." Since when do you care about being lady like? "well i......forget it. fine." this should be go. "Shut it. sigh. Hi. my name is Gem Stone and i want all the Colt's to come here." (A large group of colts walk around her.) Now i'll start the music. "Here i got. My Milkshake bring all the colt to the yard and they like it better then yours. damn right it better then your. i could teach but i have to charge" O My god. i can't believe that work. i cheated on the bet. best prank ever. so can you ask the.... what with the hammer? "Type the question fast and prepair to run." right. What kind of cookie did Mr. Pie give to Luna and Endless on they date? ok got to run. "Hey don't run. i just want to talk."