• Published 25th Feb 2013
  • 397 Views, 13 Comments

The Return Of Night - EndlessKnight980

It been a 1000 year since Endless Night was turn to stone. Now a curse Pony trying to remove her curse has become Endless saving grace. This follow the story. The Tail Of Endless Night.

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Chapter 22: Nothing could change in 2 weeks

Endless walk down the old road at night. He had spend the last 2 week meditating in the mountain. Now he returning to ponyville. He knew what had to be done. His father needed to stop. The only way to do that was to remove all the chaos energy from his body. He had come up with a plan. But he had to fine his father first.

There was a odd silence in ponyville. Normal there would be some pony up. It wasn’t that late. he decided that they all went to bed early. Now thinking about it. He was tier. He yawn.

“Maybe I’ll just head to sweet apple acer and get some sleep. Surprise everyone tomorrow. Twilight will really be Surprise to see my new spell.” he said with a big smile. Knowing how she love magic.

He walk down the path. He soon found himself at the main gate to sweet apple acer. The gate was lock. he jump over and headed for the barn. He open the door. His stuff he left was hanging on the wall. He had left in hurry. That he had only took what he had on. His coat and robe. he yawn and jump into the hay bed. Quickly falling to sleep.

“Well Shot. I never thought I see you again.” he awake. Apple Jack was standing over him.

“Morning Apple Jack. What did I miss?” he said standing up. She let out a little yawn.

“Me and the other just got back from Canterlot.” she told him.

“You look tier. Maybe you should get some sleep.” he told her.

“No. I’m fine. Long week.” she said. He smile as she yawn again.

“Ok. I’m going over to see Twilight. I got a new spell to show her.” he said throwing his robe on.

“Tell the Princess I said hi.” she said.

“The Princess is there. I need to talk to her.” He said running out of the barn. She stood there confuse. Then she laugh as remember. Endless had miss it all.

He ran down the street. He was heading to the library. If Celestia was there. He could tell her his plan. There was a group of pony’s screaming up head. He stop and saw a cart spinning around in circles. The crusaders inside. It stop and face him. It was acting like a bull. He raise an eyebrow. He was a little confuse. Someone had charm it. That was clear.

It charge at him. It wheels peeling out. The girls screaming. He jump to the left. Just missing the cart. He turn. The cart charge again. He jump into the air. The cart pass under him. It turn again. He landed a face the cart again. The girls screaming for help.

The cart charge one final time. He jump into the air. His hind leg up. His head aim down. As the cart pass under him. He cast the levitation spell and pull the three girls out of the cart. They continue to scream as he set them on the ground.

“Ok I got you. Now move.” He said as they stop scream and ran away. The cart turn move it wheel like a bull. Getting ready to charge. The cart move at a full charge. Faster then last time. He cast an earth spell and made a ramp of stone. The cart flew over head. Smashing into the ground. Chuck of the cart flew everywhere. The crusaders ran up to Endless as he fix the street.

“Thank you for saving us Endless.” Apple Bloom said.

“What happen?” he ask looking at the carts remains.

“We don’t know. We were trying to get our cutie marks and the cart went wild.” she said pointing at it. He floated a piece up and look at it. It seem to be back to normal.

“You girls alright?” he ask putting the wood chuck down.

“Other then sweety bell shacking and a nerves twitch. But we’ll be fine.” He smile as the girls ran off. Saying something about getting some tea.

He left and headed for the library. He was still thinking about the cart. He wonder who had charm it.

“Endless.” he turn but had little time to react. Pinky Pie tackle him.

“Pinky Pie. Get off me.” he said in pain.

“I Can’t do that. Not til I give you a big Pinky hug.” she pick him up hugging him hard.

“Pinky. Pie. I. Can’t. Breath.” he said his face turning different colors. Pinky Pie let him go. He took a deep breath.

“Sorry. We all miss you so much.” She said jumping around. She started to sing. He had a feeling it was going to be a song about missing your friends. He roll his eyes. He was right. he put his hooves up to his ears and back down again. After she had finish and left to go see Rainbow Dash .He remove his ear pugs.

“Best gift I ever got. Thank you Rainbow Dash.” he said putting them in his pocket. He finally reach the library. He knock on the door. Spike answer the door.

“Good morning Endless. What can I do for you today?” he seem to be in good spirit. Endless thought this odd. The little dragon was never in a good mood to see him.

“Is the Princess here? I need to talk to her.” he told the spike. Keeping an eye out for any pranks.

“She over at Flutter Shy house. I was just about to head over and bring them lunch.” he pull a basket out.

“How about we go together?” he ask. Endless look around. Waiting for something to happen.

“That sound fine spike.” he said floating the basket into the air. He was very careful around spike. The little dragon always like to play pranks on him. It was because he had overreacted went they first met. Spike look up at him with a grin.

“So were did you go?” he said breaking the silence. Endless mind flash to the last two weeks. He had teleported to the outskirts of the ever free forest. After a day of walking. He found a cave in the side of the mountain. Inside was a spring. He survive there.

“I was in the ever free forest.” spike jump a little.

“So did you figure out to cure your curse there? He ask. Endless stop. Setting the basket down.

“How did you know about that?” Spike rub his head.

“Will. I. Um.” Endless shoot him a look. That said. Tell the truth. “Ok. I was at the house the night you left.”

His mind race.

“Who else have you told?” Spike jump as he went eye to eye with him.

“No one. Not even Twilight. i swear.” spike said. he let out a sigh of relieve.

“I just felt bad for you. After you left Celestia found me and told me not to tell.” Endless smile. Celestia was trying to handle thing herself. He pick up the basket. He floated spike onto his back.

“So that why your being so nice.” He said walking down the road.

“You had a hard life. I figure you could use a less complicated life.” Endless smile.

“Sorry about trying to fry you when we first met.” he said.

“It water under the bridge.” he said smiling.

“Friends?” Spike put a claw pass his head. Endless was a little shock. A 1000 years ago he never be friends with a dragon.

“Friends.” he said shacking his claw.

Flutter Shy house came into view. Pinky Pie and Rainbow Dash were there. He could see Rainbow Dash flying around with Flutter Shy and another Pegasus. He look around for Celestia.

“Hey guys. Look Endless and Spike are here.” Rainbow Dash said flying down.

“Were have you been? We were all worry.” She said smacking him on top of his head. His ears were ringing. Spike jump down catching the basket. He step back. Grabbing his head. he was a little dizzy from the hit.

“Ow. Was the really needed?” he ask. He was seeing double.

“Rainbow dash!” Endless hear Twilight yell. “That wasn’t nice.”

Twilight walk into view. he shook his head. “I think you hit me to hard. I’m seeing Twilight with wings.”

The girls giggle . his head stop ringing. “I’m I see this right.”

He hit the side of his head twice. “Twilight! You have wings!”

he stood there in shock. He was really confuse.

“What going on here?” he yell.

------------(Short time later)--------------

After sitting down and listening to Twilight story. he sat there and let it set in.

“So You’re a Princess now.” he said looking at her new wings.

“Yap. Rainbow Dash and Flutter Shy was helping me learn to fly.” She said.

“Not as easy as it look. Right?” he said laughing. He told her about his first time. Falling and tripping. Then the mud. They love that part. They all laugh about it.

“O Twilight. I almost forgot. I made a new spell. I thought you like it.” He told her.

“Ok. What it suppose to do?” She ask. he stood up. “Pinky Pie. Could you help me show it?”

Pinky jump into the air. “You bet.”

He had her stand by a tree. He sat down and cross his hind legs. His horn glow a bright Pink.

“Ok Pinky. Think about something that make you sad. The saddest thing you can think of.” he told her. Pinky Pie put her hove to her chin. She started to cry.

“Ok I’m ready.” She said sniffing. He floated into the air. A beam of pink hit her. She floated into the air. Then they floated down. He sit down breathing hard.

“Pinky Are you ok?” Twilight said running over to her. Pinky was crying hard.

“I’m so happy!” she cry. They look over to Endless.

“What did you do?” she ask.

“I took her sad memory and made her remember something really happy.” he told them. Pinky wipe the tears away. She ran over and hug him.

“Thank you.” She said. After that pinky was quiet for a long time.

“That a first. You made Pinky speechless. Maybe you should do that more to her.” Rainbow dash told him.

“Sadly. It only works once.” He stood up. “Only problem with that spell is that it take a lot out of me.”

A crack of thunder echo above his head. Endless jump. Them it started to rain over him. Pinky ran up to him opening her mouth. he notces that the rain wasn’t normal. He put a hove up. Catching a few drops. He lick them.

“Chocolate?” he said confuse. A cool feeling wash over him. He only knew one person that could do this.

“Long time no see.” Endless turn. He step back. He fell to the ground on his back.

“DISCORD!” he yell.

Author's Note:

AWR: A PILLOW. I use this chapter to bring thing up to date. so ya. anyway. Gem stone any though about it. "Did anyone tell Endless that Discord back?" this is going to be good. "why." that a good question. "o can i?" yes my dear. "here this Chapter Question. What was the first thing Endless did to Discord in the castle when he was trying to save Luna? that a mouth full." you said it. here have some tea. "thanks. Sip. sip sip. hey this taste funny. what in it?" ............. "Ken were you go? o a note. Dear Gem Stone. Look in the mirror. love Ken. "MY TEETH.THEY BLACK. o he going to pay. he going to pay."