• Published 25th Feb 2013
  • 398 Views, 13 Comments

The Return Of Night - EndlessKnight980

It been a 1000 year since Endless Night was turn to stone. Now a curse Pony trying to remove her curse has become Endless saving grace. This follow the story. The Tail Of Endless Night.

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Chapter 17:Misguided Youth

Endless awake. He was still in the apple grove. He had slap there all night. His mind still racing. But was it all a dream. He stood up and wipe the dirt and mug off. He then head back to the farm. He figure that he would work it out later. Apple bloom ran pass him as he open the Farm house door. She stop.

“Hi Endless. Were have you this morning?”

“I took a walk before anyone got up.” he told her.

“Do you have a few minutes?” She ask.

“I guess. Just let me get....”

“Great come on.” she said pulling him. He follow her to a small tree house.

“Ok. What did you need?” his stomach rumble.

“Just follow me.” he follow her into the tree house. he look around and saw Sweety Bell there.

“Hi Sweety Bell. Were Scootaloo.” she ask.

“I’m here.” a little Pegasus flew through the open window.

“Sorry I’m late. I was hanging with Rainbow Dash.” he smile as he remember the drinking game. Apple Bloom hit a hammer on a stand.

“Now that everyone here. I would like to open the meeting of the cutie mark crusader.” he felt a little odd.

“What did you need me for?” he ask.

“Endless Night. We would like you to Join the cutie Mark crusader.” she said.

“What are the Cutie mark crusader?” he ask.

“We help pony who don’t have there cutie mark yet.” Scootaloo told him.

“And since you don’t have one.” Sweety Bell said.

“We would like you to join.” They said together. Each with a big smile and eyes. The only though he had was. The Cuteness! it over powering!

“I’m sorry to tell you this girls. But I already have my cutie mark.” He said point to his scar flank.

“No you don’t. It blank.” Sweety Bell said. he sigh.

“How could I put this lightly. When I was young colt . I was hurt. I was burn really badly. My cutie mark has only been see once.” he said.

“What is it?” Scootaloo ask. he look down at the little Pegasus.

“Promise not to tell anyone?” They nodded yes.

“It a moon with a heart on it. There are stars all around it.” They giggle. Sweety bell face was red.

“So does that mean you are in love with the moon?” she smile and rub her mane.

“Sort of. Just think about. It will come to ya.” he said with a big smile.

he left soon after the girls stop giggling. They like to hear about his cutie mark. They even ask him to draw it. he try his best. But he has to be the worst at drawing. he saw Rainbow dash flying to the farm house. He walk in the kitchen and saw Apple Jack and Rainbow dash laughing.

“O hello Endless. How are you today.” She said in a happy tone.

“I’m ok. No more cider for me tho.” he laugh. Rainbow dash and apple jack join him. his stomach rumble again.

“Endless. Maybe you can help me?” Dash ask.

“With what?”

“Cloud busting.” she said.

“Cloud busting?” He ask.

“Ya there a large amount of rain clouds coming. If we don’t pop them. They flood some part of ponyville.” she told him.

“sounds fun.” he said as he remember popping them in his youth.

“ That the spirit. Come on let go.” She said pulling him away.

“wait can’t I just get...” but he didn’t have time to finish.

“See you later Apple Jack.” She said pulling him outside.

“Try to keep up.” She said taking off. he smile and follow. It was hard to keep up with her. Every time he got close. She speed up. she final slow to a stop.

“There they are.” she pointed as a band of black clouds.

“Ok. So I’ll start over there and we meet in the middle.” he said pointing the left side of the clouds.

“Na. I’ll just head down the middle and split it. Then we split those.” she said making a crossing patten with her hooves.

“What ever you say. You’re the pro cloud buster.” he said smiling. Rainbow head straight down the middle of the cloud bank. He then did the same to the next break off. It went on like this for a few hours. There were only a few clouds left. he was tier.

“Ok I think that will do it.” she said.

“What about those?” he pointed at the few cloud remaining.

“It good to have a little rain. Let get back to ponyville.” she said. his stomach growl loud. he blush. Rainbow laugh.

“Come on. I know a close place.” he follow her to a small house on the outskirt of town.

“This is my good friend Flutter Shy house. She should have something to eat.” She knock on the door. A yellow Pegasus with a pink mane answer the door.

“O hello Rainbow. What are you doing here?”

“We were Cloud busting and got hungry. Have any thing to eat?” she told her.

“Well yes. but who was helping youuuuuU!” She scream and slam the door as her eyes found Endless.

“Flutter shy. What was that about?” Dash ask. Endless smile the last time he met her. He was wearing his robes.

“It him. The evil pony brought back from the past.” he sigh. He notes Rainbow doing the same.

“That his father. He the good one.” she pointed at him.

“Are you shore?” she pock here head out.

“Yes. Just let us in.” She open the door. he follow Rainbow dash into the house. He was amaze at the inside of her house.

“Flutter shy. This is Endless Night.”

“Pleaser to meet you.” he said bowing.

“O MY. Your hurt. Here Let me help you.” The next thing he knew. She had wrap all his scar’s with bandages. From Head to Flank.

“Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.” he said trying to say something. Rainbow dash was laughing.

“O there no need to thank me. I like to help.” she said. He narrow his eyes.

“Flutter shy! He not hurt.” Rainbow Dash said unwrapping his head. she was still laughing lightly.

“I’m ok. They old burns.” he told her.

“O I’m sorry.” she said blushing.

“It ok.” he said as his stomach growl loudly. He blush.

“Sorry.” he said.

“It ok. I’ll go get you something.” she said heading off to the kitchen.

A hour later Rainbow dash left. A little time after that Endless thank Flutter shy for the meal and headed out. His wings were sore. So he decided to walk. He look up at the dark clouds. It was going to rain. Then he saw a weird triangle thing in the sky. He Cocked his head to one side. Trying to get a better look.

“ENDLESS HELP THEM.” Scootaloo yell tackling him.

“What going on?” he ask

“It sweety bell and Apple bloom. There up there.” she pointed.

“What?” he said in shock.

“We Were Trying to get our cutie mark in flying sports.” she told him.

“Find rainbow dash. I’m going to need her help.” He flew up. The triangle kit thing flip and roll. The girl’s scream.

“HOLD ON.” he yell as he landed on top and grab the tip of the giant kite. The kite flip back three time. He let go. The giant kite flew into Ponyville. He flew after it. It was heading for Twilight tree. he flew faster. Then a blur of color flew pass. It was rainbow dash. He flew behind her.

“quick grab there!” he pointed at the tip. he took the back part in his mouth as Rainbow push the front. he flap backward hard. The kite slow to a stop. floating in mid air.

“It ok girls we got you.” she yell. they floated the glider down to the ground. he let got of the glider. The two girls huge Rainbow dash and then him.

“What were you thinking.” Rainbow yell.

“Were sorry Rainbow dash. We were trying to get our cutie marks. But we just made a mess of it.” They said looking very sad.

“Your lucky. That scootaloo found me and Endless. Or you may have been hurt.” she yell some more.

“We’re Sorry.” they said and quickly ran off.

“Do they do that often?” he ask.

“More then you know.” she smile.

Author's Note:

"To be honest. if no pony got the last chapter question i be piss." Quiet. i still have a hangover. ooooo. "the Answer was GEM STONE." ow my head. "That the lest of your problems." uh what. Problem? "well you told me change you back to normal." ya. and you won't. "Well i try to last night. but." so i'm human again? "Defined human." O no. this is not happening Again. "Again?" please tell me this is a joke. that you just dress me this way. as a joke like a drag Queen. "Well i turn you human at lest." You Turn me into a Woman with a man voice. "But your still human." That it were the Axe. "in preparation i remove all tools from the house." then i'll get my shot gun. "those two." were a stick i'll hit you with at. "i think you'll fine it hard to find any thing." Why? "i had Celestia put us some were." Well let just see were we are. "Don't open that door." Why what going to happen. i'm i going to get suck out into spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace? "thank goodness i had a rope. but here this chapter question. what did Endless Shrink other then his bag? Bonus. what show was references after the bag was shrunk. see you next chapter. Ken may not tho. seeing as he in Space. good thing he can hold his breath."