• Published 25th Feb 2013
  • 398 Views, 13 Comments

The Return Of Night - EndlessKnight980

It been a 1000 year since Endless Night was turn to stone. Now a curse Pony trying to remove her curse has become Endless saving grace. This follow the story. The Tail Of Endless Night.

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Chapter 10:Troubling Times

It had been almost a 2 week since Endless awake from his stone body. Celestia had order some of her guard to follow him around. She ether didn’t trust him yet or she was making shore he was safe. Ether way he hated it. Worst yet. The only time he got to see Luna was about lunch time each day. As she now had the job of caring for the moon. Odder yet was that Celestia was in charge of the sun. The only good thing was his new room. It was simple. All but the clock. he hated that alarm clock so much. He throw out the window the other day and clock some poor pony in the head. Luck for him. He was wearing a helmet.

he Sigh as he look out the window. Times had changes so much.

“Something wrong sir.” he sigh again and face his guard.

“I told you don’t call my sir. Call me Endless. Or Night. Or Endless Night.”

“Sorry Sir. I mean Endless. But is something the matter?”

“It Nothing. Just not use to being a 1025 years old yet.” he smile and looking out the window again. Thank to Luna. He knew how old he was. She had keeping track. Endless turn to his guard. His name was Sharpen Blade. He a blue Pegasus with a bright red main. But you wouldn’t knew it from looking at him. He wear his armor all the time. Only a little of his main stuck out. Endless look at the sun.

“Come on. It almost time for Lunch.”

“Yes Sir.” he Roll his eyes as the head to the main dinning hall.

he look around as he enter the main dinning hall. He was the first one there. he took his place at the table. Sharpen Blade took his place with the other guards. They line the hall. he waited for about ten minute. He was ready to leave and find something to eat for himself. he stood up as the door open. Celestia Walk in laughing with Luna.

“Aa there you are Endless.” he sat back down.

“Any news about him?” he ask. As he had done every time he seen Celestia.

“Nothing. Like I’ve told you. If any news about him come to light. You will be the first to knew.” She said taking her place at the table. Luna sat next to him.

“Did you have a good night at work?” he ask Luna.

“Nothing I couldn’t handed.” she said with her sweet smile.

“How are you adjusting?” he Sigh.

“I’m still having a hard time. I really wish there was some place simpler.” Thing got quiet as the meal was serve.

“Maybe we could find some place that like the old ways.” Luna look at Celestia with daggers in her eyes. he didn’t see it.

“That Could help. But then I have to leave Luna.” He said looking over to Luna.

“You could go to this old timely village. It would only be for a short time. Then after he gotten use to thing there. You could come back.” he sit there and try to think about what to do. If he stay in canterlot. Then all the new things in canterlot that he was still not use to. Just the other day. He blow up a fountain in the garden. Him and Luna were walking pass it when it turn on. He was scare by it and in his haste he destroy it.

he look over to Luna. She was the only reason he wanted to stay. But if he couldn’t adjusted to the times. Then he was more dangerous to her. It would be good to get use to things slowly. Then he could return to Luna in full control. But how long it would take.

The Main reason he didn’t want to leave was always creeping into his mind. The news about his father. If any news about his father came in. He wanted to be here to hear it. he sigh and brook the silent’s.

“Endless. I really don’t want you to go.” Luna told him.

“It is you chose.” They look at him and wait for his answer.

“I would like to take so time to think about it. Maybe after we find a place close’s to Canterlot. But let me think about it longer.” he said standing up.

“I’ll be in the garden if anything come up.” he told them as he left.

he watch as the Two earth pony repair the fountain. he knew he should help. But he had more on his mind. He wasn’t shore if he would stay here in canterlot with Luna Or go away to an old time village she was talking about. The more he thought about it. The more he thought about leaving Luna. Even those it would only be for a short time.

“I know that look.” he look at an old Blue Pegasus. He took a set on the bench.

“What?” he ask.

“You look like your having trouble’s son.”

“Just having trouble choosing between things.” he said.

“What you choosing between? Filly’s?” he laugh.

“You could say that.” he smile

“Well son. In the 123 years I’ve been around. I learn one thing about filly’s.”

“What that?” he ask.

“They never know what they want.” he said laughing and kicking his legs into the air. he waited for him to stop. His eyebrow twitching.

“So did that help you young fella?” Endless smile.

“Nope.” he said.

“Well If I were you. I wouldn’t chose.”

“What would you do?” he ask.

“Well. I would think real hard about what I really want. Then go with that.” he look at the old pony. He then look at the pony’s working on the fountain. he stood up.

“So did that help you Young Fella?” Endless Smile again.

“I’m gonna go see.” he said

“Good Luck to ya young fella.”

“Thank you. Young fella.” he laugh as he ran away. The old Pegasus Laughing as he left.

Endless found Celestia and Luna in the main hall.

“Endless. Have you made up your mind yet?” she ask running up to him and giving him a hug.

“Yes I have.” he said walking up to Celestia.

“Whatever you chose. I will help you with it.” she told him.

“Good. Because I’ll need all the help I can get.”

“So are you going to do?” Luna ask. Hoping he stay. he took a deep breath and exhale it slowly.

“Luna. You know how I feel about you.” he said

“Yes.” she said

“Then I hope you understand why I have to leave.” her face turn from happy to sad all a once.

“So you want to go to the village?” she ask.

“No.” he said.

“Then you want to stay in Canterlot?” Celestia ask

“No.” They look at him. They were confuse.

“Then What?” Luna ask.

“I’m going to travel all over Equestria.” he told them.

“WHAT!?!” They said together.

“I need to get use to the times. But if I say in canterlot. I’m to dangerous and I may hurt some pony. I can’t do that. So I’m going to travel.”

“Are you shore about this?” Celestia ask.

“But you could hurt some pony else.” Luna told him.

“I thought long and hard about it. It safer this way.” A Laugh eco the hall. They look around and didn’t see anything.

“Were Will you go?” Luna ask.

“I was looking at a new map of equestria. I plan to travel to ponyville first and then head around to the different towns.” he told them.

“If that what you wish. I’ll have some pony gather supples for you. I will also give you a large amount of bits.” Celestia said.

“Thank you Princess. Now I need to go and prepare.” he left the room.

“You can’t just let him go.” Luna told her sister.

“Don’t worry Luna. I’ve got a plan that can’t fail. He won’t make it out of Ponyville.” she said.

“What is it?” She ask.

“ It not so much of a what. As a who.” She smile. Luna confuse.

“Well. Who Then?” she ask.

“Just one Pony can help him now.” she said.

“Who?” she ask eagerly.

“Twilight Sparkle.” she told Luna.

“How can she help?” she ask.

“She help you after you blow up on Nightmare night.” she said pulling out a quill and paper.

“That different. He don’t knew how things work now.” she said.

“Nether did you.” Luna Look down.

“I know you want him to stay. But if he in ponyville. He not that far away.” She said as the roll of paper burn away.

“Then I’m going with him.” Celestia sigh.

“I”m sorry. But you can’t. If you leave now. The balance would be throw off. The same way it was when you were Nightmare Moon. All those years ago.” she told her sister.

“Fine.” Luna finally agree with her sister. A roll up piece of paper appeared. Celestia unroll it.

“Ah good. Thing’s are being arrange for him. He’ll never know what hit him.” She said laughing.

-----------(the next day)-----------

Endless awake early in the morning. The sun was still down. He gather his supples. He look over his map. He had a long hike to ponyville. He pack his map and headed down to the main hall. He wanted to say goodbye to Luna. The castle was dark. Save a few light here and there. Endless enter the main hall. Celestia was there. She had a two earth pony’s in suit with her. One holding a red bag.

“There you are Endless Night. We’ve been waiting for you.” he walk down to her.

“Here. This bag of bits should get you were your going.” he open his bag and put the bag of bits in.

“Is Luna back yet?” he ask.

“She be here soon. Do you have everything you need?” she said.

“I think so.” He said as the door open. Luna walk in. She stuck he nose in the air as she walk pass him.

“Luna. I need to do this.” he said.

“Why! I wait for a 1000 years and now your leaving!” she said.

“Luna. I need to. I don’t want to hurt you.” Luna burst into tears.

“Luna. I’ll be back. I need to do this.” he said.

“Alright.” she said wiping her eyes.

“But don’t go falling for any other girls.” she said putting her hove into his chest. he smile.

“How could I fall for any Pony but you.” he said kissing her check. Luna put her head against his.

“ok. Be safe. Goodb...” he put his hove on her mouth.

“Don’t said goodbye. How about. See you later.” he cut her off. Luna smile.

“See you later Endless Night.” she kiss him.

“Ok. I’ll send a letter every time I get a town.” he said.

“O wait I almost forgot.” she ran over to a chest and pull out a green robe.

“Here. I had it restore for you.” It was his robe from all those years ago.

“Thank you Luna. See you both Later.” he said putting it on. Soon after that he left the castle and canterlot.

he pull his map out. He look at the compass. He was heading the right way. There was a large mountain up ahead. he pack the map and compass. He knew that he needed to reach ponyville before dark. He forgot to pack a tent. It was going to be the first thing to buy when he got ponyville. he jump as a rabbit jump from the bush. He put a hove on his chest.

“Thank goodness. You scare me. Where did you come from?” The rabbit pointed up at the sky.

“Ah who a cute little guy. You can’t fly.” He move his arm up and down. Still pointing into the air. he rase an eyebrow. Then it happen. It felt like he was slam be a yellow brick wall.

“ow. My head.” he said.

“O I’m so sorry. I was looking for angel bunny. here.” It was one of the filly’s from the day he was cure.

“It ok. Nothing broken.” he stood up slowly.

“Now back home with you.” she said talking to the rabbit.

“Home? Way out here?” he ask.

“O it really not that far from town. And the animals like it out here.” she said.

“Town? What town. There no town between Canterlot and ponyville.” he said.

“That right.” Flutter Shy told him.

“But Ponyville just pass that mountain. Right?” he ask.

“O I’m sorry. But I think your lost. Ponyville right down the road.” she said.

“Road? What road?” he ask.

“Why that road over there silly.” she said moving a branch. There was a stone path behind it. Endless smack his hove onto his forehead.

Author's Note:

"Gem stone hear. i have to tell every pony. that i'm sorry." And i'm loving this." Shut up if you what me to do it." Fine. continue. "i'm sorry for saying bad things i said." and so am i. "now the answer to the Question is Doctor Hooves and Miss Sparkles" and this chapter question is. "why he doesn't take baths? P u" No. it. What is the name of the dragon who throw the ruby? "wow that a hard one." i think pony's may get this one confuse. so i'll give you a hint. Endless crawl pass a dragon tail."that it?" Yep. can make them all easy. ow why you hit me? "can't let you get away with everything." she wink.