• Published 25th Feb 2013
  • 398 Views, 13 Comments

The Return Of Night - EndlessKnight980

It been a 1000 year since Endless Night was turn to stone. Now a curse Pony trying to remove her curse has become Endless saving grace. This follow the story. The Tail Of Endless Night.

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Chapter 20: Birthday Survival

Endless move carefully. He move through the square. Hiding everywhere He hid under a table. Then a hay bail. Then in a barrel. When he saw today date he started to worry. June 14. Thing always went bad on this date. Dragons, fires, get beat up by filly’s. he just didn’t what to run into on pony.

“Endless Night. What are you doing?” he quickly turn and put his hove over Twilight mouth.

“I’m hiding from Pinky Pie.” he said lowing his head into the barrel.

“Why?” She ask moving his hove.

“It June 14.” he told her.

“What so special about today?” she ask. But before she could get her answer.

“He Over here Pinky!” Spike yell and pointed at his hiding spot.

“I Got you now Endless Night.” Pinky said as she charge at him. he kick the barrel apart and ran.

“Wait pinky. What going on?” twilight ask as she chase him around the square.

“Today. Is. Endless. Night. Birth. Day.” she said as she chase him around twilight. Twilight put her hove to her chin. She put together what Pinky Pie said.

“Today is Endless Night Birthday?” she said.

“That. Right.” she said running past he again.

Endless jump into the air. He flew a few feet up. Pinky jump into the air and grab his hind legs.

“No. Let go. I don’t want...” he said pushing Pinky off. He watch as Twilight catch Pinky Pie.

“I’ll Get you Endless Night. You can’t hid forever.” she yell as he flew away.

“Pinky what going on.” Twilight ask.

“It Endless Night Birthday and Pinky Pie want to throw him a party.” Spike said walking up.

“Really. Then why is he running away.” She ask.

“I Don’t know. But when I catch him. I’m going to find out.” She said Running off.

---------------------(short time later)-----------------------

Endless was breathing hard. He was hiding in a apple tree at Sweet Apple Acer. He had manage to get away from Pinky Pie. He had a few minute to rest. He grab and apple and start to eat it. He look around talking another bit. Apple Bloom was running around with the crusaders. They seem to be looking for something.

“I have you now!” he spit the apple out and look up. Rainbow dash was carrying Pinky Pie. He roll out of the tree. Sending apple at Pinky and Dash. They dodge them and head for him.

“There he is girls.” Apple Bloom yell. He quickly ran. Rainbow dash drop pinky off. Pretty some. He had them all behind him. He was getting tier. He Look around trying to find a way out. The Barn. He could head in. Teleport out. Then lock them in. He turn and head for the barn.

“Get back here and face it like a colt.” Rainbow dash Yell. He rolled his eyes. It just like his 17 birthday. Beat up by filly’s. Apple Jack was working in the barn. He jump over her head. He hat flying off. He stood in the barn breathing hard.

“We got you now.” Pinky said. he step back.

“Come on Pinky. You don’t want to do this.” he said backing up. They walk in.

“I Just Want to...” he teleported before she could finish.

“Were he go.” Rainbow dash ask. They turn to a loud whistle from behind.

“Here I am.” he said closing the doors.

He ran fast. He had to think of a place Pinky would never look. He smile as he though of the best place to hid from her. She never look there.

-------(Few hour later)-----------

Pinky Pie walk around Ponyville looking high and low for Endless. She ask every pony in town to find him. Pinky felt her pinky scent go off. She quickly move.

“Ow. How did you know?” he ask turn visible and falling to the ground.

“It my Pinky scents. But where were you hiding?” She ask.

“In you shadow.” he said standing up.

“WAIT!” He Jump as pinky Scream.

“I Got you now.” she said grabbing around him around the neck.

“Come On Pinky. Just Let Me go.” He said gasping for air.

“Not til you tell me. Why you don’t want to celebrate your Birthday?” she ask. He sigh.

“Ok, Ok. Just let me go.” he said.

“Promise?” she ask.

“I Promise.” he said.

“Pinky Promise.” She said. he sigh again.

“Fine. Pinky Promise.” he said. She let him go. He step back. Pinky look a him with one big eye.

“I don’t like my birthdays because. I always get hurt. Or something bad happens. I'm jinx.” he watch as Pinky Pie stood the silence. She just stair at him. She turn her head to one side then the other. She then quickly move around him. She pull a big magnifying glass out and look him over.

“Nope. I don’t see it.” she said stepping back. He stood there confuse.

“Don’t see what?” he ask.

“Your Jinx. I don’t see it.” he sigh once again. he had enough

“I Give up. Do your worst pinky.” he said smiling.

Pinky grab him and pull him away. A few minute later. They were back at sweet Apple acer. Pinky lead him to the barn.

“What are we doing back here?” he ask. Pinky giggle.

“Just follow me.” She said. He know she was going to throw him a party. But she was still acting odd. Even for her. She open the doors. There was nothing there. He walk in and look around.

“Ok Pinky Pie. What going on?” he ask facing her. She was standing just outside. She had a big smile on her face.

“Just wait. It will a make scent soon.” She said. He was confuse. A few stray of hay fell from above. He didn’t think nothing of it. It happen all the time in the barn. Pinky pointed down. Endless saw to red strips making a V. They cross at his hooves. That when it hit him. It was and X.

“Now.” Pinky said. A Large bail of hay fell down onto of him. He move around.

“Pinky! I Didn’t Really mean you worst.” He call out from under the hay. He felt something bump into him. He hear the doors close. he pop his head out. It was dark. He lit his horn. At that moment he knew why Pinky was working so hard today.

“Happy Birthday Endless Night.” Luna said. he studier as he trying to ask all the questions he had at once. Like. how she got here? Why was she dress that way? How she set this all up? And Why she hit him with hay bail? But he didn’t care.


Pinky Pie stood outside the Barn. Apple Jack came up.

“Pinky Pie. What are you doing here?” She ask. Pinky whisper into her ear with a smile. Apple Jack look at her.

“Really? In there?” she ask. Looking around Pinky.

“Just head to O.C corner for the rest of the party.” she smile.

-------------(hour later)----------------

A Few Hour later Endless walk over to O.C. Corner with Pinky. Luna had to leave and get back to Canterlot. So he follow Pinky to the new Bar in town. He didn’t know about it. But he was a stallion and was willing to try anything once. The Girls were waiting outside. Big mac too. They walk in. he look around the room. There was a long counter to the left of the door. A brown Unicorn with a gray silver mane. He was wearing a white shirt with a black bow tie. He was washing a mug. he saw a mason jar on his flank. He look up.

“Hello. Welcome to the O C Corner. I’m Moon Shine. Come on in. Take a seat.” He said putting the mug down. he follow the girls to a table. They all set down. A large stack of menu floated down and flew to everyone.

“Don’t worry every pony. I’ll cover the bill.” Everyone turn. Celestia was standing in the doorway.

“You highness.” Moon Shine said bowing. She enter and took a seat at the table.

“Happy Birthday Endless.” She said. He seem to be the only one in shock other then Moon Shine.

“Thank you.” he said.

“Sadly. Luna won’t be coming. He duty at the castle will keep her busy tonight.” She told him. Pinky and Apple Jack Giggle. The other look at them.

“Really. Girls. The Word. Duty. Really not that funny.” Rarity said. They burst into laughter. Endless Join them. The other look at them clueless.

After and hour of partying. Pinky Pie Left and head to the back room with Moon Shine. Endless was enjoying himself. This was the first birthday that nothing had gone wrong.

“Endless Can you sit here at the head of the table sweety?” Rarity ask. he did as she ask. The light turn off. Pinky Pie and Moon Shine carry a large Pink cake out. They were singing a song. They set the cake down.

“Blow out you candles and make a wish.” Celestia said. Endless could only thing of one wish he wanted. He blow out the candles. They cheer.

“What you wish for?” Twilight ask.

“I Wish my family was here.” he said.

“Wish granted” his heart skip a beat. He stood up and ran around everyone.

“Hello son.” White night and Elma corn was standing in the doorway. He was wearing a suit and top hat.

“Dad!” He said in shock. Celestia stood in front of him.

“Don’t worry Princess. I’m not here to fight.” he said throwing his coat and hat on a chair.

“Then why are you here for?” Twilight ask.”

“Why? Why do you think?” He said.

“You’re here to take over Equestria.” Flutter shy said pocking her head from behind the bar. Then pull her head down.

“No. I’m here to wish my son a Happy Birthday and give him a gift.” He said pulling a warp paper box out of nowhere. He set it on the table.

Everyone was watching White Night.

“Endless Night. How are you my son?” he said taking a step to Endless. Celestia step between the two.

“It ok.” He said pushing around Celestia. He was standing face to face with him. There was an odd silence. Every pony was ready to attack.

“Look at you. You grown so much. You have your mothers eyes.” He broke the silence. Endless smile.

“Thank. Dad. Your looking good.” he said trying to figure out what his father was up to.

“Endless. Have you met my friend Elma Corn?” He said waving her in. She walk up in a blue dress with a small blue hat.

“Hello.” she said bowing.

“Elma Are you alright. Has he harm you?” Celestia broke in.

“I am fine Princess. He has not harm me. He is curing me of my curse.” She said. Bowing again. Endless was a little confuse.

“I told you Princess. We are here to enjoy my son birthday.” White Night Said.

“Ya. Right. You just want to get rid of use all at once.” Rainbow dash said. Flying above everyone head. White Night Laugh.

“My dear. If I was going to destroy you. it would be to easy. I wouldn’t bother do it here.” he said.

“See. he said he would destroy us. Princess we should deal with him right now.” she said getting in his face.

“My Dear. She can’t do nothing to me.” he said with a big grin.

“What? You think your stronger then Celestia. This guys asking for it.” Rainbow dash ready to hit him.

“RAINBOW DASH!” Celestia yell. Rainbow dash froze. Her hove inches from hisface. He was still smiling.

“You can’t hurt him.” She said. Rainbow and everyone else look confuse.

“Why?” she ask.

“Because. Even tho we know he going to do something. He still hasn’t done anything wrong.” She said.

“That Right Ladies. I have to do something wrong. Before you get to use element of harmony on me.” He said with a smile.

“How do you know about those?” Twilight ask.

“I did my own research on each of you. Even you Endless.” He said. nodding to his son.

“Wait what? Why did you need to do that?” Endless ask.

“I said enough. You should ask Celestia why your Cutis Mark never heals. I’m shore she tell you.” he said putting his top hat and coat on. He walk to the door with Elma.

“What are you talking about? Father!” Endless yell running for him.

“Good bye son. It was fun. Have a Happy Birthday.” he said and teleported with Elma.

Endless stop at the door. Tears roll down his face.

“I told you Pinky. My Birthday is jinx.” he said looking back to all of them.

Author's Note:

Help it a pinky pie attack. Yes i set a date for Endless Night Birthday. no it not mine. mine is 1/08. same date as the King of rock and roll. i just need my blue shoes. "Answer for last Chapter was West side. the new question is." What attack on Endless Night birthday in Canterlot? "Easy right?" Maybe. but we need to talk Gem Stone. "o no. what now." Well i'm going use you in my new fic i'm working on. but i need to know something. "What?" can you live without your darling Shining Star? just for a short Time. Wink wink. "i don't like the way your winking." don't worry. i just need a little blue box full of eye drops. wink wink. "what are you talking about?" Are you sick? do you need a Doctor? you been bugging me to get you back to Equestria." i know but your creeping me out with the winking." Don't worry. i'll use my kindle and solve that creepy feeling. see the kitty. "aaaaa. they so cute." so what do you say? "fine but i will break the forth wall if you try anything funny." Don't worry. i won't do anything. Wink wink nug nug say no more. "no more monty python for you."