• Published 25th Feb 2013
  • 401 Views, 13 Comments

The Return Of Night - EndlessKnight980

It been a 1000 year since Endless Night was turn to stone. Now a curse Pony trying to remove her curse has become Endless saving grace. This follow the story. The Tail Of Endless Night.

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Chapter 8:One Of These Days. Elma Pow Right to the Moon

Elma awake to the smell of pancakes. It had been two days sent Luna left. she knew she was getting thing ready to go. Grits was flipping Pancake into the air. she took a set at the table. There was orange juices on the table. she rub her head. Her mane was a mess.

“How are you this morning?” he ask.

“You know. I’ve sleep on everything from rock to wool. That bed is so uncomfortable.” Grits laugh.

“I knew. You think royalty would have better beds.” she said.

“How was your night?” she ask as Grits set down a plate in front of her.

“After you went to bed. I push the chairs out of the way. I wrap myself in a blanket and lay on the floor. It was better then the chairs.” They laugh.

“You know this guy not as bad as I thought he was.” Night Chime in. she Smile at Night reflation in her orange juices. She could see a white smile. After breakfast. she walk outside. She look up at the magic spear. It lit the cavern in a light blue glow.

she sigh as she look down the path into town. She had stay in the house for the last two days.

“Elma are you ready?” she look at Night reflation in the glass window.

“I think I’m ready.” She started down the street. As she walk she look at all the shops and houses. Luna had made everything the way it was a 1000 years ago. It was like it was after the dragon war had ended. she remember how a lot of pony’s had move to Canterlot after the end of the war.

Most had come to help restore the town. Others were from the dragon mines. Those poor pony were so weak. They been stuck in the mines for so long. They had little food and less sleep. she stop in front of Pie Bakery.

“Elma?” Night ask. A Tear roll down her chin. She had a smile.

“This is were it happen.” she said.

“What happen?” he ask.

“The fire.” she said crying.

As Elma walk. Night decided not to ask her about the fire. With state of her mine it was easier to look. He slip back into her memory. This was something that Night had learn he could do. He saw the memory she was thinking about. It was on odd feeling.

As he enter it. he open his eye. He look around and saw the old village of Canterlot. He was floating in the air like a ghost. Then a unseen force pull at him. He flew through the air. He was heading for a little farm house. He was moving fast. He was heading for the roof. he cross his Legs and pass through the roof.

he put his legs down. he look around. He blink a few time. He rub his eyes. He wanted to make shore he was seeing what he was seeing. Elma was wearing a bright pink and purple dress. She was putting make up on. There was a knock a the door.

“Come in.” A White unicorn with a yellow main enter the room.

“Morning Ray here.” she said.

“Ok mother. I’ll be down in a minute.” Her mother left the room. Elma started to sing a song. Her voice was soft and sweet. he floated in the air and listen to it as she comb her heir. She then braded it. Elma stood up and headed to the door. he follow. She walk down the stairs out the front door.

Outside was her mother and a Yellow Unicorn with a lime green main was waiting. she walk up to him and kiss him on the cheek.

“You look great.” he told her. she blush.

“Your to sweet.” he follow them as they went about they date. It was like any normal date he though. They went to the cafe. Then walk and talk. he follow them as they walk to the edge of town. They soon ran into the corn fields. They were laughing and playing. he Smile.

Elma was truly happy with him. He soon understood why it was so heartbreaking for her. He wish he could help her some how. he watch as they left the corn field. They walk by the forest. he move in closer.

“What was that?” she said looking into the forest.

“It was nothing.” he said

“Maybe we should leave.” she said.

“Don’t worry. If anything is out there. I’ll always be here to protect you.” he said.

“O Ray.” she said.

A Load crash fill the air. Ray Jump in front of Elma. The tree shook and the ground tremble. Night watch as a large Timber wolf crash through the trees. Ray up back.

“Elma Run!” he yell. Ray cast a lavation spell and throw a fallen tree at the beast. It cut through the trunk. It howl and charge at Ray. He Jump put it was to late. It bit hit in the Flank. It howl again and ran off into the forest. Elma ran to him. Night try to move closer. But the unseen forces once again pull him. The next thing he knew he was in Doctor hooves Office. Elma was in tear in the corner.

“Elma Corn.” Hooves call out as he enter the room.

“How is he!?” she cry out as she ran up to him.

“He fine.” He said moving to one side. Ray walk into the room. A large bandage on his flank.

“RAY!” she jump on him and wrap her legs around him.

“ow, ow, ow, ow.” he said in pain.

“Sorry.” she said letting him go.

“The bit wasn’t as bad as we first though. Your lucky you got him her soon.” he said writing on a clipboard. He pass Ray a note.

“Now you need to keep the wound clean and change the bandage often.” he told him. Night felt the unseen forces pulling again.

He was pull to a small shack on the edge of town. It was late. he started to remember the story she told Luna and Grits. Elma was sleeping in the bed with Ray. The moon light cast through the window. It shine onto ray face. he watch as small pieces of wood move across the floor. Ray awake screaming. He roll out of bed. Elma jump to her hooves.

“Ray are you ok?” A wooden claw rip through the blanket. Elma jump back.

“Ray what happening to you?” Ray stood up and turn to Elma. Night close his eyes and hear her scream. he open his eyes and saw a bit mark on her right front leg. Ray jump out the window. He was heading for Canterlot. Night follow Elma as she ran after him. he was smashing into houses and causing other pony to panic. Night look up and saw Princess Celestia and Luna.

They flew down and hit Ray with a beam of light. He slam into a building. He roll to his feet and ran. Night saw a glow of in the distanced and Ray was head right for it. Elma ran and scream after him. But no one could hear her over the other screaming. Night follow Elma. She reach the top of the hill.

“RAY!” she cry out. Night Could feel all of Elma pain. Pie Bakery was on fire and Ray had slam into it. he could feel the unseen forces pulling on him. But this time he fought it. He watch as Ray Wooden body lit on fire. he soon found himself back in his dark place with the white orbs.

“Elma.” he said. she was crying hard. She was on the ground by Ray shack.

“What?” Night decided not to tell her.

“It will be ok.” he said. she wipe her eye.

“ELAM CORN. I HAVE COME FOR YOU.” Princes Luna voice boom across the air. she stood up and ran. Princess Luna was standing next to Grits at the house. she stop and was breathing hard.

“Are. We. Ready. To. Go. To. The. Moon.” she said taking a breath every word.

“Yes. We are ready.” she jump into the air in joy.

“Caption Grits. You will remain here. Seeing that your family is still look for you in Canterlot.” she told him

“That fine. But I must know. What my family believe has happen to me?” he ask.

“They believe you and your bride got cold hooves and ran off before the ceremony was complete. Not even my sister know what happen.” she smile.

“Thank you Princess.” he said.

Elma follow Luna through the path they took the other day.

“Now there is still the matter of your curse and the moon.” Luna said.

“I don’t know what we can do.” Elma said.

“Don’t worry. We plan to put a charm on you that will stop any effect of transforming. But it will only last for 15 minute.” She said opening the wall. They were in the main hall again. It was clear of all the wedding supples.

“Wait here.” Luna said walking away. A few minute later Luna return with Celestia and a group of pony’s.

“My Friends. This is Elma Corn. The pony I was telling you about.” A Blue Pegasus with rainbow main flew up into Elma face.

“Hey you’re the pony from the wedding. What going on here?” Elma rub the back of her head.

“Rainbow dash. We don’t have time for question. We have a small window of time. Sister if you would.” Luna said.

“If everyone could stand in a line I’ll get started.” Everyone did as they we’re told. she saw the libation stand next to her.

“So you were looking for Endless Night.” Twilight said to her.

“Yes. I must thank you for your help.” she said as Celestia started to cast the spell. she notice that all of the pony were wearing golden jewelry. Celestia horn glow brighter. A val of white light cover all of them.

“Elma Corn come forward.” she walk in front of Celestia.

“After I cast this spell. I will need all of you to hold hooves.” Celestia horn glow green. She place it next to Elma horn.

“Ok we have 15 minute. Everyone hold hooves.” Elma Grab Celestia hove. A Flash of bright light incase them all. she Blink as her eyes readjusted. They were in a dark hall. It was made of a weird stone. A light flicker on. Then the whole room was lit. There were chest, bookshelf and Statues. she walk up to the Statues of a Alicorn.

“That him.” Luna said walking up next to her.

“woooo hoooo.” Elma grab her ears. Night was screaming with joy.

“Are you ok?” Luna ask.

“Ya. Night really happy.” The other look at her like she was crazy.

“Are you alright?” Twilight ask

“I’ll explain later Twilight Sparkle. But now we need to use the element of harmony to cure Elma and Endless Night.” Celestia told them.

“Ok. So what do I do?” Elma ask.

“You need to stand next to him.” she said moving another statue of a unicorn.

“I will cast the transferal spell. That will put Endless Night Spirit into the air. Then Twilight and her friends will use the Element of harmony to revive his body.” she said lowering her horn.

Elma heart was beating fast. Celestia hit Elma with a bright beam of purple light. A black stream of light flew from Elma horn. It turn into a black ball. Elma fell to the ground.

“Twilight now.”

“Ok girls let do this.” Elma close her eyes.

“What going on?” Rainbow dash yell. Elma open her eyes and jump up. The Spirit Ball was flying around the room. It stop in the air. Then it head straight at her. she duck. It then hit the statue of the unicorn behind her. she move away from it and next to the others. The stone flake away like burning paper. He was White with a black main.

“Yes. Yes. I have return.” he said.

“Wait who this guy? I thought we were being back this one.” Rainbow dash said pointing at him and back to Endless Night.

“That White Night. Endless Night father.” Celestia said.

“Aaaa. Yes.” he said stressing.

“Hello Princesses. How have you been these last 1000 years."

"Good. how about you?" she said.
"Me I’ve been STUCK IN STONE BECAUSE OF YOU!” he scream with force that push everyone but Luna and Celestia on the wall.

“It was not our flat. You fought Discord and then your spell cause it.” she told him.

“O I Know that. But. For a 1000 year I waited here for you. Waited Every night. Hoping you would cure me. But No I had to spilit my spirit from my body and watch all my family pass from the world.” he said.

“White Night. calm down. I know your upset but....” Luna said.

“Upset. UPSET! No I’m not Upset. I'm way beyond upset. I want revenge. But it will take time. For now I simple have to remove Elma Curse. As part of our deal.” A bright green Light flew from his horn. It wrap around Elma.

“I will return. Then I will destroy the royal family and take all of Equestria.” he said and Teleported away with Elma.

“Princess. What do we do?” Twilight ask.

“We don’t know were he went. So all we can do now is wait.” she said.

“ooooo That totally not fair. I mean. We just cure him and now he want to destroy us. And I thought you said it was Endless Night we were curing.” Pinky Pie said boning around and then putting her face in Luna face.

Luna back up and lower her head. Tears started to fall as she walk up to Endless Night stone body.

“I thought it was. I had high hopes and may have been blinded by my feelings.” She kiss Endless Night. she rub her head on his. A single tear drop onto the his face.

“Come now. There nothing left here to do.” she said walk over to the other. The tear roll down Endless Night face. Above his eye and roll down the eye to a stone tear. A Bright light fill the room.

“Princess Look!” Twilight pointed. Luna turn and face it. The light was blinding.

“What just happen. Is Everyone ok?” She yell as the light faded. Everyone started saying yes.

“Ekkk. He back.” Flutter Shy yell hiding behind Rainbow Dash. A Black Alicorn with a Gray Mane. It sparkle like stars. He was standing in the middle of the room. He was scar on his plank.

“Hello. Um. Everyone. Um. Can someone tell me what going on?” He said confuse. Luna tackle him and gave him a big kiss.

“What was that for?” Everyone looking confuse.

“Just shut up.” she said giving him another kiss.

Author's Note:

AWR: Discord. Ok let get this out of the way. i'm sorry gem stone for tying you up."AND" she said holding a hammer in hove. sigh. i won't ever do it again. now can we get to the question? "fine. Who was the Pegasus that was sleeping in the clouds when Endless crash into to the cloud?" thank you bonus question. this is more of a self boost. no point add. Name the title refence for this chapter. if you don't get it. as your parents. they should. remember. one of these days zin zoom pow right to the moon. "Wait i know that one. it the ho....." she had a hand over her mouth. she held up a sign. (only clue you get) shut it they let see how figure it out. Remind me why i let you stay gem stone. "Because. you wrote me out of your story. and i'm mad at you for that." Fine. i'll bring you back into another fic. but i'll chose the Time and Place Wink wink. "what that mean?" don't worry your pretty little head.